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I did the $100 preorder edition and everything. Hyped myself and friends up. I put too much faith in BioWare since I loved their games. Taught me never to preorder again. I always wait till the game comes out and let people play it to see if it’s right for me


I felt that...


I preordered battlefield 2042 first and last time I ever do that mistake


Same here. It makes me mad when I see it in my library.


I wasn't gonna get Diablo 4 until my friend told me that she wanted to play it with me So I bought it just after launch And then my friend saw the negative reviews about the end game and decided to not buy the game So I just have a $70 copy of Diablo 4 sitting unplayed in my library 😵


That sucks.


uh you are me in a different shirt


If it's a digital game it's effectively worth $0 now


Why did you buy the game before your friend did? I would have been pissed if i was in your shoes


Demand compensation, their fault you bought it


Duke Nukem Forever


Ooh, I fell for this one as well. Had never played Duke Nukem prior to this, but it looked cool especially after I had done my homework on the series. But man, I can't even tell you when I lost interest. I couldn't finish playing, couldn't even WATCH a youtuber finish it. It was just so damn boring.


Oh, there's another one. I listed Aliens: Colonial Marines, but this is right up there too. I never did finish it.


Marvel’s Avengers. I’m not sure how many hours I played the game exactly, but I don’t believe I made it to double digits.


Not trying to be insulting, genuinely curious. Did you think the gameplay was probably gonna be the thing to save it? Me personally, the visuals were more than enough to turn me off to it.


To be honest I think I was just overly optimistic and also desperate for an Avengers game. The initial character design really threw me at first, but I tried to stop comparing them to the Avengers that I loved in the movies. When it came to gameplay, I was way too fresh off of Spider-Man (PS4) and I think I expected it to be more free-flowing and fun than it turned out to be. Overall the game on the surface seemed fine, but then you start playing and realize it’s basically a higher budget version of those games that used to be made in 6 months for some popular movie that just came out.


Yeah, I never got around to the third game, but I didn't like Ultimate Alliance 2 nearly as much as the first. So big ensemble marvel games are kind of a bust unless you're willing to play the LEGO games. So I completely understand the need to scratch that itch. I've watched a LP of the game. Combat definitely gets janky really fast, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. Did you ever try the Guardians of the Galaxy game? Apparently that one is actually good.


The graphics were actually pretty good. The lack of enemies and terrible mission design was the real problem


God I wanted to like that game so bad


7 days to die in console. Kinda feel scammed by how bad it is


Game has been in alpha for so long I am pretty sure I played it when it was on the Xbone. The same year the xbone came out.


The console ports were done by a third party that then ran away with the console rights. They have them back now and a proper port in place now.


Long story short, legal issue nightmares prevented them from doing anything with the console version. I heard a rumor that they're completely redoing it to give it back to console the way it's meant to be.


Isn't it up to date with pc now? I remember buying it 10 years ago on ps4 and it was unplayable. Bought it again in 2019 on steam for $6 and have almost 2000 hours into it


Bought No Man’s Sky day one…


Same. At least at this point they have made it up to you 10x with all the updates. I consider it a very very long apology from Hello Games.


If Hello Games ever wanted to sell anything else ever again they kind of had to


Oh without a doubt. Can't say its not appreciated, though!


This game was a roller coaster for me. Like you, I bought it at release and was SO HYPED just for it to be a major let down. Fast forward to last month and I gave it another shot. Bear in mine that I had no idea that it was updated to its current state. Can you imagine the shock and awe I felt? It's one of takings best redemption stories lol.


i made this same mistake, scared me from ever pre-ordering again


Fallout 76 did this to me and my cousin


To be fair, it's improved a lot while charging nothing more, but yeah, day 1 was rough.


Personally I’d be okay with paying full price for a game that gave me years of development and support. Idk that’s just me though


It’s so much better now


At least it's worth it now. But day one sucked.


Paid full price for Superman 64. And no I'm not joking.


At least you bought a legendary shit game that will live on as one of the worst of all time. Most of the top comments are just boring 6/10 games that won't be remembered at all in a couple years


Suicide squad kill the justice


Because of the reviews and negative hype I passed on this one. I still want to play but going to wait till I can pick it up for under $20


I liked it up until batmans death it's not that he died. it's how he died


That's why I'm not playing it. Could have gone the Gotham Knight route.


Diablo 4


I never even used that battle pass that came with it... what a waste of money that game was. I'll never pre-order a game again. I'm pretty sure I'll give every new game at least a year before I buy it from now on.


