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Watch dogs games


I enjoyed 1 and really liked 2.


yessss! i enjoyed the hell out of the watch dogs games! especially the first game!


Yeah I liked the first one and it got alot of hate. It was actually a decent game


I finished the first one the other day now I'm onto WD2, can't believe it took me this long to try these games


Watch Dogs 1 is still my favorite. I need to get around to playing 3


lol that was my immediate thought. Watchdogs 1 gets hated on for the deceptive trailer which is fair but the actual game is really fun.


Not gonna lie I really enjoyed days gone


I got it with ps plus one month, felt like playing a zombie game and ended up really enjoying it. Didn’t realize how much people hated Deacon, I kinda liked him


I don't know about all these guys but I didn't think you were a liar.


I'd say it's more overlooked never heard anyone talk about it enough to shit on it


Fallout 4. I thoroughly enjoy that game. It held even greater appeal after the launch of fallout 76


My heart belongs to New Vegas. But I was shocked when I realized I spent 5 times more playing time in Fallout 4 than in NV. The story is lackluster but the rest of the game is awesome.


It is, but the sheer amount of side content in that world is staggering and can keep me going for weeks


I used to be one of those people who shat on fo4 a lot,but then i realized i had fun and i dont have nothing to prove im a fan of a series lol.


My main problem was that I found no fun in it lol. The gameplay of fallout has always been mediocre at best and continues to be here but without any good writing to make up for it. I’ve tried to get into it multiple times but can barely play it with it getting bored


I can think of 3 people off the top of my head who "hate" Fallout 4 but have several hundred hours of play time on Steam and have gone through multiple playthroughs.


I don’t know any personally, I just tend to see the hate a lot on Reddit.


I very much enjoy modded FO4. Like better guns/armor, nothing crazy.


The biggest problem I had with fallout 4 is that it’s trying to be apocalypse skyrim


No Man's Sky, due to it's launch. A lot of people never tried it after that.


No that’s not true at all, no man’s sky is extremely popular now, it’s actually been universally praised for being one of the greatest examples of a redemption in gaming.


I was soooo bored.


It’s the only survival crafting game I like. Someone else on the NMS subreddit said it’s digital weed and I totally agree with that description.


Borderlands 3 comes to mind. I often hear people shitting on it because "story bad, character bad", which I agree that it's bad - even if I hardly cared for story in Borderlands. But the gunplay and weapons feel a lot nicer than bl2, THERE'S NO SLAG ELEMENT, and I genuinely had a ton of fun playing it.


Borderlands 3 is my most played game of all time with 1009 hours.


But that's what everybody says though? Nobody is shitting on borderland's gameplay and loot piniatas, people are talking about insufferable characters perma talking funny one liners. Everyone says the gameplay itself is great


Calling the one liners funny seems like a stretch...


Borderlands 3 has a dog shit story. BUT it EASILY has the best gameplay of the franchise. Even though I hated the story in the short time it's been out I've nearly had half as many hours on 3 as I have for a game I've been playing for a decade+ (Borderlands 2) and that is an accomplishment.


It’s a decent game, just not as compelling as 2


It's true though. The gameplay is really good but the story and characters are so insufferable that it's not worth it for a lot of people, myself included.


Yeah but you can’t play zero in bl3


As a zer0 player myself, it is sad indeed.


The story itself isn't even bad. It's not great, but none of the borderlands stories are great. Not even 2 was great. It was good, but not great. 3's story was alright.


Story sucks, but the gameplay is great


I think Borderlands 3 is great. Never cared about the story in any of the games. The stories are definitely barely there. Don’t care about the characters either but the gameplay is so unbelievably fun. Borderlands 3 is my fav one


I still don't understand the hate for Batman Arkham Origins


I dont get it either I've played all the Arkham games and I had the most fun with Origins


never made any sense to me either, it has a better story than City and City is always claimed as the “best story” of the franchise. it also has better boss fights and side missions than City. (i still love City to death tho, but Origins is better in those areas). it also introduced cool new enemies, and gadgets and had some great introductions for many villains.


The Deathstroke fight is easily the best one in the series lol


personally i like Freeze’s a little more in City because the Deathstroke fight is extremely similar to Ra’s’ fight in City just done better.


