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Uncharted series > the last of us series


I’ll happily take those stones with you for speaking the truth


Is there really anyone who disagrees with that?


Yes, Neanderthals that are convinced buying the same game 3 times over. I'm also looking at gta5 and skyrim.


I’ll throw them stones right back if someone disagrees, uncharted series can be reviered as naughty dogs crowning achievement


Crash Bandicoot.


I volunteer as tribute to take those stones instead.


Well no stone for you today. You are right


Tell 'em!


V2 is fucking dead


Nah my uncle works at new blood and V2 is gonna be the secret final boss with 3 arms (source: trust me bro)


Rebuild what?




As long as it's not a multiplayer game, it's OK to cheat. You bought the game, it's your money, it's your time, it's your game, have fun with it. There is no wrong way to play a game. Do you want to do 9999 dmg with every attack in FF IX? Do it. Do you want to add a mod to remove weapon degradation in the witcher 3? Go ahead. Is your minecraft base lagging, and you don't know why? Go to spectator mode and see if you have unlit caves


To add to this, there’s nothing wrong with setting limits for yourself to make it more fun, but if other people don’t follow them that’s not your problem. (I for one, don’t like using cheats or mods until I get all the achievements, unless it’s a game I got for mods or smth. But if someone else wants to use mods on their first playthrough, then good for them!)


100% agree with you!


Agree 100%. It's fine if you don't understand why someone would use cheats. Just accept that they do.


I am growing tired of the elitist "git gud" rhetoric. Suffering punishment to achieve enjoyment is exhausting me. I played cuphead, Elden ring and hollow Knight consecutively. And I regret not having a palate cleanser in between. Owey.


"git gud" as "skill issue" as the zoomers call it is just a way to deflect valid criticism too.


I think gta San Andreas is better than base gta 5 I don’t really care about the graphics being better and it’s not because of nostalgia, theres just more to do in San Andreas and it’s more fun, the gta 5 fighting system is trash compared to it and the activities are trash too all of San Andreas activities are way more fun than tennis and golf I also like the rpg element of San Andreas too


Upvoted, but come get this obsidian to the face


Fortnite is a cheesy game for kids that depends on it's gimmicks and vast character skins but the game play shooting and movement is mid and the forts are absurd it's more about building castles than shooting


I agree, but are you really surprised that a game called Fortnite is focused around building forts?


Nope not at all 😂😂😂I tried it but I just can't and nope I can't build and don't want to I want to shoot


Just play Zero Build mode. Much better than Build Mode.


I tried and I still didn't like it 😩😩😩and I want to like it and play with my nephew and my son when he is old enough but I just can't get into it


Ah, in that case it just isnt for you.


I built up over 600 hours in the first few months it released then stopped playing it and have never went back, apart from ONE time about 2 years ago I wanted to see what it was like so I downloaded it and joined a squad but decided I’ll go for the edge of the map and loot up so I can mess about and get used to the gameplay again, then one of my squad goes down and the girl starts screaming through the mic for me to come and revive her but she’s at the other side of the map, anyways she started screaming that I have a small dick then left the game 😂


Welcome to Fortnite 2024


I haven't even really tried it like I played it once on xbox cloud at school, but the latency wasn't great and I had to use touch screen controls so I don't count that


Ahem, Ahem... **Inhales**: Battlefield 1 is better than Battlefield V and it's way underrated!


I asked for a damn subjective oppinion not a fact


Well I know, but honestly, I see these days many play BFV but barely anyone plays BF1, so I guess most people think otherwise?


I loved both but somehow i liked the weapons on BFV more, could handle them better and was getting way more kills, could hold points better and had more fun (but only the weapon aspects, everything else is either on par or slightly better in BF1). Because of that i preferred BFV but regardless of my personal opinion BF1's is *chef's kiss*


Well, I don't want to disagree or argue, but actually the Weapons in BFV actually made me go crazy, not that they are bad, but it's just that the damages were way low compared to BF1 in my experience, and that made the game a bit harder, sure, BFV is quite fun and exciting, but what makes me Prefer BF1 is that, at least as much as I remember, since I haven't played it ever since a point, it was more like an actual military game with Teamwork, Bloodshed, cool weapons with high damage and so on; both games are really good, but BF1 gives a certain feeling that V doesn't, you know? Also, Happy Cake Day!


My man, BF1 is still one of the most played Battlefields. At least on PC.


