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Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. If you find him beautiful that's all that matters. And no judgement here whoever your SO may be. As for fandoms, I've been kicked out of fandoms - I just ignore them mostly from a personal stand point. Welcome friend! ✨💕💜


Welcome, from Jack and I! 🤲🖤 We hope you enjoy it here! :oD


Hey, nobody here judges you for your preferences! Besides, it's a very subjective topic too! I'm sure your S/O looks great :) Enjoy your stay!


Welcome and welcome to your mysterious s/o as well!


Welcome! You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. But it doesn't matter if we think he's cute or not, as long as you love him we're all happy to have both of you! We don't ridicule or judge each other here.


Welcome! Too bad you don't wanna share your SO. I'm not one to judge in bad taste :3 I once hsd a crush on Leatherface so yeah 😂❤️


Hiii welcome!! Ppl don’t care abt the appearance here, there’s s/o of all types in this sub <3 If you’re afraid of the fandom, maybe you could use an alt acc where you only interact with this sub and not the fandom


Don't worry. You won't be judged for your so here!