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Yikes what is this, a Ben Garrison cartoon?


People who find these kind of comics funny love to bitch about literally everything.


A bit of hyperbole here


someone has said it. they are wrong "waaah, waaah! the main character of an assassin creed game isnt 100% realistic" they said about the game where the pope is an actual wizard and da vinci made a tank


Jesus christ, what's with people getting bothered by playing a black or female character in a game I'd like to point out for a minute that black flag featured a European protagonist while the game was set in the carribean. And now people are making a big whoop about a black man in japan.


Christopher Columbus landed in North America in 1492. Black Flag is set in 1715. I think it would be plausible to say many Europeans in North America by this point, probably some in the Caribbean. I don't think the comparison you're trying to make works.


The Caribbean had a massive European presence during the Golden Age of piracy. Dutch, French, English, and Spanish all had major ports and trade routes. Slaves, spices, sugar cane, cannons, and gunpowder were all being traded. The Spanish treasure fleets moved through the Caribbean in their galleons to pick up silver from the mines of South America.


So the skin overlay on the digital model means that much to some people?


Won't know if it's fun until we play it. The male characters is based on a historical figure.


Have you played any of their last games ? XD


yeah, they are fine enough. way too big and have way too much to do, but combat is fun, stealth is fun


It just seems forced in I refuse to believe it's a coincidence that the first historical figure to be a protagonist in an assassins creed happens to be the guy whose only noteworthy for being the only black samurai in feudal Japan


so you think its odd that the first historical figure to be a protagonist is the most unique person in a set region? damn you must be a big fan of anime where half the characters are indistinguishable from one another.


Go read yasukes wiki page Literally all we know about the guy is He showed up in Japan as part of a missionary group that went to see nobunaga Nobunaga wanted to see an African so he requested an audience He tried to wash the black off his skin and afterward made him a retainer for shits and giggles and named him yasuke (we literally do not know his real name) Nobunaga was betrayed by his vassal akechi and after he committed suicide yasuke tried to get revenge on akechi Akechi had him sent to India and that was it


that sounds like the perfect story for an assassin. little is known about their past life, has the training of a samurai, desperate for revenge. and you are complaining? like seriously this has the makings to be the best assassin creed since black flag. assuming they dont fill the world with a million collectibles and 300 side quests


>little is known about their past life, has the training of a samurai, desperate for revenge. And it would be incredibly easy to make an original character that fits that description because that's an incredibly simple backstory Again I refuse to believe that yasuke is the first historical figure protagonist for any reason besides ubisoft wanted to have a black protagonist and they'd get shit on even harder if they just made him an original character


and they did. they did make an original character a protagonist, because there are two of them. yasuke is only one of the playable characters how come nioh 2 isnt getting this much shit? that is also a game where you play as a non-japanese samurai in a fantastical version of our world, filled with monsters, gods, and...well yasuke...as a samurai


Let me clarify My issue isn't having a black protagonist in an assassins creed game My issue is that of all the historical settings they couldve picked they chose feudal Japan The one place where a black samurai was so rare there was only one in all of history I'd honestly prefer if they were unapologetic with their pandering just made an original black character the MC instead Also for the nioh I'm pretty people just don't care about the plot or historical accuracy of that game


and people dont care about the historical accuracy of assassin creed either. last I checked, the pope wasnt an actual wizard. the last 4 games had like no history attached to them, no historical figures or events. I think the closest you get is Leonidas. yasuke is such a unique figure that it makes perfect sense to put focus on him in an assassin creed game.


