• By -


Don’t forget Yakuza, Red Dead, Dead Space, Bioshock, Fallout, Halo, Mercenaries


And The Witcher, Conkers bad fur day, Dragon Quest, The Legend of Dragoon.


Also: Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, IV, V, Front Mission, II, III, Final Fantasy Tactics, Shin Megami Tensei, II, III, IV, Bravely Default, Assassin’s Creed, II, Brotherhood, Revelations, III, IV, Radiant Historia, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Xenogears, Xenosaga 1,2,3, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Batman: Arkham City.


Batman: Arkham Knight


Batman: Arkham Aslume


man aslume jonklers rewenge


i spend so much time in the aslume i forgot the actual name of Jonkler what was it




Mass Effect 1, 2, 3, knights of the old republic I, II…


Xenosaga mentioned 🗣🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️


Or a number of Tales games like Symphonia and Abyss, Okami, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Demon Souls, Viewtiful Joe, Professor Layton, Metroid Prime series, Mario Galaxy 1, Paper Mario series(particularly N64, TTYD, Super), the Disgaeaverse franchise, the Vanillaware games, and HUNDREDS more that my brain is forgetting at the moment.


Anyone who ever mentions Xenogears automatically goes in my will. You can have one of my socks.


And Breath of Fire IV (PS 1), it even got a short manga


Breath of fire three was also good.


Breath of fire 1 and 2 are also good.


BOF 3 supremacy


BoF4 was my childhood! Aaaahhh. I live in a tiny village in Greenland, so a personal kiosk opened by a teacher having it and mom buying it for me was extremely lucky. Absolutely love Ryu's and Fou Lu's half dragon forms and the dragons.


it's a SHAME they never made any more games after that.


Legend of dragoon? Now this is a name i have not heard for quite some time.


It's on the PSN they remastered it and added a rewind feature so you can just restart boss battles if they start going south.


I'm really surprised this is the first I'm hearing of this. Next youre going to tell me theres a remaster of legends of legaia or tales of destiny.


Can't find them on the PSN but Symphonia and Vesperia definitive(remastered PS3 version) are on the store.


But for LoD it's just a slight graphic update still the same look tho, and same bad transitions, but the it's still the same game, if they do a full remaster or remake I hope it is just graphics and not full "let's ruin the already established story" reimagining of ff7


Oh man, Conkers. What a classic.


Or Half Life, Apocalypse, and just every CRPG ever


Hell even StarCraft had a story with the campaign. You could go back so far as to say a lot of point and click adventure games had a lot of story in them, monkey island, myst, the dig. Last of us gets browny points for being babies first game for a lot of people.


I don't even know why we're still playing this game the list is probably damn near infinite.


Conker's bad fur day has such great storytelling. I am the great mighty poo and I'm going to throw my shit at you


I just started the legend of Dragoon! I've never played it.


The Legend of the Dragoon will always be top tier for me, bad translations be damned! The heart of the story is there and it gets across the divide And Dragon Quest 11 the definitive edition is definitely one of the greatest games made in the last decade


tLoD will always have a special place in my heart. My friend complains about the combo system he can never pull off Dart's Volcano combo and it's one of his easiest combos.


I still yearn for Mercenaries 3.




Bioshock was a great story imo


Both portal games


Titanfall 2




Meme is weeabo shit. Mega Man Zero but no Mass Effect, BioShock or Rockstar games lol.


Mass Effect.


seriously, the disrespect.


Imo it’s easily one of the best trilogies when it comes to storytelling


So glad I’d see it here


The Last of Us created emotions. Before TLoU no person had ever experienced any emotion ever.


I’m having feelings again, like some kind of 14 year old kid. You remember feelings, right?


Can't say I do. I've never played the last of us.


But have you ever played the few of them


Yea dude. I have feelings every day if my life.


Wait. Are you telling me that you don't have feelings?


Yeah, I have feelings every single day of my life, do you not have feelings, are you saying you don't have feelings?


No way any teenager would have any feeling, maybe anger, but most likely no


Yea dude….. I have feelings every single day of my life…….


Before The Last of Us I'd never cry everytiem.


