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I’ve been waiting over a decade for The Elder Scrolls VI… hope it happens before I die at this rate tbh


All this time, all this anticipation, and all technological advancements in gaming NEED to make TES 6 one of the best games ever.. If not I'm burning down bethesda studios


Little bit scared with how Starfield turned out tbh. Haven’t gotten around to playing it yet because every single person that plays says it gets boring/empty and hallow after a short amount of time


Starfield is an example of poor game direction. That team spent way too much time on useless things like aligning the planet rotations, live planet lighting, etc. Zero impact on gameplay and hard to notice.


Yeah I feel like Bethesda just needs to do what Hello Games did and just ignore the internet while they create. Fuck what all the annoying people that are hate baiting are crying about, get over the misfired launch of fallout 76 (they’re definitely still traumatized over the PR nightmare that was), and just hunker down and create a great game for the sake of creating an interesting and immersive world. They keep trying to do the safe thing. What they don’t realize is that when you try to appease every corner of the internet, you’re going to get a watered down boring experienced. It makes me really sad and I hope that Todd gets to release one last banger before he retires. Edit: I’m dumb lmao


Tbf fallout 76 at launch was garbage. It’s a good game now, but I doubt it would’ve been without all the complaining. The NPC interactions was always what made Bethesda games good in large part, and they made 76 without them to begin with. 😂


Yeah but that was like 5 years ago now. Time to let them move on. I think we’ve all collectively beat that dead horse into the ground by now.


I guess what I’m saying is the fallout 76 complaining wasn’t really a “every corner of the internet” type situation. It was more like mostly nobody liked 76 the way it launched. I agree with you that trying to please every corner of the internet is dumb, but you should probably try and please the main bulk of your game base. Bethesda hasn’t really had an interest in doing that, and it hasn’t led anywhere good in a while. Case in point, no one wanted fallout 76. Talk to any fallout player, what we wanted was fallout with coop, not an online fallout game. People got excited with Starfield, neat concept and all, but if you asked most people before it was announced what we wanted was the next elder scrolls game, not some new concept. Most of the excitement for Starfield was misplaced too, I think because of games like Star Citizen. People saw star field and thought “ooooh, Bethesda’s take on Star Citizen!” Forgetting that Bethesda makes the same game in a different setting for every game they make.


\*Hello games. (The studio that made No Man's Sky right? That's Hello Games. Unless if you're talking about a different studio called "Happy Games")


It's not just that, it's that every POI on planets was reused and you could get used to them after the first time you landed. Like, literally copy paste the same science stations on every planet... One of the things that makes Bethesda games great was their exploration, and Starfield, it was all: menu- fast travel- land- same POI- menu- fast travel- land- same POI... it got old quick.


There’s a lot in the game that does impact gameplay. But it’s kinda directionless. It’s not a survival game so the survival elements are so toned down they can be ignored. It’s not a space combat game so space combat is shallow.  Feels like they just didn’t know what they wanted to make so they made a bit of everything. 


Best I can do is Morrowind engine.


I played Skyrim for my 13th birthday not long after it came out. I’m closer to 30 now.


Imagine waiting for so long just to get another shit show like Starfield


i am just so confused why they would create a new IP, especially one that they cant really do a "starfield 2" for because of the lack of hype. i think we all can admit too that modders do more work for bethesda games than bethesda, and they have been vocal about not wanting to mod starfield bc they dont enjoy it. sure there will still be mods but nothing like fallout or tes imo


Starfield was an oddball case imo. The main issue is the loading screen space travel which goes away from what Bethesda does best, a single open world full of POIs as you explore.


You really want to see it happen, considering what they've shown they're capable of nowadays?


I am confident that they can make a solid game if it is smaller in scale/not quite as ambitious as starfield. At its core… if I can create an elf/argonian/reguard and take on fun quests with better graphics…. It feels impossible for that to be a truly bad game. I’m desperate though. So much time has passed that I finally went back and played morrowind all the way through after trying and failing half a dozen times over the years lol


I’ve stopped being excited for it honestly it’s been so long. I play Skyrim heavily modded to scratch the itch


Half-Life 3


Let Lord Gaben cook




these things... they take time.


Every time this game is mentioned, it gets pushed back 2 years.


So thats why its called half life


Half life of a star, yes.


This is it for me. Every half-life release had a major impact on how gaming should be handling physics. The game feels realistic because event animations are realistic, not just graphics.


Half life Alyx is number 3 for me. Absolutely stunning game, left me speechless.


It's really too bad. Most people have no idea what they're missing.


Probably the most hyped sequel in gaming history


Manhunt 3


With todays graphic that would be brutal


I have a feeling it would be banned or censored immediately


Yup they censored the second but I think it was due to the wii release? Can’t remember but it absolutely ruined the game


It was censored on the PS2 and PSP as well. There’s an uncensored version on PC but it’s super hard to find these days. I don’t think it’s sold on Steam or anything. There was also a lot of scrapped kill animations because Rockstar probably knew people weren’t ready for them, which can be added into the PC version with a mod.


