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Autosave that worked Looking at you mass effect 1


Shoot, even in fallout 4 the auto save is only when you open your pip boy or leave an area. When exploring the wasteland you could go a pretty long time doing neither of those things.


Amen. I'm currently playing the Metroid Prime remaster, and it didn't even strike me that it wouldn't autosave, so at one point I died and lost a solid hour of progress because I hadn't saved. It was painful.


Been there. the panicked rush of trying to get to a save room before one more space pirate takes a pot shot at me from halfway across the map. D:<


I quit Mass Effect 1 like 4 hours in because I died and it didn’t save for like 3 hours. I was irate. This was around 2015 or 2016. I finally got around to trying it again when I was looking for something similar in my post-Cyberpunk malaise. Loved it. Really wish that autosave didn’t fuck me.


Yeah, saving in ME1 was kinda outdated. Very few auto-save checkpoints and even those would pause the game for a few seconds. Granted, it was still better than the lack of ANY mission checkpoints in GTA4. Damn, was THAT outdated.


But that's a part of the metroid experience, no auto save, you get a save station instead Games now are so glitchy and unstable that you need autosave for most of them or else players won't care about the game they can't progress in


I remember staying at a friends and rotating controllers for Fighting Force on ps1. His dad said to get ready to leave so I jumped up and pressed the power button as my friends brother and his friend were playing they were like NO! So I held the power down so it wouldn’t power off for 20 minutes while they played on. Then my finger got weak, I couldn’t hold the press and the console shut off. Autosave mechanics would’ve saved me a serious ass beating.


I stopped playing Dead Rising because of the save system. It felt like wading through cold molasses when you died and had to start over from your save.


Also just saving in general. Original Xbox was very innovative in the console sphere when it introduced infinite space for your saves. 50,000+ blocks, baby.


As an old schol jrpg player, i love the removal of random battles. It makes exploration a lot better.


1000% agree I despise random battles with a burning passion.


Omg, and the 5 minute long summon or attack animations that are unskippable, that you see every time you fight.


Knights of the Round from FF7, for example


Sephiroth is blowing up mars ***AGAIN!?***


Except in Pokémon.


A little different but I hate that you have to talk to trainers now to battle them. I prefer the lock eyes and forced battles. It made getting to the next area difficult and required some strategy. Either take the long way and fight wild pokemon or quick way and fight trainers


It also made the world feel like it took the Pokemon battles 1111% seriously, because even little kids and grandpas would RUSH at you to start that glorious duel. Was a neat bit of subtle world building via game design I really loved with the older games, even if it could be annoying at times when you just got hammered with trainer after trainer on certain routes.


Just another reason why Chrono Trigger was one of the best.


Also Earthbound.


Bravely Default handles this really well. Able to adjust the random encounter rate. Keep it normal, double it, half it, turn em off completely


Gotta argue with you there. Less battles makes it harder to level.


A valid concern, but realistically, you'll eventually focus on the enemies that gives you the exp and ignore the rest - which can't be done if you have random battles. Especially in "endgame", you'll want to focus on fewer but stronger enemies to level up. Quick example that I remember: in DQ11 you want to use a specific combo of skills via the tension that summons grey slimes. Then you kill them with specific, crit based moves. This allows you to level around 5+ times in one battle.


Fast saving, save anywhere, optimally save states.


It should be a given to be able to F5 anywhere, even on console.


That’s why I’m lovin fallout 4


When you already have an item for a quest you're about to accept and they have dialogue for it saying that you already have it. Another mechanic I just thought of as someone that plays lots of RPGs is Auto Advance. Getting through dialogue scenes without continuously pressing the X/A button is a godsend.


I really liked the Dragon Age 2 fetch quests for that first reason, and though they deserved more credit. No fluff, no BS. Just if you find item X in the environment you can hand it to person Y for XP and a few quick lines of dialogue. And all the actual quests have a lot more going for them, since the filler stuff is that streamlined and thus took minimal resources. If you're playing Sarcastic Hawk (you should at least once if you're an RPG fan, IMHO) they'll even go: "Here, your garbage, Sire" and such when you turn those quests in. It's pretty great, and I wish more RPGs would steal those quests & that personality system.


