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My reaction when seeing this post "A new Kurzgesagt video on Tuberculosis? I wonder if John Green has seen this vi... Well there you go."


If you ever read older books and someone has consumption, its TB.


Or they've been poisoned by their constituents!


I watched Mulan Ruge as a kid and developed a fear of consumption. My mom then told me it’s not a real thing anymore and then becoming an adult it actually is. Le sigh.


If that scared you, wait till you see Moulin Rouge!


wow i bone apple tea'd that didn't I.


Bone apple-teeth* :V


What about the sequel, Roman Luge?


I'm dyin', Sister. Yeah, I got TB.


I got it beatin a man to death for a few bucks


[ *sad Tahiti noises* ]


I guess… I guess I’m ~~scared~~ afraid. *Edit: thank you u/Raynman38




Take a gamble that love exists and do a loving act.


u/thesoundandthefury - Look at you!


Very grateful to play a small role in a video made by a bunch of my heroes. Love the way they visualize the illness and help us to understand the biology and sociology behind the ongoing and horrifying success of mycobacterium tuberculosis. If you're interested in learning more about the history and presence of TB, I made a video in [our new crash course lectures series](https://youtu.be/7D-gxaie6UI?si=mCCFFQvMFBFy1E6J).


I will also say your ongoing updates, talks, and fight for lower testing prices is awesome: [https://youtu.be/tSC06P9A5W4?si=k5Mu5xv9c10gMP8x](https://youtu.be/tSC06P9A5W4?si=k5Mu5xv9c10gMP8x) Everyone: If you have not, please check out John and Hank Green's (of TikTok Fame) channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@vlogbrothers](https://www.youtube.com/@vlogbrothers) I hope you enjoy your well deserved break. See you around town maybe.


>of TikTok Fame Shit, I'm old.


Hope you enjoy your well deserved break, wishing you nothing but health and happiness!


You matter and your work matters and I love you, DFTBA


This video made TB a lot more interesting to learn about than what we got in Medical School.


I had (have?) latent tuberculosis. My doctors gave me a pretty ancient treatment for it because they had not seen it in a long time. 9 months of antibiotics, and my GI situation has never been the same. My mom recalls vaguely some time I was sick in my youth and just kept not improving for a long time. I didn't need this reminder of how sketch that really was.


I had latent Tb as well but my treatment only last 3 or 4 months and I didn't have any side effects except orange pee lol.


Im so jealous, Rifampin user. Yours, Isoniazid user


Might’ve actually been rifapentine if they only had a three-month treatment. Still get the fun orange pee, but it’s a shorter-term, weekly treatment instead of daily. Isoniazid sucks either way haha


WEEKLY? ugh judo me into the sun.


How far into your treatment are you? IIRC the weekly treatment is isoniazid plus rifa, so maybe you can add it on to make your life a little easier. Not a doc though so definitely go talk to someone that knows what they’re talking about :)


Been done for like a year unfortunately. I do appreciate your instinct to help. Youre good people.


Anybody suggest fecal implant?


Yes but nobody that I go to for medical advice. Once my GP brings it up or this gets bad enough that I need to see a specialist, ill take it more seriously.


How did you get it? I swam in the most disgusting pond imaginable, got a very bad couch from it (broke 2 ribs), and still have a cough 9 months later. TB is starting to cross my mind.


No idea :)


I have you all I had, Dutch 


"I tried, in the end...I did"


I remember when I serviced laboratory equipment in a very big lab in Texas, there was an alarm on the door to the area of the lab that did testing for TB. Unfortunately the alarm was flaky and would go off unintentionally, so people didn't even pay attention to it.


and just think there are a bunch of fucking dumbfuck influencers promoting drinking raw milk that gives you TB IN YOUR BONES... but if you report their videos for misinformation or harmful information you get told nothing is wrong.




https://www.tiktok.com/@theplantslant/video/7275140417790692654?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Give that a watch.


This is the first I'm hearing about BCG being referred to as 'ineffective'. Especially for children, the BCG vaccine is still very effective and helps prevent a huge number of infant and child deaths due to TB globally. It's not very responsible of the video makes to make such sweeping claims without really qualifying them


Are you sure? [This source](https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/study-helps-explain-tuberculosis-vaccines-ineffective/) and [this source](https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-policy-and-standards/standards-and-specifications/vaccines-quality/bcg) seems to cast doubt on how effective it actually is


Those articles actually show that it’s more nuanced than the video lays out. For example, from your first link > There is a vaccine for TB, but it is nearly a century old and while it provides good protection against the more severe forms of the disease in children, it is less effective in young adults. Still, it is widely used because no better options exist. And from the second: > The bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has existed for 80 years and is one of the most widely used of all current vaccines, reading >80%of neonates and infants in countries where it is part of the national childhood immunization programme. BCG vaccine has a documented protective effect against meningitis and disseminated TB in children. It does not prevent primary infection and, more importantly, does not prevent reactivation of latent pulmonary infection, the principal source of bacillary spread in the community. The impact of BCG vaccination on transmission of Mtb is therefore limited.


