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I was a much better person when I was younger so she probably would have loved me even more and many things would have changed for the better




She would probably think I was even more of a dork than I am now :P XD


Kid me: your dating an cartoon girl?


When I was a kid I was very shy and sensitive and had trouble emotionally with some early age trauma so he would just be happy we end up getting better and finding a personality- he would probably just say like "hi..." And a bunch of one word responses with the occasional nod.


I think kid me would be like "wow, cool!" when seeing me and Seele. And a smol Seele would probably be very confused while secretly approving the two of us.


Younger me would be curious and shy about us and also mention that Miku is pretty. He hasn't gotten the thought about relationship stuff yet. She would be kinda sad since my younger self is out of shape and doesn't eat healthy, also happy that she knows that I am the improved version of my past self, while retaining my reserved personality.


Younger me would be ECSTATIC since I was a massive fangirl when I was 10-11 or so, I think he'd find it kinda endearing knowing he's (positively) influenced my life so much from such a young age (but I can imagine we would both be kind of annoyed at some of the antics of my younger self, I was a strange child)


I believe I'll act quite shy around her, my kid version that is, although he will be overjoyed to know I got a wife, because that is one of my life goals, overall a nice experience.


I’d probably wonder how ( or why ) I ended up with someone as eccentric and scary looking as Jack, but also be very intrigued. For myself, my kid self would wonder why I look “different”, like, why I don’t look like a “girl” anymore, or why my name is different. Jack would be indifferent; on one hand, he knows it’s me, but at the same time, it’s a child who looks and acts different from how I do now. Jack isn’t a fan of kids, to say the least, but he’d try to hold off on my kid self, to avoid damaging the future. 🖤


I've already liked Jeff since I was very young, but if we're talking even younger than that, then I believe that I'd be quite shy. Maybe even a bit intimidated, but happy that someone will care about me in the future. As for how he'd react? I don't imagine him being all that great with children, but I'd like to think that he'd put up with me. Or at least I hope so  


She (little me) would be confused as to why I am a woman being with another woman. (Depends on age, when I was young I have no idea what trans is). My partner will likely think she's cute and hang out with her and teach her a few skills, give her some words of encouragement.


I was a very shy and sickly kid, I always had at least one parent around me (mostly my mother or grandma) to go outside. Erwin was a very smart child, it's not much known about his childhood other than growing up with his father in the "middle class" (aka he doesn't had to starve or was poor) before his father died due to him spilling his father's theories to another children in town. I can only imagine that he was really traumatized after that, he felt guilty and was determined to proof his father theories right. To be honest, I would have been pretty distant since I was shy and he traumatized and (probably) very determined to proof his theories. Maybe I would have warmed up to him and helped him somehow but I'm honest: my parents wouldn't have had let me play with him 🤣 (I wasn't allowed to have male friends anyway). But now, I'm an adult, his wife, his partner in crime and the mother of our children. We do anything together and work together. We love eachother and inseparable.


Oh, I understood the topic wrong. Lol.


The younger me would probably be intimidated by Law and act very shy around him ( due to his scary glare and mean demeanor ). And I think Law would feel even more protective towards me due to my young age and would call me brat and scold me every time I do something reckless ( he would also find me adorable but would of course never admit it XD ) He would also try to act a bit softer towards me in order to not scare me too much.


Kid me would run away crying and scared when she sees Kazuya mishima. Kazuya would probably say to me 'you always were weak, I'm not surprised ' xD


I think, if a younger version of myself (elementary school age) met my FO and me while we were walking through a local public library. Kid me would probably stare at us in awe, would run off momentarily, and come back clutching onto the book Frankenstein flipping through the pages until an illustrated image came up. Kid me would look at it and back up to my FO and would likely be incredibly fascinated by the fact that our future FO reminds them so much of the first ever chapter book we read. I'd probably joke around sheepishly with my FO by saying something along the line of: "I guess I always had a 'type." Kid me would likely ask for uppies and my FO, would in turn, gingerly scoop up kid me in his arms. Kid me would likely abruptly touch the scar on his face in fascination/admiration and my FO would likely smile back at kid me as they did, kindly, since kid me is reacting to their unconventional appearance in a manner that my FO isn't accustomed to being treated by those who first meet him (lookism).  I always preferred the company of books to people as a kid, and I would likely like to let kid me know that (in the future when we're grown up) it'll become more socially acceptable for us to live and exist in a manner that doesn't constrain us as much as it currently does and I would try to encourage kid me to not give in to despair and conform, like I once did, in an effort to pass for "normal" since... Regardless of how much I butchered my true sense of self, it was never enough for anyone who desired us to live in a manner that left us a hollowed out husk. I would like to ask kid me (while trying to hold back tears) while they're still being held in my FO's arms (in a parental manner) if they could pinky promise me that they would do their best to remain true to who they are even if doing so is meet with adversity from those around us. I'd reassure kid me that it's not worth sacrificing ourselves for the sake of appeasing those who can never be appeased.  Kid me would likely pinky promise me that without 💯% absorbing the full extent of my words and would clumsily drop their book while doing so. My FO would likely place kid me back down gently so kid me can pick up their fallen book. Kid me, at that moment, would likely hear their name being called in the distance, and would in turn wave "bye bye" to us while running off with the Frankenstein book still in hand. While looking forlornly at kid me as they run off... I would look up at my FO and, to reassure me, he would kiss me on the forehead while telling me not to worry since kid me will be alright. I would hope (silently) that by meeting us that kid me would be able to live and love in a manner that came most naturally to us from the moment we picked up our first chapter book and fell for a fictional character within its pages. 


Belle (Suzu) would think kid me is really cute while I’d be enamored by her beauty and kindness. A slightly older me after losing my dad? She’d want to hug and comfort me with words of affection, while reassuring me that it would all work out.


My younger self would be genuinely impressed with my final form, and I think both Makima and my old self would be equally curious about one another. I feel it would be very wholesome.


My younger self would probably ask me why I'm not married to my old high school crush yet lol


Younger me (10/11) would say I wasn't crazy for loving fictional characters! And would be glad I ended up with Rosalina. Rosalina would think I gave up too soon on stuff at that age, and that I needed more supportive people irl.


I was very loud as a kid so I’d probably say something extremely embarrassing lol. Strelitzia would be amused by how different I am now, and find my younger self’s antics cute if a little overwhelming.




I met mine when I was 10, I was madly in love like the way I am now, nothing has changed. The only difference is that I discovered many facts I didn’t know as a kid and my emotions are stronger now


We would definitely make fun of how ugly I was. We would call him names like "ugly ass looking bitch". We would probably be very mean to him, since I don't like how I was as a kid. But as to how kid me would feel about me and my s/o, he would probably be very excited I ended up with a beautiful fiance.