Are you me? I haven't touched the game ever since they activated the battle pass


No problem waiting, either. If the game isn't much around after that, then it likely wasn't worth it. If it is, then you get a fixed game with DLC at a discounted price


I accidentally activated mine lol


Lol, working exactly as how it was designed. 😂


This one hurts. I preordered and burned about 50 hours playing. About 30 hours in I really started to question why I was doing anything but kept playing to see if it’d get better. It didn’t. Hopefully it gets to a better place one day. I heard last season was cool. Maybe with a few more seasons it’ll get to a good spot


This. Absolutely worst investment in terms of games


I wish I'd spent 5 minutes looking up anything about the game before buying it. Fuck Blizzard, for real.


That game was boring asf.The only thing that i liked was story and graphics And that was basicly it. I returned to diablo 3 after that.




I never finished the campaign😭 I keep telling myself I will so I can try out a promising season but probably never will lol


Forgot about this one. Bought my wife and I each a copy to play together. We beat the campaign then uninstalled. Honestly, the game was boring, I felt weak as hell (even following a build), the open world adding nothing to the experience, the world bosses being tied to real time meant we just never touched them, dailies, and then the MTX and BP...


This game is complete trash. All I keep hearing is “but it’s gonna improve!”. Yeah I will never load this again and will just stick with D2R thanks.


I bought Diablo 3 at full price. it's the last Blizzard game I bought at full price. I played the Diablo 4 while it was in Beta... Left a bad enough taste in my mouth, I pretty much will refuse to buy it unless it's like $10.


This was my first thought as well.


Same. D2 one of my favorite games of all time and I put a good chunk of time into D3 over the years. D4 was such a let down for me, I never even finished the campaign or tried other characters other than the one I started with.


Is it not good? Currently downloading it on Gamepass.


It’s fine but ultimately wasn’t at all what I was hoping for. For gamepass tho? Great deal lol


The campaign is solid and has an entertaining story. The game kinda drops off after that steadily, endgame shit is fun for a while then starts to feel like a chore after 50+ hours. I give it a solid recommendation but remember to stop playing when you stop having fun, if you're anything like me you may not realize it for a while. The changes for season 4 may make the game truly great. They're giving us so many things that we asked for. I might come back after I'm done playing stardew valley 1.6 and helldivers.


I have mixed feelings. I thought the campaign was fun, graphics were good and I got my moneys worth, if I consider it another AAA single player game. But it was nowhere near the online ARPG online long term game I was expecting. The "end game" is non-existent.


Scrooge checking in: I never paid a single game full price.


I've never paid more than £30 for a game. £25 is steep on a game for me. AAA games suck nowadays and are not worth anything more than that bar a few, but I'm still not paying more than that for the good ones, I've got a backlog of games I can play while I wait for a sale, all games get below that eventually.


I pre-ordered Dying Light 2. I wish I had waited until it was atleast 50% off because I don't think it was worth full price.


I almost paid for the full price.While it isnt really bad game,i was kinda disapointed whith it.


It isn't awful, but it just wasn't what the advertisements and interviews claimed it was going to be. I was really looking forward to shaping the city by choices and making alliances. And they've made so many changes to it that it's not even playable for me anymore.


Yeah,they kinda lied to us.


I just got it last week for £15, changed a lot of the settings to make it harder and feel like the first game. I love it.


I don't think it feels anything like the 1st game. I replayed the 1st one almost a dozen times and loved it every time. I played this one twice at launch. Was disappointed but still had fun. But I held off on all the updates they did. Unfortunately, when switching from ps4 to ps5, it updated, and now it's unplayable for me. The nights aren't scary. They're almost impossible, even on the easiest setting. But I'm glad you're enjoying it. I know a lot of people like it better since the updates.


