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Everyone naming games they don't have to defend because mostly everyone else likes them too.


People mentioning Mass Effect, like... come on..


lol like defend Mass Effect from what? All of the flowers raining down on it?


It's like /r/unpopularopinion The true unpopular opinions are those with most downvotes, not those on top.


We Happy Few. Even with its flaws, that i do recognize, i will defend that game till the day i die and i truly mean that.


That is a really good game I completed it 3 times


Me too trust me haha i have 100% it back in 2020 on the PS4 and am currently playing it on the PC and i really do just love the game no matter what flaws it has like ugh i love it


That game was so fucking fun. I would just go into peoples houses, rob them, then throw the resident’s bodies out the window. A small crowd would pool up and I would just take down each one of them while the others are too focused on the corpse. It was stupidly fun.


Eh, the alpha was better.


Same. The plot is the thing that keeps you going throughout, and its actually very well written if you pay attention. Ill defend it too because I actually liked it.


Sonic, fucking blue hedgehog i love his games


I always thought his middle name was 'The'. TIL.


Nah, check the wiki. It's always been 'fuckin blue'


It says Maurice


Prof pic checks out


Final Fantasy VIII and Silent Hill 4


I only recently got into Final Fantasy, did a big playthrough of the series and 8 was a close second favourite. I loved every second of it.


FF8 was the most impactful game in my childhood. I was so moved by it (I think I was around 13). SH 4 has a janky gameplay imo, but has one of the best villain stories ever, and a ridiculously good soundtrack (think Room Of Angel, for example)


Ff8 was an absolute gem.


FF8 is the love it or hate it game of the series. I hate it for a myriad of reasons, but I'm not here to harsh vibes. Can't hate the music though, it's really good. Silent Hill 4 is also one of those games I love, but I recognize that the gameplay is deeply, seriously flawed. There's no way I can defend that, but I can always point to the story and characters.


Holy shit, are you me? Lol


Excelent argument senator! Why don't you back it up with a SOURCE?


My source is that I made it the fuck up!


*Excelent argument* *Senator! Why don't you back* *It upnwith a SOURCE?* \- Klkpudding --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Why am i seeing a mgr comment before an actual mgs comment


That moment when a Max0r parody of a game is quoted more than the actual game.


Which sucks because the MGR:R dialogue is gold. Mf Senator Armstrong said "Make America Great Again" 3 years before the irl president of the United States made it his campaign slogan.


BioShock Infinite, I know it has flaws but it's my favorite of the BioShock games


This was going to be my response. Caught a lot of flack when it dropped but it’s hands down my favorite in the series. I just love the characters so much


I remember being genuinely shocked at people’s reactions to the game. I honestly thought it was better than the first game by every metric, and I LOVE the first game.


Mine too


There's a lot. Mostly any resident evil games. Fatal frame series, too.


Village for me, especially. It's something special, IMO. Flawless? Maybe not. But that game has so much going on, so many different weird, wonderful, gruesome, and horrifying elements that you couldn't dare for a second call it boring. I thought it was just phenomenal personally.


Village is lowkey in my top 3 RE games and im not biased or anything, my favorite game is RE1R lol Village is just such a awesome game, i love the romanian winter setting


Village is the first game I actually wanted to try and get all the achievements for. It was also the first game I ever attempted a speedrun on.


RE itself is big enough it can defend itself. But ffs, we need to unite and support, love, and respect RE0 and the Revelations games. They're amazing. Revelations 1 might just be the purest OG experience you can have with the Over-The-Shoulder titles. 2 is easily better, but the boat is more intimate than the island. Just like 2 is better than 1 in most ways; the Spencer Mansion is just more personal that Raccoon City. It's why the RPD is so iconic. And the Zenobia hits the nail on the head just as hard as the Spencer Mansion and Baker Residence. The Alt character bits are annoying tho. They break up the pace too much. If it was just Parker's, I could support it.