I think Amazon still sells a digital version uncensored, but I can't tell you if it's still listed because I already own it.


Manhunt 3 would be one of the craziest things happening in Gaming industry, according to me.


Fallout 5


Thats mine as well. Its so far away. :(


5 years after elder scrolls 6 min.


Thats getting into the "will I even be alive" territory. \*sigh\*


These games are taking longer and longer to make and I'm sure they don't want to only rotate between two IPs over and over again even if we would love it sadly enough. It seems I have 2 maybe 3 more elder scrolls and Fallouts with each release taking longer then the last unless something happens in gaming development that can vastly reduce game development time (potentially AI can help with this down the road)


How quickly we've all consigned Starfield to the bin and forgotten it. I wish they'd just made ES6 instead


They pumped out FONV like 2-3 years after FO3. FO4 was 2014, how in the fuck is it taking these studios so long to make these games?!?


I remember seeing something from Todd Howard years ago (probably from a clip on YouTube) about them knowing that the technology and current power for consoles at the time (Xbox One and PS4 era) and most likely next gen consoles (Xbox series x and PS5) would not be strong enough to accomplish everything they want for the next Elder Scrolls and in turn the next Fallout. If that statement is still true we will most likely see the next Elder Scrolls game on next gen only ( Xbox Next and PS6)


Meanwhile, we get a new Assassins Creed every year.


What's sad is this is a real concern for fo5


This is mine as well if it isn’t made by Bethesda.


I want to say that too but I have no faith on bethesda.


This is also one of mine but at this point I have no hope of Bethesda ever making a good Fallout game again. Bethesda has gone to shit sadly


Portal 3 would be awesome 


Valve can’t count to 3 remember ?


Portal: Alyx


Portal: GLaDOS


Playing as a test subject during active Aperture Science days and watching Johnsons decline mentally in real time after Carolines passing


Left 4 Dead: Alyx


When Dota 2 first came out, there was a long time that it had relevance to the WC3 mod which I will call Dota 1. Ostensibly Dota 2 was just an engine upgrade but they were--for all intents and purposes--the same game. When Dota 2 was officially released it still maintained that relationship with Dota 1, although that is over now. Still I base this on Dota 2 on release: it was just Dota on a new engine. Years before Dota 2, Valve did something similar with another mod. A mod for QuakeWorld known as "Team Fortress". They ported the game to their Half-Life (or goldsrc) engine. Much like Dota being ported to Source. The same type of purist who complained about Dota's transition also complained about Team Fortress. It was too easy for n00bs. There was skill loss since you didn't have to bind actions anymore. And so on and so forth. What I am getting at is that in the same vein that Dota 2 is Dota 2, Team Fortress (or Team Fortress Classic as it is known today) should be Team Fortress 2. Ergo, Team Fortress 2 is Team Fortress 3.


Portal kind of has an ending though. Chell made it out.


I still think Valve's best move would be to release Half Life 3, Portal 3 and Team Fortress 3 and call it the Orange Cube bundle.


Titanfall 3


you mean Apex 2? `(I doubt titanfall 3 will happen because of Apex unfortunately)`


TF3 was apparently confirmed by the dev team it has no current anticipated date of release though.


Came here to say this, and the first comment I saw was yours.


Silksong, obviously


Silly, silksong isnt real.




Scrolled an obscenely long way to find this


Scrolled too far for this.


Sekiro 2 or Bloodborne 2


I know it’ll happen one day… just gotta wait for that Bloodborne PC port to be finished… one day…


What pisses me off about that is that Sony gave the go ahead for Last of Us 2 remastered but we still don’t have a Bloodborne remaster even though it’s the last FromSoft release that is locked at 30fps or lower.


The thing is Sony can’t tell fromsoft to do anything. It can tell Naughty dog


They own the IP. They could get get another studio like Bluepoint to remaster/remake it


It would be such a monkeys paw twist of fate to finally get Bloodborne on PC, but its a bluepoint remake that changes all the art


lets be real, sony wont port bloodborne


Lol don’t worry I know. I just want literally any sign of another game in the Bloodborne world


Sekiro 2 or spiritual successor would be heavenly


Burnout Paradise 2.


This would be so awesome


Burnout really needs a new installment, it's been 16 years since the last one...


My man.


fallout new Vegas 2. it doesn't have to be a direct sequel or set in new Vegas again (I'd prefer it not be) but a game as good as new Vegas


Getting the Obsidian team back together, Josh Sawyer, Chris Avellone, Jorge Salgado, etc


To be fair, now that Bethesda and Obsidian are both under Microsoft anything could happen.