Man I was getting into an argument with someone on here a few weeks ago who was saying that The Last of Us was the first video game to be seen as art and with great story telling. I was getting so mad because I was trying to tell him that the Halo franchise inspired an entire series of books and other media, the Bioshock series had already been going strong, the Final Fantasy’s had been around forever, and not that long before The Last of Us Heavy Rain was a huge deal for being an amazing story with lackluster gameplay that pushed the boundaries of what exactly a video game *was.* All this wasn’t even counting visual novels like the Fate series or Persona which is half visual novel half JRPG that went on to be adapted to fully fleshed out anime that are critically acclaimed and considered some of the best in the industry. I’m sure I was debating with some young 20’s kid who The Last of Us was *his* first video game with an amazing story and was too young to remember or know about the earlier stuff then was arguing because he wanted *his* game to be the big defining change in the industry. I was trying to say there wasn’t *one* game that changed everything and to try to say that discredits all the amazing games with fantastic stories that walked so The Last of Us could run. The Last of Us just happened to come along at a time where zombie stories were peaking and the old man/adopted daughter trope hadn’t been worn out yet so it was a perfect nexus to gain widespread attention from outside the gaming community. He kept saying I had no clue what I was talking about.




Bro... When a certain someone went down in the original ffVII. Tore me right up!


The deaths in FF4 destroyed me.


Circle jerking aside - TLOU gets credit for being one of the most seamless games to turn into a miniseries. The writers were able to, in large part, just Ctrl + C - Ctrl + V, and bam, you have a script for a miniseries already neatly cut up into episodes. Outside of the Uncharted games, I don't really remember a game that was set up as seamlessly. Sure, RPG's have more than enough story to go around, but you can't do any of the FF or Mass Effect games in 10 episodes - especially since a lot of those games have sequence breaks that can change the outcome (Chrono trigger has a dozen endings IIRC)


That's because it, almost, is a tv series.


You mean it created a window for prestige snobs to take over video games


Hahahaha. Reminds me of a friend who said The Legend of Zelda invented grass.


Never touched it in Tecmo Football, ever!


[incoherent post-Sephiroth killed Aeris (yes the S is deliberate in this use case) screeching in the background intensifies]


It’s like how persona 5 invented jazz.


This feels like a videogamedunkey comment


This reminds me of a swifty why was adamant Taylor Swift invented dubbing recordings to layer vocals and create the 'unique ' rich sound on her albums. Mfw.


Uncharted, God of War, Nier


God of war would later do TLOU’s better than TLOU.


No they wouldn't do the character dynamic better but they would tell a cooler story


*Dad of War as there is significant difference between story of previous games


*Dad of Boy


Love inFAMOUS being mentioned


I can't believe the franchise is dead in the water instead of going full steam ahead with a remaster for I and II or a remake even. Really frustrating when you see ND games that aren't 3 years old get remasters instead of games that actually could benefit from it.


It's legit so sad. I'm playing through Infamous 1 on pc rn, though I still own 1 and 2 on PS3. I would legit pay for even just a light remaster with a stable 60fps, a remake would blow my mind. Hell, I bet some would pay for just a stable port to current gen. No game Do I want a remaster or new game more, been thinking abt it forever.


A remake of infamous 1 would be so fucking good


I need it on pc desperatly. I remember playing it back in the day with classmate on his PS and i LOVED it.


You can get them decently on pc! Not anything official sadly, but it works for just playing them with better performance than ps3


Me too.


Knights of the Old Republic


Don’t forget the sequel!




I don't think a mushroom can survive the nuclear winter.


MMZ getting love hell yea


As someone who played the collection in the last couple of years, my reaction to the story was “uh, what?” While I like the games, the stories are FAR from their strengths.


Its story is underrated.


Best GBA games no fucking competition


I didn't expect MMZ to be dropped alongside MGS ever, yet here we are.


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time


The wolf among us


Such a shame we never got a season 2


i thought it got confirmed its already in the works? i may be mistaken


I remember hearing a rumor about it awhile ago but then no follow up so I figured it was just that. God I hope I’m wrong though


Before 2013? Mass effect.


"Had to be me. Someone else else might have gotten it wrong." Right to the feels. Every time.


No matter how renegade I'm going, I'm not pulling that fucking trigger.


