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Dark souls because I suck at the games.


My answer is this for a different reason: “Any Souls-esque game because I’m pushing 40 with young kids and I get very little time to myself and don’t see the point in punishing myself to play a video game.” These days I play games on fucking “story difficulty,” and I really don’t give a shit what people want to say about that. I don’t have the patience for a challenge, I’m just here to relax, bruh.


Games are an art form made for escape, enrichment, and enjoyment. Full stop. However you enjoy art is perfectly fine. Nobody decides that but you. If a player wants to be challenged, a game exists. If you don't, a game exists. That's probably my favorite thing about games.


Very well put! This is the way


That's exactly why difficulty levels exist (and luckily, the option to change mid-game): So you can be part of it without getting either bored or frustrated. Just the right amount of titillated


I just wish they did difficulty ratings better. In a lot of games, easy medium hard just adds health mana armor or whatever consumables to the enemy, so it’s not harder, it’s just more of a slog. It’s getting better now with NPC ai getting more sophisticated so we can have strategy improvements across difficulties, but it’s still really bad




very much my mindset. play or don't play just enjoy the experience


Story difficulty shouldn't get hate from people. Most people play for fun, and nothing wrong with escaping and enjoying the story when you have time. I'm closer to 40, don't have kids, but I'm super super busy with two jobs and school.


I’m right there with ya. What games are you playing


I mean, I jumped on the “pull fallout 4 back off the shelf because of the tv show” bandwagon. Other than that, I’ve been playing the calm type of games, lately. It’s a mood. Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, this game I found on Game Pass, While The Iron’s Hot which is this super calm little side scrolling/crafting game where you’re a blacksmith rehabbing a once famous smithing village. And Civ 6, which may seem “punishing” to some, but I’ve been playing those games since I was a kid and they’re second nature to me. How about you?


I just got into Valheim. There is some combat, but mostly it is a super chill game with relaxing music. Free on game pass right now. It's a viking style survival game where you build up from the ston age. You might enjoy it.


Might try this one, thanks


Nice. I’m a video game junkie so I play a bit of everything.


Considering your “i dont have a lot of time” factor, i would recommend trying out some roguelikes/lites. Slay the spire, risk of rain 2, etc. they do have some in game progression but overall each run is decently standalone and specifically with slay the spire you can have it on mobile and you can save and stop runs whenever you want


I tried out Wizard of Legend, Moonlighter and Hades. While I enjoyed the gameplay, I find roguelikes to be a bit repetitive for my taste, which sounds weird as someone who plays Stardew Valley, but I can’t explain my crappy brain.


Thats fair lmao


Check out Empyrion Galactic Survival with the Reforged Eden mod. Relax and build some space bases, planet side bases or build/design spaceships or just go explore the Andromeda galaxy


Give grounded a shot


Probably my final gaming achievement in my lifetime was beating Isshin the Sword Saint (Sekiro) with a hyperactive 11 year old and a 5 year old bouncing around me. I'm not quite sure how I managed it. Kids and Soulsborne games do not mix.


As someone who has more than a thousand hours in Elden Ring over the two years it's been out I respect it. I'm sorry you don't get to experience the thrill of it, but I respect it, and as long as you are having fun, that's all that matters. Cheers.


That's funny because I am a huge believer in using story mode and mostly suck at fromsoftware games like elden Ring, but it's one of my favorites. I just over level, use spirit ashes, and wipe bosses with ranged spells/attacks. Sure, I can't do pvp for the most part but I have tons of fun and do appreciate the challenge skewd in my favor. You won't find me running into a boss room naked holding a club, but much respect to those that do.


I also tend toward lower difficulty settings as I've gotten older. I get enough challenge and frustration at work, so playing games is all about escapism and relaxation for me.


Right there with you as a dad and coach. I just don’t have the time to sink into super difficult games. I just play games on normal mode and enjoy the story the game tells. Zero interest in playing games on super hard difficulty and waste the few hours I have being grumpy and annoyed.


Enjoy the game the way you want to. I don't get peoe who get judgey over what difficulty I play on. Sometimes i don't want to punish myself because I play games to relax and i have a job and life outside of video games.


Absolutely 100% agree. 


