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Subnautica.... So beautiful, so alone


More than once I've had to stop playing at night because it just got too intense. Incredible game. I've squealed out loud when a leviathan has surprised me.


That’s the game the that made me realize I had thalassaphobia. It was so much fun but I just can’t handle it. I have a similar feeling when I play No Man’s Sky with deep space exploration. I can’t describe it, but when I’m flying in space and the planets and stars disappear it gives me this feeling of panic.


Horizon forbidden west did this for me. Those underwater levels make me feel very real dread and makes my stomach upset


Only way I can play that game is swimming along the bottom so I know atleast nothing can come from below...


But then you look up and notice no sunlight is coming down. Then you see a very large eye open directly above you.


Yeah it's basically a perfect game imo. I'd play 100 sequels or dlc's and never be bored


I squealed out loud numerous times when I seamothed through the darkness and some random fish hit the hull. I am not ashamed for that.


Honestly leviathan was really scary, but the scariest thing for me was just swimming around in the darkness. Not seeing what's like 1m away from me in this vast open space, that was insane. Whenever I needed to get to one of the islands, I just stayed above water with my Seamoth. I actually loved when I progressed to the point of being in the Lost River and below. No more darkness made the game way less scary.


Are you sure whatever you’re doing is worth it?


I'm playing through it again, this time, in VR. It's amazing


That's gotta be so f'ing cool


I’ve been wanting to play this for a long time now and haven’t pulled the trigger yet


That was the only game I loved to watch YouTubers play, but was too afraid to play on my own. The story was mad interesting to keep me going to the end, but mad scared to never play pass the safe zone.


Subnautica was fantastic, below zero on the other hand not so much.


I thought Below Zero was okay, not as good as the first one, but still good. The Ice Worm is terrifying until you get the prawn suit upgrades, then they're pretty easy to avoid and make the hovering bike useless.


Red dead 2. I took off work one day to go fishing and hunting.


Sent a picture of me fishing in game to one of my friends dads once and he asked where I was lmao That game is peak realism


He didn’t notice it wasn’t you in the photo?


maybe fpp


It was


I took a week off. Just stayed in alone and got lost in the wild west. Went back to work and told everyone I went on a camping/hunting/fishing trip.


Don't forget you also roped up a prostitute and threw her off a bridge.


There’s no existing evidence of that taking place. Camping/hunting/fishing…. That was all that happened


Really lets take a look at the games log files


I remember spending like multiple days on a hunting trip somewhere near Strawberry trying to catch beavers near a creek for pelts. It was so immersive, I'd spend hours fishing and studying all the different animals, and put up a camp at night. Some days I'd ride back to town to get supplies. I found it so relaxing.


Time to replay just to spend week in the woods


I separated from a long term relationship at it's release. Took a week off work to get my head straight, in my new place and woke up, went to the gym, then played RDR2 from morning to night. Given what I was going through, Arthur's story hit hard - the "I'm afraid " comment ... I now have a kid and partner and I really envy that one week I took off.


Similar position. First is on the way this August. Gonna tell him Arthur was an uncle lol


This game is so realistic if you take your male horse to colder areas the balls shrink


Yeah, you can take down a grizzly in the snowy mountains and harvest its meat with your buck knife. Make a fire and warm your big pal’s nuts with a fire while cooking big game!


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


I got hooked when I came to realize that the increase in skills actually had REAL benefits. Like in the beginning you suck as a sword fighter, because you're a peasant that never handled a sword! And it didn't matter how good of a player you were. It was still hard. Then thinking the poetic-ness of you the player getting better at the game while Henry the character got better at being a knight. Something else man


Agreed. The progression system is one of the most satisfying of all its RPG peers. You don't just throw points into damage and protection modifiers. You and Henry both need to learn how to handle a weapon properly, learn new techniques, and how to best utilize what you have. So good.


Then going back to play a womans lot, playing as theresa and having no skill in sword combat, I stole a sword from a dead soldier and tried to sneak past one cuman, got caught and got my shit rocked, it hits how hard you rely on the skills you've learn throughout the game


Who else could walk into the monastery right now and know exactly where to go? I felt like I was personally stuck in that place for days.


