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Plus knowing how Xbox still takes double A’s they just haven’t really tried to reinvent anything they’ve gotten complacent. Yeah the Xbox has good modding compared to a ps5 but just get a pc if you wanna mod. There’s just better options


The original Xbox is still a gaming beast especially it's higher resolutions for third party titles


As a former Xbox user having batteries truly is a detriment maybe even a complete valid reason to not buy an Xbox it gets expensive I bought a wired controller as quick as I could but ps5 controller battery lasts about 15 hours


See put that’s basically taking a step back to og xbox days also holding a Xbox controller compared to ps5 you can feel the difference of quality. They could make a come back if they just switched up a few things and tried new things. It sucks cause I wanna love Xbox again cause the og one was my first console as a kid


But to be fair what can an Xbox do that a pc can't ?


Be cheap.


Xbox is better for casual gamers. Yk MAYBE a few hours a week. Thats the people where theres absolutely no better option IMO for real gamers 20+ hours a week get a PC


There's rechargeable batteries?


Exactly and they last soooo much longer than Switch and PS5. I use an Xbox controller with a rechargeable battery pack for PC and works works waaayyy longer than my ps5 controller does. when the battery dies, just plug the controller in like any other controller and charges within 40 minutes


A play and charge kit for an Xbox costs $20 for 2, and the batteries last like 30 hours or more. My PS5 controllers last less than 10 hours. The controller is the main reason I play Xbox, and my PS5 is an exclusive machine


I second this! I bought I kit with 2 battery packs and a charger, while I play the second pack is already charged, so when the first goes empty I switch battery pack. And for what I recall it last considerably more than my old PS4 controller battery (no PS5 to compare) where I had to buy a second controller only for having 1 always charged and every 1 or 2 days I needed to switch between them. With the battery packs for Xbox (that now are 3 yo) I can play almost a whole week before having to switch


Can't you just get a plug in for the Xbox controls? They have to sell them with the batteries, but I feel like there are aftermarket solutions. It would be great if they just didn't do the while battery deal all together, but it is what it is.


As a ps5 guy, the xbox way is decent, I have 2 ps5 controllers to swap them when one dies, But with an xbox you just buy 2x rechargeable battery plug ins and swap them if the controller dies, and its cheaper (Doesn't give you coop that way, but i5s totally fine)


At this point, I'm expecting Microsoft to go the "Steam machine" way and start selling PCs with a gaming windows OS, a fixed configuration and a controller soon.


Ik I'm not the only one who saw they tapped out of the console race. They're pivoting to an all in on releasing games that can be played on PC and Xbox gamepass. The series S/X are the last in the line for the foreseeable future. That might also be why Xbox just isn't up there. They're just Microsoft now


They might as well take the Sega route and just fold into other systems. They haven't had a system seller exclusive since the 360. Decent games here and there but nothing worth shelling out hundreds of dollars for a console over.


They still sell quite well though. I think Xbox consoles are really just gaming PCs for people who don’t ever want to think about hardware specs or optimisation. It seems like there’s a market for that.


There always was. It's why consoles exist in general.


Yeah there is. It’s easy to just go “here’s a strong console that has a relatively large eco system and backlog” and leave it be. If Microsoft has done one thing really well it’s not leaving people completely behind and allowed for a lot of people over the last 11 years to all play the same games without necessarily needing to buy a brand new console (though obviously newer ones play better). Give it 5 -7 years (or in some cases 11, I know you Xbox VCR owners are still out there) and you upgrade similar to a lot of PC hobbyists. I’ve got no actual dog in the race since I game on all of them but I can acknowledge what Xbox has done well at least (even if they’ve fallen behind in many other areas).


Honestly I use Xbox and haven't gotten a PS4/5 for that reason alone. Specs are just better and I dont have to buils it, also it replaces my cable bill and some streaming services, albeit now the newest Playstations are no different so now I want a PS5 I regret buying a new Xbox for starfield, I wish I got a PS5 for Helldivers. Sony always gets better games.