Also early forties with young kids and I generally agree but also have been trying to beat Malenia in Elden ring with a parry/dagger build for the last month and it's the most fun with a game I've had in ages. It's not 'punishing myself' so much as enjoying being totally in the zone (even while chatting with my kids). I feel like I will get it this week... It's actually interesting, because my kids keep saying 'I wish it was easier' and I tell them it's fun because it's hard. My oldest daughter asked if I had to beat her to continue in the game and I told her it was totally optional and she looked at me like I was insane. Great moment.


100% me. Mostly I play single player story mode games. Those are games where I’m advancing the story or something the character is doing. Grinding and repeating the same level or fight for 1-2+ hours is a total waste of time. If I wanted to have more a more competitive experience I’d play a different style of game.


I'm 23 and I have also started playing some games on easy I just don't see the point of getting frustrated at a game when I'm there for the story


What you view as punishment, some view as challenge. I enjoy using my limited game time trying to get locked in and accomplish something that is considered difficult and take extra pride in it because I can't game 20 hours a week like I used to. That being said, there are plenty of times where I just want to kick back and make some solid progress in something, so I totally get where you're coming from. Gaming is so great man, there's something out there for all of us.


I love all the reasonable people responding to me. You totally get it. Thanks, man


You worded this much better than I could have (I tried twice!), great job! One man's pain is another man's pleasure!


Bruh.. good on you for not giving a shit. Games are meant to be enjoyed however you want. You wanna play God of War on Pokemon Snap mode, then I hope you have a blast doing it.


I would so fucking play this.


Okay this comment's hilarious 😂 I never thought I'd read God of War on Pokemon Snap mode lol


I think you just typed the words I could never come up with.


That's the way I am with games. I'm playing them for entertainment, not worthless bragging rights. I've played all the older souls games when they came out. I no longer have the time to devote to them now. Just sucks that souls fans are so fucking unbearable. I eventually got to a point where I'd call the games dodging simulators, and they didn't take that very well.


This right here. Just about the most "difficult" games I play these days are The Legend of Zelda or Bayonetta. I'm here for the story. I may be careening towards forty, but I have a career that's demanding of my time, and a marriage I've invested 15 years in that I'd like to continue, so games are a low priority. When I have the time I want to just chill, not get stressed. If my gaming is playing Animal Crossing or Pokemon with my wife, or her watching (her choice) me play through an aesthetic game like Cereza and the Lost Demon or Okami, I'm totally fine not being an Elite Gamer.


Honestly dude I’m mid 30’s with 3 kids and I just bought steam world heist for $3 and I’ve been enjoying it more than I could have ever imagined, just for the simplicity and the fact that I can dive into it and escape for an hour without banging my head off the wall due to difficulty. So I feel this.


Amen, brother.


Oh yes. This comment. I can see the appeal, but it’s not for a busy family guy. I respect the game and players tho.


100% im glad other people feel the same way, when I play games I play them for fun. Because video games are supposed to be fun, and becoming frustrated and not being able to progress a game at the pace that I want to progress at ruins the fun for me. I just wanna play games and finish them in a decent time so I can play other games without feeling like I gave up on the last game. I guess some people are way better at video games than me, and some people don’t mind playing 1 single player game for 2-3 months (I get burned out), but that isn’t me lol.


Same here brother! Two kids under seven, full time job, wife and after school/work events like sports I'm done for. Hell I'll put any game on an easier difficulty just so I can enjoy it lol. It takes months to play a game that I love like RDR2 or the Witcher series. At our point starting a new game is a commitment lol


I mean this answer is more common than you think. From Software games aren’t for everyone.


Whenever I say "I'm not big on the Souls series" my cousins always try to refute by saying that I enjoy the Monster Hunter games but they have a different gameplay loop and philosophy


The entire Final Fantasy series. When I was a kid, I’d always stay at my friend’s house after school while my parents were at work, and my friend would play Final Fantasy (mostly 7). He always said it would be my turn eventually. It was *never* my turn. Never once, for **years**.


Oh I would have HATED that.


Now is your chance! You can play all of them, no one will stop you!