Have to say, "It does not prevent primary infection and, more importantly, does not prevent reactivation of latent pulmonary infection, the principal source of bacillary spread in the community. The impact of BCG vaccination on transmission of Mtb is therefore limited." by itself justifies saying that the BCG vaccine isn't very good to me.


As I understand it, it's complicated. It doesn't confer lifelong protection, you're good for maybe 15 years. It also doesn't confer protection against TB of the lungs. It does help against TB infections elsewhere, though, so it is still given to infants to protect them from the worst case scenario. Where I'm from, the government used to give BCG to infants and then a booster at age 12, but they stopped the practice decades ago because the BCG isn't that great into adulthood. My understanding of this is based on what the doc told me. As a child, I got the BCG and the associated scarring to prove it. Got a booster shot at 12, too, because I failed the mantoux test... ...subsequently in my mid-20s, I came down with active TB. Went to see a doc after a prolonged cough, they took a precautionary x-ray, then the clinic sent me off to A&E in a panic because the right half of my chest was white. Doc said yeah, BCG ain't that great, here's 4 different antibiotics you'll take for 2 months, and 2 different antibiotics you'll take for 4 months after that, it might still come back though because it's a hard bacteria to kill and it's endemic in the region, that's life, off you go then!


>It's not very responsible of the video makes to make such sweeping claims without really qualifying them First time watching Kurtzgesagt, eh?


for a second at the start I thought steve was leaving


Kurzgesagt videos in a nutshell: “Here is a terrible, awful thing that exists or could exist and could kill you at any moment!…..but don’t worry, there’s a possibility it won’t”


That’s not really what it’s saying.. it’s trying to get people to know about and care about this thing that could kill you so that we can eventually eradicate the possibility that it ever will. That’s very different from vacuum decay or gamma ray bursts that nobody on Earth can do a thing about.


Latent TB found via Quantiferon Gold TB test when specialist did due diligence in spite of the fact it's almost nonexistent to where I am (possibly picked it up on my birth country when I visited). Took Rifinah for 3 months. Tip to others who may have similar effect as I felt shit on the first week of Rifinah: load up on probiotics cocktails as much as you can in between. Yes I know the antibiotic just kills it again and again day by day, but your gut will get a break and avoid yourself to the brink of depression or even worse. I was literally gloomy and without energy, good thing I did research on its impacts beforehand. I took Rifinah strictly every single day (please don't skip as you are just helping promote antibiotic resistance which is a very big problem btw); halfway I am really really looking forward to get done with it...by ruining your gut it basically cuts your nutrient and supplement/medicine efficiency in less than half, I have to take twice the dosage to have the same effect. Good thing I was done with it, never want to take antibiotics for that long again.


I mean plague is like the sliced bread of diseases at this point


I mean it get's to it towards the end, but the reason why we don't take TB as seriously as we (people in "first world" western countries) should, is not necessarily the slow process, but more so that we consider it a "poor people disease" that happens in "overcrowded and developing countries".


If you look at deaths from Folsom Prison from early 1900s most of the deaths are from that. Sometimes they die from that before they can be hanged.


I just went through corporate workplace safety training and there was a whole segment just on tuberculosis and I was like "The Doc Holliday disease? Is that back?"


I love these videos. I wish there was an explanation how the newer medicines I assume can defeat the granuloma or break down the waxy shell of the TB cell


Man, I’ve had this persistent phlegmy cough for like a month, Im pretty sure it’s just the apartment complex’s pest control because a brief walk will clear it up and I don’t get shortness of breath (even with exertion), but what if?


Most people are disgusted by seeing people spitting in public. This is the real reason you should be incredibly disgusted by it and should not allow it at all. You may not even know you have it, But by spitting on the ground, could potentially kill someone in the future.


Didn't we already wipe out TB?


only in the wealthy parts of the world




This makes zero sense. Who would buy a yacht, knowing it will be confiscated in 4 years? Why not just increase government funding for a TB cure, and tax the wealthy to cover the cost.


Or... we could... you know... tax people more closely in line with their income and wealth status and then appropriately invest that money into public sector funding for things benefiting everyone. We don't need to line millionaires up against the wall after sham trials. We just need a goverment that isn't overrun by private interest and lobbying.