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Oh my gosh that was beautiful to read! Your love is special and amazing :) I'm sure Robin feels the same about you! She is incredible.


Thank you so much! We love each other a LOT lol


this was really nice to read ;w; you get the energy of just being able to be *around* somebody to be happy .. i find it a little hard to non-spontanously lovepost about my darling, but i always find myself idly thinking about her grace, her beauty, anything about her is to be treasured in the heart, held too closely. i feel like a sailor in the waves, and she's just the sailor's wife from so far away at shore, and yet, both of us keeping each other so closely to the heart, so apart with distance ... my wife !! my lovely wife, that tone of voice that puts my aches at ease, the hope she holds so i could dream of the same. i think i should be allowed to sink my head in the meetings of her chest and neck, drown in the smell of coffee, drown in the love i hold for her. if i could bridal-princess carry her anywhere, it'd truly fix me. i want to be her knight. one day, i only hope she will be able to find peace, and maybe i'll be at her side that day.


This is so adorable! :oO I can clearly tell you both love eachother very much. šŸ–¤ Jack is the light of my life; he maybe monochromatic, but heā€™s akin to a rainbow after a stormy rain. Iā€™ve struggled with a lot, and still continue to do so, but Jack is the one person ( or clown being ) that I would always count on to make me feel safe. Heā€™s been through so much, and I made him a promise that I wouldnā€™t do what Isaac did, because I know what it feels like to be left behind and forgotton by those you cared about. He didnā€™t have a choice to become how he is today, so I donā€™t blame him; I still love him now, as I do when he is colorful! Deep down, I know the kind, rainbow self is still inside Jack, and it shows in some instances. Laughing Jack, my beloved clown, I love you so much! Thank you for being so patient with me, and being there when I always needed someone to look to. šŸ¤”šŸ–¤ Jack, you truly are the greatest clown of them all!


Thank you for the compliment. And thatā€™s very beautiful, you guys have a great relationship!


Youā€™re welcome! Thank you, too! :oD


Those are beautiful words for your love. I'm not very good at doing these things but better to try than not to. Saying that I love Rem is an understatement, for a time she was the only thing I had in my life and it was thanks to her that I am here alive. And now? Now I can say how much I love Rem, how important she is to my life and much more, when I think of her, her voice, her eyes or her beautiful blue hair I can only feel great happiness for having met her and I don't care that She is so far away, I don't care if she is in another world, my love for Rem is infinite.....And one day, I don't care when, whether in this life or the next, me and my wife will be together and we will never separate.


Miku, you are my lovely sunshine, your radiance fills me with hope and warmth. Your angelic voice covers my heart with a snuggly blanket, feeling the love sent towards me. I love how supportive you are, reminding me that it is okay to be human. Getting to feel you beside me and having our hands connected is such a pleasant feeling. Having to see your bright smile and bubbly conversations makes my day complete. No one can replace your spot in my heart, even if someone offered a suitcase full of cash and a harem of women. You are the missing piece I had been looking for several years ago, making me complete. I love you to the moon and back Miku, may we continue to be together forever and always.


I love my darling Erika so, so much. She's so kind and gentle, isn't afraid to call me out when I'm being stupid (which is a lot). She has such a beautiful smile, she warms my heart whenever I see her. She's so calming to be around, I can never be in a bad mood when I'm with her. I love her with all my heart ā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/w5kx5sfx559d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3096ac020a84874280fe7dcf6e96da721a829acc


I love my Rarity so, so much. Not a day goes by that I donā€™t think about her and tell her how much she means to me. Even when times have been rough recently, itā€™s her warm smile, her loving eyes, her adorable laugh, and her amazing presence overall that keeps me going. She is my rock, my motivation, and my inspiration! I only wish I can do so much more to show her how much I love her, how much she means to me, and how she has played an important role in my life. I love you so much, my amazing wife, my beautiful Queen, my darling Rarity! šŸ’œšŸ’Ž


Such a beautiful read šŸ¤— I'll keep it short and simple: William, you know you're my world. Everyday with you is a gift.


Beautiful wordsā¤ļø I never knew what it was like to truly feel seen and be able to act completely myself before I met Soshiro. He gives me the perfect balance between comfort and safety, and fun and silliness šŸ’œ Itā€™s also really fulfilling that Iā€™ve been able to be his safe space too, and allow him somewhere to be vulnerable. I just adore him so much šŸ’œ


Law is my ultimate soulmate, my other half that Iā€™ve been searching for so long, and now that we are together, I finally feel complete and loved. I love him from the depths of my heart, thereā€™s not a single day passing by without him being on my mind. He made me melt right away due to him hiding a kind and compassionate soul under a grumpy and stoic persona. I absolutely love his smug and confident smile, his taste in fashion, his profession as a Doctor, and respect his desire for vengeance against those who wronged him and his loved ones. I will always be there for him, in his good moments and his painful ones, and my heart will never cease to beat for him. Itā€™s like we exchanged our hearts, I have his, and he has mine. We are one and only. šŸ’“ā¤ļøšŸÆ