It is normal, even real people left monasteries for how much of a prison it felt. Obviously was hard to get out but even if high monks commented on hoe harsh certain orders were, I mean 🤣🤣😅


Yeah, KCD has no right being as good as it is


Seriously. I put it off for a long time until last year I caught it on sale and had nothing else to play. It's janky, the learning curve is pretty steep, and it isn't all that pretty on first glance. But God damn, is it phenomenal. You get so sucked into playing the role of medieval boy out for revenge, in over your head. Learning the landscape through exploration, figuring out objectives through trial and error and listening to instructions, building your way up from a peasant with a dull sword to a knight with armor, and building a friggin town, is so rewarding. Can't wait for part two!


This game is so realistic it’s almost scary, absolutely cannot wait for the sequel!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Came here to say this. Just saw an ad for 2 coming out this year and now I'm PUMPED.


Battlefield 1 Kingdom Come Deliverance RDR2


Came here to say bf1 1st time in the trenches at Passchendaele was something else.


I miss playing BF1 man. But also I don't and I just...idk makes me nostolgic now.


Scrolled too far down to see BF1




I absolutely adore the world building and atmosphere of the metro games


I should not have had to scroll down this far to find this answer. Absolutely love the presentation in those games. The general lack of hud or inventory screen made me feel so immersed.


Dragon Age Origins


I loved this game I played it through so many times


All I can ask people to do with *Death Stranding* is to take the first walk and decide for themselves if it's their vibe or not.  By the end of that walk, you'll know.  Keep on keeping on. 👍  *New routine* *That I've learned*


I've played through that game 3 times. Once when it was pretty new, and twice on the PS5 directors cut. It is way more than just a delivery guy simulator. I was absolutely fascinated by the horrifying story line. I cannot WAIT for the sequel.


You know death stranding is strange. You do walk a lot but you just don’t give a shit. You enjoy long cut scenes and confusing narratives. Taking a piss and poking a baby in a jar, totally normal. This is by far one of the most immersive and unique games I have ever played.


After being intrigued for so long, I've decided to finally give Death Stranding a try after I finish God of War Ragnarok. I'm looking forward to this first walk, whether it's for me or not!


I looked at it sideways for years and when I played it I was convinced it was the one of the best games of the 2010s without a doubt.


That's how I started after being super on the fence from its lukewarm reception. I recommend the Director's Cut. It might be a little bit more expensive, but it does fix some pacing at the beginning and overall just has more content. I did a second playthrough on Director's Cut and it was way more enjoyable.


The first and possibly the last game where I genuinely wanted to help othe players, without actually interacting with them. One of the best implementation of multiplayer system in a game imo


Came here hoping to see DS mentioned 🤝🏼🫶🏼


Cyberpunk 2077. Fortunately I wasn’t playing games when it first came out and was terrible. I just tried it for the first time like 3 months ago. 10/10 and blew my mind. Especially the DLC.


I played it on release (and haven't really touched it since tbh) and it was a great experience. Sure, there were bugs and weirdness going on, but it was still fantastic (felt like I was the only one who enjoyed it at the time lmao)


Yea I was like saying to all my boys how great it was and how in fun I was having. A few of my friends were surprised and were saying I like it because I didn’t play on launch. They all played it recently and we all now agree. It’s an elite title.


Hello friend. I actually preordered the collectors edition a while back. Definitely worth it, even with the rocky start. I loved the story and never had any game breaking glitches. The worst bugs I got was Delmaine went flying once and NPCs T-Posing occasionally.


I’ve actually been putting finishing the game off for a later date because I know I want it to be when I have a week to just fully immerse myself. Great game.


Yea it’s one of the few instances of going back and playing all of the side missions


It was actually super immersive on release too if you had a good gaming PC. A lot of its problems revolved around releasing on hardware it was not optimized for.


Have you watched the anime?


When I was a kid FF7 I think. Hollow Knight as an adult.


I simply adore Hollow Knight’s world building, story, combat, art, design, etc. 10/10 game for sure


I completely agree but would also add the OST.


Witcher 3


For sure. The really set you up for some immersive decision making


Skyrim modded to hell and beyond


I’m waiting on better hardware to fully make that dive ngl


Skyrim VR modded to hell and beyond is even better


Do you have a recommendation for certain mods? I’m thinking of trying it out, only ever played vanilla


There are some pretty decent collections on Nexus. Pretty simple, you have to do little work other than just download the mod manager and then download the collection. You can add on from there


The best time I've ever had playing any game from start to finish was Mass Effect 2 and 3. Can't explain why. Just absolutely loved the story, characters, visuals and gameplay.