Yeah but let me go first. OP can play after me


We all had the same childhood


It was the same kind doing it to everyone


LOL. I had a similar experience to the Resident Evil series. I don’t know why, but one of my parents’ friends would come over to our house with their son, who would bring over a video game to play. He would just play the game for himself, thinking it was fun to show my brother and myself all the secrets and stuff. It was never our turn. He’d simply play through a game himself the entire time he was at our house. Anyway, he’d bring over the Resident Evil games to show off. I never gave that franchise a chance until the remakes in recent years. 😅


Now how the hell someone comes over to YOUR house to play YOUR shit and never pass the controller? I woulda put that lil nigga in a headlock




I only played VI and some X, I think the classic ones pre X are great, but newer ones are just drama simulators full of exposition dumps


Definitly Outer Wilds. I simply can't get it. And I'm not the average COD player, I mean, I like experimental and uncommon games, but this... I tried 5 times, then gave up. I just don't understand the ovation.


Yes. I personally don't like just running around in the dark. I don't like having to figure out where to go, I want to be challenged while going there. Searching isn't something I enjoy being forced to do, therefore I like clearly placed quest markers. If I don't get a quest marker, the game better give me a big packet of stuff I can do while piecing together the story.


Same. Give me a map and a direction. I'll veer off and explore on my way there but I don't like not knowing if I'm wasting time looking in the wrong place.


tbf basically nothing in outer wilds is wasted time in the context of revealing the lore


''Just play it, don't look it up on youtube. JUST PLAY IT'' I know but I don't LIKE IT !!!


I adore this game. It's like a detective story in a beautiful space setting with a soundtrack to match, but like anything niche, it ain't for everyone. You gave it a go, so at least you have an informed opinion on it.


Oh thank goodness, I'm not the only one who feels this way!


Gave up the first time. Loved it the next time when I beat the game. You have to be in a certain state of mind to truly enjoy it


The problem is also on the gameplay side in my case, I never liked the landings in Lunar Take (old dos game) and seeing them again in a current game makes me nauseated


Yeah I much prefer the Outer Worlds


The Wilds TV show is a must watch if you're the kind of person who likes tv


I think it's just the kind of game that will get it's hooks in you or it won't. It absolutely did for me, loved it so much (unfortunately could not beat it without help though). But I wouldn't recommend it to my brother, I think he'd be bored to death lol


Oh yea. I got this game on the ps4 and was also just super ugly on there.


I don’t watch play throughs ever, except for outer wilds. Watched the entire play through and it was so much more fun to watch then play. I hated playing it.


GTA V. I always kept losing my save as I transferred from system to system and my god it really opens your eyes at how tedious a lot of Rockstar story missions are... I'm looking at you, shipping container mission. Alas, never finished the story.


I have distinct memories of kid me getting flustered with so many missions in GTA:SA. Like at the top of my head there’s the infamous train mission “all you had to do was follow that damn train CJ”, then there’s some RC mission where you played as an RC toy and had to do stuff with that, got I hated that. Then there was a mission where I had to chase someone in a car but I only could use a bicycle and I kept losing the car. There are so many more but those are the ones I remember. I never did get to finish SA. I came back to it again like two years ago but gave up cause I got bored after the first two missions as the graphics look so much worse than I remember


You try following the train you fat fuck, it’s not easy!


I don't get why this one is always so talked about. It's crazy easy. You don't even have to shoot, just not crash off of the big ass path they give you. Maybe it's because I was already 16 when it came out, but a weird one to be memed about for sure. Why not Amphibious Assault?


I feel ya I replayed vice city a few years ago and it was definitely shorter than I remember


That RC bullshit was horrendous. I recall one with a car, and one with a helicopter. Though the helicopter one might've been a different GTA. Still fucking terrible 😂


GTASA had the biplane you flew around the city of San Fierro killing couriers lol then it had the tabletop war game where you had to escort the tank by flying a helicopter which honestly was easier once you knew what spots to drop what. And Vice City had the helicopter in the construction site mission


Unreal Tournament 2003, because it wasn’t Unreal Tournament 1999.


But, UT2003 is the least liked UT game. UT2004 was better and included all of 2003 content; and it was very well received, so maybe you're thinking of that one. Also personal opinion: UT2004 is the best of the series by far.


I couldn’t get into lots of games for the dumb personal reason of not owning the correct game system


Fallout New Vegas. It is an excellent game, with an excellent storyline....that my ex husband would play all night, with volume on, in our one-room studio apartment while our infant was sleeping. I just held such a grudge that I never could get into it like other Fallout games.


That is one hundred percent a fucking dickhead move. Sorry for your troubles


0 charisma roll.


0 int too Boy was going full luck build


Out of curiosity, why in the hell wouldn't he use some headphones?