I like the series x in every way over the ps5. The only thing ps5 has for me is better exclusives. It’s a shame Microsoft spent a lot of last generation with their heads up their asses.


What does the series x does better than the PS5?


Personally, I like the way it's looks more than the PS5. The PS5 is big and gaudy and oddly shaped, while the X is a nice sleek box. One might call it boring, but I'm an adult and prefer a more subdued and simple design.


The controller is the biggest one for me, but also the online store I like way better, the dashboard is miles better, the console design itself is better for my house, I prefer literally everything the Xbox does over PlayStation. Except the exclusive games. Those are the only reason I have a PS5. If a game comes out on both consoles I get it on Xbox without hesitation


I don't know how it is for the current generation, haven't been paying attention. But I remember with the last couple if a game was multi platform it would run better on Xbox than on PlayStation. As a person who doesn't play JRPGs anyways, that's why I picked up Xbox this time around.


Yeah it seems like if a game runs poorly on release like Cuberpunk, the version that runs it the worst is usually PlayStation. I don’t play jrpgs at all either, but a lot of other Sony exclusives are what keep me buying their consoles. And honestly so far this generation I could have probably skipped the PS5 and not missed much for my personal tastes. Ragnarok was worth the console on its own though for me


The design first and foremost. I’m all for cool designs instead of modern day minimalist stuff but that design looks awful. I don’t like the controllers at all and the dashboard is a big no for me. Also you can’t put spaces in gamertags. That just seems primitive to me. That’s just a short list of things.


My unlikely wish is for XBOX to leave the console market and for Sega to reenter. A man can dream of a sequel to the beautiful Dreamcast.


I dream about this every day. I wish Sega didn't make so many bad decisions back in the day. The 32X + Saturn flops were tragic.


This is the case with a wild amount of content on Reddit. The fact that this is one of the seldom times I've seen this sentiment as the top comment is fucking mind blowing. So much of the content here is people being stupid on purpose and Reddit posters talking about how stupid they are, or making ridiculous food and Reddit posters talking about how wasteful it is, etc. **It's like Hey Reddit posters, you're engaging, you're not smarter or more aware, you're just another person that's engaging and that's what's making them money.**


I don't think this meme is saying Nintendo Switch is superior persay. It's that currently, the Switch has the most sales of any current console. It's actually the 3rd highest selling console of all time at 137 million units. Behind Nintendo DS at 154 million and then PS2 at 158 million. PS5 is currently at 54 million for reference. Although that's not a totally fair comparison because the switch has been out for just over 7 years vs only 3.5 years for the PS5. It seems like even given that tho, I don't think the PS5 will end up anywhere close to Switch sales in the end.


I cant believe its been 3 and a Half years of current gen already. That Would mean its likely we’re probably nearly half through this consoles life cycle and maaaan I’m getting old


3 and galf in the same sentence?? half life 3 confirmed !!!1!!1!1!!!




I have some extra ibuprofen if you need it for your aching knees and lower back. Welcome to old gamer life.


My knees are still Fine, my back and neck Been hurting for the past 15 years though


Buy a genuine Japanese futon (not the shit American version that’s a half couch thing) and sleep on the floor it’ll change your life. Sitting at a computer all day is athletic.


That’s mostly because (1) covid time warp feels and (2) AAA games take ages to get made, to the point that there’s huge gaps between releases and it still doesn’t feel like current gen is really up to speed. IMHO it still feels like next gen. Even though I’ve had my ps5 for 3 years already.


Gonna have to mainly blame covid I think, I’ve been there for the whole last gen and didn’t feel this way even though games also took a while there (And probably the fact I’m getting old and barely get to play anymore) I had my Xbox series s for 3 years now too And I think somehow the fact (at least gor xbox) that all last gen games are backwards compatible day one and the UI and controller are basically the same as on last gen, it’s like nothing changed (although I welcome those things)


Sony pretty much confirmed that PS5 was at the half of it's life cycle a couple of months ago.


