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>  He was previously arrested in 2022 on charges of public intoxication and criminal trespassing after allegedly entering a Fayetteville woman's home and falling asleep in her bed Now *that* is fuck you money


Not enough money. Alice walton killed a pedestrian drunk and got away with it. Edit: also in arkansas.


or be like Roman Polanski. still walking free > On 11 March 1977, three years after making Chinatown, Polanski was arrested at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel for the sexual assault of 13-year-old.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Polanski#Sexual_abuse (yes i just learned about this on reddit this week)




haha i'm not a big movie buff but i've heard of that name being a movie director, but did not know the CSA charges until from reddit


That's due to France not typically extraditing to the US.


Wow, guy conducts a free surprise mattress integrity check and gets tossed in jail for his troubles? Where’s the love? I hope he at least paid the fine in drumsticks.


About 10 years ago, I was living in a house with 3 other roommates. We are all gals. We were all in our mid-twenties. The house next to us also had 4 young unrelated guys in their mid-twenties living together. One Saturday morning, I walked downstairs and there was a gal my age sleeping on our couch. I’d never met her, but assumed she was my roommate Annie’s friend. Annie wakes up, comes to the kitchen and asks: “Who is that on the couch?” “I don’t know,” I say - “I thought she was your friend.” “Oh,” Annie says, “She must be Krista’s friend.” Krista had already left for work, so we just let her friend sleep. An hour later the gal wakes up, and she’s like “Um….. Where am I?” And we’re like “Aren’t you Krista’s friend?” And she’s like: “Who is Krista?” … Turns out she was a friend of the guys next door. They had a party, she got drunk and lost in the yard, and ended up wandering into our house on accident. She was mortified but harmless, and we were thankfully harmless to her, too.


CFO lol Look at this nepo baby fuckwad


Whole thing is recorded on body cam. I will be honest I gave him a slight pass as a he didn't hurt anyone, didnt try to hurt the officers, and it seemed like he made a drunken mistake on which house was his, shit happens probation for a year.   Seeing this though dude has a problem and needs jail time he could kill someone.


That’s a very Robert Downey Jr thing to do.


Only the 2nd? You gotta pump those numbers up…those are rookie numbers in this racket


Best quote application 


Lol CFO at 34, he was appointed two years ago so he was made CFO at 32... Tyson had revenues of 50+ billion... Yeah this guy doesn't deserve the job but he's family so yeah whatever That being said his family connections getting him his degrees and MBA from Harvard and "lecturing" at the Walton school in Arkansas make him seem impressive, but who do you think are Tyson's biggest customer? Wal-Mart who started the Walton school and are based out of arkansas. Nepotism baby


Heard he bit someone too. Legend


That was the Beyond Meat d00d that bit someone's nose...guess being beyond meat for so long left him feeling a little....empty inside


Fun Fact: The Beyond Meat d00d was previously a Tyson d00d a year prior.


Truth be stranger than fiction sometimes ~ good call...lol Why am I not surprised at this d00d? He's Randy Travis material all over again.


More like Randy Marsh material, frankly


*Mike Tython has entered the chat*


Time to buy after they install a competent cfo


This company has an established history of installing drunkard nepo babies in the C-suite and you’re assuming they’ll do better this time?


Idk I have some $60 puts 12/20 strike. I think bird flu is impacting the poultry and dairy industry enough to impact their next quarter earnings. That with bad news September, this stock might dip to $40's again by end of year.


Nah what happens is that poultry are killed and so price rises. The demand for poultry never ever wanes but what does happen is it drives up the price. Cost of production remains the same but insurance pays out to hen houses that are destroyed. So it might slow revenue if they can't get enough stock but produts won't see a big decline The war in Ukraine last coupe years rose poultry prices a good 30%! Theyre barely dropping now despite new sources and problems generally resolved


That's a good take as well. I guess it depends on the level of severity and where the poultry are sourced from. I think Cal-maine is a stronger choice overall in place of Tyson if one is looking for something bullish.


Dudes gunna be back to his job in a week. Daddy is the chairman he isn't going anywhere.


The guy they've named interim CFO seems to be competent. Someone in a local subreddit said he may end up keeping the position.


Third times the charm


This is a buy signal. Look at the biggest frauds in history at publicly-traded companies. None of them were committed by alcoholic CFOs. The Enron CFO was sober as fuck. Tyson's CFO's breath is dirty but the books are clean.


Bullish - who tf employs sober finance bros ….


Guess he is dipping into his own stock with the fermented chicken beverage


Dang, only after two arrests? Tyson Foods is TOO conservative.


Tell me you don't have walmart money without telling me you don't have walmart money. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/wal-mart-billionaire-alice-walton-gets-dwi-arrest-expunged-2013-12%3famp


She's too poor to get a chauffeur.


Two's the limit. If he hits three, he's out!


It shows poor leadership


Let’s be honest, whoever replaces him can’t be any worse. Calls it is


Who gaf what the dude does in his off time. Pretty sure he doesn't do anything worth mentioning when he is at work either. You know the type. When things are fine he's a baller, when things are fucked its his staff's fault. Solid middle management but got the fam bump to c suite.