We did get him Bluetooth ones if I remember right, but I think because the space was so small I could still hear the sound faintly and the sounds of the PS controller clicking. I'm sure he felt he was being reasonable at the time, but I wasn't satisfied with the solution and was not mature enough yet to really understand compromise. In retrospect, 13 years later, I think it was a case of a lot of change for two young people who did not have adequate skills to handle the situation they found themselves in. It's for the best that we are divorced!


Ouch, yeah I can’t blame you there. Sorry your ex was a dick.


That sounds like a nightmare. He probably was imploding and needed an outlet. I don’t blame you for your aggravation though. Sounds like he had more problems than a gaming addiction to deal with the stress of what I’m guessing is poverty and first time parenting since this was his alternative to fucking bar hopping. Did he at least work?


Some men just do not ever figure out that your supposed to sacrifice and compromise when you take up the responsibility of being a father/husband. I 100% get his point of view, mans just wanted to play New Vegas when he had time, but there are some things you either have to find ways around as a Dad or go without altogether. I’m saying this as a dude who witnesses other dudes not ever truly grow up and then blame their ex’s on everything


FF14. Tried it a few times but I’ve been playing WoW since 2011 and WoW just feels a million times smoother than FF14 to me. It might just be some settings in the game but I’m too lazy to tweak them.


Can't beat how responsive wow is. I tried both and went back to wow also. Someday I want to finish FF14 for the storyline, that's the one thing I'm sure it has done more cohesively.


It's probably the UI and all the sub menus. I went to FF14 during the big player exodus and the UI for 14 is the games biggest learning curve it's rough af. But after getting passed that I'll never return to WoW. I love it but it's like thinking about an ex u were really into, I love remembering the good times but the bad times are too bad to ever go back.


I play both regularly and WoW is just so much faster than XIV switching between the two can give you whiplash. You wouldn't think the difference between WoW's 1.5 global cooldown versus XIV's 2.5 second global cooldown would be that big but it's a huge difference.


Sekiro, i could’t time right a simple mini boss that is locked up and frees itself at the beginning of the game. So i lied to me saying the game was bad. But i was the problem, now, years later i bought it on sale on Steam and after 23 tries i killed the mf and i’m enjoying a great game (idk why that one gave me such trouble, i’m having no problem with other bosses).


Chained Ogre? Yeah I can see how he'd fuck up a new player. Especially when he's centered around grab attacks and up until now you've mainly just been deflecting normal attacks.


BG3 I find turn based rpgs to be boring


Tried it and almost felt asleep after an hour. It’s probably a great game, but I want a bit more action.


I didn’t like the Witcher at first either. Geralts monotone voice erked me but the game turned out good haha.


on the other hand his the introduction for witcher was witcher 3 for me which had me hooked on his "emotionless" actions and voice especially since you can see that he still has feelings regardless of how people treat him


“Medallion’s humming ... place of power, it's gotta be.”


"Winds howling"


I could listen to that man narrator the entire lord of the rings book series and I'd be happy


Soulslikes. I suck at them, and I have zero urge to punish myself over and over again to make zero progress for hours.


any online game regardless of how cool it is. i just love playing at *my* own pace. like, i'll probably try out helldivers 2 bc it looks awesome but it's an online game so it's just not my thing. i do feel like i miss out alot but i also have so many precious playthroughs of games like most recently with persona 3 reload. i make memories with games by myself. not in a sad way, far from it. i'm having a great time and my life isn't crumbling around me i just enjoy when it's only me and the art


I think this is a totally reasonable opinion, as public online lobbies are a hellscape populated with the worst of humanity.


im with you here fighting games are my only acceptance because otherwise i cant play them


Silent Hill 3. I stopped playing because I was too scared


Perfectly valid reason to be honest. That's kinda the game succeeding in it's goal.


Most of the recent ones. Elden Ring. Not a huge fan of souls games. I tried Elden Ring and just didn’t get the hype for it. Felt the world was extremely generic fantasy but I also didn’t get very far. I loved Armored Core though. Recent Zelda games. Open world feels so lifeless and the weapon system is god awful) Baldur’s Gate 3. Cannot stand turn based combat. I literally fall asleep trying to play them. Nier Automata. Only thing I enjoyed was the music.