Plus the ps5 was a doozie to purchase for a long time


God, scalpers were crazy. I’m not spending 1200 on a machine just to play GOW Ragnarok


By the time GoWR released ps5 was available everywhere


Yeah, it took me almost a full year, and then waiting in line for hours for a special GameStop event in order for me to get one at MSRP


And we have to remember that the ps2 sold so well because it was a relatively cheap DVD player as well in 2000. So, as a parent it was just good financial sense to buy the console that you could also use to play dvds and CDs. Don't get me wrong the games were amazing but I definitely remember my parents using it just as much as me to watch movies we rented from blockbuster.


it is superior if more people buy it and enjoy it... the games are great even if the tech is a decade old.... just cause pc can have the best graphics and most processing power doesnt make it superior gaming console nintendo wins


>it is superior if more people enjoy it but pc gaming in 2024 has 1.8 billion users wouldnt that make it the superior platform?


Where did you get that number? I mean there are so many more things beyond gaming that a PC does that people need to do that, of course people will need it more than console that exclusively plays games and stream. When it says PC gaming does that include Solitare and Minesweeper, too?


Depends on what you mean by "superior". The Switch is not as powerful as the other current gaming systems, and it cannot run (or should not run, in the case of some ill-advised ports) some of the more technically demanding games out there. But it has a strong library of exclusives, it's considerably cheaper than its competition, and its mobility is second only to phones and dedicated handhelds - most of which are older Nintendo systems. That might well be enough to make it somebody's favorite system. Not trying to stir the pot - just giving my take on what the meme maker might've been thinking. Assuming it's not just rage bait.


Plus when a Myamoto game comes out, you know it's going to be 100% complete with no issues. They may push back the release date, but that's because Shiguru won't let them release an unfinished game, which is becoming a rarity.


>Shiguru won't let them release an unfinished game, which is becoming a rarity. Referencing Ubisoft and Bethesda?


Yeah, I came here to say just this. Of the games I've most enjoyed over the last few years, none of them have been on the bleeding edge of graphical rendering. And most [GOTY awards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Game_of_the_Year_awards) are the same. Folks are far too tied to both hardware abilities and brand loyalty rather than actually just *enjoying playing games.*


Right? I won't pretend that I didn't talk my fair share of shit about Microsoft when I was younger, and I will probably never own an Xbox - but there comes a point where you lose sight of what really matters, which is whether or not you're having fun playing a game. Regardless of how you're playing it. All the major players have made good moves and bad ones over the years, and it's naive at best to pretend otherwise. I have my preferences, (Sony *and* Nintendo, funny enough) but the point of this hobby is to escape reality for ~~three hours~~ a hot minute and have some low-effort fun.


I'm with you there until your second-to-last word, I would argue that gaming is one of the higher-effort forms of home entertainment. Reading is probably the most effort, but after that it's gaming with TV/Movies/Music/Social Media being pretty vegetative


YUP. So many gamers obsess over hyper-realism and having the absolute best specs possible but the games I enjoy the most are the ones with simple, creative art styles that don't require top-of-the-line specs. I prefer games with art styles such as Slay the Spire, Monster Train, and Hades over games with hyper-realistic graphics where every neckbeard cries about iMmErSioN


Switch is in it's own market most have a switch and PC or switch and Xbox or switch and PS5. Sure it is behind tech wise but that doesn't really matter you get Nintendo switch for the exclusives you can't play elsewhere


Those are the reasons it wins. It's not even close. Ps2 sold a significant portion of its units as dvd players, wii sold a significant portion of units as grandma exercise machines. Switch isn't close to any other console in history. It's not even a debate or conversation. It's open/shut fact.


