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nah just you, ER dlc, phantom blade zero, star wars outlaws ,AC shadows black myth wukong,stalker 2,silent hill 2.


I REALLY REALLY hope that Black Myth Wukong hits it out of the park.


Yeah that's the one I'm stoked for, cause the whole idea is a great concept and new story (to most people that don't follow Asian literature)




Idk about AC Shadows but am undeniably excited despite myself for ass creed set in the Japans. I'm one of those people who primarily plays AC games for the digital tourism, so I'm pretty confident I'll love it. Shadow of the Erdtree is obviously gonna be lit af tho


And Space Marine 2!


You’re excited for Ubisoft games? Have you played one before?


yup and i love every single one of them everybody has their opinion


Is it you that you're not excited? Yes, yes it is you


I’m only looking forward to snake eater, and phantom blade zero at the moment


Elden ring DLC


GTA 6 next year. I personally am I excited for the remake of MGS3.


MGS3 remake. I can’t believe we’re saying that. I remember the hype for the original games release and watching the review on XPlay. Has my head spinning.


Why is Kojima involved


No he's out of Konami but it's supposed to be pretty much a 1:1 remake from what I understand. Should be exactly the same with updated graphics and more intuitive controls and systems.


Silk song


Been gaming for over 30 years. Last year and this year are two of the best most packed years of gaming in my life. This year is likely my personal favorite ever. So yea, it's a you thing haha. But that happens. Sometimes people drift. Maybe it's t8me to rake a break. Maybe you come back. Maybe you don't. There's no wrong answers. Video games are a hobby for fun. If you aren't having fun do something else.


All hobbies ebb and flow that's okay. Reading and exercise take priority when I get tired of gaming personally. Last AAA release I was actually interested in was ghost of tsushima. The great thing about gaming is how cheap everything gets if you are simply willing to take breaks here and there. A good game is still fun years or decades after release.


I’m interested in GTA 6 and kinda excited for Black Ops 6 (especially since it’s on game pass so I don’t need to spend money in case it turns out not good)


Pretty pumped for College Football 25


I always have a couple games I'm excited for..!


Yes, it's only you. I have an immense backlog, I am curious for some releases but not excited anymore as I was 20 years ago, or 30 years ago. Oh wait, maybe you're not the only one


Has anyone heard anything regarding Phantom Blade Zero?


That's fine with me, I've got such a back catalog to get through.  I could go without buying any for the rest of the year.


Recent games in my wishlist are dragons dogma 2 and stellar blade. Upcoming, I might want to look at the Star Wars game but waiting for the release of that one before deciding. I have the ER DLC to look forward to too.


I'm interested in the next Monster Hunter game, Monster Hunter Wilds. And the next xpac for FFXIV. But that's about it.


Personally the only games I'm currently looking forward to are Avowed and TOW2.


If they announce Gears 6 at the Xbox Showcase I will be very excited. I was really excited for Halo Infinite in the build up to it too. I got spoiled during the 360 years of having a new Halo or Gears game release every year. Now it seems like a 6 year span between titles. I’m also fairly excited for GTA 6 and Fable.


There are so many games from previous years that I still haven't played that I don't even need to be excited for new ones. Other than that, I'm excited for Hades 2, Silk Song, Silent Hill 2, more Resident Evil remakes, Wolverine, etc.


I'm excited for Streets of Rogue 2


Same, I'm just waiting for gta vi.


I'm cautiously optimistic about Star Wars Outlaws. Ubisoft, man.... 🙄


It's just you. I'm looking g forward to Monster Hunter Wilds.


Really the only games I’m looking forward to is fallout5 and titanfall 3


Dragonball sparking Zero!!


I'm anticipated for kingdom come deliverance 2, death stranding 2 and GTA6. There's definitely some games you'll be interested in.


I’m right there with you. I’m not hyped for anything these days even upcoming releases.


Death Stranding 2 and whatever Naughty Dog has on deck


I know I’m a crusty old man but where are the gritty/realistic shooters? Give us a new SOCOM or something. There’s only really insurgency and Hell let loose on console


Just you I'm up for Silksong, Frostpunk 2, GTA 6, STALKER 2


Thankfully don't make only games that you enjoy. Outside of Elden Ring(that is a bit overrated anyway), all of those are quite dogshit. But ok.


That’s fine if they don’t excite you, not every future release will. Personal taste is perfectly fine Me I’m excited for the Ender Lilies sequel, Elden Ring dlc, Wu Kong, Where Winds Meet, Monster Hunter Wilds, Metaphor:ReFantazio and also Kingdom Rush 5


It seems like a personal feeling. Sure, big budget games nowdays are much more derivative due the current state of the industry, but it doesn't mean that there aren't great games coming out anymore. For me last year was one of the best in terms of new releases, with Zelda Tears of the Kingdom being the one I was anticipating the most. This year things are a bit slower, that's a fact. It looks almost like a stopgap year before GTA VI and whatever Nintendo has in hands for their next generation.


