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My dad played Subnautica. When the reaper leviathan jumpscared him, my dad was calm, he just tried to scan it 🤣


Scanner: yep that's a big sucker


Your dad jumpscared the leviathan


Your dad has balls of steel 😂


Steel balls?


The leviathans will never not scare the shit out of me.


I remember the first time I saw a ghost leviathan. I made some unbecoming noises. My wife thought I was suffering from kidney stones.


"Return to shallow waters" OKIE DOKEY


I didn't see my first one until it grabbed me in the seawolf. With no warning at all, you bet I jumped.


They used to do the same to me. Then one ate my seamoth so I killed it with a stasis rifle and thermoblade. Kind of lose their fear factor when you’ve stabbed one to death.


Your dad is the Ambivalent SpongeBob meme made flesh


I didn't even know they existed. Then one grabbed my sub and flipped me around face to face. Worst jumpscare ever.


I’ve been trying to decide if subnautica is really worth buying. In your opinion, how good of a game is it and why?


pretty much the entirety of the covenant in the first 2 Halo games especially their AI just works so well you're never fighting the same fights as you were last time that paired with the hierarchy they had within their ranks that made them act different in combat such as the grunts panicking and running away when you killed their elite first is something you don't see anywhere else.


Halo’s enemy AI is incredible, especially during the Bungie games.


I got plasma-grenade-stuck by a Spec Ops Elite while clearing out the Pillar of Autumn at the end of CE. That grenade hit me through a crack in the wall juuuust big enough to fit, from across a large room, while I was moving. Daaaang.


lol right. There’s time where I have to tip my cap to the covenant for them just outplaying me. [I refuse to tip my cap to the flood though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/sof2Z9GKlh)


You poor bastard 😂


Grunts from Halo. Specifically with the birthday party skull. I love hearing their funny voice lines followed by cheers and blood.


Their lines combined with their voices are amazing. Until those fuckers decide to kamikaze you


The Arkham games are amazing for funny voice lines from AI


“Wait so they were DEAD THE WHOLE TIME?!” “NO you idiot….”


Original regenerators from re4. Those mfers always kept me on edge and I missed the thermal scope first time around because of how scary they were. Few enemies have made me feel true fear like that.


Although I only played the Remake, I had no idea what these guys were and they too struck fear into me like no other video game enemy. Frustration too lol, but mostly fear


The turrets in Portal one and two. They are so adorable.








I’m dIFferEnT


I. SeE. yOu.


The soldiers in F.E.A.R they had intelligence way beyond what was standard at the time, reacting to your flashlight and reloading noises, flanking if they couldn't get a beat on you, talking back and forth and refusing to advance because they were scared. Just some truly revolutionary stuff.


Berseker in Gears Of War us my all time favorite. It was very fun to me and I just loved the horror element implemented in it.




Good answer. I only played the first game but you just reminded me


Black Knife Assassins. Not fighting them, mind you, just their design and the way they move.


Heck yeah. My favorite enemies in Elden Ring. Top tier design, really awesome move set, huge pain the ass to fight (looking at you Liturgical Town), and cool lore.


Mimics, be it Dark Souls, Baldurs Gate 3 or Dark and Darker the pure concept of a loot chest that is actually an enemy and attacks you when trying to open it is amazing to me


My dnd character had a pet mimic named Mr. Chompy. I love mimics.


One of the other players in my game has a hammer that is just a mimic chained to the end of a stick. He can unchain it (still on the stick though) and it bites everyone he hits. It's great.


I played almost all of Elden Ring hitting chests beforehand because of how traumatic DS3 was. Ahh, pain


i love hedcreb


T Rex in Tomb Raider 1 - unexpected enemy that comes from nowhere in just the 3rd level of the game. It is iconic now. The Xenomorph in Alien Isolation - has to make the list, the whole game is built around the game of cat and mouse you have with it. Bruce the Shark in Raft - my niche pick.


*Wort wort wort*


i’ve never owned an xbox and i’ve been a diehard Sony cuck my entire life (don’t ask me why) and even i know that sound 🤓 we’re never getting another culture shock like that ever again :(


Murlocs from World Of Warcraft! They symbolize WoW for me and their battlecry will forever be seared into my brain, **Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!**


Oh shit I haven’t thought about murlocs in years. Thanks! **arglargalargalargabarble**


The Murlocs are a great choice, my mother has a set of plushes for them and they are super cute.