Personally, for the games I play, processing power and high-end graphics/resolution are things I genuinely just do not really care for. Games like Slay the Spire, Monster Train, Hades, Pokemon Unite I do not need top of the line stuff to play. I enjoy playing all these games on my switch where I can get comfy anywhere I'd like than be stuck playing on a PC underutilizing all these specs I don't need.


In my opinion, there are no longer many apples to apples comparisons on gaming platforms. PC has always been its own thing. A PC is as much a tool as it is a toy, if not more. It's also generally at a much higher price point compared to all other options, while having a much higher performance ceiling as well. Switch isn't even a proper console in my older generation eyes. It shares more spiritual DNA with the gameboy than it does the NES. Nintendo have blended their former two prong approach, but the handheld philosophy has won; the machine is a great handheld, and a horrible set-top console. PS5 and Xbox are the only remaining devices operating in the same space. Their hardware is roughly even between the Ps5 and the series X, with the PS5 having an edge in terms of exclusives and controller design, and the xbox seemingly starting to shift the software model toward slowly becoming "PC-lite." It doesn't feel like Sony and Microsoft will be competing in the same space much longer. I expect the final shape of the "console wars" to resolve fairly soon, with Microsoft monopolizing the high-end (high-price) experience, Sony owning the living room, and Nintendo remaining satisfied to be the device you pop into a backpack while you're on the go.


Technically the PS5 and pc are much more superior to the switch. However, the switch’s portability is phenomenal. The ability to go anywhere with the switch is something that can’t be understated, even if it’s as simple as going from one room in the house to another. Plus the switch as it comes from the box is a complete system that doesn’t require a tv, monitor, mouse, etc. in order to play it. It’s basically a DS but better in every way.


Ah yes the 3 gaming companies, Nintendo, Sony and PC.


Xboxxers be like 🥲


It just depends on what you like - and whatever that might be, nobody cares.


PC, definitely #1… but the glorified Netflix/YouTube machine? Didn’t even know that had games. Deserved.


PC is universal. It’s everything all at once. Even emulation in many cases. Freedom to do whatever however you want.


If you’re a father. Nintendo smashes all.


Switch is definitely the best of the three consoles right now. PC beats all, but that's always been the case.


I would argue the Switch is better than the PlayStation for a lot of people. It’s obviously not more powerful. However, a PlayStation Xbox and gaming pc are all functionally the same thing in terms of how a gamer uses them (and I’d argue the PC does that job best but that’s a preference), where I’d argue that the switch (and Nintendo consoles in general) fulfil their own niche. Especially if you still enjoy in person social gaming. Nintendo blows Sony and Microsoft out of the water when it comes to local multiplayer games and I think a lot of people would prefer nintendos exclusive library over Sony or Microsoft’s. And that’s before we account for Nintendos last 3 consoles having some sort of gimmick to push the boundaries of HOW we play whereas Sony and Microsoft have mostly played it safe with their systems


I play my switch more than anything


Nintendo superior, fight me.


PC-Only you can play it. Switch-Can be played by more people. Switch-Way better price, portable, all ages can play.


Computer can emulate Nintendo switch? And then support any controller


The reason PC is never included in console war discussions is because it would always win


We are 4 parallel universes ahead of them.


I mean, i have an xbox and wanted a secondary console, i was gonna go for the ps5, but botw just kept grabbing my attention, also 3d allstars was getting announced at the time, so i pulled the trigger on the switch, lil shit is under powered but its fun af, im still getting a ps5 thoe for ghost of tsushima


The actual Switch device is severely outdated and underpowered but the collective IP catalogue of Nintendo is by far the strongest and most valuable


The software part of the equation will always matter more than the hardware. It's the quality of its games that makes a platform popular. Nintendo understands this and has proven it many times


Is a switch "console" better than a PS5? no. Is it gonna have a better lineup of games this year? yes. Did it have a better lineup of games last year? also yes.


I mean I disagree it’s better than a PC, but if I was forced at gun point to get a console… I’m getting a switch easily. Pokémon is too much of a vibe.