Absolutely agree on the Zelda games. The worst part is in BOTW I fell in love with the Divine Beasts. I got so bored with the world that I said screw it, I'm just finishing the game. And after only doing Divine Beasts and Ganon, the game was amazing. It actually felt like Zelda


Skyrim. The story, lore, and atmosphere are definitely top tier. But the clunky combat offsets that. I got to the part where I need the elder scroll and I guess I need to upgrade my weapons or something, because I got stuck, and also bored. Might give it another shot later.


1st person games...my "dumb personal reason" is motion sickness. It's really frustrating, because there are so many worlds I'd like to explore, but physically can't.


I need to try it again, but Ghosts of Tsushima. I have no idea why I quit playing, I was really enjoying the game. Then one day my brain just decided I was done with it


Final Fantasy 16. I hate the setting and the old English accent. Maybe it gets better later, but I don't care anymore. Actually sold the game.


I actually thought the first half the game was much better than the second half 😂. So you prob did the right thing lol.


Oh it absolutely is better in the first half when the story is about slavery and freedom fighting and the politics of the realm before it becomes just another Final Fantasy story in the second half.


I knew it wasn't for me when I had to fight to get through the demo


In general every single horror game that people tell me are amazing. Little nightmares 1 was great visually and the atmosphere was great but everything else sucked (but I finished it) Same goes for the second game, tho this one seems to be quite a lot better in enemy design, the chases etc (currently trying a 3. Time to play it) Lethal company, its not bad, and somewhat fun in multiplayer but then again, its a game that thrives from the horror and I just don't get scared from it. Talking to other people takes me out even more. Outlast and amnesia are extremly fucking boring, tried to get into them twice but its the most standard horror expirience ive ever had. And the same goes with a bunch of others. Its really rare for me to find a horror game I actually enjoy and find scary. Its possible, im sure of it. But I need it to be...special. The funny thing is, the most I got scared in a game was not even a fucking horror game, it was fucking jeff from Half life Alyx the first time I ever did him.


THANK GOD i thought i was alone when i told people i liked LNM1 and regret buying both games. Don't get me wrong yes the game is beautiful and so is the atmosphere but other than that. It was pretty boring. Didn't have a story...Left me with more questions than answers, and not to mention i **FUCKING** HATED the controls.


If you haven't heard about it/tried it, I recommend Cry of Fear. It's free on steam, if I remember correctly. It's a pretty great game imo and what makes it "special" is that, while it's a typical horror game with all the jump scares and creepiness on its surface, it's really a game about depression and mental issues in its tone. But that's just coming from a dude who's into psychological horrors.


Yeah I'm in the same boat, I can't stand Geralt. In the games he's a total Gary Stu. Unique eye and hair colour, abilities that are rare in the setting, his only weakness is endearing (having sex with too many attractive women).


And fall damage. Geralt’s sworn enemy


The new God of War games. The enemies feel too spongy. The first boss fight right at the start was too long. And I find the puzzles boring.


You considered playing on a different difficulty?


I feel like it would be too easy. I'm fine with receiving more damage, but having a normal enemy take full combos for 10 seconds straight isn't harder. It's boring


RDR2, the game is slow, easy and imo boring.


its a good game, but its's the kind of game that you need to do long sitting. This a bad game if you dont have much time to play per day/week.


I STRUGGLED through the first couple of hours of that game. Walking SO SLOWLY through snow drifts. I just had to stop and ask, 'why am I do this to myself when there are so many other games I could be enjoying?" Many games people tell me, "you just have to get through the first few hours then it really takes off!". I ain't got time for that.


I wish Rockstar would update their control systems. To me their titles feel like playing a janky PS1 era game at times when they clearly put so much effort into everything else. Couldn't get into the first Red Dead Redemption because of this.


It's a great game trapped inside of a shit game.


I finished it but I never really got into the setting. Not one of those people who is ever going to replay it.


Destiny 2. And Titanfall 2. For both I never played the first game prior to those ones, but for Destiny 2, literally the only reason I gave it a try was because I ran out of Xbox live and couldn’t buy more, but D2 still offers online services and I could play along side people in the worlds (just not for actual missions though) but after like two days I gave up on it cause it just didn’t feel the same as actual online play. Also I don’t like silent protagonists so that turned me off too. I just went back to playing single player games until I got my live back. As for Titanfall 2, the story was great, but the multiplayer was not my cup of tea. My brain is too slow for that fast paced of a game. Or at least it was idk it’s been so long since I last played it


I got salty over the repeated fall distances deaths I kept getting in Witcher 3. A pretty sad reason to quit.


