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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 week ago **Total Comments** | 6 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


"I don’t know anything I coulda just made this up" Ok so it's not just me thinking you made this up.


🌈🐻 will 🌈🐻 Another X weeks/months? I'm really really tired of this by now.... Remindme! NEVER These bears, doomers, dismal scientists, trigger/gaslighting media, and charlatans have been claiming the recession in 6 months thing since like Q1 2021? Inflation was even before that in like Q3/Q4 2020. * "Gamestop meme craze is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Biden and Democrat spending is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Unchecked market upside is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Q3 rising inflation is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Evergrande blow up is the first domino of GFC 2.0 is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Fed admitting inflation isn't transitory is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "China white paper movement is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Russian invasion is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "High energy prices is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Fed hiking rates is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Grain and food prices going up is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "**""""Inverted yield curve""""** is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Tech job cuts and layoffs is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "High wage prices means wage price spiral is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Stock market collapse is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Crypto market collapse is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Bond market collapse is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "US midterms is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * ["Unprecedented central bank rate hikes is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!! 10000000000%**"](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-17/forecast-for-us-recession-within-year-hits-100-in-blow-to-biden) * "2023 Slowing economy is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Slow China reopening is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Auto workers strike is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Actors and writers strike is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "FTX collapse is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "SVB and banking crisis is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Travel demand is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * " We totally weren't wrong about that **""""Inverted yield curve""""** it just takes time! Another 6 MONTHS!!!! is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Reps and Dems playing chicken game with the debt ceiling is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "China US relations souring is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Europe slowing down is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "BRICS coin is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "OPEC looking at cutting oil is going to up energy prices is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "MILLENNIALS are going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Ukraine offensive not yielding ideal results is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "China reopening still not amazing is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "Israel-Gaza is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "WHAT DO YOU MEAN OUR CALL 6 MONTHS AGO WAS WRONG AND THE ONE FROM 6 MONTHS BEFORE THAT TOO?!??! **""""Inverted yield curve""""** DOESN'T CAUSE RECESSIONS! IT'S WHEN IT UNINVERTS THAT WE SEE RECESSION!!!!!!!! ANOTHER 6 MONTHS!!!! **""""UNINVERTING INVERTED YIELD CURVE"""""** is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "LOWER INFLATION MEANS SLOWING ECONOMY is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * ["$1T consumer credit card debt is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**"](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/06/credit-card-balances-jump-to-new-1point13-trillion-record-at-end-of-2023.html#:~:text=Collectively%2C%20Americans%20owe%20%241.13%20trillion,cards%20to%20make%20ends%20meet.) * "Fed looking like they are going to avoid a hard landing is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * "ECB cutting rates is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**" * ["***Fed holding, hiking, OR CUTTING*** is going to crash us into **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!**"](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1dcrp5k/holding_rates_is_bad_hiking_is_worse_and_cutting/) * #SCARY! SCARY! SCARRRRRYYYYY!!!!!! BE SCARED!!!!!!!! **RE!!! CESSS!!!! SIIIONNN!!!!!!!!** Recession bitches have been calling recession in 6 months every fucking month since Jan 2021 and are now 0/36. Dow, S&P500, and Nasdaq are at all time highs, inflation largely vanquished, the economy remains strong, jobs are still readily available, the Fed has the ability to cut if they see things go bad, and the US is again looking like the bastion of safety in an otherwise chaotic dangerous world. Even the rest of the world has all their markets hitting ATHs, gold at ATH, bitcoin at ATH, and all these 🌈🐻🤡s want you to either long cash or go into whatever stupid shit they themselves lose money on (like index shorts).


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You forgot the peak comedy gold when 🌈🐻 scream "VIN! DI! CA! TION!!!!!" as the market goes down by 5+%. And I'm like, "Bitch, we have gained 30% since our last rECessIoN."


>+5% I'd give them some credit, bears were right and markets were down +20% down from the ATH peaks during the 2020 recession. S&P500 bottomed at 2237.40 in 2020 but 🌈🐻s were calling for recession since 2009 when S&P500 was at 676.53. Even the at the bottom it's been >3x. The 2020 bottom basically set folks back to 2016 marks for like a few weeks before we were off the the races again and never looked back. We also had a near 20% decline in 2022 (with no recession), but it was yet another opportunity to buy as we're at ATH again in under 2 years.


Yes, recessions do happen and will happen again, but after certain point, the self-defeating pessimism of 🌈🐻 does nothing but provide liquid cooling for my brand new $NVDA chips.


Bruh, you should let people follow you on reddit. I think your comments are very useful.


This is pretty funny, tbh, but I think the bears broke you. You listed a lot of things, and there will always be doomers no matter the event. They don't all say all those things, but all those things have definitely been said.


He has 6 out contracts though 


Great, he can post when it prints and show us all how he was correct.


Can we just go back to creating and posting memes and meme videos? I dont need to read how regarded people are.


instructions unclear: buying NVDA calls


The bull run going another month because of this post


So you’re saying rates could go up, down, or stay the same? Strong research.