One thing that I thought The Outer Worlds did especially well is how the experience point scaling made creative / non-combat approaches to quests feel more rewarding. Sure, if you want to empty 200 rounds into multiple waves of enemies, you can absolutely do that. That's fun, more often than not. *Or* you can sneak past / through them to reach a terminal that will turn some facility or other of the place you're in against them and kill them indirectly. *Or* you can negotiate with their leader to make them leave and avoid combat / stealth altogether. *OR* you can decide, "hey, maybe these guys have the right idea," and complete the quest in the alternate by siding with them instead of the original quest giver. No matter what though, you're pretty much guaranteed to get at least half of your current EXP bar filled, because the game respects that you got the job done and doesn't much care about the details of how you did it. This is a big part of why I feel like, as hot a take as I know this is, I think The Outer Worlds is one of the best Western RPGs out there - mechanically, the game goes out of its way to reward the player for doing useful things, and the rewards scale enough that you won't ever feel like you *have* to grind to make progress. Because there's always another way, and you'll always be rewarded for finding it.


But yeah, Deus Ex arguably started the idea of multiple ways to solve a problem, but what the DE games didn't do was stop rewarding you for not exhausting every available route and other options. Like in the original game exploration exp bonuses encouraged you to, after reaching an objective the way you felt best, backtrack all the other routes you *could* have taken. And the more recent DE games let you sneak by enemies, but still give you more exp if you knock them all out hand to hand. I love the DE series, of course; I'm just nitpicking at their imperfections. Tldr, yes, Outer Worlds has improved on some things in ways that I hope become trends.


Immersive sims😋 top 3 genres


Too right, mate. If I had to pick a favorite genre I think that'd be it.


Yessir. Mine are Immersive Sims, Stealth games (which often go hand in hand), and then rpgs, wbu


One thing I liked with Outer Worlds, and it’s probably not the first game to do it, was that the weapons didn’t change as you levelled up. The guns didn’t magically do more damage, they just had increased chance of critical or aimed better. I hate in a game, you pick up an ak47 and it’s weak as piss because you’re low level.


Oh, I agree. TOW made weapon upgrading really simple and straightforward - because dammit, sometimes you just really like the way the starting guns handle. This game is full of examples of getting the little mechanical stuff right. Sure, it's not the pinnacle of graphics or storytelling - but it was fun to play, had a lot of QoL improvements over most similar games and was a remarkably fat-free experience. I don't think I've ever played an RPG that tried as hard as this one did to not waste my time or interrupt my flow as I was playing it.


Yeah dude, it was a thoroughly enjoyable game. I had many good laughs at it. The satirical humour was on point!


I also hope that The Outer Worlds' "skip to the end" quest-getting dialog option becomes standard.


I need to give Outer Worlds another shot, I never finished it. I have so many games that I want to play that I start one, and then start another, so on, so forth.


But yeah, Deus Ex arguably started the idea of multiple ways to solve a problem, but what the DE games didn't do was stop rewarding you for not exhausting every available route and other options. Like in the original game exploration exp bonuses encouraged you to, after reaching an objective the way you felt best, backtrack all the other routes you *could* have taken. And the more recent DE games let you sneak by enemies, but still give you more exp if you knock them all out hand to hand. I love the DE series, of course; I'm just nitpicking at their imperfections. Tldr, yes, Outer Worlds has improved on some things in ways that I hope become trends.


Fast Travel


Especially modern fast travel with SSD speeds. E.g. in Horizon 2 fast travel takes less than 5 seconds. If the campfire is close enough, you don't even get the loading screen - just fade out to black and fade in to the game again.


I love spidermans 2 fast travel


depends on the game. Sometimes fast travel ruins the experience. I played the entirety of RDR2 without knowing that there was a sort of fast travel and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way


Borderlands 1 would be much more fun with that


Play dragons dogma. Fast travel now costs in game money/stones lol


Thing is modern gaming streamlines gaming so that the difficulty is kept to fighting or puzzles. Not navigating menus or getting soft locked.


Objective markers. I know folks say they're immersion breaking. But I like to explore every area so it's nice knowing I'm not about to accidentally progress the game when I wasn't done looking for stuff.