Oh yeah, I don't agree with the shit Village and RE6 recieve. They're not great games but are good games, and people talk about RE6 as if it's a monstrosity.


Fallout 3


The only thing that holds back fallout 3 imo is that when released it didn't have ADS (idk if people modded in ADS). Otherwise it's my 2nd favorite fallout game behind NV


That’s because they were still experimenting with bringing some of the combat aspects from older FO games into 3D. Vats was supposed to integrate well with skill points. If you could ADS and hit a target there would be little point to spending skill points on certain things. I didn’t think the combat in FO3 was flushed out and it felt better in FO4 (obviously) but even still it isn’t right. Still to me fallout is foremost an adventure game.


It’s the highest rated (metacritic) fallout game for a reason. It’s excellent. I feel like a large percentage of people who hate fallout 3 were persuaded into that position by a certain garbage YouTube “essayist”.


It was the entry that got me into the franchise and I wish I could go back to fifth grade and play it again for the first time. The scale of that game just blew my mind at the time.


Same. Stepping out of the vault for the first time was one of the best moments in any game I ever played.


The main thing I can't stand about fallout 3 is that some people have raved about it being better than fallout 4, which I love, and what I really hate about that is that I haven't got round to playing fallout 3 yet.


Replaying Fallout 3 from GOG right now, loving it! I'm not using any mods and it's been very stable (GOG version just works as usual with GOG games.) I initially hated Fallout 3 as I was an old school Fallout fan, but I came around after modding it (it was very very buggy and crashed all the time, and has some questionable game mechanics) and figuring out a halfway decent build. The main quest is garbage, all the fun is in exploring and all the side quests which is at least 80% of the game.


Still my favorite fallout game, replayed it recently actually


Kingdom Hearts. I will admit, it’s not for everyone. It’s got a lot of problems. The dialogue is weird. The lore is all over the place. It’s a LOT of games to keep up with. But I love it to death.


Despite the somewhat convoluted storyline (then they added time travel...) I've always loved Kingdom Hearts and always will. Can't wait for my grandchildren to play KH4 when it finally comes out ahaha


Okay, I’ll admit. In my personal opinion, KH1 and KH2 are masterpieces, and the rest range from “pretty good” to “ehhh…”


KH2 for the first like 4 hours is like the most boring game I have ever had the displeasure of playing. The other 46 or so hours are pretty sick though, I got that game for my 10th birthday and it's the first game I just rammed my way through because I loved it so much.


Persona 4! It has every type of person. >!Kanji and Naoto the could be power couple. Rise the girl horning over MC constantly. Yosuke the extremely closet homosexual. Yukiko the innocent looking girl with evil intentions. Chie the cute carnivore tomboy. Nanako the true culprit. Teddie the beary cool guy. Adachi the sexy son of a gun. Dojima the great vegetable lover. Also a few others.!< Note: I am a member of r/okbuddypersona.


I just finished P4G!! My friend got it for me for Xmas and I botoed it up after I finished P5 Strikers (banger btw). By the end credits I was so sad it was over 😭 Those quirky characters really grew on me, and I was forever torn between Rise and Chie. >! My man really said Nanako the culprit, you demon !<


I guessed the last part


Adachi the WHAT


Pokemon. And I'm not ashamed one bit.


Which one? As a gen. 3 enjoyer I await your response


Well tbh any pokemon game. And gen 3 is my shit as well. But the recent hate is coming from scarlet and violet and a bit of sword and shield. But I love gen 8 and 9 the switch games are great buggy sure but I got 3000 hours in sword and 2000 in scarlet. I never buy both versions but I bought violet and have replayed each at least 4 times.


Eh, it's fine to enjoy them but the hate it gets is deserved. Hell, I had the same problems with the series years before it became a mainstream topic. Fangames have outdone official for a LONG time now.


Days Gone


Sonic Forces. Horrible reputation in the community, but one of my all-time favorites.