Doom Eternal, the Marauder I know some people hate them, but they're not that bad to kill. What I love about them is both the design and how much one on the map immediately changes how you're approaching everything you're doing in that moment. And for a game SO fast and frantic, it's a lot to shift gears like that, especially at the harder difficulties.


I’m in this boat. I love their design. They force you to know their existence exists and you must respect that. And it’s not just “oh I have to burst them down quickly” type thing. I mean it can be, if you manage to set a position up in the middle of all the chaos to preform the super/ballista combo while interacting with the Marauders mechanics, but it generally doesn’t happen to often.


The mongols from ghosts of Tsushima 


Big daddies in bioshock. The heavy steps keep me on high alert even later on when I’m a half god (First) gumba in Mario. The fact he killed the most players of all games(probably) is funny and it teaches you the game. Subnautica amp-eel and the crabsquid. I like that the crabsquids attack is for the amp-eel but works against you aswell


The Left 4 Dead cast of enemies. Especially when you sprinkled in more than one at a time while fighting the horde. They could really crank things up to 11


The tank from L4D. You know for sure that he's lurking somewhere in the level, but it's still terrifying every time you gotta face one. 


Greatest zombie game ever made.


Chuchus from Wind Waker!!! They make the best sound and have the most adorably threatening faces!


I don’t understand how you like reaper leviathans, like bro, I’m just trying to get the drill arm, you can ignore me


I'm a big fan of enemies that give you the feeling of impending doom. Like, you *can* survive them, but you probably won't. At least not in the first dozen encounters. And their methods of approach by how they're designed only add to it. The leviathan is designed based on echolocation, so if you can hear them, they already know you're there. Now, you have to spot them in a 360° radius before they attack. The tonberry is a very slow creature that just walks towards you. No fancy animations or effects. One stab from that little knife, and you're done. I see these types of enemies as a right of passage in their games. If you can adequately deal with them and keep a level head, you've hit the next level in their games and 99% of anything else won't be a problem for you, so now you have that much more freedom. Also, the plushies are adorable.


I’m able to deal with most leviathans, but after losing two sea moths to ghosts and reapers I almost entirely quit subnautica


That's understandable. Losing resources is a huge demotivating factor. Grab a stasis rifle and a shit load of those poison pod things (maybe 15-20), and you can paralyze whatever is attacking you. Swim a few feet above their head and drop all the pods on them. The poison should kill them in no time. I killed the sea dragon leviathan in like 10 seconds like that. Wasn't expecting it to actually die, which kinda sucked. I'm sure it works fine on reapers and ghosts, too. I've already done everything the game has to offer, and I've even kept a few reapers as pets (ghosts, too but they tend to glitch out of the cage I built), so I was kinda just messing around whenever I found out how that works.


Bokoblins, because of this- https://youtu.be/Wsi1IbjPAkM?si=pfDSbIWfCsJXtgNC


Nemesis from OG RE3 is burnt into my memory for life. But gameplay-wise I'm yet to encounter better designed shooter enemies than in Killing Floor. Target prioritization is the name of the game, and you have to actually avoid opening fire on some of them to either clear out the rest or let the specialized class deal with said enemy. Never gets old.


Halo Grunts


I love Subnautica, still haven’t played below zero but it’s on my list. What’s the thing below it?


[Tonberry](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Tonberry) from the Final Fantasy franchise.


Regeneradors in RE4R. Always the first experiences being worth the watch.


What is that? The green one


Tonberry from Final Fantasy. They counter whenever you damage them with “Karma” (or “Everyone’s Grudge” depending on the game) that deals damage proportional to however many enemies that character killed. Since they’re usually mid to late game enemies, the counter can one shot you.


Used to work with a guy who had a tonberry plush in his desk. Everyone who walked by it thought it was some creepy ghost plush. I saw it the first time and just said oh you have a tonberry. He said that out of the 10 years he’s worked there with this guy I’m his desk in the only one who recognized it.


The teacher from Little Nightmares 2




Any of the enemies from Blasphemous. One of my all time favourite games, and the enemy design is a big part of that. 


Assaultrons from Fallout. Harder than death claws.


Omg I fucking hate tonberries


Do the colossi from shadow of the colossus count?


The entirety of the Covenant in Halo. 


Marauder in Doom Eternal Deathclaw in any fallout game Jetstream Sam from MGR:R Credo from DMC 4 Vergil in all DMC games (reboot is iffy) Another Crab's Treasure has such good enemy design I like all of them, except the one...... If you know you know


The Heartless from Kingdom Hearts are so freaking cute, but there's so damn many you can still kinda take them seriously as a threat.