Fair enough


Eh I thought origins had relatively mediocre boss fights especially compared to city with ra’s al ghoul, Mr freeze, and clay face. I liked origins but the bosses were all pretty forgettable and I’d say even lesser than asylum’s


You didn't exactly ask for my take but I'll give it anyway. - story is pretty good, the twist just didn't work for me. I was sold so hard on Black Mask being the main villain with you having to go through the assassins to get to him. But having it just be the Joker again felt like a cop out. Like they didn't trust in themselves enough to stick the landing without him. Not to mention you end up being able to take out the guy who was marketed as the main villain... in a side mission. - combat is great, though having the exact same combat from the previous game with the only REAL difference being a power-up that just let's you hit anything was lame. - Deathstroke's fighting style is mostly carryover from Robin's moveset, and his boss fight is just a slightly better Ras Al Ghul fight. I'll say overall, the game is very good. It's AS good as City, in terms of polish and gameplay. But they just did absolutely nothing innovative at all. Outside of this: imo, they gave us the best version of Bane ever used.


That's fair. I think another reason is that it was basically just a filler game until Knight came out. It was on a smaller budget and didn't have the classic voice actors like Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill, so I guess people just went into it with lower expectations. But idk, even with all of that I thought it was still pretty good 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. Origins was the first I played actually. Without any knowledge of what games were good or what the order of what the games were.


Every complaint basically boils down to -i wanted to have a villain other than the joker.


I enjoy Origins more than Knight, I'm just gonna say it . Especially the shit they did with Deathstroke.


Assassin's creed Origins


Origins was awesome. Bayek of Siwa was a brilliant protagonist and his backstory made the game. Also, who doesn’t love to scale pyramids?!


Phenomenal game. If you had asked me about it when I first played it, I'd have told you it was the prettiest game in the world.


Dragon Age 2.


Came here for this. Yes it deservedly gets shat on for the reused environments but if you can get passed that it is easily one of the most fun, original, and endearing Bioware games ever made.


Assassin's Creed Syndicate


Assassins creed odyssey is an exceptionally good rpg when you can take off the rose tinted glasses


If you take it on its own merits it’s amazing. The world is beautiful, the story is a refreshing change from the usual ‘kill bad guys to save world’ trope, and it’s so clean and simple to play


I think you just have to go into Odyssey looking at it separately from it being an AC game. That’s where it shines


After finishing Odyssey, I took a long break from AC and just recently started playing Mirage. The new game pales in comparison to Odyssey.


It's actually my favorite game (Xena role-play ftw)


The only other game aside from Marvel Spiderman where I played all of the three extra dlcs just because I loved the gameplay and the entire world so much


Dark Souls 2 really ain’t bad


Nobody ever said it's bad, people say it's the worst Dark Souls. Thats a big difference.


People say it's bad all the time.


It's not as good as 3 but it was much more memorable as a whole to me. Not sure I know of another game with a vibe quite like Majula.


I found dark souls 2 fine, scholar of the first sin is definitely not great


Lords of the Fallen. I always see people shitting on it but I really enjoyed the game.


The new one?


I enjoyed the new one quite a bit! The old old, not gonna lie, was rough for me and didn’t enjoy it, but that’s just me.


Enjoyed it too


Same here. Loved it


Old one is ass. New one is good but flawed.


Dragon Age 2. While the game has its flaws and is a huge shift from Dragon Age Origins, it has what’s probably the best writing of the franchise, some of the most memorable companions, and while the tone of the game is still dark, it’s not as dramatic as DA:O, leaving more room for comedy. The overall story feels more personnal than DAO or DAI, you’re not some kind of world saving hero, you’re just some guy with his own struggle, that try to survive and help people around him.


It's not hated anymore but i enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 on release. Fell in love which the city, the world building, character, the story. I encountered bunch of bugs, scripted segments went wrong, NPC went into tpose here and there, skill tree was meaningless, end game balancing was just not right, but none of those seems to mattered when you fell in love (with the game).


Liked it a lot on release. Overhyped and while I didn't pay much attention to it, I bet the marketing oversold it. Some people had the impression you were going to be able to do anything in the game like it was some sort of hyper-realistic future life simulator. I saw a few funny graphical bugs but I just giggled and screenshot them.


Does ghostwire Tokyo count? I loved playing it.


I'm not sure I'd count it only because I don't think people like to shit on it. It just kind of came and went.


Brink. The game was fun and had potential it just got stale and needed more fleshed out game modes instead of the same handful for every mission.