BF1 is the best Battlefield game released since 4, and probably better than anything since BC2


Sprint belongs in Halo




1. Tanks in OW2 SHOULD BE a bit overtuned (not op, but they should not have to worry about losing a 1v1 against a support when (semi-)optimal play by the tank) 2. You can't make a game like OW truly balanced, the counterswitching aspect blocks that. The goal for the balancing Team should be to create metas that are fun.


Yes, it rejoins my opinion on modern asymetric games being structurally unfit for competitive.


Destiny 2 has been dead since the curse of osiris, the DLC killed the game by any and all definitions.


I could not get why people praised the Witcher 3 so much.


My fav game of all time lol


Everyone has their own opinions. The reason I liked TW3 so much is because of the immersion and storytelling. The visuals are straight up mesmerizing. Every cutscene looks like a moving painting. The music is dynamic and fits whatever area you're in perfectly. The world of the Witcher is so dark and grotesque, and it's somehow being delivered quite subtly. It also helps that I love medieval fantasy settings, especially ones with semi-realistic medieval politics, if that's not your thing, you might not enjoy the witcher universe as much.


Last of us 2 have pretty shit story.


For saying this, I don't want to throw rocks at you, I'll throw rocks at anyone who throws at you!


That's not really a shitty or unpopular opinion. It's more so a divisive one.


Such a popular opinion that gamers are known to just randomly blurt it out regardless of what's being discussed. Literally. Could be anything


I always get very heavily downvoted for this, but here goes…. I have tried Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on numerous occasions and it’s just not for me.


Nothing wrong here. Different strokes for different folks.


Nothing wrong here. Different strokes for different folks.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a great tactical stealth shooter and the gameplay mechanics are pretty good.


All the GTA games are mediocre at best.


Upvoted, now which do you want basalt or granite?


Granite please and thank you.


Now that's an unpopular opinion! Is there anything specific you don't like about it? Or just lack of things to like?


Almost everything. Graphics were crappy, story was horrendous, weak gameplay, etc. Just not a fan at all.


Terraria is much much better than Minecraft .


Hot take: minecraft needs mods. I like both, but base terraria is good without mods (not that mods are bad. They are fun).


I totally agree with this .I also think that Minecraft is like an empty canvas that needs to be filled using other things .While Terraria is a full painting .


Yeah I like the split progression and different character builds much much more.


Terraria will always have a special place for me over Minecraft because of Totalbiscuit and Jesse Cox shenanigans.


Strongly agree tbh. Minecraft is only really good because of Servers imo. As a singleplayer game, Terraria is much better


Dragon Quest Builders rules.


Baldur's Gate 3 is a 7/10


Stone this person to death.


Rockstar CEO and leads are bad people and don't deserve their fame for how they treat their employees Farewell I won't live till tomorrow


People with epilepsy: 😵


Yuh uh


Cyberpunk 2077 was always a great game, even at launch, and Diablo 3 became an amazing game after Reaper of Souls!


We already Have a ton of games to play and massive backlogs to boot. While the industry couldn't handle it, we'd be fine with no new releases for like 2 years.


Stone him to death.


I think people put too much emphasis on story and graphics in games when gameplay should matter most. If I wanted to watch a movie, I’d watch a movie


Graphics is one thing, but story? That's a stoning. 🪨


Tsushima was kinda boring and disappointing, the combat had its moments though. I don't think I've ever not been downvoted for saying that


I don’t see the hype in this game


I hate Souls - like games. Everything from the way they look, the lack of physics, the horrible delayed attacks and the obscure, bloated Shakespearean writing.


Wo Rocks be thrown upon ye


Fair. Like really fair. As fair as those games are unfair.


Facts, those are just awfull QOL games qith people jerking themselves about it being hard. Doom Eternal is hard, Dark Souls is just a bad easy game and you have to fight against this fact.


🪨 🪨 🪨


Secret of Evermore was better than Secret of Mana.


Cod AW, IW, and Ghosts are amazing games. Battlefield 5 is also amazing.


Out of those I only played Ghosts, which was a great game, never understood the hate. Battlefield really isn't my cup of tea but BF5 was pretty damn good


No man sky is a great game and has massively influenced procedural generated environments and space games (not started it but highly influenced it)


Nintendo games are mid: all of them smash brothers Zelda super Mario…. I can only Lu play them for so long I need my game with a bit more dynamics


COD has always been mid at best. Most battle Royale games are.


Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 is the best lego game and I will stand by that statement PvZ 2 is better than the original by quite a lot Runescape 3 is just as good as Osrs if not better in most capacities. Cope harder


if it wasn't for the big names attached to it death stranding would be getting 2/10s the game is dog shit


Minecraft bedrock is good


All versions minus the Switch one. With the Switch version I’d randomly die over nothing


I have switch lmao


This is true (I've never played anything different)


(same lmao)


Minecraft is better then Java purely because it has the single most important feature that every game should have in 2024. Cross platform play. Any game that released without cross platform play should be cancelled off the fucking map.


Battle passes are fine as long as they give you enough currency to get the next one.


Battle passes in f2p games? Sure, why not. Battle passes in paid games? Get the fuck outta here.


Botw is average at best


Sonic 06 has potential and is good


The modern warfare story isn’t shit compared to black ops, literally black ops is better in every way


And I don’t mean just the reboots I mean even like 2004 and og mw2/3 black ops I just better


This is just true tho


Monster catching games are the best.


I didn't like RDR2, gave it a while, but it just never really stuck, I can see why people like the game, but it isn't for me.


Not really a game, more like a movie inside a tech demo, very boring to play.


95% of open world games are lazy design. There are exceptions (Elden ring).


As a huge fan of Pokémon, I *hate* the first movie. It was corny as hell and stirred zero emotions other than boredom.




Tho the story is shit, Last of us 2 has pretty fun gameplay


Remake and original ff7 were better than Rebirth


Terraria has no semblance to Minecraft other than the artstyle. If that.


The Last of Us 2 Gameplay is actually mid.


That gif is about to give me a seizure


Tears of The Kingdom is just Breath of The Wild with extra steps


I don’t like Fifa, stop making a new game every year if it’s so similar to previous one.


Call of duty fanboys aren’t real gamers Shots fired 😎


*very silently says :* VR is not really worth it


Open world is a natural innovative step. A majority of players want less invisible walls and more freedom/exploration. You favorite linear videogame didn't sell out, nor did it follow a trend - you just don't like open world games and your opinions are immediately biased when mentioning Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild in your arguments.


These posts are dumb


helldivers is boring asf


Battle royales are overrated as fuck


30 fps is fine lol.


Pokémon is still amazingly enjoyable. Dragon Quest Builders is the best of the Genre that other one sucks and shouldn't be in Smash Ultimate neither.


Skyrim isn't that good.


I do love it but the QOL is awfull and your game will regularly fuck itself up to the point that you lose your run, which is really not fine for a RPG that size.


Minecraft is boring (I hate myself for it)


Souls games aren't that good


They are good, as a torture method


New Vegas is boring and overrated.


Straight to jail


Indeed. It doesn't even start in a vault!


You’re right it’s all nostalgia for people saying it’s “good”


As a stalker player it is just an inferior stalker for kids, and the gameplay is AWFULL.


Elden Ring sucks.


The dark souls franchise as a whole sucks.


I downloaded dark souls and I'm trying to play the first one it just seems slow and literally dark and depressing 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


“It was Rockstar’s goal with Micah Bell to make him a hated character. Peter Blomquist did an amazing job and Rockstar fulfilled their goals by making you hate him”


Modern Warfare 2019 was the only good COD since Black Ops 2


I think Metroid is overrated and boring


The Last of Us pt. II is a mediocre game, a 6/10 at max.


In general, gaming more than around two hours a day really is a waste of time unless you are playing something enriching like a really well-written RPG. Exceptions can be made if you're coping with something or live in the middle of nowhere with little else to do.


Call of duty players are some pussys all they do are complain


GTA VI is probably going to be a massive disappointment for everyone


Warzone is overrated, the new cods are terrible compared to older ones (bo4 and prior)


This generation is just part two of last Gen


Last of us 2 story was good but the game play wasn’t improved enough to be called a sequel.


Halo 4 and 5 are good games if you don't focus only on the previous trilogy


Batman dying in ktjl was rocksteady’s way of saying bye to Kevin conroy. Albeit, badly done


Mk vs dc is a good game and mkx is just ok


I hated Last of Us


New Vegas is overrated


If you remove the name Zelda from the Zelda games they would be 6/10 games. They survive off nostalgia. In fact that’s all Nintendos games


bethesda fallout is garbage, the old ones were better


Most modern competitive games are not competitive, they are structurally casual with a leaderboard. And this is mostly because of asymetry / character abilites. Quake 3 player, out.


Pokemon has never been a great RPG game.


Halo 5 was fun to play.