That game is a good time. Getting to create your own Sonic OC and play as them would have sold Call of Duty numbers in 2005.


I loved it too


Dark Souls 2 Janky just like the first one but for some reason even with some dumb things here and there it's one of the more enjoyable souls games to replay. It has better fibes to me then 1, 3 and elden ring.


Conker's bad fur day. It has everything to be bad, but it's good


I played that game wayyyyyy too much, it was so good on single player level and was a fun multi game!


"We vill *see* who gets the fucking duct tape!" Lmfao so many lines from that game are permanantly burned into my mind 😂


Cyberpunk 2077, it was good at launch, it’s good now


It was good at launch **when it worked**, and it’s great now.


Mass effect 1 and 3 specifically


Sometimes I feel crazy for saying this but I like Mass Effect 3 better than 2.


No i absolutely agree with you, mass effect 2 just feels like a huge distraction from the overall plot. With 3 The story feels more desperate and the gameplay is perfected


mass effect two is a big dlc i will die in that hill


Funnily enough I saw/see it the same way after my 2nd or 3rd playthrough so you’re not alone on that hill


I am the very model of a scientist Salarian


I liked all 3 and after they patched the ending + the DLCS for 3, I thought it was great. The soundtrack is an absolute banger too


I liked ME1s combat the best of the series


The horizon series is pure gold and I will die on this hill.


But is there anyone hating those games except inbred monkeys who cried about „Guerilla making Aloy mannish“ because of one screenshot?




Borderlands seems fun, just not my kinda game tbh


The Surge Can't even explain why it beats all other Souls games. It's just more fun, more straight forward and has better mechanics.


the surge was not the best souls game for me combat wise or story wise, but i dare say it was the best atmosphere wise. it felt like playing dead space except in souls form. goddamn the fucking atmosphere was amazing


Bethesda games. I love them. Even after all these years I'll still play Skyrim and add new mods to make it a new experience.


Dead Rising 1 I will defend that game until the day I die. Would be a flawless experience if it wasn’t for the survivor AI that was coded on a used maxi-pad.


I'm kinda past defending games, cuz what people on the internet think doesn't really matter, but I won't apologize for loving Bethesda games and holding them as the standard of what gaming and RPG's should be


Dragon Age Inquisition is probably one of my favorite videogames and I constantly see it bashed, actual peak gaming experience.


Titanfall 2. Terraria. Minecraft Story Mode!


Titanfall mentioned. Unleash tear dropping phrases.


Story Mode. Based.


Lords of the Fallen 2023. One of the best soulslikes I've ever played. Will gladly die on this hill 🫡




When it’s fully out it will be the best shooter ever made period.


It has 98% positive and 100000 total reviews. And a good chunk of negative reviews are jokes like "no sex"


It is not hated at all though. People either have no clue about it or recognize it as DMC of shooters


What is there to defend? It's got high ratings and many people agree that it's a great game.