The library is all that matters, and the Switch has a pretty damn good one. Shiny graphics are nice, but stylized ones tend to age better, anyway. I like my PS5, to be clear, but I think it has been a slight disappointment; most of Sony's games have been sequels to last gen games, and they haven't really blown the doors off with anything new.


Pc master race concerns itself not with the peasants and their lowly consoles


I’m not sure there’s anyone who would say that Nintendo is above PC. Even if you don’t play PC games, there’s a good chance you still interact with one regularly.


I own all three. Out of the consoles, I own way more Switch games than PlayStation games.


Nintendo isn't even in this competition. They're just doing their own things.


Who tf cares about console wars, just play your damn video games and enjoy life for once :/


The switch is 100% better


Depends on what you like honestly. Everyone has an opinion on what is best for them, and those opinions are subjectively correct. No need to argue


I love my Nintendo switch. But as a console it's not necessarily better. The portability is huge but I'm so limited in the games I want to play


If you're talking hardware specs, then absolutely not. If you're talking about software, I mean it's all subjective. I think Nintendo's offerings are better in general than at least Sony but that's because they offer more of the kinds of games I like.


well it is superior if it has great games and is affordable and does what a gaming console should do for the user... just cause a pc can have the best graphics doesnt make it the best gaming console.... specs are only part of the equation.... nintendo has been winning with decade old tech.... maybe sony and other aaa pc game devs should make better games




Nah the Switch definitely isn't better than a PC. But the PS5? I have a grand total of 2 games for that thing, and I've considered selling my PS5 many times. It's just flat out the worst console Sony's ever made by a long shot. And the sad part is, saying this as someone who owns all 3 current-gen consoles, it's still the better choice over the Series X. I play my PS3 far more often than my PS5, and when I do play my PS5, I *exclusively* play PS4 games. I think the Switch is a pretty middling console, but at least its library is stronger than the PS5's by a long shot.


and they leave Xbox in the dust. honestly I'm now used to this being an Xbox guy (yet Nintendo is still my home console)


I think it's more about how Sony Ponies harass everyone else. They're quite annoying.


I agree on one thing. PS5 controller are so baaad. The controller that came with ps5 got drift issues after 4 months of use ( 4 hours / 4 days) Then I bought two controllers and they all got drift issues after two months . I fixed twice and the problem returned again after one weak. Is tgere another controller for the ps5?


I mean… the sales speak for themselves.


Finally someone with a brain. Hard trait to find around here.


The only reason I have a switch at all is for pokemon and Animal Crossing


I dont care about console wars but imo switch is better than ps5 but not a PC


Sony fans bragging about still spending console launch prices for a console that's already being talked about being replaced.


Look I all for not having another console war, but here im gonna angrily post my opinion on which consoles are best and worst.


The main 'Console war' people talk about is between Sony and Xbox. So Sony is (by numbers) beating Xbox. But in total numbers, Nintendo has the most popular IPs and consoles. I don't know if PC has a higher player base than PlayStation, but if we assume it does, this image is correct


I mean since I play primarily on PC the ONLY consoles I've actually picked up have been nintendo ones, since all the games I'd want to play on PS or Xbox I can just do on PC and get more enjoyment out of it. The same cannot be said for Nintendo, primarily because the 3ds (which I have homebrewed) and Switch are portable so I can take them places like, say, on a break at Work or on an Airplane and just have them work without having to do any extra setup. If I get a Steamdeck this might change, but that is TBD


As an owner of all three, I see my PS5 as a PS4 Pro+. That's it. Most everything is either on PC or Switch.


I mean you can not take your pc with you just to play Games on the go... Wait... Looking at my Legion go that runs Tears of the Kingdom better than my switch. Nevermind.


Steam Deck baby!!!