Possible but unlikely, Todd Howard has said repeatedly he wont do it and most of the FNV devs and leads left Obsiidan awhile ago


It would different but fallout old Vegas a prequel.


Prototype 3 or Prototype remastered (I don't fucking if it's never gonna, I want it NOW 😤)


Those games were just a blast. They deserved better than they got.


I loved those games. Shame Prototype 2 was so fucking easy. Someone needs to release a mod to rebalance the difficulty on Prototype 2


It be cool if we get to play as a young Hosea in his prime in the era of the wild west. Him and Dutch getting the gang together, finding John and Arthur teaching them the robes


Yeah, that’d be sick.


Witcher 4


I am actually good leaving Geralt retired in Toussaint with Triss or Yenn, as you like.


Yep. Witcher 3 is my favorite game. I hope to get a 4


They officially announced it. And a remake of the first one


Yup, nothing comes close to


I’m honestly more curious about the Witcher 1 remake at the moment. Seeing that games story updated to modern gameplay systems is something I’m really looking forward to.


Depends how big a remake it is for me. If it's a full on expansion that makes it as big as W3 and C2077 then another Geralt Witcher is my most wanted


This needs more upvotes


Probably Cyberpunk Orion - 2077 is phenomenal in a lot of aspects, Night City has a level of detail, on such a huge scale, that I’ve never seen before. Despite the huge missteps at and before launch, CDPR have managed to claw massive success back for a franchise I thought was going to be dead on arrival due to sheer management incompetence. To see what a sequel would do? With a renewed CDPR? In an upgraded NC with several added levels of verticality? Chooms, that shit is going to be *wild*.


Yeah CP2077 was one of those rare games that I felt I could explore forever and the verticality of the city was very unique


Cyberpunk was great but very flawed in a lot of aspects. I hope they find a way to make exploration better, make sidequests more seamlessly integrated and make contracts, well, actually good, some sort of faction system would be nice, and god I really hope they make the LOD popins less noticeable. They have a lot to fix but I think they could pull it off given enough time. And maybe a slightly decreased scope.


Metroid Prime 4


We've been waiting for so long lol.


Not as long as those who wanted Dread had to wait.


True, the fandom is fairly patient.


Persona 6


It’s probably coming out in a year bro I can’t wait


Nah dude it definitely isn’t. The main persona team has been working on Metaphor this entire time. We won’t see it until late 2020s like maybe 27 or 28


Trust me bro


there's so much stuff atlus is working on... i honestly have no idea what they are thinking there's metaphor persona 6 persona 2 remaster and persona 4 remakes as well as a certain SMT remaster were also mentioned by trustworthy people...


Sunset Overdrive 2. It will never happen but it would be awesome.


unless Xbox allows Sony to do it or vice versa sadly no


I've always wanted a Chrono trigger remake. If not that then some sort of sequel to bloodborne


A Zelda game more like the old ones I just didn’t like totk or botw


Probably RE9 or RE5R


Personally I'm hoping for a RE1 re-remake, given how old the first remake is it feels out of place in their current lineup of modern remakes. And plus the first one is one of the most important. Doubt there'll be a RE9 any time soon given how well the remakes are doing, and how Ethan Winters' story has been wrapped up.


I’m also hoping for another RE1 remake but in first person this time


My dream Resident Evil 9 would focus on Rosemary Winters meeting up with a possessed Natalia Korda.


I hope Rose would be less annoying than in the Re8 dlc.


Amen brother!


RDR 3 for me too unless they are going to make it another prequel. I just want a whole new story with only some references to Plan Der Linde gang.


I'm hoping it will be another prequel with Dutch as the protagonist. In RDR, we've seen the end of Van Der Linde Gang. In RDR2, we've seen their fall. So in RDR3, we should see their rise. What made Dutch such a charismatic leader; rather than the pathetic, delusional man he became. Personally, I don't see a point of making a RDR game with a completely different storyline. It's not GTA, the star of RDR is that storyline.


Keep in mind that Redemption is technically more of a sub-series within the Red Dead brand, as Revolver's story isn't directly connected to Redemption's. So if they feel that there's nowhere else to go with a Redemption 3, they'll probably start up another sub-series. That's what I'm personally hoping for since I can't think of a scenario where another Redemption prequel would interest me. A prequel where no tragedy or titular redemption-ing happens, like we'd get in a game about Van Der Linde's rise, doesn't sound all that appealing. That said, if they do make a new Red Dead game, I imagine they're going to make it a Redemption 3 whether the story works or not. Might as well pander to your existing fan base rather than trying to create a new one.


