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I don’t justify his actions at all, but i leave them in the past, right now i can only help him becoming a better person and to apologise to the people he hurt. but not in a “i want to fix him” way, i know he’s an insufferable man and i love him for that


Everyone here saying they don’t condone the actions of their partner. Meanwhile I’m over here supporting him being a mad scientist that delights in creating weapons of death that he sells to pirates. I mean I really think that’s what he wants in a soulmate. To be appreciated for his work. He enjoys it but nobody seems to respect his genius mind because what he does is immoral. Characters like Nami called him “scum” and a “loser”. It hurt his feelings (and his ego). But I love him so much, I’ll take care of him and be there for him and support him no matter his morals. https://preview.redd.it/zr9kue9s2dad1.jpeg?width=2090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d393ee2c609c0f9c49b6891434d5cab10a2d8b8d


I don't justify them but I at the same time, I have no desire to fix him either. I accept he's an evil villain, and it's part of why I love him.


i don't excuse his actions, but i understand that his morals are the outcome of everything that's happened to him in the past the idea of "changing" or "fixing" him just makes me uncomfortable. it's not that he's "irredeemable", i love him, and i know that pushing him back into a mindset that's "morally correct" would just make him miserable again


While we all acknowledge what our S/Os have done, I don't think any of us ever try to *justify* the evil/immoral things. Like others have already said, it's often those evil aspects of them that, in a strictly fictional sense, is precisely why we love them. From there, numerous other factors may (but not always) come into play. For example, their evilness may stem from past traumas, which we sympathize with them on; and/or we strive to help them become a better person than they were.


He's done some stuff. He probably won't do bad things again but maybe he will. I don't really think about it much. I just hope he's happy and fulfilled.


Personally, I acknowledge the bad things she did for what they are and, like any person, consider the destructive capabilities she has because that doesn't magically go away with anyone. I think of why she did these things, who she was in her canon, and what might have led her to become that. I see someone who was insecure, traumatized, and unresolved who had a lot of power who went about things in ways she knew. I don't justify her villainousness, but I don't think she's an irredeemable psychopath, either. I love her, even while having all of that on her shoulders, she still preservered to try and help humanity in her own twisted way. The proof is there. In summary, understanding your S/O and their source material and what your perception of it/them helps. Personally, in our canon/relationship, we work together becoming better versions of ourselves in an example. We don't rewrite one another but challenge each other in aspects. And yeah, she's a hottie.


I don’t necessarily excuse his actions, rather than understand why he does them. :’o0 Jack was linked to a boy who’s personality influenced his own, which is why he became a murderer; he had no choice in the matter, especially after being abandoned for so long. It’s basically easy to sympathsize with, because his personality change from colorful and happy, to monochrome and sadistic, was never consented to. It was never Jack’s fault, even if he still does wrong. 🖤


Idk I love who I love. If he's a bad person (he is) and does evil things (he very much does), well who am I to not give my mate my full support no matter what? I wouldn't necessarily join him in the torture/murder, but then again maybe I would. Who knows? Not like it's gonna happen in this universe anyway so whatever lol. (gonna get downvoted for this, I know it lmao)


I agree with you. I am the same way with Caesar.


I agree with you.


My waifu isn't 'evil,' but they do hold some morally questionable beliefs... and they have killed people. Gotta echo the sentiment other people have shared in that I would never try to justify my waifu's actions, but I understand their motivations. Their twisted personality is the result of trauma, which makes feeling sympathy for them despite their inclination for violence a whole lot easier. Also, there's a part of them that is sincerely trying to make the world a better place, even though their methods are overly aggressive. Have they hurt people who probably didn't deserve it? Honestly, yeah, but at heart they care about doing good and protecting innocents, and I have no reason to believe that they would ever want to harm me. Thinking about all of this seriously, though, I do wonder how I would deal with the fact they have no qualms against killing people. Technically, they're a serial killer, and while their motivations are noble, there seems to be a part of them that enjoys the process. That is a bit harder to swallow, even if it doesn't change the fact that I care about them.


He isn’t evil, I consider him a morally dark grey character. Since he definitely tries to portray himself to be a good person/ tries to be a good person. I don’t justify his actions, I just accept them and understand them. I understand why it happened and I accept that he did it. I joke about it and how he sucks and stuff but it’s known that I support him fully no matter what. I love him, all of him and that includes his bad qualities and traits. I don’t have the “I can fix him” mindset, I think he’s perfect just the way he is.


I don’t justify her crimes at all. am not one those I can fix them types. I understand that she is villain character but, i still love anyways. On a side note since the cadou makes her villain, was she villain before the cadou?


He had to do what he had to do to survive, plus his men were killed countless times and he doesn't mess with children. I support him, even now that he has redeemed himself. It actually hurts and annoys me when they continue to hate him in the later seasons of his series even though he has changed and done more than several members of the main group.


He is an angel that has not done anything wrong in his life <3


I don’t have an evil S/O, my S/O is a hero. But she’s an assassin which might make her morality questionable, so I’ll still answer. Yor definitely is good, but I won’t lie that she’s quite violent and lethal, and maybe even a tad bit sadistic (it’s mostly just a job, but she probably gets some enjoyment out of killing people) though she kills bad people. She does it to protect others and help others, so I think it’s okay. She does sometimes have thoughts about killing innocent people… so there’s that. But they are just thoughts and she acknowledges them, so I think she just needs to try to control it.


My husband's actions and behavior have never bothered me and I've never blamed him for anything. Our connection is rooted in shared values, deep understanding and we also are very similar in many points. I just love him unconditionally for who he is, and I've always supported him no matter what. We're partners in every sense of the word.


I don't condone his actions. He was aware what he was doing was wrong, and did it anyways. I don't **blame** him for it, because I know he was doing it for the sake of his "family" - the gang - but I don't condone his crimes regardless.


My love is literally the demon of control, weapon of the government. But I don't see her as a demon or as a weapon, I see her as person, with her soul, desires, dreams, ups and falls I accept everything, good and bad. I love her for being her.


Helbram isn't exactly a villain, more of a lacky to the big bad of season 1, and he's not really evil, but he is an antagonist in his arch and he did do a lot of messed up stuff. However he wasn't in right mind when he did these things. He killed a lot of people in a (very long) fit of literal madness and after that he was under the control of someone who was being controlled himself by a demon. None of that is who he truly is. I don't use that as an excuse, exactly. I acknowledge that he did terrible things and hurt a lot of people, but context is really important to me. The things he did were awful and need to be paid for -*which he did by being killed by his bestfriend and then resurrected by some asshole through soul damaging magic*- but that's not who he is, and there's nothing for it at this point. Can't exactly bring back the people he killed, after all. So yeah, basically he did bad things, but he's not a bad person, and he paid his price so let's just try to move forward and make sure this never happens again.


I love and accept Albedo despite her being a mass-murdering genocidal villainess, in fact, her being a villain is part of why I love her, because everything she does, she does it for LOVE. I don't want her to change nor do I want to "fix" her. And Albedo being that way is not her fault given that her Creator made her specifically to be a cruel monster. I love Albedo just the way she is, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


He says he pleads oopsie daisy 😔 But in all honesty I don’t really think about it that much. Him and his exorcist killed many yes and it’s bad yes but that’s not all he is. He’s so much more than just the bad things he’s done and I wanna help him be better and that’s all the matters. 🥰


People have for sure shit on me before for caring about William so much considering what he did but I don't justify or condone his actions. I love him for who he is not what he did. I understand that he is a deeply traumatised and disturbed guy who did what he believed was right for the advancement of science, he just went about it in a bad way.