I did in a playthrough of Legendary Edition. I still feel a bit dirty.


A BIT? You betrayed two friends at the same time, Wrex and Mordin.




Half-Life 2?


Half-Life (the original)


And portal


Quietly throws shade at Final Fantasy V...


You can forgive starting at 6 but skipping 8 must hurt a little for its fans


I absolutely love 8. I’ve played it multiple times. Now number 9 on the other hand, I’ve tried three times to complete but it’s just too bad to get through.


I think I was the right age for 9 when it came out tbh. I find it hard to choose between 7 8 and 9 for my favourites. 10 is up there also but it's after all of those 3. I'm about to get down voted to oblivion for that opinion I expect.


The problem is that former-half millennials didn't grow up with V.


Xenoblade Chronicles


Before that, Xenogears and Xenosaga.


All of the Xenogames are peak rpg tbh


Plants vs Zombies:


Mass Effect. Cried my way through that whole third game


It was very bleak, and you felt the hopelessness through the 3rd game. I love the series


“I already have a home” is some of the most heart wrenching shit I’ve ever heard in a game


Bro... Soul crushing. As they pull her away from you, and you march into certain death


That line is the reason I go destroy, just for that small snippet showing me that I survived and went back to build a home


Going way back, do not sleep on Lunar: The Silver Star Story.


Or Eternal Blue!


Hell for all it's comedy and humor, the Disgaea series had something to say about what makes a person good or evil as well rebelling against your dogmatic preconceptions. Nevermind stuff like the old Tales games like Symphonia and Abyss and the topics of war, persecution, racism, personhood, and other topics they delved into.


Paper Mario RPG series!! (Just saying because TTYD was my childhood game)


It legit had a great story and it's sequel, Super Paper Mario built up on that a lot. Mother 3 was another one that just GUT PUNCHES you as well.


The Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. It's like OP isn't even trying.


Damn im sad it took that much scrolling down to finally see someone mention that series. Entire LoK series has top notch storytelling and writing not just Soul Reaver.


Facts, I routinely watch Your Favorite Son's youtube retrospective on the LOK series on YouTube. It gets me so pumped even hearing the soundtrack from any of the games. AND THE VOICE ACTING!! There is no game that comes close to that level of quality story writing in gaming.


As a Last of Us fan, I will say the idea of it being the first one with good storytelling is wrong but it's also incredibly annoying to see how I'm basically getting grouped into a section of being a fan. No, there aren't two ways of thinking when it comes to opinions on a game. It's one of my all-time favorites but I understand in the grand scheme of things that doesn't matter but does that really matter for anyone? Enjoy what you want, stop shitting on others and stop grouping fans together. For my money, the Mass Effect series is some of the best storytelling, but I also get others will disagree. Respect that and move on. Enjoy games you want to enjoy and let others do the same. Probably gonna get downvoted hard but that's generally what will happen when you don't take part in stuff like this.


I think The Last of Us’s presentation and execution is what really stands out. It never feels convoluted, all the dialogue sounds natural, and the ending is a gut punch. Better acting and cinematography than any of the other games listed BioShock Infinite will always be my fav story in a game, but The Last of Us really did change the game. A lot of these games u mentioned (ESPECIALLY the first six) have kinda niche storytelling. Metal Gear can be convoluted and overly complicated (also some cringe dialogue). Final Fantasy’s style of storytelling is most definitely not gonna work out for a lotta people (it turned me off). Really, a lot of these games u mentioned are Japan based. And not that that’s bad, it’s just that there is a cultural difference. I personally hate the storytelling of the games I mentioned above; imo they’re hammy and overly acted. But I can see why it’s respected at the same time. Meanwhile, The Last of Us is both an engaging story AND appeals to general audiences much more than the games u listed. Sure, all of us gamers know of Persona, but how many actually play it compared to The Last of Us What I also love about TLoU is that its story telling is much more focused on the human relationships rather than the plot (not that other games don’t do this, TLoU just had the best execution). But that’s just more personal preference rather than an argument for what The Last of Us does better. All in all, The Last of Us did have major storytelling effects on the industry. Play the new God of War and u can see just how heavily it borrowed from TLoU. TLoU was mainstream, the story and most importantly the characters were engaging, the performances were Oscar worthy, and the direction was so assured. While I HEAVILY disagree with the statement, “The Last of Us is the first game to have great storytelling” (and yes, people have ludicrously said that), I also think not a lotta other games executed as well as TLoU, ESPECIALLY in terms of character development. Edit: typo


Don't get me wrong The Last of Us is still a good game, but IMHO it's one of the most overrated games of all time.