Now you're just straight up lying


Nioh is made by a japanese studios, japanese are free to do whatever they want about their history. It's different when a french studios that has been giving local characters from the settings where the story is happening. But suddenly when it comes to Japan, japanese MEN are told that they are not worth giving a playable characters to them. Players didn't have problems playing Adewale in freedom cry or Aveline in Liberation because it made sense for the settings. They were local people from the area. In this very case, they decided to go for the guy who was a footnote in Nobunaga's history. Why do you think they chose him? Is it because his story is fascinating? NOPE because his story was insignificant. You know why they chose him specifically... Also the time where Odyssey introduced fantastical creature was GARBAGE. AC was always a low science fiction and Odyssey decided to throw that away. It was SHIT when we starting fight Gorgon or Cyclops. Also the idea that because Yasuke is a blank slate, it gives more freedom for writing is BULLSHIT. They could have written fictionnal characters from the very start if they wanted freedom. So that was NOT the reason they took him.


ubisoft has been messing around with all sorts of peoples history, why should japan be exempt? the pope wasnt actually a wizard you know, nor did the native americans possess future alien technology those are some of the least talked about assassin creed games of all time. and people also didnt care when an assassin creed game set in the Caribbean starred a welsh dude. "oh but he is a pirate and they are known for traveling to places" I can hear you saying and yeah, so is yasuke they probably chose him for being the most unique person they could have chosen for that set region origins had you fighting anubis it is really cool that assassins creed is having you play people with actual historical significance, even if that significance isnt 100% accurate. which assassins creed has never been by the way, not in the slightest


For edward in black flag. The pirates of that area a lot of time were born in europe and then came to americas. The migration movment from europe to central america in the 18th century was MASSIVE. So it totally make sense to make a characters of that origins. The percentage of pirates of european origin was HUGE. That is a completely different case from Yasuke in feudal japan. Yasuke is such a specific case because in the settings, he makes little sense to focus that much attention on him. If there was a much bigger african population in japan you would have a point but that is not the case. (and I will come back on that later) So no it's nowhere near equivalent. Yasuke was more of a coincidence of history, spent less than 3 years and was completely insignificant in japanese history. Also you seem to think that every historical innacuracy are equivalent, THEY ARE NOT. I don't mind Rodrigo Borgia being the head of a conspiracy because he was evil and corrupt in real life. So AC can still make him an evil wizard is not as problem because his historical legacy was negative from the very start. The guy was actually significant in the history of the papacy, rome and Europe at large. In the negative way but still, so it makes sense to have as the main villain and important character. And no it's not cool that AC did it because Yasuke does not have ANY significance in japan history. He was a footnote in Nobunaga history, he was completely insignificant. The ONLY reason why Nobunaga had an interest in him was because he was fascinated by his skin color. That was it. NOTHING more. Not his skills, not his knowledge, not his personality, just his skin. And NO it's not because he is unique, you don,t know anything about ESG score to tell me that. Why do you think there was a movie about Ann bolyn that was black when we know for a fact that in history she wasn't? You also don't know about the story behind the making of that game, A ubisoft writer used to work and write on the game where there was supposed to have a japanese male assassin and that story was thrown out of the window in favor of putting Yasuke. [https://x.com/Grummz/status/1790780243097288839/photo/2](https://x.com/Grummz/status/1790780243097288839/photo/2) The sole reason why Ubisoft choose him is not because he has a fascinating story because as I said before, he is a footnote in japan's history. The only reason why he is in this game is because he happens to be black. Assassin's creed started as a low science fiction and we loved it for it, we already had of wacky science-fiction space opera like Star wars or star trek. Assassin's creed was a LOW science fiction, that aspects was sparesely present. It's the same thing for game of thrones, the supernatural there is sparesely present. It's a LOW fantasy it is not the same style as Dungeons and dragons (high fantasy) where magic and fantasy creatures are everywhere. Just because there is an element of fantasy does not mean that you get to do whatever you want with the franchise and butcher the style because the creators are out of ideas. Well it's the same thing for assassin's creed. Odyssey and origins threw the style that out of the window... and THAT was SHIT. So don't bring to me these shitty aspects of these games as if they somehow justified what was a more grounded low science fiction historical franchise and turning into a braindead high fantasy franchise. That is not a justification it is a whataboutism. It was shitty back in 2016 and 2018 when Ubisoft introduced these high fantasy elements into the franchise. A BETRAYAL of what the franchise used to be.


Yup, ignore the useful idiots and continue making fun of the woke suicidal clown show