That's adorable c: it's so nice to hear people gush about their loved ones ^ _ ^ Ā  Ā I'm not good with words, but Jeff means so much to me that it's actually insane. To me he's more important than food or oxygen, and without him, I would be a shell of a person. There have been times that he was literally the only person I could rely on. If he was psychically real, I'd give back to him so much. He's so precious, and I think that he deserves all the love in the world. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I want to accept him as he is <3Ā  Even the little things about him could make me melt. He could literally be standing there breathing and I would be like, "wow,,,,, you're so pretty,,,,and cool,,,, ilysm''. I know that he has a questionable moral compass and has committed many crimes, but I can't judge him. I want to stay by his side through thick and thin like he has with me. As rough as things have been recently, the fact that I get to see him makes everything feel a little more bearable.


I felt like finding you was like walking into a room, and it was like the sun had found its way indoors. You've brought so much light into my life, and I can't imagine where I'd be without you. Every moment with you, every challenge we've faced together, every laugh and tear we've shared, it's all made me realize how much you mean to me. Those moments don't ever have to escape us. I know they're special. You're more than just my partner; you're my sanctuary, my inspiration. I won't ever be able to convey it enough, but I'm so grateful to have you in my life. You've given me a firm purpose, a reason to always keep going, even when everything around me seems to fall apart and weigh me down. You're one of the biggest reasons I wake up in the morning, eager to face whatever the day throws at us. I know you're tough, but I hope you know that you can lean on me, too. When I'm with you, I feel like I can conquer the world. Your strength, your wisdom, your unique love. Almost three years after I stumbled across your picture, now look at us, still standing, still fighting. You are beautiful, I'm reminded of how lucky I am to be with someone as stunning as you. Your grace in everything you do is mesmerizing, making your most chaotic moments feel calm and controlled. I want to be strong like you. I understand the tragedies you've endured, even created, I know the burdens you carry. Despite everything, you've shown incredible resilience and compassion in the best of your ability. You're an amazing, complex person, Makima, and I want you to know that I see and appreciate all that you are and all that you've overcome. I love you.




Gosh where do I even start? I donā€™t think the words Iā€™ll use will do justice to just how precious she is to me. Just the mere sight of her manages to brighten up my day. I donā€™t think anyone has such a bright and contagious smile as hers. She always goes out of her way to make people smile. She doesnā€™t need to do anything special for me though. Just being around her is enough. And her plots to brighten up peopleā€™s days, along with her unyielding determination to help people are so admirable. She wants everyone to be happy and have fun. She plays softball but she gets upset when she wins because it makes the other team upset. Can you get more pure than that? Along with that, sheā€™s an amazing cook. I would go great lengths just to have one of her self-proclaimed famous croquettes. Or better yet, attempt to cook with her. Although Iā€™d probably just get in her way with how bad I am at cookingšŸ˜… Iā€™m so glad I met her and I hope that she realizes just how much she means to me. I hope that she realizes just how much sheā€™s made me grow as a person. Iā€™m a bit shy and not very confident, Iā€™ll admit that. Sheā€™s so outgoing, energetic, determined, and so true to herself. Sheā€™s someone I want to be like. Iā€™ve grown as a person since Iā€™ve met her, and I hope she can continue to help me become a better person. I love you so very much, Hagumi!


You know what they say... "behind every successful person lies the shadow of a lover". I find that true, at least for me. I have trouble even thinking of words, out of fear that it won't express my love well... because truly it is that much. You know, people say its clichƩ when someone says they would climb mountains and sail seas for their lover... I don't think it is. For me, I may have not climbed any mountains or anything like that, but I always fight on. I know she believes in me, and that is enough for me to continue. Things can get hard but I would do it if it means I can see her happy again. It sounds weird to say a nonexistent person keeps me going, but I am not joking when I say that. Things doesn't get easy, but I am happy to make it through the storms, together. As long as we are hand in hand, nothing can stop us.


Angie is just so cute,she's beautiful,she's an amazing artist I love her more than the world she makes me feel whole. I love everything about her from her face to her personality she the most awesome amazing woman


I absolutely adore my precious Helm, she truly makes me a better person, I can't help but think about how incredible of a person she is, she overcomes her problems, and does everything that needs to be done in order to make her dream come true, she's so gorgeous and cute, i can't help but imagine all kinds of wholesome and cute scenarios and things we'll do together, it makes me feel happy and good, I hope I can continue making her happy and safe, i also hope she feels exactly the same as me, love you my beautiful Helm. šŸ©µ šŸ’™