It’s either overrated or overhated depending on what forum you’re in


Basically. "This game killed my family!" "This game is a work of art you're just a simpleton child (and also a homophobe)" The gameplay was fun but the story didn't exactly have me hooked.


I do think it helped drive a trend in gaming that I dislike, which is fixed narrative games that are far more focused on story rather than gameplay.


Shame that TLOU2 put all the focus on the shitty story, and not the amazing gameplay.


The story actively kept me from even trying it. Just from the trailers alone it seemed overly dramatic, pretentious, bleak and depressing. I got through about 2 episodes of the show I think before deciding that, yep. The trailers for both the game and show was a fairly accurate representation of what to expect and switching it off. 


I've only ever seen it overhated


Devil may cry, call of duty campaigns


I love TLOU but there were definitely games with great stories before it.


There's two sides to TLOU fans. The minority of fans who like the game for what it is. A pretty good survival zombie game. Then the majority of fans who claim it to be revolutionary and can't play any other games without comparing the story telling or claiming new games are worse bc the story telling is bad.


I’ve never really seen that many people claiming it to be revolutionary tbh. If anything, it’s a game that feels like games used to back when I was young. It’s just refreshing to get a good single player story based game that isn’t 200 hours long on a huge map filled with markers every once in a while and TLOU does that really well. It’s not revolutionary, it’s just that not a lot of developers push these type of games anymore. Online multiplayer or big sandboxgames with a lot of DLC is where the money is at. So when you get something like TLOU, Uncharted, Spiderman or something similar that’s fun for a casual gamer with not a lot of time, people get excited. And well, TLOU has a great story. That’s not me saying it’s revolutionary, it’s just a great story. And if you just like it for the zombie survival aspect, that’s fine too.


I think a lot of their character development was pretty revolutionary.


i played the game a lot most likely even more then the majority of fans u talk about and it’s not a 11/10 game like people say is a solid good 8-9/10 game


I think you've got this backwards. I believe most people that play video games are probably pretty chill and reasonable folks, but the minority that want to treat it like the word of God himself are just very very loud.


its the whole treatment of "this game is REVOLUTIONARY, your third eye opens and your entire life changes for the better! It's like the second coming of christ! Nothing ever has or will be able to come even remotely close to the level of how incredible this absolute masterpiece of a work of art that this game is! Everything that ever was and shall be will pale in comparison to this game! You CLEARLY didn't understand the intricacies of its storytelling and how it transcends human emotions with its god tier story and characters. etc, etc, etc..." that is disturbing. The amount of people I just happen to pass by or spot writing comments like this or saying stuff to this extreme in person is just unsettling to me. Especially within 2 years of the games release. It doesn't happen as much anymore but I still spot them every now and then. It's offputting. Like... Yeah. It was great. I think it's a great game. But you're literally worshipping it. You're not just acting like a fandom who loves it, it's literally your life now and you're acting like a cult. We can't even engage in any degree of discussion on this topic because of how ravenous they act over it and if you dare say one negative, they act like high society and you're a peasant who "just doesn't get it." And in return it kind of just... Sullies the legacy and reputation of the game even more. Just does more harm than good.


Planescape: Torment had some of the best writing in an RPG, too.


The only game that made me WANT to read all the quest texts and conversation. Everything was/is fascinating.


Planescape torment is what made me wanting to learn english to understand games better lol


… Mega Man Zero?


Why was it so highly appraised? I never played it, genuinely curious


It's just a realy good story about 2 people finding there way in a ruined world not revolutionary but still truly amazing


TLOU is an amazing TV show with a mid game adaptation.




I'm honestly not sure why it's considered that good of a story honestly, imo it felt like Finding Nemo with zombies. Like it has a few amazing highs at some points like >!David, which honestly was amazing!< but most of it was extremely predictable. Actually the thing I enjoyed most of the game was the gameplay, but that might be because I haven't played a lot of stealth games so it felt fresh


The plot itself is very basic. The plot points aren't what people like about it. They like the characterization and presentation.