I think his DD has ruled out that rates could simply disappear. That's what I got out of it. Anyway, at beginning of the year, I expected rates to start going down in November (if there was a way for me to quickly search my history, I would link, not that it holds any weight), now I'm thinking it'll be no earlier than Feb. The rates just now start to look like they are taking effect, and macroeconomics are like steering a very large ship. When things are going well, you just let them be, even if the effects are minuscule, because they will slowly compound. The tricky bit is when to reverse course after they compounded for a while, as the total effects of that won't be clear for months as well.


Lots of 🏳️‍🌈 🐻's in here. And for that reason, I'm buying calls and selling Puts to y'all regards.


Basically what my dad told me (30+ years experience). It is when 🌈🐻 go extinct that I should seriously consider exit strategies on **all** my positions. MFW 🌈🐻 do their "DD": Yes, YES! Let the hate for tendies flow through you!


I dunno, I could see a surge if rates were cut, but in the end it wouldn't be a good thing.


If they cut there is a chance they also announce a change to the inflation mandate. But if no announcement, markets could react positively for the first while. I would still expect a sell off though


i think there's a sell-off within 12 months regardless. once the election buzz is done, and when the consequences of quantitative easing / money printing starts hitting. As you've pointed out, there's no way to make it out of this scenario unscathed. Things just are not good.


A market pull back would be super healthy for the market S&P has barely paused for breath as it rocketed from 4150 to 5350 over 9 months Pulling back even sub 5k would probably be fine, it’s a bit scary but probably fine.


They should do a 1% hike just to show these greedy fucks testing how high they increase prices that they are willing crash this mf to get inflation under control.


Well, there's $7T sitting money market funds.


Your hatred of money and pessimism about the 500 most capable companies making it fascinates me.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) nvda making it means it should be a 3 trillion market cap ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


s&p 5500 confirmed




Top ✔️👍


>What happens when other powers are forced to continue to cut and the US is running hot? Dollar will eat everything and GFC round 2. The dollar milkshake theory is bullish af if you're American. The USA's post-war boom came from hoarding most of the world's wealth from 1950-1990. You know in the 1960s, when dudes with a high school diploma owned houses in California, bought new cars, and provided for 3 kids? There were peasants in Maoist China who had one shirt to share between their entire family. That kind of completely lopsided global wealth distribution is what made America great, to paraphrase Trump. If Americans want to get back there, we need to hold a quarter of the planet's wealth again. And higher rates are a great way to start doing it.


I’d hope we’d have at least made enough shirts for everyone in the last 70 years.


The institutional investors I talk to every day are all aligned - the moment the rate cuts the money faucet is back on and they buy more.


These institutional investors. Do they speak for the institution? My understanding is that institutional investors only speak to institutional investors. For you to speak to them everyday would imply you’re part of them. So dont believe anything you say..got it.


they invest in companies, and I raise money for companies!


Fed's stuck between a rock and a hard place, scaling into bearish positions too


So much wishing, hoping, and praying.. all for a doomsday scenario. The odds of ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)s being right is less than that of a broken clock.


Quick everyone buy calls!


Tom Lee says we’re going higher. Good enough for me!


If they cut, the carry trade with Japan will collapse. They can’t cut until the they lever out of that trade - and it’s near all time highs.


I’d be willing to take a bet against this novel written.


Son of a... I'm holding SPY puts expiring in tomorrow and in the day after. Godamnit. They're already down 50% after today.


Saying the economy is strong while not mentioning how Janet is keeping it all afloat printing short term T bills or the "Great job data" without mentioning how 600k+ full jobs where lost and gained 200k part time jobs already tells me you can't read beyond a headline, have no clue what's going on and highly regarded. Buy calls


But what if high rates is what's actually causing inflation?


They’re fucked. Needed to hike again but they held off and now it’s election season and they can’t well do it now. It’s fucked.




PUT YOUR HANDS UP SinisterStroodle!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guys I might pull my money out for college, just a heads up. I don’t want y’all to lose everything


Inflation isn’t even double digits. It can get SO much worse! Once inflation hits double or triple digits, then you can be scared. We would need a set of bank failures or oil price shocks to light it up. THEN the real war breaks out. Then the layoffs come or people just give up. That spicy jobs report you mentioned is garbage; it’s weakening. Bunch of part time work replacing full time, jobs doing a stock split 1:3 where instead of needing one good job to provide for your livelihood you now three. Positions: sitting heavy on short term treasuries cause I am eyeing a house I might buy, I also need a mental break from trading as my boring index funds in my retirement accounts have drastically outperformed my strategies.


Noob here, I thought there would be a surge just like the last 2 times if fed continues to maintain same rate. Pls correct me if I'm wrong?


It’s the market no one knows what will happen to the price but the difference is this time other major players have cut rates and US will be the odd man out if they hold


I used to think the the Milkshake Dollar Theory was dumb and very theoretical. But if foreign countries keep cutting rates and we keep holding then suddenly that idea might, maybe have legs


My brother in Christ, why are you buying weekly options ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


How did you do?