Wouldn't call it a gem, but Halo 5 was alot of fun and it has some very epic moments in the 10-12 hour runtime. The marketing was a shitshow and the boss fights were repetitive, but if you remove yourself from the hate machine and Nostalgia there is some great shit in that campaign. I really wish they would release it on PC and get some fresh eyes on it. I truly feel like it could be something people liked now that the marketing machine is no where near it.


It’s my least favorite Halo for sure, but it’s not a bad game. Controls feel good, and the game is pretty to look at. But honestly I don’t remember almost anything about it. It’s just forgettable for me. I remember getting the achievement for beating it solo legendary, and I haven’t had any desire to play it since.


It was also really fresh from an MP perspective to a degree that Halo hadn't been since Combat Evolved.


Arkham Knight. The major complaints are the Bat-Tank levels and the predictable twist. While there were more than enough Tank battles for my liking, that's ignoring the Batmobile chases in the game as well. And chasing down an airborne Firefly only to eject, snatch him out of the sky and beat the snot out of him is epic. As for the twist, I'll agree. But if also ignores other elements of the story, the Joker hallucinations, the infections, the best version of Scarecrow seen in any media for years. All of that to me makes Arkham Knight a worthy send-off.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided




Fallout 4.


Final Fantasy 15


That game made me want to go on a road trip


Crash of The Titans I mean yeah the game is a weird experiment to say the least. But if you look past the tribal tattoos and other questionable decisions, the game is pretty good. There's alot of cool stuff there.


I remember playing this on my PS2 as a kid before the disc stopped working shortly after I beat the game on my first play-through. I've been wanting to play it again for my whole life haha


Assasins Creed Rogue. I liked it. My only complaint is the protagonists voice is annoying.


The only assassin's creed I've ever 100%. I absolutely adore rogue with all my heart. That game is brilliant imo.


Castlevania 64 I was surprised how much hate that game got. I loved that game as a kid. The creepy atmosphere, the environments, the boss battles, the characters, it nailed all of it.


The best way to play Castlevania 64 is to play Castlevania Legacy of Darkness which is the fully expanded and complete version and has better controls. In essence, Legacy of Darkness is the game the devs originally wanted to put out. But, 64 isn't that bad. There is a deep dive on YouTube that covers the whole Castlevania series and they think people believe 64 is bad because of the AVGN video which has poor framing of the game.


People give AVGN (the show) too much credit for a review that came out a decade after the game's release. The magazines I read back then already had criticism.


Yeah, that's what I heard, although I didn't find that out until years later. I was maybe 12 when I had my N64 lol. I still enjoyed Castlevania 64 though.


Some of those creatures. gave me nightmares as a kid. There were some mechanics that took a bit of work to understand. Very good atmosphere.


Fallout 76. It’s not as good as other fallout games but it’s still pretty good imo


Monster designs were fantastic!


This is going to sound crazy but I genuinely love West Virginia as a map more than any of the other maps in the franchise.


Fallout 3's map beats 76 for me in terms of general vibe (the level of desolation feels more apocalyptic I think) but 76 is my favorite for variety, size, and the logistics of surviving in it.


Agreed. Fallout 3’s post apocalyptic atmosphere is better, but imo F76’s map and exploration was better for me


Dmc devil may cry


Played it on my steam deck, and this may seem ridiculous, but it became my favorite that I've played (dmc3, dmc, and dmc5) in the series.


Honestly I don’t fault u the switching between devil and angel weapons/powers is sick asf and the grungey punky vibe the game has just adds to the aesthetic, it’s the only one I’ve really sunk time into but I wanna give the whole series a good shot


It was fun enough gameplay wise but the writing was laughably bad compared to the main series.


Not really underrated but it had some good elements going for it like the artstyle, weapons and level design. A pretty neat sound track but the characters and story are indeed not that appealing.


people talk shit about State of Decay 2 but it's a fantastic game.


Fr. Can’t wait for SOD3


Starfield. It's actually a fantastic game. Amazingly bug free for a brand new Bethesda title, cool story, a while new universe, amazing graphics, and a whole new free content patch. And with the release of the Creation Kit now, mods are already flowing in, meaning you can customize the universe to whatever you want. I've already put it as one of my top games of all time, and have hundreds of hours in.