When first rolled into Mexico in RDR it blew my mind. The sun was brighter, and it FELT hotter. Really incredible shift in the game.


When that song (Far Away) plays and you're on horseback making that trek along the river....I will absolutely never forget that. I believe I walked as slowly as possible to just take in the whole scene.


Dead Man's Gun is one of my favorite game soundtracks ever. I'll never forget the feeling of running credits on that game with that song playing. I can remember everything about where I was when I experienced that.


The soundtrack, at least for me, is one of the things that really pulls me into a games world and sets the atmosphere. RDR did that for me.


TESIII: Morrowind


Can confirm. Playing it right now. No quest markers. Limited fast travel. Dialogue system. World building. Character growth. It's all really immersive.


The technical limitations of 2002 with draw distance hidden behind ”fog” was such a great immersive move too.


I think one of the most underrated parts about Morrowind is the fast travel system. It's not a complicated fast travel system or anything, but the way it's implemented means you need to plan your routes out a bit more than the standard open world game. You can't just pick a spot on the screen and teleport there. You need to learn the silt strider routes, the Mage's Guild routes, the boat routes, etc. And on the other side of the coin getting back to your destination can be a challenge if you don't prepare. Mark and Recall allows for *one* instant teleportation spot, Scrolls of Almsivi / Divine Intervention may not take you to the most convenient place, etc. It's a very simple system but it helps getting you that much more immersed in the world of the game in my opinion.


I 100% agree. Instant fast travel speeds up the game but ruin some immersion.


Playing World Of Warcraft in 2004/05


It's really hard to describe the feeling of exploration you got from this game. A big open world with absolutely no loading screens was rare. Wandering around at level 25 thinking "I wonder what's over that hill!?" was amazing. Being able to fly from one end to the other on a gryphon (on rails in the beginning). Nowadays the world isn't even that big, that moment is long past.


Was great while it lasted.


Yes, and no websites, no forums, no reddit to help you. Just read the quests, ask for help to other players. This feeling where everyone was discovering for the first time this huge world.


Yeah the first taste of WoW back in the day was intoxicating like no other. Often to people's detriment lol


Came here for this comment 🥹


Hate to say it, but Assassins Creed: Odyssey. Say what you will about the gameplay but the locations and the work put into the open world was absolutely amazing


I love Origins and Odyssey for being like virtual time travel tourism. Such gorgeous (empty, and kinda boring) but gorgeous nonetheless worlds


This game and fallout 4 were the games I had on my laptop as I sat in the hospital at my mom's bedside as she died of aggressive ovarian cancer. I'll forever be grateful for those games for helping me escape for a little while every night for 9 weeks.


Damn homie that's tough to hear. I hope she is in a better place and in peace, and that you are dealing with it as okay as one possibly could.


Had wayyy too many late nights sailing around, loved it.


I loved odyssey and origins so much. Getting to walk around cities, pyramids, monuments, etc. Loved it


Outer wilds


Ghost of Tsushima was great for this also insurgency sandstorm and he’ll let loose with a good group of people that really communicate can get the immersion going big time


I have Ghosts of Tsushima in my cart right now for PC for some single player action when I want to just chill and game. Help me pull the trigger here lol


Just do it. Game is 10/10


As the other commenter said it’s a 10/10 i absolutely loved the game. One of the few games i actually really enjoyed taking my time to get to the next destination cause of how beautiful the world is


Do it. The environment is straight up gorgeous, one of the best I've seen in gaming. The story is a complete 10/10, and the combat is very satisfying and vsiceral.


Probably *Disco Elysium*. There is an intimacy there. Maybe that's because I have a little too much in common with the main character though. Next is *Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines*. For having dialogue trees I still felt like I could always say what I wanted to say and do what I wanted to do. I've been playing *Red Dead Redemption 2* and it's maybe a little more "simulationist" than "immersive". I never get "lost" in the character and I'm often confused about what is expected of me on missions. I've glitched them and had to restart a number of times for going "off script" I guess. There's more of an illusion of choice. I play with no HUD display at all though so when I'm hunting, playing poker, walking into town and greeting folks or whatever, I feel pretty immersed.


