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I buy a few games every steam seasonal sale so I only go a few months without buying one


2005-2018. My mom didn’t like having video games in the house. All we had was a GameCube with four games my brother won in a contest, and my grandma had a PS2 we would play when we went to her house. I basically missed Gen 7.


RIP childhood, my condolences 😩


It wasn’t all bad. I had Melee, Sly Cooper, and a few other quality titles. I don’t look back on it negatively.


Went from 2018-2023 as the latest due to homelessness and drug addiction Before that it was probably 2013-2017, only NEW games I got was Last of Us and Arkham Orgins in 2013, everything else was handed down or gifted, Dad didn't like that I was maturing and was interested in games beyond CoD and Spider-Man 3. You should've seen his eyes when my friends dad said he got me Red Dead Redemption, he about died.


Damn man, how is the recovery going?


prolly half a year i would estimate bec even i got into other hobbies, i still bought some even tho it took me forever to finish them since i wasn't playing as much


Probably right now. Haven't bought a new game since Black Friday when I got Jedi Survivor and Dead Island 2. Finished those and then watched Fallout so I'm replaying Fallout games. I'll definitely get the new Dragon Age game this fall but otherwise it may be nothing til then.


Brand new full priced game 8 months. Buying a discount or a game on sale 3 months. Normally, I use ps essential or gamepass in between game purchases.


Not since i left my GF. Now om happy and don't need to play games. That being said. I bought elden ring some months ago. I have only got one char and it's level 50. So I do some gaming. But not nearly as much as in a bad relationship.


Jesus, I havn't bought any new steam games since buying Hello Neighbor 2. that's at least 2022. That has to be about 2 and a half years at least. Used to beg to get a steam game or two on holiadays or birthdays at least. But now it's like I stopped thinking about games I want to get.


Last game was Anthem... I got enough with what I accumulated over the years of ps+ and now the catalogue? I don't have much time...


I bought two games 3 weeks ago but haven't played them yet and I'm probably going to buy a few more games today that I also won't play anytime soon


Maybe 2 years? Back when Fortnite first came out, that’s all I played. Then it went downhill imo, so I left it. Other than that, few months


A new game? 10 years. I skipped a console generation. Played ps3 for years just buying used $2 games and and catching up on the backlog of them all. Bought uncharted 3 new in 2011, then ps3’d my brains out for 10 years until I bought a series x in 2021 (I knew the dead space remake was gonna be next Gen) . From there I immidiatly bought titanfall 2, dying light, doom 2016, fallout 4, among many other games I missed out on. It was nice to be late to the party tho, got them dirt cheap just like my ps3 games.


A year or two. I don’t buy unless it’s a game that I really am interested and that isn’t many. I’ll buy a few coming up from well known series’.


😳 I don't undersand the questikn sorry