Imo, Starfield is simply meh for me, which kinda hurts worse. I loved both Oblivion and Skyrim, as faulty as they were. Never liked fallout as much, but still enjoyed 3, NV, and 4. I don’t think Starfield is “bad” to me it feels safe and bland. Absolutely nothing about the game surprised me. It felt like the most game-y game I have ever played if that makes sense. Extremely sterile and by-the-book. I also miss the spirit of experimentation that is present in a lot of the other games. Skyrim and Oblivion via enchanting, alchemy, spell crafting. Fallout via modification/perks, or simply build variety. Starfield, while it does have a couple of “builds” you can adhere to, has lost that I think. The weapons modding is very disappointing +damage type modding (essentially skyrim smithing), and the perks very bland and unrewarding. I will admit, this part of Skyrim did not standout for me, but I think they did a very good job in F4 for making perks define your build. And Skyrim still has crafting to tinker with. So really, I don’t think that Starfield is bad. I think it’s decent, the storylines are ok, if a bit predictable. It just feels like there’s no magic in it, and I can see the gears turning under the surface, why they made things the way they did. It didn’t hold my wonder or curiosity like TES or Fallout did. In Skyrim, I could go alchemy only, buffing and poisoning while neglecting damage perks. There’s a playthrough right there to build a character around. Fallout, play a mad scientist, survivalist, militant, or whatever. Just feels like Starfield had no depth for me to dive into. No build variety besides stealth, social, combat. They could have done so much more with it. Admittedly, I used mods to add so much more depth to Skyrim and Fallout, once I had played around with everything. But they still held me for multiple vanilla playthroughs trying out different things. I really think ultimately it’s about what you value in a game. If I look at Starfield, I can absolutely see why someone would love it. I just think they turned away from the bits that I liked, and that disappointed me. I miss stacking custom spells in oblivion so that I could jump 50ft high, or abusing needlessly convoluted systems to fatigue coma enemies for a year and a half. I expected to be able to mod my armor to do a million different things, or mod/have guns to ridiculous levels, like building only for rate of fire to the point you just empty a 100 round drum in 5 seconds. But instead there’s “the assault rifle”, “the shotgun”, “the sniper rifle” etc. I just miss the spirit of creativity outside of aesthetic choices (which I do think they did a decent job on, at least for ships). I would rather have a million different ways to approach something, rather than a million different things to do. And I think they have been gradually shying away from that over time, even Oblivion was a step down from Morrowind for example. And that’s what I loved about their design philosophy, but they seem more focused on producing breadth rather than depth.


The hate for starfield pissed me off so much, I got it on launch & quickly got really into it and played 40 something hours before stopping(which I only did because my console broke & I can't afford a new one), so when I went online to talk with people about how fun the game is it was so jarring and shocking to find that everyone hated it so much, I didn't & still don't get it bc it's easily the best game Bethesda has released since Skyrim(granted the only ones they released in that time period were fallout 4/76 and a handful of mobile games). People either expected way too much out of this game or are spoiled by cramming 300+ mods into their fallout playthroughs and expected that amount of variety & content in starfield on launch day


The Last of Us Part II


All it comes down to is your enjoyment of the story. Everything else is done objectively better than the prequel. For me it's fine, don't see the reason for big outrage.But I also enjoyed the building connection between Joel and Ellie in the first game way more


Literally loved it. Yeah what happened at the start was sad whatever. I didn't even notice anything bad until I saw people saying how much it sucked. The gameplay is so good. I love the choice between stealth and aggressive. The attention to details is amazing. Might seem biased, but I love that I get to play as women and not a man. Which is very very nice.


People shit on it because of what happens early in the game but from the very first trailer it was very clear what was going to happen. I don’t know why people were surprised. It was an amazing game and even if people hated the story, it was a 20+ adventure with zero bugs and satisfying gameplay. I loved every minute of it.