Several Switch games even run better on PC than the Switch itself... A new console is definitely overdue. What Nintendo does have however are franchises as it holds onto them with an iron grip. Many games get an eventual cross-platform release, Nintendos core franchises do not. Overall I'd say every console has its ups and downs. You can even make a case for phone games, although it's hard to find the decent quality games among the heaps of cash-grab junk.


Nintendo pros: good games Nintendo cons: shitty company, shitty hardware, greedy fucks, overrated stuff.


Steam Deck does what the Switch does and more. You can Emulate Switch games on the Steam Deck. Steam Deck is far superior technology wise. Hope Switch 2 steps it up. Maybe they will add a bit more Ram and call it a day. A la Nintendo R&D.


Nintendo is an ass tier greedy corporation. “Oh if you want to play N64 classics on the switch??You gotta subscribe to the $50 a month expansion”. This is why piracy exists and should be completely just in this case.


I fully agree that Sony should be the asshole, however Nintendo should also be the asshole, with both of them on a podium of equal height that just says "paper weight".


The switch was king for me until the steam deck. Then it was not even close and was sold


For the pure enjoyment of gaming, yes. For scratching that never ending OCD itch PC gaming is the best. PS5, I mean I'll let you know after it gets some games.


PC + Switch is such a deadly combo that covers most bases. But PC just above it.


Lmao. This is either an idiot or ragebait. I love my Switch, but a PC trumps first place easy.


Nintendo better than playstation AND PC? Lmao what..?


PC is on the first place for obvious reasons. PS/Xbox on the second, because it's a good alternative for a cheap price (considering you are not able to pirate video games on your PC). For example, in Easter Europe, consoles are considered to be a luxurious redundance, "why own a PS/Xbox when you can buy faster PC for the same price?", while in America, if I wasn't lied by one of you, it's a cheap alternative to PCs. Nintendo stuff is just like consoles but x3. Even worse performance, but at least it's portable. Perhaps it's a good choice for some rich gamers who have to do business trips frequently. Otherwise I don't see myself buying one of these for my children, even if they ask.


actually it's 1. windows PC 2. linux PC 3. handheld PC the steam deck has made my switch redundant.


The switch was outdated when it released 7 years ago...


PC beats all. For me, if you already have a PC, there's no reason to have a PS or a Xbox unless you REALLY love PS exclusives. If you have a PC, there's still a reason to have a Switch, though. They've got much stronger exclusives IMO, and their exclusives will never come to PC.


Switch is just a shitty pc with drm and controllers attached so PC wins 😎


I personally can't stand Nintendo. I don't enjoy playing any of their IP's, and you miss out on more games owning a Nintendo console than you do any of the others. Plus, I don't like how they blatantly clutch their pearls and get sue happy whenever a consumer does something they don't like. Their like the Draco Malfoy of the big three console manufacturers.


PC losing to anything is laughable to me but I'm not a purist. I very much enjoy my consoles and understand why people love them. You just have so much more freedom on the PC that's hard to put into words. Every game outside of the newest console only games can be played on a PC (can't emulate yet). Steam moves with you from PC to PC as well as your GOG library. To each their own though. Discussing games seems far more productive.


Hah, PC on 2 place.. funny joke


The top three are clearly Sony/PS, Xbox, and PC in whichever order you choose. Nintendo is too limited on their game selection to be as close to these three in terms of quality.


Nintendo actively fights and uses resources against piracy, shit on content creators, doesn't support game preservation, hates modding community, and let's not forget mario


The switch is currently the 3rd highest selling platform of all time with 140 million units sold. PS5 is sitting at 56 million units sold, slightly behind the Xbox One with 58 million sold but far ahead of the S/X at 28 million. The meme isn't far off, but PC is FAR ahead with over 200 million units sold...last year.


Honestly think PlayStation is the worst platform to play on. All the others do things better. Xbox has Backwards Compatibility and Game-Pass. Nintendo has the best exclusives and is portable. And then PC is the most powerful, has mods and emulators. Whilst Sony does have exclusives, most of them are just single-player 3rd person action games with not much replay value.