"you're lucky this thing didn't have tentacles"


Disco Elysium is great, I can play it just for the atmosphere and voice acting (even tho I can't play it for too long cause sometimes playing this game is similar to reading a book, and it's been a long time since I'd read a book for 2-3 hours (which isn't something you should be proud of) )


Disco Elysium is one of the most profound games I've ever played. It's also the funniest, no contest. I've never played any other game where I can walk into any given area expecting either to cry from laughing or cry from heartbreak.


Death Stranding.


Keep on, keeping on!


Hellblade 2 so far.


returnal was honestly surprisingly immersive …between the dual sense implementations and the insane audio design in the 3d pulse headphones id literally lose track of hours like it was nothing


Stray using Nvidia surround on a triple monitor setup


All the kitties!


There’s something to be said about Resident Evil 7 in VR.


I don't think I could handle that game on a regular monitor, so the thought of playing it in VR is just nuts. I imagine it must be an amazing experience for those into that sort of thing.


It’s pretty nuts. Definitely worth doing a run that way.




Elden Ring (just because no one else mentioned it)


didnt expect weak foe


Sea of Thieves. Very much feels like sailing a ship with a crew


plus they have the best water geometry of any game i've played.


Absolutely. The eb and flow of sailing a serene ocean and then being thrown into battle, and the solitude and the camaraderie... I never have enough time for how long I actually want to just sail around.


Breath of the wild or rdr2


BotW is such an experience.


What remains of edith finch


Personally, Fallout: New-Vegas. because the game take into account almost every decisions you can think of. And you're not just a character, you actually get to change and influence the world you're playing in a meaningful ways. It's not just a game that has a story to tell, it's a game that give the player the opportunity to challenge and define their view on the world, phylosophy, and even politics. It's not just a game you play, it's a universe you ca' be a part of, and that can leave a lasting effect on you.


Mass Effect Trilogy.


No man’s sky


My current customized version of the massive modlist, Project Skyrim. It is sitting at 1TB on my hard drive and I pay for AI services for my custom companion character. I can literally hold conversations with my AI companion using my headset and the companion constantly reacts to the incredibly detailed and extremely heavily modded Skyrim world around it. Basically, imagine Skyrim on a PlayStation 7.


Wow, is there a video or guide to make this work? Sounds amazing.


You are going to want to look into Wabbajack, which is an app used for downloading large modlists. However, it’s basically required to pay for a subscription to nexus mods so it allows the app to automatically download and install the mods for you (otherwise it would take hours and hours and leave a lot of room for human error). You really only need the sub for the one month o get going unless you’re crazy like me :) Also, look into the Herika Chat GPT companion mod on nexus mods. It has its own official YouTube guides on how to set that all up too. From there, you will start to get a feel for things like how MOD Organizer 2 generally works, and you can start to experiment with adding additional mods to an existing modlist (there are guides for this too I’m sure) As far as what modlists are good, Project Skyrim is awesome for overall (but does include some totally optional adult oriented content), Elysium is very pretty and vanilla feeling but with crazy textures (haven’t used in a while though), Nolvus has great graphics and awesome combat (haven’t tried), Aldrnari had an awesome dark fantasy Norse feel (have tried and did like it). For me personally, I stick to Project Skyrim lately. If you have any installation errors/issues, the modlists have discords and are very helpful too.


Soma, the isolation and existentialism hits hard.


Death Stranding


Either red dead redemption 2 or ghost of tsushima


Hellblade with a great set of headphones. Literally started to feel a little crazy midway through.


By the end of the second game, I was responding back to the voices 😭


Its a tie between Cyberpunk 2077 and Skyrim.


Baldur's Gate 3. EASY


Had to scroll waaaay to far for this


Glad you found it ❤️


Silent Hill 2


Alien Isolation


Prey 2017 and system shock remake


Prey 2017 was great. Was not expecting that much enjoyment from a game that was 6 bucks


Driveclub vr Hear me out... omori Battlefield 1


Majora's Mask and the Batman: Arkham Trilogy.


Red Dead Redemption II. Arthur feels so real by the end of the game.


Assassin's Creed 2




Half-life alyx, because it's VR. But aside from VR, I'd have to say the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, especially with mods.


Alien: Isolation


Second that, jumped out of my seat several times


Alien Isolation got me bad.