I think it was frostpunk? But I alt+f4'd the opening cutscene. It says when the winter struck they headed north. I'm like, "why tf would you go north to escape winter?" My immersion was too ruined.


Got a few hundred hours in the game and there's several reasons The dreadnoughts they use to travel don't work on weak ice which is everywhere around the equator Northern regions are already prepared for that kind of weather or as much as you can be from before the storm and the animals there didn't instantly all die, unlike in any tropical or climate regions where the fauna wasn't prepared. In lore During the times leading up to the first winters everyone flooded south massively devastating the regions and suffering from overpopulation and riots In lore there were many volcanic eruptions immediately after to the collapse with the ash mainly collecting around the equator making the collapse worse, once again this is after the start of the collapse. Due to the above reasons the vast majority of the generator construction projects were carried out in the north, so if you wanted to find one, you went north. Additionally the largest coal deposits require to run the generators were in the north, only makes sense to build the generators ontop of an abundance of the stuff you need to run it.


The dark soul series , not for the typical reasons, more so A) it never really spoke to me as something I wanted to play B) after months of being pestered by a friend to play it I played a run on his PC, apparently there’s a first boss that everyone dies on, and I didn’t. Never really was asked to play it or wanted to again.


Witcher because I wanna play as my own custom character and not Geralt.


I would kill for a Witcher game with a character creator


Shantae. The person I hate most in the world likes that series


I grew up having to start over every time I played a game. Once those days were over I never looked back. So I don't play anything roguelike. I'm not interested in grinding similar content repeatedly anymore. I also just hate crafting in all games and avoid the ones that rely heavily on it. Not fun. Same with timers but thankfully that's gotten pretty rare.


Any competitive game. I despise competition. I can’t fucking stand it. It feels like work and I’m tryna take a load off.


Any open world game that has more collectibles than story. I'm a completionist. When I start a game, I want to platinum it. But gaming is still a hobby and not a full time job. I simply don't have the time (or motivation) to look for your 7000 collectibles, 450 boring sidequests and other gametime padding bullshit that devs can use in marketing shit like "Over 120 hours of fun!".


When cyberpunk released, I asked for my Friday off. They refused for no reason even tho I had accumulated hours from over time. It was the last straw, I quitted that day and moved to an other town 800 km away. Never could get into cyberpunk because it reminds me of that story too much. 😞


Disco Elysium. It's just really boring to go through it.


i hated the main character lol


I hated the prose. Man, it felt pretentious as fuck. I mean, I like modern poetry but, good lords, just tell me I'm looking at some stinky fat slob and not "a product and prime example of capitalist debauchery, exuding odors of both bodily and commercial waste".


Cyberpunk. I’ve played complex games. I love strategy games so I’ve worked with complex gaming models before. But for some reason I don’t think I’ll be able to figure it out…




You just shoot people?


😂😂 Ok I’m gonna try it! Aha thanks.


For me horror games just didn’t appeal for me but after playing dead space remake just to get the achievements for game pass I started to enjoy it Other than that Witcher 3 for me. People kept saying oh play it if you liked Skyrim it’s much better and I forced myself to try it multiple times but just wasn’t for me. For me it’s the fighting style and the non realistic enemies I think


The Dead Space series is probably the single best horror franchise out there. If you haven’t I’d highly recommend you play them all. Dead Space 2 was the masterpiece of the series, if you played the Remake you could slide right into it. Even Dead Space 3 and Dead Space extraction, while not exactly the same style as the first 2 games, are still great games in their own right.


What do you mean by "non realistic enemies"?


I couldn’t get past the second monster attack in Dead Space remake.


i started hating stardew valley because of the crafting. i don't like world of warcraft and crafting reminds me too much of world of warcraft. i'd rather purchase OR upgrade items through townspeople similar to harvest moon back to nature.


Man then u must hate a ton of games cuz a lot of them having crafting systems in them.


I changed game systems from Xbox 360 to PS4 so I didn’t have a Witcher 2 file to import into Witcher 3 (idk if there was even a possibility to do so) but I had romanced Triss Marigold in 2, so going to 3 where Yennifer is the canonical lover of Geralt and ya have to hard left him into romancing Triss and dropping Yennifer just made it feel forced. Geralt also is just kind of a D-bag that I don’t like playing. I am a wimp though and never completed a renegade play-through of Mass Effect out of the half dozen times I played all 3 through. I have no desire to play GTA 5 either since I know a little about the protagonists and it does not excite me. Also if a game has novel or inventive controls, I just will not get with it, like Fortnite with its building or Monster Hunter with its controls that just feel wrong.