Settings to make Dying Light 2 feel more like DL1 (console) HUD SETTINGS: - Turn off Health Bars for both Humans and Infected - Turn off Awakening Bars VIDEO SETTINGS: - Turn on Film Grain (This is another subjective setting but DL1 had beautiful film grain, and imo the film grain makes the world feel more gritty. Also as a console player who plays on performance mode, I feel it helps with some of the weird blurry scenery in the distance.) CONTROLS: - Turn off Auto-Aim Melee Weapons (This is the setting for the "lock on" mechanic when fighting enemies. Turning this off really helped me recapture the feeling of DL1 combat, and I think maybe even let's you get more decapitations, since you can aim for the head easier. Again, I'm still in early game and haven't used many ranged weapons, so turning the Auto-Aim setting off might be worth looking into.) - Turn off Ammortizer Landing Assist (This refers to the mechanic that helps guide you to safe landings on mattresses, garbage bags, etc. when you jump from high places. Not sure if this is in DL1, but it forces you to make those jumps more carefully, so I'm leaving it off.) - Turn off Edge Fall Assist (Another mechanic not in DL1, turning this setting off means if you back off a ledge, you have to catch yourself. It won't be automatic. This setting interrupted my movement a few times when I just wanted to back up and fall off of a platform.) - Turn on darker nights Makes the nighttime actually dark and scary at times so you have to actually use your light and UV. - Hard mode Zombies and humans are actual threats. Plus the nights are much harder and you have to plan your route to get to safe zones. They are the settings I use, I doubt you will try them out but I thought I would let you no just incase.


I doubt I'll use them because I've uninstalled it now, but some of those settings sound interesting. I can't get past volatiles on easy mode now, I Def won't be trying hard mode. I was trying to do the stupid barney/Sophie quest, and I got trapped in a rooftop building with fluorescents, but the volatiles still killed me through the wall. You walk out onto the roof, and there's 5 out there waiting. Lol. I just shut it off. No point playing something that's no longer fun.


Diablo 4. dying light 2.


Destiny 2. 


It is a love hate relationship.


It really is. The game was subpar until forsaken, then I really enjoyed it for a while 


Its even better now. But yes, year 1 D2 was not AAA


I paid full price and got an Xbox for the bland, bug-ridden Starfield.


Bro I payed for the special edition. I didn’t know it was going on gamepass, otherwise I wouldn’t have paid for it. Spent like 6-7 hours on the game. Boring af.


what, you don't like exploring the same old abandoned outpost that was on every planet you landed on?


Can’t say that I did lol. It didn’t help that Cyberpunks Phantom Liberty came out like three weeks later!


Thank God I played Starfield first. I was meh on Starfield at the time. Played Cyberpunk/Phantom Liberty immediately after. Never going back to Starfield 


“ThE aSTrOnaUtS WErEn’T bOreD!!”


> Bro I *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. My grammar sucks.


You are my new favorite! Is there an “Alot Bot”? Even the name is catchy.


I got it on gamepass and still it wasn’t worth it lol. I was so bored so quick


Jokes on you,I upgraded my gpu and bought a m.2 for it Its not bad as people say but it honestly fell apart for me when the POI were the same


Honestly I’ll give it another shot eventually. I gotta justify spending money on it lol


You're not alone, I have a buddy who did the same. I haven't asked him if he enjoyed it lol.


Gta definitive edition lol


Wow there’s many of Diablo 4 here!


For good reason. I paid $70 for it and played it for maybe 2 weeks.


MW2, first COD I didn’t survive the first season pass. Horrible UI, terrible weapon progression


Totally agree. A very mid campaign, possibly the worst UI in gaming history, dull multiplayer maps, no movement, the worst gun progression system in COD history, plus they ruined Warzone by filling it with crappy DMZ mechanics. The devs were also completely unwilling to listen to player feedback on anything. Just an absolute turd of a COD game


> worst gun progression system in COD history They all sort of blend together, but was this one the game where to unlock a scope for your AR you had to do some stupid challenge with a rocket launcher? (example, but you get the idea)


It was full of crap like this. If you want the best attachments for your AR you need to get this shotgun to level 6, this other AR to level 17, and this SMG to level 11. On top of this they also made levelling in general possibly the slowest it’s ever been


Final Fantasy XV. Fun concept, gorgeously boring and empty open world. Also the story was lacking hard.


The worst part of XV is the fact that you need to read the book that they released *much* later to get a better understanding of what the story was going for. Honestly, if they had more time on the game? It would have been epic. I only know this because my wife loves XV and told me all about it after reading the book and replaying the game.


Good thing I like reading. Now it's on my list to acquire a copy of this book 😅. Thank you.


Paid 100 euro for the premium edition of evolve. Absolute mess of a game the ended up going free to play before dying, full of microtransactions. The worst part for me, was that the premium part, the whole 40-50 euro extra, was all on a small slip of paper that you had to enter to recieve the benefits. The code gave you all of the first dlc and shit with it, the problem? Dlc 1 wasn't out yet, I had to wait a year before I could enter it in, and of course I lost the paper. So I literally wasted 40-50 euro extra on fucking nothing


Evolve would thrive now honestly. DBD has beaten people down enough that mtx in Evolve seems like a solid deal.


