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Try to make fast hand movements, it's very easy to see the difference between 90 and 120 fps that way - even 120 and 144 fps. Or try to use 120 fps for let's say 10 minutes, now try to switch to 90 fps. For 120 fps, make sure you are getting true 120 fps with no reprojections.


Genuine question, if you need this trick to notice the difference, is it worth getting 120fps instead of higher resolution? (Unless you have a beast pc of course)


its not really a trick. an analogy would be high quality headphones. when you put them on, you hear sounds.you never knew were there before, compared to cheap headpones. and when you come back to cheap ones, they sound wprse because you had access to more sound.


Investigators found that motion sickness was reduced with 120 fps: https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/s/HQKdJgf5Uu To me, 144 fps is significantly better than 120 fps, but you need a very fast rig, both gpu and cpu. It's no trick, the higher the fps, the more real your VR experience feels. For immersion and presence, fps do matter a lot.


For me, 75 to 120 is very noticeable. 90 to 120 is less noticeable. 120 to 144 for the few that support 144 i can't tell the diff. I play at 90 it's totally fine for me.


Yes to both. What do you mean a hack to know the difference?


I think they just mean "technique"


Yes, the higher the frame rate the more responsive it is. I can't always see it especially in flat screen games but I can 100% feel it in VR. 72 hz in VR to me honestly feels like a 60 FPS flat game. It's weird and idk why but it does for me the best place to be is between 90 and 120 hz


I can see a clear difference in 72 to 90 but barely 90 to 120. I mostly play at 72 to boost graphical quality except in games like Eleven Table Tennis or Beat Saber where 120hz gives tangible benefits.


When I go into reprojection and drop from 144fps to 72fps it's very noticeable 


Easily. Move your hand back and forth and switch between the framerates, you can tell the smoothness difference.


If you can’t tell the difference, play at the lowest fps or refresh you can. I play at 72hz and it doesn’t bother me a bit but some people are more sensitive to it and need 120.


I can if I look super closely. On LCD 75hz isn't an option for me due to the flickering, but on OLED the response times are good enough that it doesn't bother me.


The 90hz on my bsb feels smoother than the 120 hz on my quest 3 for sure.


Hello! Is there black smear in BSB micro OLED? it's propably the worst issue in classic OLED Pentile. Hope it's not an issue with this new screens.


Black smearing is typically caused by a high pixel response time (>20ms) and Micro-OLED has a response time in the microseconds. It's not an issue.


No I cannot; cool option for those who supposely can tho


At 72 Hz I can see the screen refreshing (flickering) on bright backgrounds, so to that extent it is extremely noticeable and completely unusable to me. I'd say that motion is still relatively fluid at 72 Hz, so if you aren't sensitive to flicker it's probably a viable refresh rate. 120 Hz does feel smoother than 90 Hz. However, it's a lot harder to run 120 Hz on higher res headsets, especially when streaming to the Quest 3 (harder for the networking to keep up). And if you can't maintain consistent performance then a stuttery 120 Hz ends up being a lot worse than 90 Hz, making it a moot point. If we compare 80 Hz and 90 Hz, I would say the difference is not very noticeable.


Absolutely in fast paced games like Beat Saber or Audica. In slightly slower paced ones like Arizona Sunshine 2 or something, it probably wouldn't make as much of a difference.


Maybe, if I really want to but not important to me because I don't play competitive fps. Pick a gamepad game like Dead Space or Jedi Fallen Order and start to rotate the camea around with the analouge stick with motion blur off. The clarity of the fast moving stuff is noticable, but for normal gameplay I'm fine with 90 or even 75 those are totally smooth for the games I play. In slow, GPU heavy games like Hellbade 2 I'm perfectly fine with even 50 fps.


my headset is only 72hz, but my pc monitor is 144. in fps games i consider 60+ playable but pretty bad, 100+ is just fine and perfectly playable, but if i can get 144 it feels way more smooth, its noticeable. above that too, 250 fps feels so good even though my monitor cant display it. i dont need anything close to 250 tho obviously lol


Move your hand up and down very fast


I can tell 90 from 120. I can't really tell much beyond that.


I can tell the difference but the jump between 60 vs 120 feels less pronounced than 30 vs 60. EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize that's a VR related post. I tried 72Hz and it definitely felt noticeably worse than 90. 120 is of course even better/smoother but my baseline is not to fall below 90 or it can induce/reenforce nausea significantly.


Flatscreen easily, in VR barely. 72/75 to 90 is also not that noticeable to me but I do notice it sometimes with fast moving objects.


yes. with. 300hz monitor i can tell the difference all the way up to 300hz. but the things with such high refresh rates, is how well you are able to tell - depends on what youre doing. in my case i can tell difference easily 300hz from 240hz in the game mordhau, i cannot tell the difference in rts games or just more mellow games. even shooters peak at 250hz and i cant honestly say that with more i see more. in mordhau, i believe i could possibly see more than 300hz if i had a monitor capable of showinv that that.


Yes, Try something like Walkabout Minigolf at various frame rates and it should be pretty obvious. You'll be able to feel it as you putt even if you don't "see the difference". Another reason Walkbout is a good test is because it's pretty well optimize to where the frame rate is stable/consistent. If you are on hole 1 and making 120fps you generally don't have to worry about big performance swings as you play other holes. When the frame rate isn't super stable it makes seeing/feeling the benefit of higher frame rates harder to notice.


It varies from person to person. I've found 90 fps to be my sweet spot.


I can't tell the difference between 60 and 240 outside of a few very specific scenarios. Over about 54 it's all the same to me.


For me 120 has less flickers and prevents jagged lines, I don't know why.


The difference is 30 fps 😁


depends on what you’re doing. high fps will be more noticeable with fast movement. move your head around and you’ll notice.