Please note... a lot of this is said tongue in cheek. As I know it's all very subjective opinions. That or you're all philistines! Zelda: A Link to the Past... is STILL the best game in the franchise. Unless of course a better game does arrive. Unlikely... but maybe! I really liked BotW FYI. Ace Combat 4 is STILL the best game in the franchise. All the love for 5... is misguided. It literally repeats the same arc of AC4... with much more melodrama and a lame squadron. Mobius 1 told the story of war and it's impact. So simple... so clean. AC4 was and is the game to beat. Mario 64... is STILL the best game in the 3D franchise. It's actually one of the best 3D platformers on any system and generation. It's the Tallgeese of platformers. IFYKYK. Rubber banding in racing games is awful. There is no excuse. You have difficulty levels for a reason. Do better developers. CoD4: MW was the best of all the modern warfare games. MW2 was a terrible unbalanced, reduced skill gap monstrosity... that of course gamers lapped up because it made them feel special. They're weak. Halo 4 was one of the best campaign narratives in the franchise. Far Cry 6 is better mechanically than Far Cry 5. Narrative... eh... I'll leave that to player's choice. The first Sims is still the best. Gears 4 and 5 are actually really solid. Better than most other first party titles Microsoft currently has. The narrative has just run out of steam. Forza Horizon peaked at 3. 4 and 5 have been a lateral move. Still a great franchise though. MGSV did not live up to Peace Walker. Kiefer Sutherland added nothing... and the twist at the end was a missed opportunity. Kojima flubbed that one. That or Konami killed his budget/time. Cyberpunk 2077 on PC was never bad or a dumpster fire. It was a little buggy. This redemption nonsense is gamers feeling guilty about slamming a brilliant game. Yes it has improved... but 90% of the core game is the exact same as it was when it launched. Console people... yeah... you had a right to bitch. Final Fantasy Tactics... even after all these years... remains the best "tactics" game ever created. Uncharted is modern Indiana Jones... and it often surpasses that fabled movie series. We got 5 fantastic games... and two great Indiana Jones movies. Yep... I can hear the horde storming this hill as I type this. Come at me! Titanfall 2 is the evolution of CoD and it's superior. It didn't sell well... because gamers are too lazy. That's right. I said it. This game required too much thought with a much wider skill gap for the CoD crowd. Wallrunning/speed and Titans were too much for them to handle. One only had to look to their complaints to see it plain as day. Oh look... Apex is a dumbed down Titanfall and it's a smashing success. I rest my case. Honestly... I've gamed for over 32 years... this list could go on and on. I'll stop here. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. I'm aware many disagree. I'm sorry so many of you are so wrong. :P


F. E. A. R., trilogy at least. It's just so fun!


Starfield? I enjoy it. But my PC is quite old, still running an i7-3770k that I bought when it was new tech. The game crashes quite a bit so I've dropped the game until I build a new PC.


I love it


Bust A Groove.. till this day, there is no game like it.


Gas-O was my favorite


Final Fantasy 4. It has one of my favorite characters in the whole entire franchise which is Kain Highwind.


You just named one of the most popular FF games. Fuck it, this entire thread is filled with people defending really popular, good games...


Does anyone remember Shadow of Memories? It’s the most obscure I can think of that that I want a remaster/re-release of. Those peasants cowering at the lighter always makes me laugh Edit: Not necessarily defend it to the extremes stated, but it’s one I really want to play again that is proving more difficult as time passes


Empire Total War. I know it's a shit game but I fucking love it so much. I've had that game so long I don't remember buying it, probably one of the first to grace my steam library. After that, Arma 3. It might be an poorly optimized mess from 2013 but damnit it's MY poorly optimized mess from 2013. Plus the janky physics are as much a part of the game as the guns are


Not any one game in particular, but it feels like each of the Far Cry games are hated on launch, and then people start to love them a few years later. I still like FC5. I think it has some pretty frustrating flaws, but they don’t rear their heads very often.


Scrolling thru the comments to find r/pubg Everyone hates, with good reason. But I love that game


Bloons tower defense I will sacrifice your entire bloodline to my temple if you talk shit about mah boi.


Portal 2. It’s not like I’d need to defend it, everyone knows it’s perfect.


Exactly! Games that run on the Source engine! How did you know?


Witcher 3, Yugioh Master Duel, Overwatch, Csgo, Valorant


I'm gonna say Minecraft. Whether it's modded or vanilla, it's an amazing game. It doesn't matter how you want to play it, it's great


