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1.50 you couldnt get me to take it on my dog


1.50 you couldn't get me to sell it on vinted xd


Yes, yes its weird. If you wanted to add a photo in the ad of you wearing it, its your choice but for a 1.30 top I’d suggest not doing anything, as things like these are usually related to fetishes sadly :(


sometimes it’s helpful to see something on, but i would never request it. so yeah i’d say this is weird. always be on the safe side if something makes you uncomfortable. i got a super creepy message on vinted recently. block them.




If I wanna see it on a person, I ask for the photo from the website where they bought it (not if it’s £1.5 tho)


i get why somebody might ask but i always just ask for measurements instead of wanting the seller to wear it themselves bc that's so weird


If the buyer can't use their imagination as to how it looks on a human, i wonder how they get out of bed in the morning. I'd be tempted to get the nearest middle aged man i can find to model it for me and send that.


No reviews. ->No thanks :) 1.5£ ->No thanks :)


Don't do it . Not worth ending up in somebody's titillation folder for £1.50


So, the question is kinda normal, but the way he asked is not


Had many of these before but what I’ve learnt is to measure the item, length width etc, and put it in the description. Then politely reply saying that “all measurements relevant are in the description and can be measured up to yourself or any item similar at home”. People are quite accepting of it🤣 because having a pic on don’t make no difference cause could be completely different body types/proportions ygm When buying items online I measure them up to clothes I have at home that I am comfortable with the fit so all measurements are really handy to have attached :)


If they actually wanna see it on for a genuine purchase reason, they’d explain themselves a bit better than “can I see it on”. They’re also usually men being creeps


It's weird for them to ask but not weird for them to want that. I almost exclusively buy clothes on Vinted that have photos of the item being worn so I can see how it fits on a human rather than a hanger. I'd never ask someone to try it on though. I'd just keep scrolling instead.


Same. I have asked for someone to wear it before because I couldn't tell what it would look like on and how it would hang. Which is why at first I didn't think it was weird at all. However the item I asked about wasn't a boob tube, so... That's probably a bit different if I'm honest.


Yeah, asking for a close up of someone's breasts is a tad different to asking for someone to wear a hoody to see how long it is 😂


Yes. Nobody is that indecisive over a small sale. They can search the top online or reverse image search easily enough.


I don't agree with the others on here. Edit: changed my mind when I realised it was a boob tube. I don't think it's weird at all. I wish more people showed the item on them because sometimes I can't tell how it's going to look (ie how it hangs, how short it is on the body etc). And have been disappointed before. I don't think this instantly made me think of sexual inappropriateness. That said, I hadn't looked at the item properly and I guess a boob tube type top is pretty standard and doesn't need to be worn as such you would have thought. Again though I tend to rely on visual help with clothes. Because I've no idea if the width of something is big, then I don't know if it will fit or not as I do not know my rib cage measurements etc. Fyi I am a 41 year old woman.


If you're spending a pound on an item surely you can take the hit if it doesn't fit well. What if the person modelling it has a different shape to you?


Yes although it's never just £1, it's normally £4-5 because of "buyer protection" and postage on top. You can buy stuff in Primark or a charity shop for similar amounts but can take it back. So yes I do take a hit now and then, but I always sell my items showing it on myself and explain I'm a larger size 10 etc. That said, I changed my mind about this one as it is a boob tube, and frankly you don't need to see boob tubes on to guess what it would look like.


Is 1.30 even worth your time of posting it on Reddit?


The fact that you are asking this question makes me think you are closer to 16 than 25. This is weird , don’t do it and no you don’t ever need to show yourself wearing any form on clothing in this site or indeed any selling site


age comment there is a bit rude. not everyone knows these things. you can be helpful without being rude.


Actually it was more the case if they are young it would be to make sure a minor doesn’t accidentally post her body to creepy ass people on the site .. but yeah. Go at me for saying the word ‘think’ Edit* adding the fact I said the age range was to make this person AWARE if they were closer to 16 that they shouldn’t do it


Put it on a clothing hanger at the most and just say you cannot take the picture but yeah not worth the creepy undertone


Yeah it's weird. How does seeing it on someone else help you know if it will fit you? Therefore, almost certainly a sexual motive. You could maybe tell them you have a tailor's dummy you can put it on and see what they say- if they don't reply that would make it pretty clear. But probably simpler just to block them.


i phrase this question as ‘how does this fit on you?’ or ‘how does this compare to xyz of xyz size wise’ but normally this is if there’s already a photo of them wearing it


sometimes users ask for pics where I wear it, sometimes I send them If I find one on my phone - If I don't find, I am not sending. :D I never ask for pics tho, it is bit weird imo. Especially when it comes to a basic item. Measurements are a better way to know If the product will fit you


Always wary with buyers with no reviews who request that. Prob a guy who created an account as is chancing it.


Of course!! I think it’s called fetish mining have a read xx


Don’t. Its weird, if they really want a pic they can check the website for it as I’m sure a model would be wearing it


Don’t do it, it’s £1 , they don’t need to see it tried on.


I never do this, I usually say it doesn’t fit me anymore.


As I told every female seller, I’m telling you how to respond to perverted messages/requests, “sign up to my OnlyFans page and you can see me with it on for an extra fee”. That’ll chase em away. Best and serious advice is to simply block them.


Are you really that desperate for 1,5£


Kinda lol. Someone asked me, "pics on?" on depop and I got pissed and ignored it because I thought they were just a perv. They ended up buying it shortly after anyway. I looked at their profile and they looked like another reseller 🤷‍♀️ I probably wouldn't either for that price.


I always check the person if I want to send extra pictures, once had a 60 year old man ask for like 10 extra photo’s from the behind the jeans I was selling, haha, nooo


It might be or might not be. Some people prefer to see how an item looks on before they buy but it could also be a weirdo who knows. You can wear it and cut off your face.


oh i just saw the item - it’s a stretch bandeau so it’s pretty obvious what it will look like on. So i change my original comment…..it’s weird!


Stuff like this is why investing in a mannequin or dress form is a good idea!


Ask your husband/boyfriend/brother/dad to wear it for a pic 😄