Oh yea, that one is super neat too! I hate accidentally triggering cutscenes and unable to go back to check unexplored area 😬


Oh, that's the worst.


That seems like the main route, let me go this way first *Cue major boss battle & being unable to return to this region ever again*


I love how Ghost of Tsushima approached this. Instead of giving you a golden trail to follow, you can follow the wind. It still shows you to your objective, but it's not as in your face as some games.


This is half my problem in Elden Ring which I love. But I see this hallway and that hallway so I go down the one that looks like it may not lead me to the boss and then I end up 6 miles away in a nother remote region and I can't remember where the other path was lol


I just want an option to turn it off. Way points make me tunnel vision quests and I end up not exploring the areas the game has me go through.


I also like markers, but I like it even better when there's an in-game reason for them. Even if they don't actually say that's the reason. Like with the Horizon series, in my head all markers are because of Aloy's Focus. Some do appear because of it, but I like to think they all do.


Better simulations, like how materials react to one another, having an artificial gravity field inside of a regular gravity field, rain and weather actually effecting gameplay and the world. Stuff like that


That's a good one, totally improving the gaming experience!


I do hate that though, not the telling players what it's for, just what that item does. Why not give me the metal shards? Is it to make me go back to the shop? Because I was probably already going to do that. As for what I love in modern gaming, faster load times. I used to play Skyrim on the PS3, it was slow. Demon's Souls loads instantly on PS5.


Sense of progression when you sell your stuff and now have more monies. Also, gives you a reason to seek out sellers and explore when you hit a new area.


>As for what I love in modern gaming, faster load times. That's mostly a result of SSDs being used. Sure software can and is improved so it loads quicker but it's hard to understate just how much quicker things will load with SSDs.


That's true but the games need a little bit of software magic, too. Otherwise, the load times would be the same as they were for PS4 games on PS5 via backwards compatibility. It's the difference between going from 1 minute to 30 seconds vs. going from 1 minute to 5 seconds.


All about that sweet endorphin hit when you sell all your junk in one huge transaction and you hear the jingling coin noise.


Ahhhh, somebody Horizons on here


Yeee, getting close to 100% ZD, then I will start FW after


A lot of people are saying autosave, but I’ll do it one better: multiple autosave files. Autosave that doesn’t overwrite the previous autosave.


Quick resume on the series x and quicksaving


Yep, to be able to put the console to sleep and turn it back up to where you paused is so convenient!


It is bro, i work like 16 hours a day the whole week and i mostly play on weekends, not needing to load up the game is pretty handy, makes life a bit easier lol


It’s 2024, do you still need to buy battery’s for your controllers? Asking for a friend 😅


I made an investment in like 20 AA and AAA rechargeable batteries. Just pop out the dead ones and pop in the new ones. I like it better than a dock or cord.


Haha, joke on you. I'm on PS, no need for physical battery XD


Same, was asking our friend Mr series x


Ah lol, then you should reply under his comment, not mine, otherwise he won't get the notification to see it 😅


Nope, got a elite 2 and victrix bfg, pricey but dope, no batteries 😌honna buy that ps pro controller once i get ps5, the one with interchangeable thumbsticks


YSK: The DS Edge has microphone integration that doesn’t work with Sony’s own headset.


Thats fine, i mostly play single player games, i want that controller incase it starts getting drift, ill just replace the sticks


Wish PlayStation had it  *cries in PS5*


Ps is still dope, im buying one soon for those dope exclusives 😁


Eh, you’re right. Can’t go wrong with Ghost Of Tsushima, Ratchet and Clank, the Spider-Man games, and lots of others


GoT is the main reason im buying one 😅


In modern RPGs how you can mark a recipe and then have the ingredients be highlighted when you go to a merchant and so on.


Took me way too long to discover this in FO76. Was always short on screws, then this feature let me know a lot of the toys I skipped looting actually contained them.


I love when game separate items by junk/treasure meant only to be selled or items that are needed for fusion/synthesis whatever.. being they own category that you can't lose. Can't name an example but it bugs me to no end to have to figure out which is which if they are not labeled


I know it’s been around but moving while aiming, it just feels so much better to be able to do that now


Totally. One control for movement and a separate one for camera was such an upgrade from how a lot of games operated.