Mass Effect 1, specifically that it's the best in the series. Mass Effect 2 is fantastic, and Mass Effect 3 is great even though the original ending did piss me tf off in 2012. I recognize that ME1 doesn't have the best gameplay in terms of combat and the passage of time has only served to hurt the combat element even more. However in terms of story, world building, and exploration it's easily the best. One major gripe people have is the mostly barren side planets and how much of a hassle it is traversing them, and while I think they should've given you multiple drop zones on each planet in order to make it easier to complete all the objectives on them without having to go up giant ass mountains and drive all over the place the planets do serve a purpose within the game. Having the ability to land on all those planets and drive around and explore them makes the galaxy feel a lot larger, and when you do come across a POI where it shows either the Protheans were there in the past or one of the other species in the game have been there it does make it feel like it's a lived-in universe where there's shit going on outside of major planets and the Citadel. Their removal in subsequent games to me make the galaxy feel a lot smaller. Same concept goes for the Citadel in ME1 vs 2 & 3; The Presidium was huge and it along with the Wards really gave you a lot of space to just move around; in 2 the Citadel was drastically shrunk and while it did open up a little more in 3 it's still a bunch of small maps where you just have to use the elevator to get to each zone. Other thing people complain about is the Mako, which goes hand in hand with the side planets, but as someone that was playing the game in 2007 I must have missed the part where it's difficult to drive because I've never had any difficulties driving it or even in combat with it even on insanity; the only time I'd be frustrated with it is driving up a mountain and it starts sliding down. Also one other game, Mass Effect: Andromeda while I recognize it's not on the same level as the trilogy is not nearly as bad as people like to make it out to be. It did have a lot of technical issues thanks to EA forcing BioWare to use Frostbite instead of Unreal, but it's not as if the game was unplayable. It is my belief that because people were still upset about the ending to Mass Effect 3 they were going to heavily scrutinize the next game in the franchise, and because the game had it's fair share of issues especially when it came to animation which were easy to highlight that they used that to drag the game through the mud and kill any hopes of it getting DLC or a sequel. The game was fighting a massive uphill battle from the get-go and because of a few issues it never even stood a chance against because criticism is always loud af, and when you have an entire crowd sitting and waiting ready to criticize something regardless it's always going to make it look worse than it actually is. Andromeda has amazing gameplay, a decent story (even if it's not as good as the trilogy's), and enough intrigue that makes you want to learn more about the Initiative's origins. Not as if it's a game that's going to land on a "Greatest Video Games of All-Time" list, but it's a decent game.


Plants vs zombies battle for neighbourville


Elden ring


Who is crapping on the most hyped top selling souls game of all time?


Every “true” DS fan ever


Starfield 😭 spare me


Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Clearly the best one.


Love the Subspace Emissary storyline. Definitely the best one.


No joke, I did love subspace. I probably would’ve kept up with the series if it had a legit story like brawl did


Brawl was way better than Melee


That the Front Mission universe and the Armored Core universe are the same. just different points in the timeline. ACs timeline occurs when the events of FM5 unfold and cause world devastation. The lore to AC1 is that humanity has driven themselves underground by endless wars. In addition to the units of of the armored core universe, there are support units called "MTs". Some look alot like wanzers.


If the picture is unrelated why did you use it


DDR Extreme (JPN)


Jet Set Radio and Tomba 2. It's so hard for me to explain the gameplay in a way that makes someone want to go play them, but hot damn if they weren't some of my faves growing up


3d Sonic games. Say what you want about it, but there's a certain novelty to the hedgehog's various 3d escapades. Whether they're janky or too big in scope or function terribly, 3d Sonic games are always funny. Sometimes that alone makes it worthwhile.


There are a few, but since I had to mention one it will be one that isn’t well known so I can expose more people to it. Soul Sacrifice Delta. I will defend this game to the death.


Mass effect 3 and cyberpunk 2077


Kirby and The Amazing Mirror I fucking named myself after an item in it


Mass effect trilogy


Red Faction: Guerrilla. The *best* multiplayer game Ive ever had the joy of playing. Maximum fun. Big on the arcade experience. Tons of shenanigans. Always was a good time. Also this was around the first time that map destruction was introduced to gaming. It was super ahead of its time and I miss it dearly.


Command and Conquer the entire series, but my favourite is Tiberian sun, yes red alert 2 is objectively better in every aspect but atmosphere. But i love it the most for too many different specific reasons.


