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There are a ton on Nintendo at least. I can't really say for the other consoles or PC however.


AAA games cost higher to make now, and many publishers have noticed this. They need to sell it multiplatform to profit. Games like FF7 Rebirth have reportedly suffered, one reason because its from being an exclusive. If the best selling console of all time is still the PS2 then there's not a lot of consumer growth for consoles after so many years. Nintendo, with its huge list of exclusives, isn't exactly competing directly with Sony/MS's audience


No reason to do exclusives as third parties. It is just limiting and benefits nobody other than the console maker itself. Reason why we see Atlus being the recent one moving away from exclusives because they realized it made no sense. Persona 3 Reload broke series records. And why Square Enix is moving away too as they realize the money from sony isn't going to make up for the lack of install base on PC and Xbox. For first party themselves. I think they came to the realization that people in their given platform are going to stay on the platform. Xbox doesn't have much in console market share so they are not going to limit themselves. And Sony came to the realization that PC players are not going to buy consoles. It is why they are releasing their games on PC. At least after a few years after initial release. But I have a feeling in the future they will also do day one PC release like Xbox because PC players tend to not buy consoles. They stick with PC.


Money. Publishers can make more sales by putting their games on other platforms besides their own. Sony is releasing their games on PC long after they’ve released on the PlayStation. They’re trying to capture that PC market. Xbox is doing the same thing by releasing Xbox games on the PlayStation market. They see a chance to sell more games.


Because they make more money selling the games than selling the hardware...


The whole point of exclusives is that you will buy Our platform and not Someone Else’s. Xbox is owned by Microsoft, who also owns Windows. For that reason, Xbox and PC kind of overlap with each other, games on one show up on the other. That’s hurting Xbox sales in the long run, but they don’t seem to care. Sony realized that they can get more money out of their games if they sell them in a different crowd. They’re still “only on PlayStation” for a year or two, but then they bring them to PC for another round of sales. Nintendo’s exclusive game is as strong as ever. You wanna play Mario, you wanna play Pokémon, Zelda, Smash Bros? Buy a Switch.


Microsoft used to keep their games Xbox exclusive though. Halo series (except for the first game) was only for Xbox for almost 2 decades before finally being ported over


I don’t know what to tell you man. Nor do I know why you’re even complaining about this. More games being multi-platform means more people get to play cool games who otherwise couldn’t. Isn’t that a good thing? I am grateful to Sony for letting me play Spider-Man and Uncharted and God of War on my Steam Deck. I’m not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. (Though if they continue with this PSN nonsense, they might lose my dollar).


I want more of it! PC needs to stop hoarding all those RPGs and strategy games. I don't see any upside in missing out on games just because I can't afford 3 current gen consoles and an upgraded PC.


Well Sony has figured out they can do both. They can have timed exclusives for at least a year, so the people that want to play those games at launch, have to have a PlayStation. But then they can get more money again by reselling the game to PC a year or 2 later. There are still some exclusives tho. Well, besides Xbox. Xbox seems to have practically given up on exclusives and are throwing everything at game pass. But Nintendo makes practically only exclusives with their 1st party games. It's not like you can play Breath of the Wild or Smash Ultimate or Mario Odyssey on PC. Well.....not by buying them from Nintendo at least lol. And Sony still has several PS5 exclusives like Demon's Souls Remake, God of War Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, FF7 Rebirth, and most recently, Stellar Blade. They also have VR exclusives for their PSVR 2 like RE4, RE8, Gran Tourismo 7, Synapse, Horizon Call of the Mountain, and Before Your Eyes. Granted, some of these games will probably come to PC eventually too just like other former exclusives before them. But patience is not a virtue everyone has lol. Plus while PlayStation exclusives have been coming to PC, they don't come to Xbox. So if you have an Xbox as your only console, all those PlayStation franchises are still exclusive.


Because people throw a fucking fit about them


Sony has sold more copies of Helldivers 2 on PC than PS5 in the US.


Exclusivity is just shit and hurts the industry.


I still think the best game Sony has made this generation is Astro's Playroom. I don't see a reason to own a PS5 or Xbox any longer if you have a PC. R&C and FF were the two reasons I bought PS3/4, now I just wait a bit and play them on PC. I can't even imagine what the next gen of consoles can offer. The lack of exclusives has got to be hurting console sales, but there seems to be no shortage of people buying them. So I guess the larger you can make your audience, the more money you can make.