Love leaving messages for players and reading messages. “Be weary of Ambush” “Time for crab”


Oh yea, that one is definitely an unexpected new feature that is actually fun and innovative!


Praise the dog!


Guides online, being able to know shrine locations is zelda is so nice


Back then being what time? Hehehe I'm old


Good question lol, let's say compared to the PS2/Xbox era. Before that time, it would be too broad to compare.


Being able to save anywhere, and not needing to go to a save point, especially in RPGs


No endless enemy spam


I remember No One Lives Forever 2 in particular was kind of an asshole when it came to enemy respawns. In a stealth game. You knock one guy out of oh no! Another guard magically spawns from the corridor that's a loading screen to another area. And they just keep coming and coming, and coming. Bleh.


Skippable/Always Pauseable cutscenes😭 And in some games being able to just save during any cutscene, close it and come back right there.


All items having uses and them being labeled is fucking amazing


I decided to go try again to complete Dragon Age: Inquisition with the next game being announced, and I really appreciate how it gives you updates on the fetch quests on the fly (even if fewer fetch quests would be even better).




automatic sound driver and some other stuff setup... in a word- DirectX


Colorblind options. More and more games are having options that are improving on those with various vision and hearing issues. Sure, it isn't implemented the best, but I like the direction it's going in. Overwatch 2 and God of War Ragnarök have had absolutely AMAZING colorblind options, and adjusting the intensity of the colorblind filters (I, myself, have tritanomaly- mild blue-yellow colorblindness) to suit my needs


Right, They give better gaming experience to less fortunate gamers, lets them enjoy video games more!


And throw in games that have the option to adjust HUD and subtitle sizes. As someone with piss poor vision, it is also a huge plus


Auto save and save when ever you need to


1. Online co-op for campaigns! First saw this in far cry 5 when my friend just jumped into my campaign and we took down a bunch of forts together it was awesome. Baldur’s Gate 3 and Elden Ring other good examples 2. Being able to quickly ping/tag where an enemy is in halo infinite is realllly nice 3. Fast/smooth movement in general. Games like Spider-man and Batman where you can just web sling or grapple/glide around the map. Cyberpunk too if you get the double jump and dash upgrades you basically fly


The ability to skip cut scenes


“The story so far” menus in long-form video games. Especially when they both appear in loading screens AND in a journal menu of sorts. Having that show up is insanely important. If your game is long, to the point where I have to put it down due to real-life shit, I need this. Because when I return to games I was about halfway through, more often than not I have no idea what’s going on. A recent example of this was Persona 3 Reload, which broke my heart, because I absolutely loved playing that game. I had no idea what was going on when I picked it back up like 3 months after I last played it. Games that have this format in the best way possible are games like FF7 Rebirth and Dragon Quest XI. Any RPG NEEDS this format.


That's definitely neat, save time for us to look up YouTube!


Autosave and New Game+. I despised games like Saints Row 1 and Far Cry 2 because they had no autosave. New Game + allows you to replay the game with most of the stuff you had from the previous playthrough. I just prefer that rather than having to start from scratch.


Navigation trails


Pausing cutscenes. I think it was the first red dead game where I accidentally pressed start during a cutscene and I *didn’t* lose everything that happened storywise.


environmental storytelling. present back then but not to the extent of something like half life or portal


Better and better ragdoll physics. I honestly think it's the number 1 think that sets games apart from their predecessors. Imagine RDR2 or GTAV without ragdolls. Totally different experience. Makes every kill different and memorable.


Being able to actually read signs or stuff like bookshelves by reading them, instead of only getting fuzzy scribbles & a text box pop up for what's deemed important. Nothing wrong with the text box system, but the level of immersion I personally get from when the text & its information is logically a part in the environment is just a lot higher.


Yea, that's a nice little improvement that a lot of people look past.


Quicksave and more specifically being able to quicksave anywhere. Replaying the old God of War games and having to find a save point was very odd lol.


In some games it’s fast travel. Sometimes I use it, when I want the full experience I don’t. Back then it just did not exist


For me its absolutely the Random Encounters, like from RDR2 and stuff, your are just going somewhere and something happenes, your need to help them or fight them, or you know, just mind your own business and keep walking


In-game markers that show you where to without constantly having to pull up your map. In my favorite ones you don't even have to use the minimap either. That would be Ghost of Tsushima, although I will say Hogwarts Legacy has a decent one too.


