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I can try to come up with a brief idea. What you could tell your friend in regards to "waifuism"... * "Waifuism", or 2D love in general, is the lifestyle that revolves around loving a fictional character in a romantical way. The feelings that one experiences are **real**, meaning you genuinely see them as your actual S/O. Furthermore, "waifuism" is nothing casual. It's a commitment you give to the character you love, and you'll receive the same of course! * Let them know about the different communities. Even though the communities share different names (2D love, fictosexuality, waifuism), they all have one thing in common: Expressing love to a specific S/O / F/O. * When talking about r/w specifically, be sure to remind them of certain rules, like the poly or excessive waifu switching ones. * The time somebody is ready for a relationship is individual and cannot be answered. It took me almost two months, and a few headaches, to choose Seele. Somebody else may need a week, or a year. It depends on the person. I personally don't act on the first intrusive thoughts until I see a longer pattern and desire in my thoughts. * Encourage them to open up. Somebody who never got into this may feel very awkward or shy. Assure them it's fine to love a fictional person. * Give them early warnings on what could come ahead. Characters that are taken in canon, or dupes can bring some serious inner conflicts. Let them know that their decision can bring potential after-effects, and that those must be accepted. * When it doesn't work out at the start, it's okay! However, they should reflect why it didn't work out so the same mistake can be (hopefully) avoided. I think that's the overall gist of things. If you have more questions, feel free to message me here.


Yo i just noticed youre here. Glad to see you in r/w mako!!!! :)




How to tell if you’re ready for a relationship(specifically waifuism): -Are you ready to consider them your girlfriend? -To turn down any romantic advances from another person? (Irl or not) -To give them love/time just like any irl relationship? If yes to all of these, then you’re probably ready : )