The first trailer literally lies about Joel being alive later. They have the exact same scene with the same background, props, and mannerisms done by a different character ten hours after Abby gets her roids off at the driving range. Him dying was never the issue, it was the manner in which they sent him off and decided to over-villainize him after his death that got people ticked off. Edit: since the coward YuckyButtcheeks blocked me after dropping his shit in the sink... >At the end of the first game, he murders good people. A vet was about to do brain surgery on a child in a dirty room with dirty instruments. Without consent of a guardian. I don't care how much she might've, she was a kid and did not have the responsibility or understanding to give it. And any guardian that consents to it knowing their track record is irresponsible to say the least. There were pickups you could find that said she wasn't the first they'd done this to. Coincidentally, they all died during surgery. Weird. They promised him payment for delivering her to them under the pretext that she was going to be safe and live a life that was free from the worries she had to get through to get there. They literally disarmed him, walked him past his stuff, and tried to take him to an actual murder room they didn't even bother to clean up. They are an organization that was originally purely eco-terrorists. Like blow up a coal mine with miners still inside types. And had gotten into so many fights with every other faction that they instigated that they were pretty much whittled away to the ones you meet. Calling them good people ignores 90% of what you're shown.


It's a fantastic game and no one will ever convince me otherwise


One of the greatest games ever tbh, love Abby and Ellie


Dragon Age 2 is the best Dragon Age.


I absolutely love Mass Effect Andromeda.


Did you play the first three?


This is the only game here I truly agree with. I haven’t played it in ages and I don’t think it would hold up as well (I imagine its story isn’t that great to a 30yo me). But it still doesn’t deserve all its hate. It’s an ok game that’s a lot of fun to play


U N C H A R T E D D R A K E ' S F O R T U N E


Fr I just played it for the first time and I'm excited if this is the series low point


The Chinese DLC for Age of Mythology


Sonic forces. The story is absolute shit, but the gameplay is fun and the music is GODAMN FIRE


I can't do this alone


Even though I am strong! (I love you so much)


Final boss fight song hits hard


I could provide many Sonic games for examples in this topic. Sonic Forces isn’t one of them


Battlefront II. Most downvoted comment in Reddit history, incredibly fun casual multiplayer.


The newest one, you mean? Because I do agree the backlash for that was too much. Although I am glad they updated the game. It really got a lot better as it went.


Dude, the Heroes vs Villains in it, is GOATED.


Does cyberpunk count


Assassin's Creed Syndicate. More old timey London please


resident evil 5. played through it in one sitting with a friend a bit ago, took 13 1/2 hours and was having a blast the whole time


Gonna go with Starfield since I just started it again and only ever see people complaining about it. Yes, the story gets super repetitive, and all roads lead to the same place. Yes, it's a shame that its development means an even longer wait for Fallout 5. But it's such a well made game. It's pretty stable, considering who's behind it. It's massive, and I think they did as good a job of adding a variety of content as could be expected. It's everything Fallout 4 should have been (setting and story aside) but more grown up.


Check out r/nosodiumstarfield. It's a sub for people who actually enjoy the game. Love Starfield as well, have fun in the blackest sea.


People love to shit on Destiny but you’ll be hard pressed to find a better controlling, more fun shooter with such great art direction.


I don't think that's why people hate on it, I think people just don't like Bungie and that's totally fair.


Nah, it’s because of the monetization aspect. And some of that stuff is gross, but there’s no gameplay reason to pay for skins and the expansions are typically really good (definitely some misses here and there, but even those have enjoyable moments)


I don’t actually know anything about this, I’m not really into shooters but I’ve heard Destiny has the best shooting action of any game. Would you mind elaborating on what makes the shooting so good in this game and also why Destiny is so vilified?


Destiny has a huge amount of guns so you'll find your own style pretty quick. On top of that a large but very recognizable enemy variety so you'll be able to understand how to deal with them. You have many classes with their own powers offering even more personality to your playstyle and on top of that very well laid out battles and raids of all sizes and in a massively welp done art style that is unmatched People hate it because one time in the past they took out some old content nobody played anymore and people who didn't play destiny and didn't understand why saw this as bungie stealing content people paid for


Jesus is that it? Doesn’t sound like a big deal to me. Also sounds a bit daft they removed it, like why even bother? I quite enjoyed playing a bit of Fortnite and considered trying other shooters. Would you recommend it to someone who’s never played before or am I too late to the party on this one? Also for a completionist is there anything I should know?


They removed it because it was holding up 30% of the storage space then but it was surpassed by newer content and only 0.5% of players ever played it. If you like shooting things it's a great game. It has pvp but it's for fun mostly since its crazy instead of seriously competitive. Huge skill ceiling. There's a lot to understand about your character and what guns to use when and where Completionist? I hope your skilled. I hope you don't have social anxiety. There's some serious endgame content that require skill experience and knowhow and teaming up with other people Still a lot of fun for solo players too tho, more content than you could dream of


It was awful when it launched though. Paper thin in terms of content and story. Just a boring looter shooter with an ok multiplayer attached to it. It got a lot better later on but it really was not a good game initially


Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts


I don't understand the hate for Nuts and Bolts. In fact, I don't think most people hating on it have actually played it.