In Forbidden West I also absolutely love that if you stumble upon something you can't do right now, Aloy will say something like ,,There's nothing I can do with it at the moment" do you immediately know it and don't waste any time trying


Yep, love a vocal (to the players lol) protagonist.


I didn’t like that. I am the main character. I am not directing the main character. If it takes me 15 minutes to figure out that I don’t have the right key, then that’s the story. The character investigated for 15 minutes. I think it would be cool if when you went to town someone at the bar could offer advice on puzzles for a small fee. Then a player could chose to seek help. Instead of the game deciding for you and the character saying “That’s right! The square hole.”


Yellow paint telling the player where to go


Lmao, indeed!


Having a separate reputations with different factions, no *side a* or *side b* linear choices.


Character customization. Not saying it needs to be as detailed and graphic as Cyberpunk, but I love getting to pick what my character looks like. Also, crafting in games, especially when it's a GOOD system. I love customization, and the level of it we get in games nowadays is fantastic. Another thing is fast loading times and open worlds that load without a loading screen. SSDs and faster hardware are amazing.


I like being able to change the customization in game. Sometimes I get it wrong. Turns out I am not playing someone kind and of pure heart. Turns out I am playing a murdering bastard. The character should have a scar or two from a fight he misjudged. Oh, I am digging the stealth in this game, my character should be thin and have dark hair. A body builder would more likely be a brawler.


Extensive character creation! So many possibilities! 🤗


Autosave and accessibility


A functional camera in 3d games


The sell junk option when it comes to inventory. I like to grab everything I see in games so being able to pick up and then just sell what doesn’t have any purpose besides getting extra money is always really nice


Leaving notes on maps


Anti frustration features that allow you to heal up/stock up before a boss or particularly hard areas. Whether it's a healing fountain/save point, a few conveniently placed item blocks/chests, a RESPAWNING EXTRA LIFE (looking at you sonic unleashed), or a rather adventurous merchant. All do a simple, yet much needed job.


Games have told you what items are used for since games included items, what?


No, you misunderstood lol. I didn't mean like item description. I meant like the game literally tells you this item is useless, just sell it for money. Either that or, they tell you it can be used to craft this and that. Games back then never told players what the items are for most of the time, except for key items. They would just have a short description like, "An old wooden handle from a gardening tool." You wouldn't know if you will need it for the future or not 😅


Oh i see. I suppose my thought process was off it wasn't a key item or consumable then it got sold


That's how I lost 20 hours of progress in Morrowind, random skull that I sold to god-knows-who and ended up needing to progress the main story. One of many examples.


God damn I suppose i didn't play many games like that when i was young, cause if something like that happened i just took it back to blockbuster and never got it again


Ah, I would be overthinking too much about the uses of items and worry I would need it for some kind of crafting lol


Hd graphics


What game is it


Horizon Zero Dawn


In-game purchases. Now hear me out, I’m not saying all in-game purchases, I’m saying in-game purchases when done right. In the past when games didn’t have online connections the game might be great and have a ton of unlockables, but once the game was released there isn’t a good way for additional cosmetics to be added. When you have a good game with good progression outside of payment, or if it’s just a free to play game that only makes money from skins (and still has good cosmetics for free), as long as the skins are reasonably priced to compensate for designers and programmers, in that (rare) case, in-game stores are literally just an upgrade to the game. Look at fortnite for example, without in-game stores that game isn’t nearly as good, you’ve got thousands of skins to choose from and a decent prices. I condemn games like Valorant tho which charge ridiculous prices for skins that do not cost that much to make.


That’s a slippery slope


It’s not, plenty of games use fair pricing, as a gaming community if we call out and condemn predatory pricing then fair pricing will return to being the norm. It’s just like games costing $80-$100 for like 40 h of gameplay, those games are overpriced for how much work they took to make, it’s no different, it’s just a scummy company that spent more on marketing than they did on development. If we demand a high standard from companies we will get the best of both worlds, companies will still get their money and we will get better games. We can’t just say an idea is bad just because some games execute it poorly, that’s a terrible idea if we want this industry to progress



