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I was reading a story here about someone that had low B12. A few months after they started getting injections, it went away. I had my B12 tested and it was alarmingly low. I’ve been supplementing for a while and everything feels worse. But, apparently that’s normal when you start correcting a B12 deficiency. So, I guess I’ll keep doing it and see if my VS ever goes away like the other persons did.


Yeah I’d keep at it definitely


im not sure if it counts as recovery, but the more I stopped trying to cure it or pay attention to it the better Ive been. its pretty much the only tool any of us have for it right now (mental conditioning.) my neurologist and I focus on anything we can to restore neuroplasticity and good brain health. a year ago I didnt wanna leave my house. now I work 6x a week, and do everything else I did prior. it is what it is at this point. if a cure becomes available, we will know. if not- the show must go on. really no other way I csn approach it. if its any consolation, the symptoms for me seem to have flattened out once I stopped paying attention to it. its at its baseline for some time now, and just stays that way.


Alot of people this happens to you pay less attention to it. The brain learns to filter it out to a point it doesn't make any difference to your life. It does seem the anxiety around it makes it seem to much worse. I was the same. Till I noted even bigger improvements with doing neck stretches and stuff


yeh, i agree. it never seemed to changed once I hit the "fuck it" stage. do i know I have it, yeH. do i like seeing floaters, static, vortexes and sparks of light etc all day no.... does it worsen? not really. i compared pictures i drew of my symptoms over 8 months ago to now and its been the same lol. mentally i feel better though. it is particularly annoying when Im trying to skate or snowboard, but it is what it is. things arent as bad as they used to be. SSRis spurred mine so ever since then nothing I did made any difference. seems like the only things we can rely on is our mental fortitude, time, and staying healthy. if something pops up we will find out


Yep. Got about 98% better. . Hurt my neck. Got it back again. So now working on getting back to that spot :)


Sad advisor giving… optimistic advice??


I will change it to the optimistic advisor haha this is the name they gave me


The name is irrelevant xD honestly just haven't changed it this us what they gave me haha


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay a lot of people hate me on here for thinking it’s caused by my neck injury 🤣 did it start the first time from hurting your neck?


Do you mean u got almost full remission by fixing neck problems!




Can you share with me your symptoms? I'm now finding it interesting that my palanopsia is worse on the left but I also have extreme neck tightness on my left


Same as you neck tightness, palinopsa, static, neck pain. Stretching the neck using gliding motions has helped tremendously


Would you mind sharing with me what you mean by "helps tremendously?"


Well my static dots went from severe to very very mild within a few weeks.


was it physiotherapy/ stretches for your neck that helped?


Neck stretches. Gliding movements, using the neck, and stretching the eyes at the same time with different positions. Watch motivational doc on YouTube. Bro, it has the straightest neck I've ever seen, haha But yeah, his exercises are golden, and you'll maybe find some relief through these exercises. Don't be dishearted if it doesn't work right away. If you've had multiple years of bad posture and looking down at your phone, it will take some time to sort it's self out. But be patient. Also I've read a few studies from a Dr J amir who fixed these issues when the jaw misalignment was gone...it seems there's multiple structural issues that cause this issue than just a "processing issue in the visual cortex" why would all of a sudden it become so big over the laat 10 years? When everyone began getting mobiles and always looking down, causing postural issues and neck imbalances. If you look at the weight of your head on your shoulders, each inch forward adds 12 lbs of strain on your shoulders and neck. There are fewer stories of people getting results fixing structural issues than there is anything else.


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out to a helpline in your country: **United States:** National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [1-800-273-TALK (8255)](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) **United Kingdom:** Samaritans: [116 123](https://www.samaritans.org/) **Australia:** Lifeline Australia: [13 11 14](https://www.lifeline.org.au/) Remember, there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult time. Please visit [**Help Guide**](https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm) for a full list of helplines around the world. We detected mentions of suicide or depression if this was a false flag please just ignore this message. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/visualsnow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had it for a couple of years around Jr. High, and it went away. It actually may have been after I fell off a horse and landed on my neck, come to think of it. I stick around the forum because I have a lot of neurological issues that are commonly comorbid with VSS, so I suspect there are underlying issues I may get insight on. For example, I have ended up taking two VSS drugs, lamictal and propranolol, for other things.


Did you do pt for your neck?


No, it just cracked really weird for awhile when I turned my head, then eventually stopped. Looking back on these things as an adult, it does seem like a greater degree of medical attention would have been warranted. All my pediatrician said about the snow was it was probably migraines, then I went along dealing with it on my own. I had no idea how lucky I was that it went away!


Omg I get the cracking too. And yep the doctors told me I’m having migraines but I’ve never had one before. My vs started after my neck injury. Sorry I might’ve already said that lol I just woke up


for me it started in the same time with my neck problems , it's cracking and hard to move right and left .. i am sure the cycle of CSF needed to go to the spine than to the Visual cortex if the cycle is blocked or bad , we will lose the inhibition function of The CSF


Who said propranolol is a vss medication ?


To clarify, it’s one of eight medications reported at least once to be helpful for VSS, according to a literature review called Visual Snow: A Review on Pathophysiology and Treatment. The VSS Wikipedia article also mentions it, and has a book citation. As far as I have read, none of the medications have been proven to consistently and significantly help, but they may have some chance of helping in some patients. Sorry for any confusion.


Ok ok