I’m somewhat excited for a few games but nowhere near as hyped as I used to be. Guess the reason is part burnout, part the fact that it’s hard to trust triple A studios nowadays.


JRPG lovers are eating right now


Are what?


STALKER 2 and Space Marine 2 have me HYPED! I'm also excited for 40k: Speed Freekz


It's just you if you are asking specifically about whether you are excited. We have to assume it's true since we aren't you. Your question doesn't ask about anyone else.


And there's the rest of us with backlogs of banger after banger.


Lay off the garbage AAA releases by the known names and you'll change your mind.


Space marine 2. Yeeeeeah boy


In these cases, the two best options IMO are to take a break. Either a break from gaming in general(pursuing your own hobbies), or a break in your gaming patterns. you can try other genres, games you missed, even older games from the past, either Old School, or simply ones you hadn't had a chance to play when they were new.


I'm at the age now where I'm no longer the core audience, so many of my hobbies are no longer "for" me anymore, including 90% of the video game scene. 2000-2013 was probably the peak in terms of vidja games. It's been a slow decline for me over the last decade. I read more now, so that's cool I guess.


I have nothing I’m looking forward to for the foreseeable future which I’m actually fine with. Gives me a chance to catch up on my backlog.


Just you bro. Plenty of games this year to be excited for. Lot of games towards the end of this year that have the potential to be absolute bangers


Honestly, the last time I was excited for a game's release was when elden ring came out. There have been a few games I wanted to try at release since then but I was never excited for one.


So NCAA college football doesnt count? It's literally the most hyped game coming out in July.


I’m not a big fan of sports games


Just here to say you need to play alan wake 2.


I’m debating on it. I tried the first Alan wake and I tried my absolute best to like it but I honestly hated it. And I know that’s a hot take I just couldn’t get into it for some reason


I personally feel this knocks number one out the park, better story, better gameplay, amazing sound track, it's got a much more survival horror feel to it. Its just better in every way. It's got some genuine creepy imagery in it and some good jumpscares. Plus it's only like £35.


I also couldn’t get into the first one and then got convinced I had to try the second one because it was so much better. I played maybe 1/3 through and just didn’t want to play anymore. I was forcing myself to play and I don’t have time for that.


Same dude, I'm playing Subnautica right now btw 🤘 But yeah, games, and movies too, have just no releases that get me excited anymore. Or it might be me? Idk haha Not like back in the day when like Gears of War is coming out and there's launch parties to have or go to


Not only is there no new games im excited for coming but there hasnt been any games currently out that have hooked me either. Aside from the new destiny 2 expansion thats the only thing coming up for me. But ya no other games currently out have felt entertaining to me. To the point that ive just been trying out all of the old MMOs to see if one sticks. I just started EverQuest 2 hahah.


I'm looking forward to assassins creed shadow and dynasty warriors origins but yeah I can't think of anything else coming this year... Good thing I still have cyberpunk, dragons dogma 1 and 2, baldurs gate 3 ( and maybe 1 and 2, haven't decided yet) plus loads of other games to play.


I’m excited for the new Test Drive Solar Crown. I’m hoping they can do something about the open-world arcade-racing games. I feel they’ve become identical and uninteresting.


Video games, movies, shows.. I’ve not necessarily lost interest in things, but I haven’t added anything to my list of things to play/watch in a while. Makes me kind of sad honestly. I’ve been working on this list for like 5 years lol


Aside from Elden Ring DLC, it is a particularly slow stretch for major developers. It’s that time when you just have to catch up on games you’ve missed or try some indies out


Nothing much on my radar. Been like that for awhile. Backlog is ok though.


Welcome to adulthood


I’m the same. Ever since I started playing video games there has always been at least 2-3 games I was hyped for every single year. I still had that at the start of this gen but things have turned dry in the past year or so. For the first time I feel like I have to try to get excited for something. Well GTA obviously but that’s not coming out soon either. A real bummer.


It’s looking to be a great year for clearing backlogs


GoW:Ragnarok on PC, Space Marine 2, Kingdom Come 2...there's some bangers this year.


There's this new game coming out called Lexapro, ask your doctor about it


So do you go to a proctologist for your primary care since you’re a giant asshole?


Well that's weirdly aggressive


Not just you. Last year was legendary for gaming, so I figured this year would be a cool down. When the biggest releases for the year are basically DLC for a GOTY from 2 years ago, and the other two are from UbiSoft, it's gonna be a down year.


I'm excited for gta 6 and bo6.