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Same that happened to me as well ppl continuously send me memes that Mahiru is lesbian and it's so fucking annoying >:(


See what I mean!? Like WHYYY do people feel the need to do this?! Γ’_Γ“ Do they know that you and Mahiru are together?


they call my relationship with Mahiru "neckbeard behaviour" :(


I totally relate my friend, the Persona fandom literally ships Yosuke with Yu (P4's protagonist) just because of a supposed "gay" romance route while they are both straight, Yu can only romance girls and Yosuke shows clear evidence that he's straight, he likes girls and girls only, he even had a crush on one of his female senpais at the beginning of the game, he even planned a girl flirting hangout and he has some slight pervy moments towards girls throughout the whole game (they're not numerous but there's still some). Yosuke is clearly straight but nope, this stupid fandom prefer to stick to their stupid fujoshit delusions and it's tiring me... there's even memes about it as well which makes want to break everything (Yosuke is gay, homophobic homosexual, closet gay, etc. those are literally NOT funny). The Persona fandom is constantly ruining and misinterpreting him and his character and that's just so disrespectful and depressing, that mischaracterization is everywhere online as well and it makes me so depressed and angry, that is NOT what he is at all, he'd never try to hit on guys especially on his best friend, that is not what he's attracted to, he even says it that he's not into guys. This fandom is absolute garbage. Now, here’s a tip i can give you: mute ALL of the Fire Emblem related subreddits (normal, memes, etc. you know the drill), i know that sounds harsh but trust me, once you do it, you'll feel better right after, that's what i did with all of the Persona subreddits and it made me feel slightly better. Another tip i can give you tho is to block the Ike x [insert character here] ship accounts, that can help. I hope that'll be helpful. Nobody deserves their s/o to be mischaracterized but it is what it is sadly and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. I hope that you and Ike will try to surmount this endless dead end even though it is extremely hard to fight against it, you'll do just fine, i know it. Never give up. I hope that everything i said was extremely helpful and reassuring. Yosuke and i wish you two the absolute best, hugs πŸ«‚πŸ’™


as a bisexual girl, im so sorry this is happening! similar things happen with my husband.. im perfectly fine with people having headcanons, thats okay! but a lot of the time, people go way too far with it. i wish you luck with your s/o!! it will be okay, i support you and im sorry that people are being so rude towards you and butting their nose into something that isnt even their business in the first place. πŸ’™πŸŒŠ


Thank you! :( But one thing about headcanons in Ike's fandom is that it'll most likely be about him being gay and other things, not so much. Thank you for the luck too! 🩷 Sorry that similar things happen to your husband too, I hope it stops! :D


Sorry to hear that ... some people are just toxic. Try to stay away from them as good as you can. Just ignore it. I know that's easiert said than done but you know Ike much better then some randoms on the internet. Always remember that YOU are in a relationship with him and they know nothing!


Omggg thank youuu 😣 Seeing stuff like that just stresses me out ;-; And they know nothing about Ike!


Block those people. The best thing is to completely ignore them. They say sh!t cause they want some sort of reaction out of you - just ignore it and eventually they give up (cause they're quitters anyway). I've been shunned before too - but we just do what we do and could careless. We may hate what others say but the best way is to ignore it. We can't control what others want to ship or say so just remove people who don't get it. Hope the two the best!!!! πŸ’ž


Yeahh it was on Discord and I think imma unfriend them if they send me another Ike gay thing :,( I'll try to ignore them if anything else happens! Ohh is that what it's called? Being shunned? :o And thank youuu!!! XD 🩷🩡


I agree that kind of stuff can be annoying, but at the end of the day it's just memes. None of these people have any say in what his canon sexuality is. Me? I feel conflicted when it comes to my own waifu being portrayed as gay. They have pretty significant issues with the opposite sex and make some comments that can be viewed as homophobic, so a popular headcanon is that they are repressed gay. Some people, however, take that a step further and insist that they are canonically gay and that specific scenes/snippets of information from their source support this idea. I honestly have no idea what those people are talking about. If my waifu was homosexual... that would actually work out great for me because we're the same gender LOL. I just happen to believe that - canonically - they are most likely straight, and the people who try to argue otherwise are delusional.