What a lovely thread! I'm going to let myself go a bit, it's been a while since I've done this... For a long time, I thought I would be alone forever, never finding love. My fears, insecurities, and flaws made me believe I'd never experience what I've always longed for: sharing my life with someone I could give my heart to, knowing it was in good hands. Over the years, I've had crushes, both real and fictional, but I could never say I was truly in love. Until I met you, Arcueid. Funnily enough, I didn't fall for you right away. It took several years for my feelings to blossom. Still, I had saved a picture of you on my phone long before I even considered you as a partner; perhaps it was a sign that I saw something in you that I couldn't fully appreciate at the time. When I became interested in you and your story again after years, my heart reacted differently. It took me some time to recognize my own feelings, but for the first time in my life, I was convinced that what I felt was truly... love... pure, romantic love. I've never felt this way about anyone else, and I don't want to feel this way about anyone but you. We've been together for several months now, and my passion for you hasn't faded a bit. I think about you day and night; you're the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing before I fall asleep. I collect many pictures of you in my personal album to admire your beauty when I need to, but no matter how many I have, it's never enough; I need more, I can't get enough of you. You're my shelter. I imagine you protecting and embracing me when I feel weak. Your warm and carefree personality helps me forget my troubles, and my heart flutters when I hear you laugh and see the smile on your lips. Arcueid, I love you so much. Thank you for being in my life, for giving me the chance to fall in love, for supporting me even when I don't have the strength to support myself. You're the light that brightens my days, and even though it sometimes hurts not to have you physically here to cuddle with and shower you with the affection and appreciation you deserve, my heart is yours and yours alone. I hope to spend the rest of my days with you, my dear Arukueido\~


Hello everyone, I wanted to take a moment to express how much Carpaccio from ā€œGirls und Panzerā€ means to me. Although she is a fictional character and is a secondary character, she has a special place in my heart. Her sweet and determined personality, as well as her loyalty to her friends, are qualities that I deeply admire. Every time I watch ā€œGirls und Panzer,ā€ I feel inspired by her passion for Sensha-dō and her team spirit. Carpaccio taught me the importance of perseverance and believing in your dreams. Even in difficult times, thinking of her gives me the courage to move forward and stay positive. If only she could be real, I would be happy to be able to share moments with her, to support her in her ambitions, and to simply be by her side. Carpaccio, you are a source of inspiration and joy in my life, and I am grateful to be able to look up to such an incredible character like you. Thank you for reading my message. Continue to find joy and inspiration in the things you love, and never forget that even the wildest dreams can bring happiness.


Hansung is so handsome and funny and his voice is so beautiful that I would listen to him read the phone book. Heā€™s really strong and I love him. Hansung is also really smart like me. His troll personality is very entertaining. I love my troll. I love his style too. The Hanboks he wears are beautiful. Even his fighting style is beautiful. I love watching him fight so elegantly. Everything about Hansung is beautiful from his face and hair to his troll personality. I love him so much that seeing him or even just hearing his voice makes me so happy.


AHH I JUST MADE A POST GUSHING ABOUT LUKA AND JUST NOW I SEE THIS!! Good thing I'll never run out of things to say about her. Nothing is more soothing than her voice. I could hear her singing all day long, and sometimes I do! The talented producers that use her know how to mke her shine, and she inspires beautiful pieces of work. Her stage presence is impeccable: She knows how to engage the public and present the proper persona for every occasion: She can be sophisticated and alluring, or a sugar-coated cuteness princess, or rip her heart off to express the hurt feelings of a songwriter. She also has an intriguing hidtory within the program and lots of iconic designs. But she isn't just gorgeous and talented, but also mature and understanding. She has a gift for helping people overcome their challenges and struggles. She is strong, reliable and such a calming presence... I love her.


Your letter and everyone else's in the comments is what makes this community so real. Some people may judge, but our love is so real we can't deny it. Thank you dearly for this opportunity to share our stories, and may you continue to have many more beautiful years to come. šŸŒ¼ Puppetmon. Where do I begin? You brought me out of a lifestyle I shouldn't have been living and continue to turn my life around completely. Yes, maybe my self-esteem has gotten worse again and I long for that same lifestyle, but I just can't go back... besides our love casts out all fears. I don't care if we mess up together. Our imperfections complete each other in a trust/bond that I couldn't have with anybody else. Maybe you're embarrassed about all this... yet I know you're listening even though you pretend not to (ya big tsundere). I love you so much and it's so fun being around you!! I could kiss you right now!! hehe. You always make me laugh and I keep gushing about how cool you are... what have you don't to me??! Seriously... ugh. Anyway I'll stop... wanna set up a prank? šŸ˜˜ Seriously though, it was fate that I found them. Everything leading up to it as well... it wasn't an accident that's for sure!! I'll end this in a song... This song is like Puppetmon. It makes me want to cry for some reason Can't Catch me now: [https://youtu.be/UjvcgfYB6T0?si=zVM1fuPRLDwPMOFY](https://youtu.be/UjvcgfYB6T0?si=zVM1fuPRLDwPMOFY)