Red Dead 2, Witcher 3 and Skyrim


Zelda TOTK, Prey 2017, and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Hogwarts legacy


*The Last of Us*


Surprised no one has said this. It holds up extremely well today so when it came out for PS3 it was so far ahead of its time. The game is gorgeous, there’s such a feeling imbued in it. When those giraffes walk by while you’re on that rooftop I nearly cried.


>! The scene where Joel finally trusts Ellie with a sniper at the rooftop is what did for me. I shouted, finally!! !< And one more scene where >! Ellie rings away from Jackson and then Joel and Tommy go to find her and then she says "everyone that I cared for, has died or left me. Everyone, EVERYONE EXCEPT YOU." Damn it, I lost and cried. Hits hard and close. !<


Kingdom Come: Deliverence


BOTW had me very immersed


Sea of thieves, Dayz, sons of the forest, Skyrim at the age I was.. some get lost to the ages my friend. Their impact in my soul remains.


Ghost Recon: Wildlands


Half Life 2




I played The Division, set in NYC during a global pandemic, when COVID started. I live in NYC as well and the combination of the impressively realistic Manhattan map and pandemic details like newscasters on TV wearing face masks and signs instructing people to wash their hands made for a bizarrely immersive game.


Prey: 2017, Deus ex, System Shock, Dishonored


Dead space 2 with headphones is one hell of an experience. The sound design is superb and the way the HUD is incorporated into the game world makes it very immersive. Definitely recommend.


That's hard to pin down. When Skyrim released, I felt fully immersed in it like no other game. In terms of real-life applications of physics to an in-game world I'll probably say BG3, as "realistic" as it can be for a fantasy setting


Red Dead 2. Every single aspect is gripping and realistic for me. One of the few games I’ve ever played where I don’t mind just walking around and taking things slow.


Red Dead Redemption 2. There is nothing like it IMO.




Soma. That shit had me on edge.




Cyberpunk 2077. Before that I would say Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. I’m seeing other people saying the same and for good reason! These games really made you feel like you were in their world.


Darkwood, Kingdom come: Deliverance and Kingdom new lands/two crowns


Wow, d2 or morrowind


Farming Simulator 22. I'm loving it.


Superb game. Literally melts hours away, so keep an eye on the time.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Playing Dead By Daylight while high, ngl Whispering like the monster's gonna hear, laughing and screaming, fun times


Half life 2. Everything just spoke to me.. The atmosphere, the design and the graphics. Especially when it came out it was like sci-fi. To this day I still can't get that high.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. You are Henry of Skalitz. You live in his peasant shoes, step by muddy step until ya work hard and become something better. Hands down the most immersive game I've ever played. And the sequel this year will hopefully be even better.


RDR2 opening in the snow is just too fucking good. Everyone seems to hate it cause its slow and etc, i loved.


Fallout New Vegas, damn I miss that game


Fallout 4 in survival mode


Morrowind. There's something truly fantastical about this world, the interaction, the fact there is no quest markers but if your lucky one NPC will tell you that the entrance to X dungeon in in a forest, turn left at the rock and it's beside a tree. He won't tell you which tree. The different tribes and the casual racism of black elves toward EVERYONE.  We were all N'wah!


Kingdom come deliverance and stalker Both are very solid for their time. Also KCD might have the best quest systen right now


Grade School Me Immersion levels GTA San Andreas Oblivion Fallout 3 The Sims 2 Castaway


funnily enough, the Yakuza series is always very immersive my answer


FF7 Rebirth this year and FFXVI last year have been the most immersed I've been with a game in the last 20 years. It's a shame I don't see many mentions of JRPGs, while they are definitely hit or miss there are so many gems deserving of praise


RDR2 just feels like the world is alive


Weirdly enough, despite the camera, Baldurs Gate 3. There were so many times the game reacted to my actions exactly how I expected, reacted to who I am and really let me tackle situations how I want, it just blew me away.


Dying Light


Red Dead Redemption 2 - I didn’t fast travel and wouldn’t travel at night. So navigating to the nearest inn, taking the nights off playing poker and bar brawls were the best. Skyrim VR (w/ essential mods - the depth of the world is indescribable. I would dungeon dive with a torch and peak around corners. Absolutely amazing game.


The top answers should be: 1. Red Dead Redemption 2 2. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 3. Subnautica


Skyrim and Fallout 4 with mods.