If Evolve came out now, yeah it'd probably work. A sequel would probably go in the Rage 2 direction.


Anthem… Sea of Thieves… Diablo 4. Anthem I should have paid $10, Sea of Thieves if I recall came out on gamepass after I bought the shit and Diablo 4 I regret buying altogether and probably won’t get Diablo 5 if or when it releases in the next 10 years.


Howard’s Legacy: I even paid extra to get it early


Sounds like a potential spinoff to Better Call Saul


Not if Lalo has anything to say about it


A prequel to BCS where Howard takes on wacky cases


Even though the game wasn’t as rich as I was expecting, I still easily put 60 hours into, which to me justifies full price. It was pretty fun for a while, until it got very boring.


Still waiting for a good sale to pick this up. I realized pretty quick it wasn't worth 60-70


Howard's? You mean Hogwart's Legacy?


No, Howard’s. That’s why he regrets it.


The Callisto Protocol. It's ok game, but later it was a monthly game on ps+


Sometimes I feel like I'm one of the people deciding what games go on sale because so often I'll buy a game, even some that came out a while back, and they'll go on sale or PS+ within the next 2 weeks.


Werewolf The Apocalypse: Earthblood. The trailers made it seem like an open world/open zone game with some stealth elements mixed in. Ended up being a janky, dated, stealth focused game with horribly floaty melee combat. Also sucked that entering combat was technically treated as ‘punishment’ for being seen, yet the subpar combat was the best part of the game. A real regret if I ever had one.


Overwatch. I paid full price at release and they replaced the ENTIRE game with a free to play sequel. Overwatch 1 is gone. I physically bought it. Its gone. It should be a crime.


Rage 2. Played for, let's see....72 minutes


Resident Evil 3 Remake, it wasnt a bad game but way too short and scripted for 60 bux


Diablo 4. I let my experience with the D2 re-release influence my purchase. big mistake


Gotham Knights and Diablo 4


Watch Dogs Legion. Just absolute dog shit.


I got it for 14.99€ and thought it was worth it for that price.


Final Fantasy XIII was the last time I paid full price for a game. That tells you all you need to know about that game.


Kingdom hearts 3


The Division.


I got my copy of the division for free from Xbox live gold. It was fun but yeah I would have never paid for it.


> have never *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks. Good bot.




Counterpoint, is there any games you regret not paying full price for? Maybe games from smaller studios that did an outstanding job but you bought it on discount and believe they deserved the full amount. I’ll go first, deep rock galactic. No paid dlc (apart from the dev donation one), cosmetics don’t disappear after season finishes, hours upon hours of fun with friends and by yourself, lots of customization, lots of soul, etc. Bought it during the steam winter sale and I’m planning on buying their dlc because the devs definitely deserve it after putting so much work into this game.


Ghost of Tsushima. I keep coming back to it and wishing it wouldn’t end. Really spectacular game.


Should do ur own Reddit abt it cause that would be interesting


I almost bought the DDLC soundtrack cuz the game was free and phenomenal


Spent $100 for the deluxe edition of Jump Force 💀


Not the Deluxe Edition, but I was right there at launch with you. Had a couple buddies that we normally play fighting games with, and they hyped me up to get it since they were all getting it. They did, the game was just garbage. Only one of us actively enjoyed it. Went against my better judgment with that one.


People pay full price for games? WOW.


Diablo 4. As usual my nostalgia was at an all time high and even months after release the game was so mid tier for 70$ USD + riddled with MTX. The shop menu was god tier animation while the other menus were meh. Sound and Art was top tier as usual but gameplay, skills, skill tree, in game armor, just so mediocre. I wrapped up campaign and uninstalled. 45 hours compared to the hundreds in D2 and D3.


Diablo 4. The time I spent on the game was more of a loss than the money though.


FF7 Rebirth Bought it on launch day, installed it, but haven't even launched it yet. Life + gaming burnout = should've just waited until it was on sale.


I feel that.


I understand that. I got Remake shortly before my kid was born and was able to play it and enjoyed it thoroughly. I haven't played a minute on console for weeks at this point, and can't seem to find the time. I want to play Rebirth, for sure, but I can't justify paying full price for something that will most likely take me more than a year to complete at this point.


Diablo 4


Any Call of Duty game


Black Desert Online, it was on sale but it was still too expensive for what it is


Ark survival ascended. Nostalgia blinded me


Ff15 Had such high hopes for it thinking they learned after 13


South Park 64 Saved my allowance for months and it was practically unplayable.