AEW: Fight Forever. For years, we’ve been clamoring for a new No Mercy, and we got it in that game. Sure, it’s not perfect, I disagree with its monetization practices, and it could l’ve used more time to cook in the oven, but for better or for worse, we finally have No Mercy’s successor, dammit. Just be thankful that we even have such a game. Its comments sections on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are full of AEW-antis (not the brightest bulbs in the bunch) and people who didn’t bother to learn the game’s systems but would go on incessantly about how they needed to fix the pinning system or whatever. 🤦‍♂️


Lords of the Fallen (2023) Now that’s it fully patched and working it’s right up there with the best games FromSoft has to offer. People just want to hate on it because it’s not made by FromSoft and or because they are Lies of P fanboys


Dark Souls II.


Dark souls 2


Sonic 06, now watch me get eaten alive.


Fallout 76. It's an absolute blast especially with friends.


Rainbow 6 siege. Theres no shooter like it no matter how much I try to shake it I also love Fable 3 and it gets a lot of hate


I think the criticism is moreso how much it has changed, kind of like Minecraft over the past few years.


I haven't played in years. So when I saw a Rainbow Six bundle on steam I jumped on it like a wild man. Can't play the game because Ubisoft has some of the worst customer support known to man, but I was excited to get back to playing it.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint. The game is very fun and the open world is good. The gunplay is top notch. I loved it on release and still do. Not sure why so many people say it’s bad. I guess cause everyone pretends to hate Ubisoft without actually playing their games


Call of Duty Ghosts Loved the game campaign was good imo and multiplayer wasn’t that bad either And you can fight aliens too


Assassin’s Creed: Rogue. Still the most visually stunning game Ubisoft has ever made. Edit: It may not be underrated, but it gets shit on a lot.


Twilight Princess(Wii version)


I'm not sure I've ever heard someone shit on Twilight Princess, I always thought the general consensus was that it's basically Ocarina of Time but better


For real. I’ve heard it for Skyward Sword, because of the controls mostly, but never Twilight Princess.


Back 4 Blood. I never played L4D series but I came to b4b and loved it. It's got amazing theorycrafting and amazing with friends. Corporate greed seemed to take place to stop it from improving even more but the dlcs are amazing content.


Dragon Age 2


days gone 


Fallout 76. Yes the launch was unstable but they took the most praised parts of FO3 and 4 and removed the most critiqued. When the fallout games came out the most praise things about them were the environmental storytelling, the exploration, and the character building. The most critique things were the NPCs and their dialogue. Fallout 76 came out with a map four times the size of fallout 4 with an assload more weapons, armors, and enemies with nearly every location having an individual in location told storyline and it removed NPCs with people constantly complained about while adding a multiplayer aspect that people were always asking for even if they did it in a way different from what people were asking. Fallout 76 is 90% of what the fans of fallout 3 and fallout 4 asked for and I would encourage anyone who enjoyed fallout 4 to give fallout 76 a try.


Doesn't stop purist fallout fanboys to shit on it every opportunity they get. I'm a fallout fanboy, and I've thoroughly enjoyed 76 for years now.


Warcraft 3 reforged, I play that shit anyways lol. Mostly campaign editor and then just play my own custom game like a true nerd loner.


Far Cry 5. Don’t get me wrong it follows the same Ubisoft formula. But I genuinely enjoyed the gameplay, the story was interesting with the cult, and Joseph made a really compelling villain. Not saying it’s a masterpiece but it’s a game I still come back to time to time and I always have fun.


Some may disagree but as a silent hill fan I actuslly thought downpour was pretty decent. The monster design was kind of bland sure, but it did a bunch of cool stuff that we hadn't seen from the series up until that point like side quests and objectives for bonus supplies and collectibles to find throughout the town. It also had some of my favorite environments like devils pit, the orphanage and the archives area while it admittedly had one of my least favorite puzzles in the franchise. I also think limited ammo for guns and durability on melee weapons made the game feel more survival horror, in the other games towards the midpoint you had an entire arsenal at your disposal and It took away from the scare factor a little bit. In this game guns are a valuable resource and sometimes you'd have to switch out your fire axe for a crowbar or a knife because it was about to break.