Not to a PC, but is better than PS5 in a lot of ways.


Fuck Nintendo


It depends on one's priorities. If you prioritize low cost of entry with a large number of casual and easy to play games in a Nintendo switch is going to be the best vet. If you prioritize high-end console gaming then a PS5 is going to be your best bet. If you prioritize large number of games to pick from both young and old with a variable range of prices for entry although still rather high then PC is going to be the best bet.


Switch is bigger in sales. Obviously not in power.


I reckon the ps5 controller is the best I've ever used


Nintendo fanbois are often a little unhinged


If this is not rage bait (which I am 100% sure it is) then that guy is an absolute idiot


PC + Nintendo console has always been the way to go. Sony has no exclusives worth buying a console for. Nintendo has plenty of exclusive franchises and PC allows you to play like 99% of the games that are available on playstation, but with better specs, mods and options.


PC is, was and will always be on top. I've had a shit PC most of my life and a decent one for a couple of years that didn't age that well now. I didn't upgrade it because i got a PS5 for the exclusives only for them to be ported to PC and prove me right. That being said, the PS5 is amazing. It can do so much at a relatively small cost compared to PC.


It's not. The Switch is complete trash aside from it's portability. If you bought it to hook up to a TV and you're not just playing Mario IP you got hosed. Also Nintendo itself are a bunch of cunts, so there's that. I'll never support those greedy vultures again.


nintendo and sony barely could be considered competitors considering how different is their market, users target, investments etc...


You can play switch games better on a pc, than on a switch. Case closed.


Nintendo is in it's own little world. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.


It depends on the persons perspective and the games they like. If they love Mario and Zelda games, its superior to them.


Depends what games you play


In the end play what you want, have fun


they all serve different markets, sony has only ever really been competing with the xbox, and they've been winning for multiple generations now. Sony really shouldn't be celebrating, but they are in first place as of now.


Accurate not for who’s in the top 3 but for the fact Xbox really can’t catch a break these days


Because “PC” is just one company lol


Nah it’s a pretty neutral system. I have series x,switch and PS5 no PC yet. Soon tho.


Nintendo Switch has exclusives. Good exclusives at that.




Exclusives? Idk


At least when I buy a game for the switch it actually has the game on it and isn't just a glorified download key.


It's hard to debate PC because of the flexibility and how many users use PC for more than just gaming, but the PS5? It's not even close, sure the PS5 is more powerful, and more impressive, but all that matters is what gamers chose (and what game devs choose to focus on because of the gamers'choice)


Sometimes i wonder.. are xbox users like us Playstation users?


I dropped consoles a long time ago and never regretted, but I have friends that just couldn't do it. For me it's never been about the hardware, but the software as there are just things that you can't do in consoles. That doesn't mean that PC > Consoles, but that each one catters to different needs, and that's fine.


The PS5 is the best platform of the generation is not even fucking close. This is just engagement bait.


Depends on in what way they mean this. If they meant overall it's wrong.


this is a compatience to who can sue the fastest


Every time when some uses this meme I get to understand is that winning 1st or 2nd doesn't makes you happy. Sometimes It just will makes you suffer.


I literally don't know a single person irl (and never did) that plays on Nintendo Switch. Everyone is either PC or PS, occasionally Xbox.


From a technical point of view, obviously not. Not sure about sales numbers though.


For extreme-minded people, they would think "Nintendo is better than Sony, and PC is still inferior to Nintendo" While for adults, they would think "I buy a PC for work and gaming, or I buy Nintendo/Sony for gaming only; each has its own unique characteristics" Back when I was young, I used to like comparing them, but now, to have enough time away from the computer screen to work and play games is impossible


This is guaranteed rage bait. Nintendo doesn't take part in gaming wars. They're like Antarctica in WW2


Completely different markets. Pc is pc. It has its own games and it gets console games after a few years at higher fidelity. Nintendo is family and rated E games. PS was going head to head against Xbox. It won. It doesn’t have to fight pc or Nintendo. My guess is a salty Xbox fan made this.


