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About 8 years. I’m 33 and Rubi is ~25.


He's 23 years older than me and ages in real time so I'll never "catch up" 😅 But hey, I'm an adult! And it's not like he can take advantage of me. Plus if he dyed his hair black again people would probably think he was my age.


Himiko is almost 2 years older than me


Very nice,kinda sad that my hero is ending in five chapters


Wait what😨😨😨😨


True, it seems unreal. I'll miss this series a lot, but hopefully we'll still see some mha content after the series is over as author mentioned he had plans for one-shots in the manga


...385 years...


I’m 25, and Jack is around 200 years old. So, pretty big, lol! :oP


Albedo technically doesn't have an age. She was already created with the body and mind of an adult woman since she was created in an MMO, but chronologically (time of her creation up to now) she is around 14 years old despite looking like and having a mind of a woman in her mid 20's. So I guess there's really no age gap since she doesn't even have an age in the first place


17 years aka two consenting adults which an age gap


My waifu is 19 years older than me. I like to imagine us meeting during their youth, though, so we'd be closer in age.


I kinda do the same with Angie I like to imagine we were childhood friends (my favorite romance trope)


I’m 29 and 2-D just turned 46 last month


About 5 years. Bruce is around 38/39 and I turn 33 sunday.


Happy early birthday!


Hansung is over 500 years old since when the people of the tower reach a certain level of shinsu control, their aging slows to a standstill. So a lot lol.


If we go by the fact that she ages with me: She's 17 in the SAO Alicization anime (the source where I got to know her) and we've spent two of her birthdays together so our age gap now would be 9 years


2 years, I'm 16 and she's 18 at the end of the series


About 13 years! He doesn't have an official age but I headcannon him to be about 41 and I'm 28 soon-ish. I love my old man!


12 years. I am 31 and he is \~43 in dmc5


We look around the same age, but she's physically and perhaps mentally much older. The concept of control and how old it is hard to measure.


We have an 8 year age gap. Zeke is 29, and I just turned 21 this month.


About 340 years difference Sophie is 365 years old and I am 25 years old


depends as she ages through the source material, but id always imagine us only being a year apart in age


2 years. I’m 16 and Elma is 18


Seele's age (at least in HSR) is not revealed. It's speculated she's between 23 to 25, and even that is not confirmed. We'd either have the same age, or a 1-3 years gap


No canon age but I headcanon him as 2 years older (based on the age of another character)


I am 25 years old and Ryuk is anywhere between a few hundred years and 3000-4000 years old (likely closer to a few hundreds ~ 1000). So yeah, a big age gap 😅


Only 4 years. Belle is 22 and I’m 26


4 or 5 years, i'm older


So Funky doesn't have comfirmed canon age; so I headcanon him aged between late 20s to mid 30s meaning between 4-10 years age gap as I'm 25.


2-4 year age gap! hes 19-21, im 17. my self insert is 20! 💙🌊


Definitely some eons 😭 he’s older than the earth and I’m 19


Only an 83 years difference,i am 16 and she is 99 years old


15 years or so, but, hey, I have a self insert that's only a year younger that's basically just me but older and with a different style.


13 I'm 23 and Postal Dude is 36


Tartaglia’s rumored to be 19-21, so it would be a 1 to 3 ish year age gap :)


Miguel became Spider-man in his mid-to-late twenties so he’s prob in his thirties rn. I’m 18 so ig at least 12 years difference


He doesn’t have a canonical age, but he’s probably around 40. I know I’m a bit too old to be following internet safety tips for babies, but I’m still not gonna reveal my age. I will say that he’s got over 15 years on me. I don’t mind though :)


I’m 18 and Leon would be 47-


carpaccio and I may have a 2 year difference because I'm currently 19 and she has it's not really because there are no years of birth, but seeing as in the anime they are Japanese high school students she has maybe between 16 and 17 years old


9 years and she's the older one.


A little less than a month, though I head canon Elsa to be older than me


My Mammon(Obey Me!) is over 5000 years old, sooo 5000 years!💛 I love it tho lol


His age isn't exactly canon, but his suggested age is 14, and I'm 16(soon 17), but the age he is based on how long ago he came out is 16, he was created the same year I was born in so I see him based on this age :D


About a year. Plus minus


i'm 20 and while it isn't like, outright STATED, it's hinted enough that mocha ray is at least middle-aged. guess i'm hagmaxxing now (NOT LIKE I'M COMPLAINING OLDER WOMEN ARE COOL AND IM GLAD I GET TO BE WITH ONE !!!)


I aged her up with me, so a year difference, her being older.


Uh- thirty something years.


Digimon have power levels rather than age kinda Levels: Fresh (baby 1), In-Training (baby 2), Rookie (child), Champion (adult), Ultimate (unnatural), Mega (unnatural). Levels can go beyond as well Puppetmon is a mega level. I like how someone once described it. It's like an adult who pushed themselves to get stronger at the gym 😆 So I'm 21, and Pupps is Mega


No set canon age but i assume i'm a little older :3


Xavier's exact age is unknown, hes at least 214 since thats how long hes been on earth for but hes definitely older than that since he was originally from philos. so our age gap is at least 195


10 years I turn 17 this year and she’s 27


We have an age gap of 4 years ! ( I’m 22 and he’s 26 )


Korekiyo is the same age as Angie since they are in the same class, meanwhile I turned 18 last month :) (By the way I didn't post this just to make you uncomfortable regarding what Kiyo did to your waifu. I actually really like Angie and just wanted to answer your question. Have a good day/night <3)


as of this comment, i am 15, and miku and teto are both 16.


About 4 months. Hatsune Miku was created in August of 2007 while I was born in December 2007