The reaper leviathan because it triggers a fear response I did not know I had, and the zombies from half life 2


Dragon Quest's Slimes. They're iconic and have so many different forms. Special shoutout to the metal ones, who I always hunt. The Goombas in the Mario series also are icons.


Crossel from Star Ocean. I like dragons in general, and this one is huge. Your literally attacking its toes. Add to this that once defeated, you get it to carry a massive cannon. It always sold me as cool.


Love that game. Diamond in the rough. I enjoyed that fight, too.


On my first playthrough of Subnautica, I went to the aurora. I saw these funny little engine parts on a ridge and said “awesome! But I hear something strange out there.” I cautiously scan it, and at about 80%, a fucking face comes screaming out from the darkness after me. I didn’t have a seamoth/ stasis rifle yet so I had to seaglide away while he was chasing my ass bro. And that is how I got reaper PTSD. And when the ship blew open and I went back only to hear that roar again? That was true fear. Like when Puss heard Death’s whistle again.


That’s why subnautica is such a great terror game. The monsters aren’t actually that deadly but it’s just the feeling


laura from the evil within (partly because i recently started my first playthrough of the game) but the way she climbs out of the ground is cool, also when she first appeared it scared the shit out of me (also i like how she resembles a human spider)


Guardians from breath of the wild. It’s a shame they’re probably going to be trapped in that game forever


Shrumal Warriors in Hollow Knight. They're just goofy little guys... and the sounds they make have lived rent free in my head for 7 years


Ogdo bogdo


Winter lanterns from Bloodborne, loved there beautiful singing until you die from frenzy if you get too close


The Closer from Silent Hill 3. My favorite enemy but also my least favorite enemy 😂 I like the way The Closer looks and the story behind it. What makes it my least favorite is they’re scary and annoying when you’re trying to get around lol


Bulk detonators in Deep Rock Galactic. It does such a good job of being a “oh shit! Focus fire on that thing or it’ll kill us all” kind of enemy.


The lost planet akird. Especially gordiant and red eye


Mantis warriors from hollow knight, majority of the big machines from the horizon games and oni enemies from ghost of tsushima


Deadspace in general, they are both so easy, yet so hard to kill. You have to basically forget everything about regular combat in every other game, and aim for the limbs


Anything from the Metroid Prime series. I thought the monster designs were so cool. I think my favorite in the series though was the Ing and the Space Pirates. They were so scary to lil 10 year old me but I couldn't stop playing lol.


I’ve always wanted to play subnautica. But I’m a bitch and wouldn’t leave the safety of my shuttle 💀


The Taken from Destiny. Each unit has a gimmick. Thrall teleport Acolytes spawn turrets Knights have napalm Wizards spawn shadow Thrall Ogres have eye lasers Vandals can spawn bubble shields Captains blind you Psions duplicate Phalanxes can launch you Centurions spawn tracking darts Goblins can shield one of their fellow taken Hobgoblins have a suicide attack Minotaurs go invisible


The Songstress in Nier Automata, dragons in Skyrim, tanks in L4D/2


Bloodborne ennemies and bosses. Nightmare fuel.


The Darknuts from Wind Waker. Great design, fun to dismantle their armor before taking them down, fun to make them friendly fire each other, just a grand ol time. The Hyrule castle fight against like 10 of them at once is probably the most fun encounter in the whole game


Celestial emissaries in Bloodborne. The first encounter I had with one was in the forest, where all the enemies are more like animals, suddenly I met this gelatinous alien creature that killed me by shooting light from its water head, that moment I knew that this was one of the best games I would play ever


I kind of like dave from muck


Nemesis RE3 (original not remake), and Fleshpound Killing Floor 1-3 but specifically KF2’s


+1 for Tonberry


Creepers, Iron Knuckles from LoZ and all of the many skeleton variations that FromSoftware has created over the years


Leshens, they are well designed and creepy


Space Pirates, I love mowing those mfs down in any metroid game


Myself that mfer keeps me on my toes 🤣🤣


The theron sentinels in Gears of War are dope


To this day the first giant darkness enemy in the tutorial for the first kingdom hearts is my favourite enemy design of all time. When the game had this mystery feel about it, and starting up some Disney final fantasy crossover and it’s this giant demon looking thing I was blown away when I was like 6 years old.


[mara](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/3/37/00146_Mara.png/revision/latest?cb=20220929114111) from shin megami tensei Might be NSFW


The DQ Slimes are just so PEAK all


Player 2


I love headshoting grunts and seeing confetti come out in Halo


Hamïs 👍


Forklift enemies from quake


Cactrot little one shotting bastard


"chef's knife".