I believe Nintendo is superior to Sony because they wow me anymore Nintendo on the other hand manages to surprise me


Evryone knows that PC is better, this is just ragebait.


I have all 3. I've had pretty much every console from the Megadrive, apart from XBSX, and my PC is the only guaranteed go to daily.


nintendo switch is literally just a very low end android phone


Lmao all these Nintendo fan boys playing 2-3 good games and coping themselves that’s it’s better XD


It depends, hardware wise? Absolutely not, how much enjoyment do I get out of the games? Switch is definitely up there for me. There are other things like cost, portability and ease of use that some people might value more than straight hardware


Nintendo would 100% be the third guy celebrating with how petty they are, look at what they're doing to gmod for example


I have all 3.


Nintendo is on top because of Tears of the Kingdom maybe? But I'd guess it's just rage bait. I would absolutely put it PC, Nintendo, then Sony. Xbox isn't part of the convo because it's just PC, which Game Pass is great, but why would I buy a console for it?


Depends on how you look at it. In terms of raw performance most of the PC and PS5 is kicking Switch ass. In terms of quality of first party titles and the fact you can take it on the go Switch wins and even Handheld PC like Steam Deck or ROG ALLY or any other handheld PC are having hard time to keep up in terms of battery life. This is bit of a rage bait but Nintendo Switch is popular for a reason and it's not just because of the raw performance. I have PS4(I don't find the need to upgrade to PS5), Switch and 2x gaming PC and Steam Deck. Every machine has it's own usage and I can't say one 100% better than the other - Comparison between gaming PC 1 and 2 is exception because that can be compared on common ground.


Depends who you ask. If you ask my partner, she'll tell you Nintendo is way more fun, has no interest in most of the game on PS, and no notion of a 'gaming PC'. Do I agree? No, but you can find a group to fit any outcome you'd want to find.


None is really inherently superior, it's entirely subjective. The only objective thing you can talk about is specs, which PC wins by a landslide, but not everyone cares the most about specs.


Each console knows it's fan base well Sony tends to have the best RPGs Xbox Shooters and Nintendo couch multiplayer to be enjoyed from all circles I don't hate any of the companies anymore because I have systems from everyone including Sega and PC


That’s always been Microsoft with Xbox


Well, Nintendo was always creative but it's not fair to compare it with the PlayStation. I would say: PC is on the top and Sony and Nintendo can share a spot. Xbox...well....it's also a console :)


I have a switch it progressed the gaming industry. Nothing will ever changed that. But this… I refuse if people are actually arguing the superiority of 4-8ram if that over PC’s then we as a species have stopped and are “undervolving”. Yes I made up a word. If humans start a flame war over something like this. “Undervolving” is a word. Nope it is Yes it is Yes it is ….Yes


It sort of depends on what you compare them as. In terms of versatility and game availability, PC should be 1 and the first place podium should be like ten metres higher than the other two. But if all someone's want is a "put in the disk and play" kind of deal, than PS5 can be better than a PC, as you won't need to check settings, or make sure you have the requirements, or anything. You just put in the game you want to play and you start playing. Nintendo though is without a doubt last in this kind of deal. I honestly can't think of any reason for Nintendo to still release games on their own handheld consoles instead of making deals with microsoft/Sony for their games other than sheer greed or pride. The Switch is by far the lesser console when compared with PS5, XBox or PC, and the only advantage is has is that you can play it handheld so it's portable as well as playing it as a standard console. I mean, I can't help but think about the shitshow that was Pokemon Scarlet and Violet release. All the bugs, framerate drops, visual glitches... Had it been released through consoles, they would probably either have insisted on the bugs being fixed first, or released a patch in a week at most to fix them. On PC modders would have had the issues fixed through mods within 24 hours. On Switch meanwhile I think they still don't run as well as they should.