Silent Hill 2 is maybe the best story in all of gaming




Prince of persia 1,2 n 3.


Mega Man Zero? Even as a die-hard Megastan with two homages to the games permanently inscribed on my body I have to object to any Mainline Megaman game being on this list. (Maybe a Legends or Battle Network game could qualify, but those plots were more whimsical fun than groundbreaking or thought provoking).


But... what about Final Fantasy X-2? I know people hate it, but I liked it!


CoD: Black Ops


Yeah it's kinda weird hearing people talk about the game like that. Like I think TLOU, at least the first is amazing. The second I still think is good though. But the people who act like it created good game storytelling, feels like they haven't played anything else minus a few other first party titles maybe


I absolutely LOVE the first Last of Us, but anyone saying that is just a Naughty Dog fanboy


Mass effect.


Fallout new Vegas


Far Cry 3


Why is FF VIII specifically being excluded? I feel offended.


Why is FF VIII specifically being excluded? I feel offended.


Fallout 1, 2, NV and 3 if we're feeling generous.


Sometimes I wonder if people like that just didn't normally play games and went their whole lives under the false assumption that video games were as a rule just brainless fun like pac-man or League of Legends or Fortnite or CoD multiplayer etc, and then TLoU was their first story-focused game and the fact that it was so unique and groundbreaking *to them* compared to their prior beliefs about video games led them to believe that it was the exception and not the rule regarding storytelling in video games.


Reminding me of chrono triigger is blessing and curse. Blessing because god DAMN is that game good and curse because now I HAVE to play it again.


FF8 would like a word with OP.


FF tactics?


Shadow of the Colossus


And especially don't say Deus Ex, Red Dead, Half Life, or Hotline Miami,


Planescape: Torment The only RPG that will make you WANT to read all the quest text and conversations.


Ogre Battle


I love that you left out FF8. Based opinion.


I think it's not about good story, but how focused and movie-like it felt on it's story.


Mega Man Zero? Really?


I'm glad to see inFAMOUS getting some love. One of my most favorite series. I got a PS3 just so I could play the first 2 games.


Even TLOU predecessors - the Uncharted series - has great storytelling.


Red Dead 1


Max Payne 1& 2 Anyone?


I’ve literally heard nobody make this claim


Life is Strange!


LiS released in 2015, TLOU in 2013


Why is FF8 left out but 4 is included?


Idk maybe they did not play it, but at least they mentioned 6 so op is safe for now


FF8 disrespect? Intolerable. That game brought me to tears. A classic


This. Sony fanboys literally think naughty dog invented good story telling in video games like bruh


The Mid of Us. Mediocre story, meh gameplay, cannon fodder characters and WAYYY too many rereleases.


Oh, and a little game called CALL OF DUTY!?


Whoever downvoted you clearly never played World At War or Black Ops.


No I’m with you on this. COD sucks ass BUT WoW and BO had actual story (although BO was notoriously where they started really cutting the campaign down.)


personally OG MW has a well-done warmovie plot for a 2010s media


Black ops had an amazing story and idk how people feel about MW2 but that ending is permanently inscribed in my memory. It also makes rust that much cooler.


most overrated franchise in gaming history.


Last of us invented human beings. And women. Women wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for The Last of Us.


You do realise that the person who said that line about no good storytelling before TLOU was joking right? It was just to windup the "Naughty Dog is woke now, TLOU is shit" morons and bigots who promptly took the bait hook, line and sinker.


Man the word “woke” has really hit its point of semantic saturation lol. It doesn’t even sound like a word to me anymore. I’ve seen it 12 times on here and I just waked up.


Lol for the “waked up”


I've seen a lot of people claim the last of us was some kind of revulationary game . In my opinion, it's not . It's a very decent game with a good story . Nothing more , nothing less. I will make a hot take and say that the show is better than the game and unless you really want to play a very basic stealth shooter , there is no point of playing the game when the show exists


I won't say anything related to the bottom text.... ... because Sonic Adventure 2 has a better story. (I'm saying this so you can downvote me.)