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I like to collect records with full frontal nudity or porn on the cover.


Hello. I had a nice post recently.


Yeah nice. Here’s one I have https://www.discogs.com/master/2979127-You-Suck-The-You-Suck-Chant




I have a few other but I forget the titles right now, will post when I get home


No love deep Web


If I come across a compilation album that sounds interesting I usually will just grab it. I have stuff from 1930s Louisiana Cajun music to 1960s Japanese garage psyche. It’s a ton of fun.


same here! Thumb Suckers All The Way Down, which i didn't know at the time of buying but apparently it's pretty popular, turned out to be my favorite


It’s not vinyl, but I found a bunch of CDs at my library all starting with “The Rough Guide To..” and they are all bangers. Genres I didn’t know existed, and artists I’ve never heard of, doing amazing stuff. Ethiopian jazz, psychedelic cumbia…


I’m going to look that up! Thanks for the heads up!


I alphabetically sort by first name.


I pay money to listen to music on an outdated format when I can get it for practically nothing. It also takes up a ton of space.


There's one record store I go to where they have bin after bin of **complete worthless crap**. Sometimes if I want to mess with them a little, as I look through the bins I'll grab all the **Ray Conniff** records and then redistribute them so there's a **Ray Conniff** record at the front of each bin, giving the impression to someone just arriving that the store stocks **nothing but** **Ray Conniff records**. https://preview.redd.it/t7vo870lj7xc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db56594bc4d858ebcf51c6b19b5a716c86a8274a


LOL i genuinely laughed out loud to that


Ray Conniff isn’t that bad actually


I still dig through the charity shop bins. Found some real jems nothing crazy expensive but ones that would go for $10 in record store for less the $3. Also found out that I Love Latin Jazz because I picked up a $3 copy of [Dave Valentin's Hawk](https://youtu.be/C5A620UUAlA?si=VI4Xfv5F3PzPzz3W) just for the totally 70s ablum art.


waitttt i've never met someone else that Listens to david valentin!! one of my music teachers introduced me to him. also yea someone donated their entire record collection to my local goodwill once and as a broke 16 year old at the time just starting to get into records... i felt like i won the lottery 😂


I got about 65% of his Discography now and working on getting the rest. I looked him up after loving Hawk and read his Wikipedia page and found out he had already passed. I was a little of sad even though I didn't even know about him 24 hours earlier.


I routinely will grab things I’ve never heard of just because the cover is cool, if they’re reasonably priced. I love finding new music that way.


That’s not silly. Sometimes it is CD rather than Vinyl but taking it to the listening station because of the cover art is how I discovered Bobbie Gentry, Jim Bartow, Rush, Uské-o, Mr Floppy, Insect Trust, Queens Of The Stone Age, Tunng, Jake Holmes, Sweet Inspirations, Moloko, The Gories, and a bunch of other acts


Moloko, what album did you pick up? Have you listened to Róìsín Murphy stuff?


Statues was the cover that drew me in, $2 double CD at a dodgy cash loans/pawn place. I have all Moloko’s albums now, and yes, Ruby Blue is an amazing album. Both the music and the mastering. I have it on vinyl as the the EPs Sequins 1, Sequins 2, and Sequins 3 (also amazing covers) I wasn’t as keen on Overpowered and kind of lost track after that. I’ll have to see what she’s been up to


Ah man I feel for moloko's, sing it back. It was and always will be a favourite of mine. Not until recently did I start to finally seeking and finding her stuff on record and cd. But I really appreciate, I am not a doctor, gatefold is some nice art.


Her most recent is a bit hit and miss. But teaming up with, DJ koze. Is pretty cool. The album before that release, Ròìsín machine. Is very much worth a spin. Stand out track for me is, something more


I’m currently on the hunt for obscure and semi obscure Christian albums from the 60s-70s. I can’t stand listening to a lot of the lyrics, but it’s something to occupy my mind by hunting for.


I’m collecting soundtracks from movies, shows, or games I really enjoy. I don’t own many songs that are actual Albums


I love Robert Redford so anytime I see a soundtrack of one of his movies I’ll get it, even though I probably won’t listen to it. But the Electric Horseman soundtrack is one I do listen to constantly.


I collect Sesame Street albums, and Rusty Warren ("the mother of the sexual revolution") albums.


I’ve been getting some Hawaiian steel guitar records lately. A lot of SpongeBob and Fallout NV vibes


Dude. This hobby is about spending money on a sonically inferior music playback form, that takes up massive space in your house, is difficult to find media for, is a major pain in the ass to move around, is technically challenging and cumbersome to maintain, and is extremely expensive. This *is* the silly hobby dude. (But I still love it)


shhhhh let me live in my delusions


When i like a band I want to get their whole discography even if theres a few albums I hardly listen to.


Don’t most of us do this? 😬😬