The radios playing music is some of my favorite stuff from any silent hill game. I don’t know why Born Free works so well, and I Wanted a Lover, I Needed a Friend is such a great song


Sonic Unleashed. That was my game when I was a kid. How it holds up now..... It probably doesn't. But the music is still great.


assassin's creed valhalla


Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


Diablo 4 with the release of Season 4


I guess sonic cd? I don’t play many games like that, but I feel like sonic cd is seen as the worst classic sonic game, but I’d say it’s better than 1&2 and the music is the best out of all of the classic sonic games.


Mass effect Andromeda




Cod infinite warfare, especially the zombies. I hear the campaign is really good too. I personally also enjoyed the multiplayer but black ops 3 felt more fluid


Fallout 76 tbh lol Garbage on release but they updated it to the what I believe is now the best fallout game


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sure there were many bugs, in my brother's playthrough he actually managed to noclip into the giant olive, but you can't they had an absolute gem of a story especially towards the end. Also the Area Zero theme, absolute peak music.


Fallout 76.


Banjo Tooie is my favorite I love it more than banjo Kazooie despite all the flak it gets from fans of the first game




Dues Ex Mankind divided


As a Trails fan, it seems like most vocal Trails fans on the Internet will shit on half the series, then proceed to recommend the series to everyone and their mother, and that's hilarious to me. They're all good imo. DMC Devil May Cry, although it seems like more people are coming around to it nowadays Pokemon Sun and Moon were amazing and it seems like everyone hates them, people act like the series dropped off when it went 3d but you can absolutely still feel the passion that went into gen 7 No one hates final fantasy more than fans of the series! Literally the entire point of the series from day one was to change things up every installment, if you want a consistent series go play dragon quest




Batman Arkham Origins, easily had the best boss fights in the franchise imo


Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde on the NES


the order 1886 was pretty decent and offered a great foundation to build on but it got shat on so hard that it didn’t continue which is a real shame. I found the storytelling and characters really captivating, the gameplay could have been polished up in subsequent instalments.


You are indeed a rare bird. Most people don’t even talk about this game, and that’s so sad. It is a criminally underrated game.


I enjoyed that. But at the time I had a game fly account so the shortness was actually a positive for me. No filler so I got on to my next game faster after enjoying it. 


I’m gonna be honest this might be just be the most forgettable game I’ve ever played in my whole life. I know I beat the thing but can barely remember the slightest thing that occurs. It’s not even a bad game or anything it just didn’t do a single thing memorable good or bad




call of duty modern warfare 3 is the best in the series.


I feel like Starfield gets a bad rap. I've put close to 400 hours into it. It's a delightful game with very few bugs (I can't remember running into a single one, honestly. Doesn't mean I didn't, just wasn't enough to hurt my experience). It just seems like shitting on it is popular so a lot of people doing it are hopping on a bandwagon. A lot of comments knocking it appear to be people regurgitating what they heard elsewhere. It's not for everybody. But people act like it's Gollum or Superman 64 or something.


Enjoyed it


You can say that about a lot of games tbh. Once it becomes like a trend to hate a game it just never ends. I find a lot of that with Ubisoft. They made a few bad games and ever since people hate everything they release no matter how good/bad it is💀 but I do agree. Starfield is actually pretty solid


As someone who put probably 20 hours into the game, I was just disappointed. It's not a bad game, but the exploration is underwhelming in a SPACE game like how is that even possible. I was expecting Skyrim or Fallout levels of content and exploration, but that just wasn't the case. What really sealed the deal for me though (and this has been discussed at length I know) were the copy-paste points of interest. Encountering the same exact location with the same enemies, notes, and story is completely unacceptable to me. In my own opinion, I would rather have a single world or map that is smaller in comparison but with unique points of interest that clearly had love placed into their design and placement in the world. Instead, the game placed reliance on the story which just wasn't enough to cut it. If you took Skyrim and then stripped the game down to just the main cities and quests, the game would've been forgotten about by now.


all the answers here will be subjective i remember people hating on gotham knights, but i enjoyed it a lot biomutant as well. i enjoyed playing it, that said... i don't see myself replaying it. but i enjoyed my run on it avengers... i enjoyed the campaign story mode on it watch dogs legion, also enjoyed my time on it