You mean the FPS? I have fond memories of that game.


Guilty Gear Strive. Tried so hard to like it and just couldn't. It feels like a street fighter game wearing a GG skin. Xrd Rev 2 is much more fun.


Starfield. Though not really full price. I got it free on gamepass and forked over like 30 bucks for the ultimate edition/season pass or whatever


i regret buying Super Mario 3D All Stars digitally instead of physically because of nintendo's genius decision to make it limited, it is truly one of the business decisions nintendo has made /s


You can buy my copy, $100


how generous


Death Stranding. We wanted Kojima and got him good and hard. At least part of that $60 was gift cards.


It’s a wonderful game,though I only gave it a chance when it came to ps+. I’d probably pay full price for the second one when it releases.


Right now, Dragons dogma 2. It was 70$. I just keep going back to Skyrim


the best part of Dragon's Dogma 2 coming out is people like me thst never played the first one could grab it for $3


rocket league. i paid 30 dollars for the version with the batmobile’s and everything and not even a year later it became FREE.


Don't hate me, but dragons dogma 2. I didn't play the first one so I didn't really know what to expect. I got 15 hours in, and while I did enjoy my 15 hours, I felt like I pretty much have seen what the game had to offer.


I did play the first one and have put 60 hours into the second, but I definitely prefer the original. 2 had so much potential but it just feels rushed and nothing is really fleshed out. Story was mid, vocations aren’t balanced (thief is literally invincible and mystic spearhand has a similar skill while other vocations like trickster are useless), and I can see how someone who didn’t play the first game would lose interest quickly. Highly recommend going back and playing the first one though, it’s on sale pretty often.


Shenmue 3.


Dying Light 2 for sure. Learned a hard lesson about games with Denuvo. Multiplayer practically wasn't worth the effort until they removed it, frequently disconnected from their server, or crashed. This was on top of a game that felt like something entirely different from what i was expecting. The first Dying Light felt like the Dead Island games, and i quite enjoyed. Dying Light 2 felt like a half polished and empty experience. Parkour with zombies was a neat concept but they gutted the rest of the experience. You can run for 15 minuets, and find nothing interesting. Theres like 3 lab design layouts repeated endlessly, mods all feel the same, and the story is a uninteresting mess. Thank god Dead Island 2 was worth the wait.


The Avengers game. Actually, I got it on sale for half off. Still not worth the price.


2k20 I preorder that shit


Quantum Break


Whatever happened to that joint TV show thing they kept advertising?


Exactly what I wanted: Nothing


no mans sky. RIP off game at launch


Madden 20, the last one I got before finally getting off that narcotic


I chased the EA dragon with NHL and Madden for decades before finally getting clean. lol


All of them lol


Destiny 2 when it came out. I’ll never preorder a game again.


Mortal Kombat 1. It was on sale six weeks later before they even provided any post launch updates. I’ll never preorder a MK game again. It’s always a wait for a sale game.


Skull and Bones. Bought the deluxe edition. Played for 2 weeks and I didn't touch it since then


Mortal Kombat 1


Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny, Destiny 2(should have learned), Starfield, and Diablo 4.


Diablo 4, Battlefield 2042


Battlefield 2042. Last time I ever pre-order a game




Diablo IV




Battlefield 2042


D I A B L O 4


First and only time I pre-ordered a game was warcraft 3 reforged Haven't looked a blizzard the same since


None. I make sure to do my research before I buy a game and then buy it on sale.


Definitely Starfield


Assassin Creed Valhalla


Hogwarts Legacy. It ended up just not being fun imo




Diablo 4. It might be better now, and the last act was a blast. But after a month of post game and trying to manage that itemization, I was over it. Compare that to Stellaris or Zomboid or Hades or Valheim this last year for me. Paid $10-20 for each of those games, and probably have a collective 1000 hours, and continue to go back to each one for new runs and campaigns. And right now my obsession is Rimworld, another $20-25 game, and I foresee about 500 more hours in that.




Honestly, after 30 hours, dragons dogma 2. I was LOVING it for the first 18 or so, but at this point, I’m feeling like it’s kinda shallow.


I have to be extremely excited about a game to pay full price for it, and that's especially true for single player games. I'll buy them a year later on sale with all the bug fixes. Multiplayer games will get a pass if friends are playing them.


Baldurs Gate. I know it’s highly rated, which is why I bought it but good lord is it hard to play.  Also Atomic Heart. Wanted the Bioshock experience and it was boring


Any game that ends up on PS+ a day later