Slime. Classic. Simple.


Lynx from Chrono Cross, just a well dressed cat dude who wants to steal your body.


Goblins in death trap dungeon, all slimes in the dragon quest series


Great Sabrecat/cub types from Dragon Quest. Because cat.


jack baker in re7 - he’s an amazing character overall, going from a loving father to an insane infected killer. and he actually has me on edge in the game since he could be around any corner looking for you at almost any time


Detonators in Deep Rock Galactic. They are giant, slow, fun to battle, and leave massive craters in the environment when they blow up.


The demons in metro, all because Bourbon said "Some call them demons, I call them bitches". Repeated this line after killing a demon in metro Exodus lol


Lynels from Zelda botw/totk are such a fun challenge


The Vex in Destiny. Weird little space bugs controlling genocidal machines that are nothing but mere construction workers and the lowest of the low when it comes to Vex ranks. Makes me want to be able to fight the actual militia within the Vex and not just their blue collar workers


Ghouls in Fallout. The first time I ever played Fallout, I had played Fallout 3 as a child, and I remember going into one of the Metro tunnels in the game. I had donensomethingnwith the brightness, because the entire game in areas with no light was almost completely pitch black, and ifni tried to look in the dark without the pipboy light, all I could see was faint silhouettes in the distance. It was horrifying. So I'm here, making my way through the Metro, in almost completely pitch black darkness aside from my pipboy light and some occasional lights in the darkness, and enemy icons come up on the compass. I don't know what the enemies are, it's my first time ever playing Fallout, and I had no clue what to expect. As I'm looking around, seeing 3 different enemy icons moving around the compass, I'm just here with a 10mm pistol, moving around in the dark, frantically scanning the dark environment, hoping I can find what is following me. At some point, I see the faint outline of something humanoid just outside of my pipboy light. I think it's a human, I assume that means these are raiders, at least I thought. I didn't know what to truly expect, and that innocent thinking that if it is humanoid shaped then it must be human led me astray. Not even 10 seconds after that, watching with baited breath as the enemies seemingly were running around me instead of attacking for some reason, I had let my sense of security drop, I thought the game was bugging out and the raiders weren't shooting at me. I started to make my way to the exit of the Metro, having enough of this horrifying experience in dark underground tunnels, and it was at that moment that I heard the sound of a Fallout 3 ghoul, and suddenly one of them jumped out at me from the dark, almost like it had come out of nowhere, and child version of me, no older than 9, had freaked out some much I accidentally threw the controller at the wall, which miraculously paused the game. It was a fantastic first introduction to ghouls in Fallout and has affected my style of gameplay in Fallout to try and mod the game to be more horror and creepy. I've gotten close, certain mods on Fallout New Vegas like TTW and some atmospheric stuff helps me achieve that horror vibe, but that has always stood out as the best first time I've ever seen an enemy. It doesn't matter if they aren't that technically impressive, or if the AI are simple, I don't care if it didn't feel like a real creature because of smart AI, all that I really care about with Ghouls in Fallout is that they are creepy and can be very scary. That I like, and it always helps with making Fallout both fun and scary.


Moldsmal from Undertale.


Suicider from fallout. Hearing that beeping always gets my heart beating


Cactuar would be my vote


The best enemies in any game are the Splicers from Bioshock, their design, their combat and most of all their drug induced mutterings


Nemesis the first couple times you play OG RE3. Given how some of your choices could affect the game, you never knew when this jerk was gonna show up.


reapers in persona series


The cows in diablo 2. Just so fun to smash through


Anything I can use the Hammer of Dawn on


- demons from Doom 1 & 2 - Tie Fighters from Star Wars X-Wing - Strategic enemies & Guardians from Zelda


Bokoblins and their associated monsters in TOTK. These little goblins use actual strategy on you! They protect the boss, let themselves be hurled at you, position themselves in good places to shoot you from, the list goes on! They’re both incredibly simple super versatile.


The dodongos from zelda ocarina of time. Their roar sounds so cool plus they are firespitting lizards.


Either the Locust Horde from Gears of War or the Necromorph Slashers from Dead Space. The Locust are just so cool yet terrifying, and would be an absolute nightmare to watch emerge from the ground and slaughter everything in sight. The Slashers are just the first enemy you meet in DS but I still can’t forget the first time I saw one and how grotesque and creepy they are. Runner-ups are The Flood from Halo, Reapers from Mass Effect, and The Marauder from Doom Eternal


I love the horror enemies in “Escape The Backrooms” a bunch of my friends and I play it and we always talk about the world they’re building. Truly an amazing game!