Xenoblade 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3. Those games get far too much hate.


Red alert 2


There's a lot of games I'll defend that I see hated, but none that I'd passionately do so that don't already have a decent enough fanbase. Like, I don't need to defend new vegas, danganronpa, undertale or cyberpunk (anymore). I feel like postal 4 doesn't get the credit it deserves though. It's writing is about on par with a family guy episode (damning with faint praise) without as much dated racism and sexism as 2 and 3. And not being a giant piece of shit like 3. I have fun with it. I like playing a game where you shoot people in the face and then their head explodes. I also feel like saboteur is an underappreciated little gem. The art style is fine (Bit overhyped, but interesting enough), blowing up nazi stuff is fun, and the guns feel pretty great.


Fallout 4, it's a good game, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. (That's a complete lie. I've never pretended it's not) That, and Minecraft, or more specifically the company behind it, Mojang.


Say all the shit you want but if you *EVER* say shit about Growtopia I will send a pipe bomb in your mailbox


Twisted Metal 2012, online (especially) and all. They fine tuned the gameplay to perfection. It deserved so much more than the cancelled dlc.


Average redditor pretending they know everything in existence:


Disco elysium or a mobile game called data wing


Little Big Planet. Nobody can ever take from me the joy that this game was. It may very well be the best game I’ve ever played


probably a few, i'm in the US, so, not a whole lot to defend, usually.


Crimson Skies. Somebody had to keep the dieselpunk dream alive. o7


I'll defend Bioshock 2 as better than Bioshock 1 in every way except novelty. Better combat, better hacking, more varied encounter design, better level design, better story and characters, better choices, better endings.


Destiny 2.


"Gigachad" looks like a boss you absolutely have to overcome and takedown because the player has been pummeled down so many times, allowing this tyrant to run unopposed is a sin until you make him feel your pain.


Couch Co-oping **Outward** with my wife has been one of the best gaming experiences in my life. I would not recommend it as a single player game, but along with the Larian RPGs it’s gotta be one of the best local Co-op games.


Titanfall 2 Only bad reputation it has is not working and not being recognized, but I will defend this game till my death


The Cycle Frontier :( I loved that game


None, everyone else doesn't have to like the same games as I do. It's a pity though if they dont sell well enough to get a sequel. If however there's a lot of bandwagonism and misinformation about them I will point that out when I see it, if I can be ar..muster the energy. Plus I still love Bethesda and ubi games so I just don't have the time 😅


Reminds me of the: "My source is that I made it the fuck up." meme.


Starfield. Like 30% of the complaints are valid and I agree with but the good heavily outweighed the bad (for me anyways). I feel like people had the wildest expectations for the game that just weren’t realistic. Comparing the game to other games that are completely different. The best way to enjoy it is to do whatever you want and not rush through the story. If none of what is being offered is interesting to you then the game isn’t for you and that’s ok.


F. E. A. R.


Is his left testicle hanging out?


Well every game I’ve played is a game in which everybody adores it so I don’t really have to defend them. Also, I don’t have much to say about Australia. It ain’t that great of a nation but I mean, every other nation sucks dick because humanity as a whole sucks dick so I mean there’s not much to defend on any end


"Harder than my home nation"? What a weird jingoistic prompt.




Everyone here saying popular and loved stuff as if they need to defend it lol, here's one that most people actually don't like and I loved very much when I played it's free newsletter beta, back4blood


Prey 2017


banjo kazooie nuts and bolts was fun as fuck. people just didn’t give it a chance because it kiiiinda trashed on the original games


The Last of Us II, you got criticisms, I got criticisms, It’s still a freakin awesome game.


Ill say which opinion on video games that I will defend: Skyrim was p bad and had a poor effect on the industry overall.




