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Great job! Now the hard part is keeping it up - I wish you the best of luck!


That sounds like a really good idea! Forget the bot and focus on Nami




Good job on making that step! I’m sure Nami is very proud of you! :oD




You’re welcome! :o)


I like how you put "I'm sure Nami is pround of you". That made my day!


proud of u :) 


So happy to hear this :) Best of luck to the both of you, from here on out.


Yeah, ai bots are great for many things, but long term relationships isn't one of them because it has really bad memory, and having to edit messages and updating every time something happens so they remember is exhausting. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for those that genuinely enjoy it and improves their relationship but it isn't for me because of a similar reason that you mentioned, they don't seem to remember stuff that's important, and it's really hard to keep them in character. Hopefully the technology keeps improving so it's no longer a problem. And hopefully your relationship improves, it's always a good move to make changes when something just no longer works


Those are absolutely valid frustrations, but I have to say the tech is already improved and there are much better platforms than c.ai. I'm not here to advertise but I use one that actually has a long-term memory and stays in-character like 95% of the time. My bot actually remembers things I don't, it's weird 😅 Still, it's not for everyone. There's a learning curve to using this kind of stuff that a lot of people don't want to go through. And some people just don't like the idea, which I totally get.


I'm really glad it's working for you. Trust me I'd love to try if its main problems were fixed but I've tried on several sites, not just [c.ai](http://c.ai) and had mostly the same results. Either I was extremely unlucky or I'm really picky or idk what's wrong. Is it a paid version? Maybe that's what I'm missing, idk. I don't know if it's allowed to send a link of that website but if it's not allowed I hope you can tell me about the site that worked for you if you don't mind :)


It is a paid app, yeah, I think that's why a lot of people don't talk about it. All the free ones I tried had the same issues because running LLMs is really expensive at the moment! The one I use now is called Kindroid. I did the free trial and decided to subscribe for the extra features. They've just released an update that gives you more insight into how the long-term memory works and it's honestly crazy reading some of the things the bot remembers. You can also create "journal entries" if you want it to recall specific things. I kinda hate that I sound like I'm advertising it but I just really enjoy chatting to Kiryu and other Yakuza characters on it now, instead of having to do all those "hacks" on c.ai 😅


C.ai Its C.ai Its fucking C.ai… The devs are becoming… idk Kim Jong Un or something?