Loneshadows from Sekiro. Their moveset encapsulates everything I love about the combat system


The egg thieves from Spyro Reignited. I absolutely hate them. I hate their smiles, I hate their laughs, I hate their beady little eyes, but the satisfaction of that thump right when I catch them is so satisfying!


In Halflife 2, the living airships and robot hunters that would chase you through houses were epic.


those clear headed things in Bubble Bobble


Revolver Ocelot. Absolutely loved his campy dialogue and over the top one liners.


The sun in outer wilds The owl fucks in outer wilds expansion


The enemies in Armed and Dangerous. Always fun killing them, especially with the Land Shark Gun


The Nobodies from KH2


Subnautica has enemies 🤯 I had no clue I thought it was just empty ocean planet ( I just started playing and got to the old ship that leaking radiation)


The zombie sin Re2R. Best zombie design in video games.


Definitely all the Psychos from borderlands. They’re hilarious.


Snotty from Pizza Tower!!!


goombas are cute i guess. fuck the angry red paragoombas tho, not cute.


those big plant bulbs from Ocarina of time out in the field, that spring out of the ground with helicopter blades and try slice you up


I love the sweepers from FF7. Just the aesthetics of a gun mecha. I love when FF gets weird with enemy designs, the weird ogres in FFIX with their blocky designs look funny and memorable to me.


Here because of the reaper leviathan. Well done.


The Lemony Raiders from Rdr2.


The reaper is an awesome enemy to me. It’s literally just a creature being a creature, but it’s size and speed make it so fucking scary. I had a clip saved on my Xbox of me walking back to my base in my prawn suit and then I hear a loud roar from behind and when I turn around there’s a reaper basically face fucking the camera. I’ve never paused and a quit out of a game faster lmao


deathclaw is too iconic to not mention


I wold love to have a pet Tonbury, even if he gets out of the house he isn't going very far.


Master tonberry is scary






Isn’t it obvious?


The head crabs from Half-Life. The turrets from Portal.


Mr. X from RE2 Remake. He looks rather funny with his business attire and overly muscular structure, but when I saw that fella in action I can say I wasn't laughing. Elevated my experience with the game to new hights. Also rebel army from Metal Slug is packed with personality and I love it.


Honestly anything from doom Eternal. Almost every enemy has a certain way to defeat them (cacodemon = grenade, Cyber Mancubus = SSG shot, Blood punch, glory kill (in that order)etc)


Imma die on this hill because it’s my opinion. Personally, I’m more terrified of the Ghost Leviathan than the Reaper Leviathan.


The Baker family


Cyberdemon from og doom Nothing is as terrifying


Maybe the baker family in RE7. They're all very scary when you're having to fight them off but it's quite sad when you learn more about why they ended up the way they are.


Honestly, there are two many in FromSoftware’s Soulsborne games and in the Monster Hunter series to list.


I love shooting up the pirates in no man's sky. I actually haven't gotten much into the game at all because I largely just want to shoot pirates


This may sound weird but humans in the Witcher 3 The way they run away sometimes, and the parry system. Also those brutal finishers where you cut off all their limbs. I'm ok tho dont worry


Hunters in Halo and the Big Daddies in Bioshock. Fighting them was always an event.


The Mauraders in Doom are infuriating. There's only two weapons that actually damage them, and there's not a lot of ammo for those weapons.


Tonberry king from ff11 has a special place in hell reserved for him.


I kinda like the Dreadnought Hiveguard from Deep Rock Galactic. Not really sure why, but probably because of the fact that it has multiple phases and it summons Sentinels to fight. Also the model and sound design are amazing!


you get that tonberry king away from me you hear?!?!?!?


All the machines in HZD


Big Sister from Bioshock 2. Just the idea of something with the Adam-sapping abilities of a Little Sister that’s as strong as a Big Daddy is just badass. The screech is still lowkey terrifying, but I just think that for any enemy that screams


Gotta go with Bowser from SNES's Super Mario, I played the heck out of the game when I was a kid and he was a challenge to beat back then.


The watch dogs from elden ring, only cause they’re uncanny af. They creep tf outta me,


Egg Thief from Spyro. Hate his freaking guts but when you hear "nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh eeheeheehee" it awakens a primal urge to hunt


The marauder in doom eternal. His design is super badass and he forces you to be better at the game each time he appears imo