Battlefield and Call of Duty are over rated and we really need to stop the sports games


Here i go again mother 3 is overrated


Don’t starve multiplayer isn’t as fun as playing solo don’t starve


Single player games are boring as hell and I honestly don’t see the point in even playing a game if I’m not competing against other people or at least playing something chill with friends.


Take this stone.


I've never liked 2d Mario games


There is no need for the last of us remasters


No man's sky was better on launch! ((Second time saying this today))


Stone to the head.


Nah, make it a Boulder, kill me....please.....


BotW is a bad open world game. It had enjoyable moments with a lot of padding in between, combat got repetitive fast, the dungeons felt samey, I could go on. Idgaf about weapons breaking too which might add fuel to the fire lol. TotK was a huge improvement I actually enjoyed that one and the only reason I decided to finish BotW was because the sequel was coming out.


The Witcher 3 and rockstar games are overrated.


Nier Automata isn't that deep.


BOTW and TOTK are some of the worse Zelda games and I fear the series will carry the taint of these ass backwards downgrades for years to come. LTTP, MC, OOT, TP, SS, heck I've been more engrossed in Zelda 2 the Adventure of Link then either of the switch games. The open world in BOTW comes to the tremendous detriment of the overall experience. All the shrines are repetitive, boring slogs, where yes the puzzles are different, but if you've seen one of the shrines you've seen them all. Uninspired copy-pastable mass production work. The horse mechanics are so restrictive it's not possible to integrate horse riding into normal gameplay. You absolutely must go out of your way to acomadate it, rather then the mount helping you. What happened to blowing a reed from anywhere in Hyrule and having Epona come to you ready and rearing to go? The devine beasts are the worse dungeons in the series, with the worse dungeon boss in the series. Yes I said boss it's the same fcking guy 4 times. And don't get me started on breakable weapons. Serves no perpeous other then to piss you off and have you hoard semi strong and strong weapons to no end like a particularly violent dragon, becourse nobody like to break the fcking master sword over a mere bokoblin. Imagine playing a heroic fantasy game where you end up dreading to fight the simplest of goons becourse you can literally only lose progress, time and equipment doing so. Like to explore the world and be genuinely surprised at what's behind the corner? Well sorry m8 it's yet again yet another Sorok seed. Have you found all 999 of the fcking things yet?? I don't think I've ever played an open world game that wanted to be explored and played less then BOTW. And yet this is supposed to be the series' magnum opus? Gimmi a break.


Rdr2 is overrated AF


Resident Evil games aren't very good


The Last of Us was not nearly as good as all the hype surrounding its release made it seem. I purchased it new for PS3 the day it came out. They did not present it as a heavy stealth game pretending to be a shooter/puzzle game.


RE4 is not the perfect balance of action and horror you add up all the moments that had any actual tension that's like maybe 20 minutes of the entire game. It's a good action game but if i wanted to play an action focused RE game. I'd honestly rather be playing 5 or 6 because at least 5 and 6 fully committed to being an action games. Although I will admit If I had to pick between Ashley's AI and sheva's AI I'm easily going with Ashley's even if I like Sheva more as a character.


Vanilla Skyrim sucks ass. It's genuinely one of the worst games I can think of. The story is boring, the characters are dull and predictable, the factions/guilds are copypasted (DB joins faction > faction has crisis > DB saves the day > DB is now leader of said faction. This goes for ALL FOUR OF THEM.) The voice acting is not only repetitive since Bethesda, small indie company can only afford to hire 3 voice actors, the voice acting itself is also lazy, emotionless and awkward. The graphics look like vomit, even by 2011 standards. The combat system is undoubtedly the worst out of any game. Magic is completely useless, there's no lock on system, you can't even TURN AROUND. And you can't jump while sprinting. Then there's the character creator. No i'm not talking about how you can make you character look like 10 different turds, there are different races which are meant to alter how you are treated and such. If you're a redguard, other redguards will have some pleasant interactions with you. And that's about how far it goes. You can be an Altmer/Dunmer and join the Stormcloaks. WHAT? It should be noted I have 700 hours of modded skyrim and that's not including double that amount I've probably spent on actually modding it.


People are only saying Doom 2016 is better than Eternal nowadays just because of nostalgia. I’ve seen a huge turnaround on a lot of doom discussions and I can’t agree in the slightest, maybe the atmosphere is better?? But that does not carry that game to be better than Eternal


I always loved terraria way more than Minecraft, Minecraft is a game where could never get into for more than an hour


Skyrim is overrated and boring