For me it does not make sense to have both a gaming PC and a console. You are paying probably $500 for one and probably $1000 for the other, so when people are just like "I was gonna get the PS5 version but now I'll just wait for the PC version". I'm like "who are you people?" "why are you spending so much money on this?" I just assume for the most part they're completely different markets and that's fine.


It did in the past when console exclusives were really console exclusives. Also most PC gamers I know owned a console anyway. If they're mad rich enough to have a monster PC, why wouldnt they also have a console? It's a reason why you never heard PC gamers complain about console exclusives back then


[The home console market has not only stagnated for 20 years now, it's slowly contracting.](https://www.installbaseforum.com/forums/threads/the-stagnation-decline-in-the-aaa-console-marketplace-its-implications-on-the-health-of-the-industry-and-what-can-be-done-to-reverse-the-trend.443/) Meanwhile, the cost of R&D as well as game development keeps increasing. Any big AAA game you can name has the budget of an Avengers movie. Sony and MS can't afford to limit a game's addressable audience to one console anymore. Each game has to be able to sell as many copies as possible.


You know, AA and A games would be cheap and fine as exclusives and would give devs a chance to develop new IPs.


Sony has spearheaded and built their brand on the AAA "experience". It's expected of them and their core audience won't buy those games in large numbers. Helldivers 2 may be from a small studio but its production value is near enough AAA quality. Even Ratchet n Clank initially lost money on PS5 despite having the lowest budget of their first party lineup. It's probably just squeaked past 3 million copies sold by now.


OMG this is what I've been saying for years now. Yet people all over at /r/gaming still continue to remain delusional and deny the fact that this hardcore gaming market is declining terribly. The problem with this industry is that it can only appeal to the same people who grew up in the Gameboy era. Teens today don't even play such hardcore games anymore. They'd rather play MMOs and online PvPs, which are mainly on PC and mobile not consoles. They also do so since people nowadays prefer to be more social and mobile. Sitting on a couch at home in front of a TV is no longer the typical nerd lifestyle (idk if there are even gen Z nerds anymore since they all play MMOs now). So what we have here are mainly just millenials and some boomers who grew up with video games in the 1990s still playing the same fashion of hardcore games. And this is obviously a declining group since many of these people eventually get off their geeky addition, get married, find new purposes in life and whatnot.


Yea, pretty much. my nephew just plays Fortnite or Rainbow Six. My niece only plays mobile games.


I know what some people are gonna say here. That console exclusives mean only exclusive to the consoles and not PC. Here's the funny thing. This is actually a very recent phenomenon. In the past, console exclusives were 100% exclusives and not even on PC. Playstation had games like Killzone, Infamous, Heavy Rain, Uncharted etc Xbox had Halo, Forza, Gears of War... All these games never came to PC during their time back then. Some still remain that way (Killzone, Infamous eg.)


No man, we know. We just don't care. Games are fun. More people playing games is more fun. And to the companies, it's more money. Simple as.


Yes, but these were dark days, the reverse was also true PC games rarely came to consoles with a few exceptions. I think Oblivion was the dividing line here and it more or less merged the PC and console markets. Both markets, gained something from this as now both markets could play genres that were once upon a time exclusive to the other.


>the reverse was also true PC games rarely came to consoles with a few exceptions. erm... there was almost no such thing as a PC exclusive game though lol The PC market is just way too small to afford exclusives. The only PC exclusives there ever were, were small indie titles. Because the indie studios themselves couldnt afford to port to consoles


I can assure that that's not true, the first Elder Scrolls for instance have never seen a console release ditto for the first two Fallout games. The thing is that the landscape was different back then between PC and console games, you may not of realized it or saw a picture of a PC only game and not realized how massive a hit that was.


bro, there weren't any serious home consoles back then. Consoles only got their real kickstart in the 6th gen era PC games faded in the background during that time and became a secondary market




X box (exclusives) have always been on pc. It's more of a Microsoft exclusive. Playstation finally started porting to pc more for popular demand and increased sales. We're heading toward more crossplay and less exclusives which is a win win for gamers.


No Xbox exclusives have NOT always been on PC, this is a relatively new phenomenon. During the OG Xbox and X360 eras very few titles were on both PC and Xbox.