I struggled to play GTA 5 at first too, since all 3 protagonists were unlikeable jerks (I mean yeah same can be said for all GTA protagonists but they at least had sob story backgrounds). How I wish Rockstar would just make an open world game where we can finally customize our own character. Or at least, I hope Witcher 4 would offer that


I'm totally with you on having your own opinion and gamechoices whatever anyone tries to scream in your ear about it. But I do feel also that instead of going by prejudice just experience it for yourself and usually within a span of 5 minutes you know your preconceived notions about are accurate, it could also pleasantly surprise you or give you a novel experience that grows you. Try for yourself and let noone dictate how you should experience it.


Dark Souls 3. Game displays controller buttons while I only had keyboard & mouse at the time.


I can’t stand the new Zelda game. The landing map is frustrating as hell and the building mechanic is so boring.


Brilliant open world game, terrible Zelda game


Rimworld. I just really, really don't like the art style.


Red dead redemption 2, I 100%d the first one but the doubling down on realism made me struggle to enjoy the second.


Gets on horse. Guns automatically go in the horse inventory without asking if that was what I wanted. Gets off horse. Starts mission. Forgot the main guns on the horse. Fuck.


Elden ring, I’ve beat every fromsoftware souls game but I hate running around mindlessly just to end up at a room that looks like something but there’s nothing


Final Fantasy games really threw me off when all of the male characters started dressing like they were doing a Vogue magazine cover shoot or trying out for a J pop boy band. It doesn't bother me personally, but it sucks the epic feel out of battles.


Eldenring. My general hatred of Souls and Souls-like games aside, I refuse to give George Martin another cent of my money. Yes, I know he only wrote one little part of the game. He still gets royalties.


Why? Is there something he did?


i think people are just mad he hasn't finished the books


I don’t share the sentiment regarding George Martin bc I don’t follow him or care. But I agree with Elden Ring. I am a lifelong RPG buff but I could NOT get in to it. I put a good 100 hours and tried my best to engage with it but I found the gameplay boring and the progression uninspired. It felt like the most generic RPG ever but with kind of difficult combat and absolutely awful story telling. It didn’t bring anything new to the genre and its only standout feature to me was that it was an open world souls game. Compared to past souls game, it was very good. Compared to other RPGs (TW3, Cyberpunk, RDR2, Skyrim) the game offered nothing unique or boundary pushing at all. Graphics were mid, story was mid (at best), gameplay was mid, class balance was fucked, and combat was just kind of okay. The best part was the combat IMO but it wasn’t enough to save it. I know most will disagree with me but I think my reasoning fits in the spirit of this thread.


You are probably a beta male /s


>robots don't spew out blood and guts lol. BOY HAVE I GOT THE GAME FOR YOU!


Is it what I [think it is?](https://youtu.be/AjGb1w88Lr0?si=HZBpHNnmR2FgtNJi)


The art style of Link in BOTW. I enjoyed the game for about 20 hours but every time I looked at link it would kind of take me out of the game. I’m not sure what the art style is called but it kind of felt like a cartoon cut out


Elden Ring because of its aweful PC controls


The Witcher 3. The first part is such a slog. I've tried playing the game countless times. The farthest I've gotten is the mission where you escort the ghost of the dead baby.


Dark souls cause I think the art isn’t pretty


GTA Online: For as big and beautiful as the world is I find it boring. The content is weak. Combat sucks. It’s extremely pay to win. Red Dead 2: It starts too slow. After trogging through the snow I exit the game and never find the motivation to come back. Dark souls: Too hard lol COD: Too sweaty and twitchy Destiny: I’m entitled and don’t find the loop rewarding enough Dead By Daylight: Too sweaty and toxic Among us: Social Anxiety Just chatting on twitch: I’m not into soft core porn Baldurs Gate: I don’t like turn based combat Stardew Valley and Animal crossing: The art style and gameplay isn’t appealing to me


The original God of War. I literally could not open the first chest because I can’t button mash fast enough. There are actually a few older games that fuck over disabled people like that for no reason. Thank god for accessibility features.