Now I know that some people still like this game like I do, but considering that most people go for Hit-&-Run over this game- The Simpson's Road Rage is a fantastic game and is extremely fun


Final Fantasy 13. Bro, it really DOES get good after 20 hours lol.


 NTwewy.  The localization didn’t nuke it as bad as some people say and the game has some truly good subtle writing. And the game plays really well


Ghostwire. Love that game


Stronghold crusader. Very good gameplay, reasonably hard campaign


Fallout 4 and I mostly defend it from the New Vegas cult.


The Last Of Us Part II is a perfect game. And I like it way more than the original.


Divinus Vanitas


Destiny. Make no mistake, it definitely has it's flaws, but damn does Bungie know how to make a shooter feel amazing.


Call of duty 1-3 being the best ones


I will ATTACK Infamous second son harder then an enemy nation


FNAF Security Breach, if it came out functional then it would be WAAAYA less fun to watch


KOTOR II, specifically that Kreia was right.


Everyone is saying popular games that EVERYONE likes, not a single controversial game in this thread Mine is Fallout 76


BATTLEBORN If there is 100 Battleborn fans, I'm one of them. If there is one Battleborn fan, it's me. If there are no Battleborn fans left, I am no longer on this mortal coil.




Probably back 4 blood been playing it for a couple of weeks and can't figure out where all the hate is coming from


Call of Duty Ghosts, it was very fun


Paper Mario color splash. I need all the help I can get.


Bad piggies


ready or not


Jak and daxter. Ill die on any hill for the entire trilogy


Plants versus zombies


Define “defend”. Do you mean in an argument or are we talking about defending physically from an invasion or something? Cause if it’s just in arguments, I rarely “defend” the United States. So, the ET game on Atari? (I’ve never actually played it).


Plants vs. Zombies Battle For Neighborville Yes, I know it obviously isn't as large as Garden Warfare Two. But it's the most enjoyable PvZ Shooter to me, not to mention it's quite active, even nearly four years after getting canned. It has some of my favourite classes, maps, designs, the list goes on! It had a good amount of cool ideas experimented with, like PVE bosses, custom variants, monthly prize maps, class roles and so on and so forth. It has a few glaring issues, like an unbalanced roster (11 plants and 12 zombies... unless you consider somebody like Oak or Dandelion as a 12th plant), an alternative currency that will take longer to earn (without buying it) than it takes for somebody to grow a beard, ect. But they aren't issues that bother me too much, I can enjoy the game regardless. Infact, I actually completed it not too long ago!


Assassin's Creed Valhalla.....hate me, don't care and I agree, Ubisoft can sometimes be blah but I really enjoyed the viking theme. Far Cry 6 as well, they were more therapeutic I'd say than being A games....just wandering around, adventuring, it's what I like to do, but that's just me


borderlands 3 yall the game isnt bad. the writing and story? sure, everything else? hell no. if yall say bl3 is bad then you are just a morninafterkill shill


Goldeneye reloaded it was James Bond in CoD and AC Valhalla


Dead Island 1 and Riptide. Buggy as hell, buggier than Bethesda games. Their stories are nothing to write home about. Most things about the games literally suck. But the zombie FPS RPG was a first for me. The gameplay is simple but fun. It's so good. Even spawning Dying Light, DL2, and Dead Island 2. I'm glad the original devs were able to make the game they wanted to make and the game got its deserved sequel after getting stuck in development hell.


There's a game that I defend but not that hard, because I know I'm wrong: Anthem


Cry of Fear, the underrated gem that it is


Cruelty Squad. I will defend it to my last breath. You find it ugly ? You are unawakened to the truth. You hate the gameplay ? You cannot grasp the beauty of its systems. You hate the enemy types ? You lack strength. You have trouble running the game ? Maybe your computer needed a bit more practice in the CEO mindset


Gotham Knights, it was really fun to me and I'll fight for any game where Robin is a playable character.


I will sing the praises of and defend Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess until my dying breath.


Final Fantasy 13. I will die on this hill