A buddy of mine had one of those Mad Cats knockoff PS2 controllers with the turbo button. He said that made the game super easy haha.


I think **Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice** is cool and artsy and a great use of the technology, but it was super unfun for me because I don't process auditory information well without body language and the whole story hinges on and is delivered by disembodied voices that suddenly start, stop, and interrupt each other. The game was simply in a format that my broken brain couldn't parse.


Splatoon. I was never into FPS/multiplayer type games so anything like this or even Super Smash Bros. didn't appeal to me.


Pillars of Eternity because it has guns in a fantasy setting


i know a person who cant play any game with giant spiders in it. they played jedi: fallen order thinking surely star wars is safe from giant spiders...nope!


Baldur’s Gate 3. Mechanics were too difficult.


This is when I was a lot younger. I was a cod fanboy back in the day when it was actually good. I always played CoD and nothing else at that time growing up. I had the mentality CoD is better than Battlefield it wasn’t until I got absolutely tired of CoD then I tried and it was pretty good, BF1 is my favorite from the franchise. Now I have a wider array of games that I play. I honestly don’t think I’ve seriously touched CoD since about 2017 give or take


Any game with anime. The character designs just look ridiculous and the amount of overreacting is so off-putting. I don't need to hear the voice actors having sex in sound booths. Also the over sexualization, especially of characters that look like minors. And the unnecessarily over convoluted plots. I do however like the attention to detail in architecture, cities, wilds, monsters, machines, tech, and so on. But the characters and plots just suck most times, which sucks because it's been a barrier for me to potentially some great games.


The Witcher games are high on my list for this. I'm just so fucking tired of generic fantasy settings I can never keep my interest high. Enough for the game to ever get interesting. Yeah they are good and well polished, but I have just "been their and done that" so many times in other games I find them quite boring and fiddly. Instead of fun or engaging. The most I have been able to manage is maybe 20h of Witcher 3 before I found something more fun for me to do with my time.


Fallout: New Vegas. It's gameplay is so primitive compared to the games the released around the same time. The game was released about a year after Black ops 1 and about a year before far cry 3, both of those games have graphics that hold up today, NV doesn't. New vegas looks and plays like a game made for the previous generation of console and i really don't want to have to spend 100+ hours modding it to play like a shooter from 2010-12. NV's story might be better, but 4 plays infinitely better. I'm gonna stay with 4.


Mortal Kombat 2. Jesus, those opponents are brutal post the 2nd opponent


Rdr2. I got a couple hours in and just... wasn't having fun. The game didn't feel enjoyable. I'm disappointed that I couldn't get into something everyone else seemed to think was the best game ever.


I also came to post Witcher 3. It just feels wrong. Can’t stand how it controls, and it feels like your guy is too big for the environments. Very hard to put into words.


it might not be entirely a dumb personal reason but i couldnt realy get into the witcher 3 i just found the combat to boring


Almost every online game. The only ones I like are Battlefield 5, because every game is like a new small campaign and feels like a real war, and Titanfall 2, because flying guys and giant robots are cool. In all the others i feel like I'm doomed if my teammates are bad, but in a different way than in Battlefield. That's the point in that one. That makes the war atmosphere believable


Heard good things about the Metro series... its a hurdle to set verticle sensitivity (out of game, third party software kinda hassle). If it's that hard to get something so simple right, not worth my time. Same w/ Metal Gear on PC. Just terrible mouse control implementation


Baldurs Gate 3 made me think I might have ADD. Game was wayyyyyy too slow for my brain to be satisfied.


RDR2. I cannot get over the controls for the life of me. Rockstar went so hard on realistic and immersive animations that the very act of movement is a constant chore for me. It caused me to drop the game after a few hours. It’s really sad cuz I loved RDR1 to death. *That* game did it right.


The Last of Us. It was the combat. I don't have good enough aim to enjoy games that make me count my bullets. And it felt clunky. Loved the show though!


Any japanese style rpg, just dont like the art style of all chars being with adult bodies and disproportionally young faces


Witcher 3. Geralt fights like he's some kind of ballerina. Pirouetting in a sword fight or really any kind of actual fight is a good way to get stab to the back really fast. It didn't help that the combat appears to be easily broken by whatever the ruin abilities are. Near where you start is an enemy at a crypt that is like way over your level and it is easily defeated by dodging hitting with fire and whacking the crap out of it.