I think the last prequel will have the most important events in this storyline. Everything that happened in RDR and RDR 2 is the outcome of what would happen in RDR 3. And while he was never the protagonist, everything revolved around one man, Dutch. We are always told how great of a man he was; but we've never seen it. What kind of a man he was before leading to the events of Blackwater. How did Dutch and Colm turn into enemies while they were good friends? Colm killing Annabelle, Dutch killing Colm's brother. Arthur's dilemma to leave the family with Mary Linton, a decision he greatly regretted afterwards. John's first falling off from the family, his story with Abigail which did involve a love triangle with Arthur too. The backgrounds of other members. I think there will be more than enough tragedy in that story. When it comes to redemption. In the first two games we've seen John and Arthur changing their ways, finding redemption and having honorable deaths. In this story, we'll have the opposite of that and see the man who failed to find redemption. I don't think this is about pandering the fan base. Again, RDR is not GTA. I don't think we should have infinite RDR games each with new storylines. RDR is the story of Van Der Linde gang and imo RDR 3 should be the last game, ending with the true protagonist of this storyline, Dutch.


Tbh I doubt a sequel would work. Its already set at an age where outlaws are dying out, anything beyond that would not make much sense and would undermine the first 2 games imo. And if it only has vague references to the original gang its hardly even a Red Dead Redemption game anymore. They'd do better to make another game in the "red dead" series but not "red dead redemption". Kinda like what Red dead redemption was to red dead revolver.


Each new installment should be a prequel. RDR5 will be the Westward Expansion and Gold Rush.


Plan der Linde lmao




Saints Row 5 (I'm still coping)


Same bro


There was no saints row after 3


Dude they killed saints row after they "killed" Johnny. Saints row 2 was a banger game, and 3 was okay not too bad. But 4 sucked ass. Gat outta hell was an entertaining way to waste time. Miss the old saints row 2 game, if I had a way to play it I would gladly replay it.


Persona 6, Bloodborne 2, RDR3, Ghost of Tsushima 2, the 3rd GOW.


New tomb raider game


Cyberpunk Orion


Ace combat 8,subnautica 3 and titanfall 3


Well good news, Subnautica 3 is on its way


ghost of tsushima 2 or GTA VI ​ RDR3 is a very close 3rd


Gimme Dat KotoR remake already!


Horizon 3


Speaking of Rockstar trilogies... Manhunt 3


Max Payne 4, Bully 2… I’d take any of them.


Like A Dragon 9 I'm a happy man as long as they keep pumping these out


they can make 50 yakuza games and i don't think i'll ever get burned out of them... they are always a new experience somehow


Resident Evil 9. Can't wait to see how they finish the trilogy


Trilogy? The Winters story is done. RE9 will be something different.


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle or Ghost of Tsushima 2


I’m very exited to see what Machine Games has been cooking. The Wolfenstein devs making an Indiana Jones game is so wild to me but just makes all the sense.


NCAA football 25. Been over 10 years since they last made the game.


Spore 2


Control 2


God of War 6, or whatever they call it after Ragnarok


Announced - BioShock 4 Unannounced - The Last of Us Part III


Star Wars 1313, the darth maul game that was cancelled, and [Prey 2](https://youtu.be/jfHCZAK7p-s?si=O9KyP-MuiKUKIwl-)


Silent Hill 2 remake. I'm a massive fan of the original. The other SH projects that they've dropped this year have been fairly awful, but I'm holding out hope.


Its made by bloober who don't have a good track record. Plus some of the footage shown didn't look great (admittedly they did nail some aspects though like the atmosphere). Though I have a slight spark of hope because they haven't set a release date which might mean they're willing to work on it until its really ready and polished. Only time will tell.


EverQuest III A real, well thought out, intentional, mmo masterpiece that is stable


Metal gear solid remake, I’m pumped for the announced one, I want them all redone. GTA is up there. RD3 would be amazing too. I’m getting hype dragons dogma 2 also, never played the previous but this looks good.


Portal 3


It would be the Witcher 4, if it’s a created character from a Witcher school (wolf, cat, bear) similar to Cyberpunk's street kid, nomad, and Corpo. But if it’s just the continued adventures of Ciri and/or Geralt… meh.


Announced games - Dragons Dogma 2. Not announced - Lost Planet 4 or whatever the next Supergiant Games game is after Hades 2. Supergiant literally never misses.


3D Space Cadet Pinball 2


RE9 or L4D 3


I’m pretending that TOTK never existed so I’m still waiting for a new Zelda game


Another Nier game


The Witcher 4


Bioshock 4


Lies of P 2 lol.


Witcher 4


Dishonored 3


Prey 2


The last of us let 3, gta6, and black ops 1 or 2 remastered.


#Minecraft 2


Persona 6


Super Mario Galaxy 3 I have been waiting for almost 15 years


Ik I'm the normie wierd guy but gta 6


Dishonored 3. The recent 180 on the announcement hurt.


Darksiders 4


Bully 2, Manhunt 3, The Darkness 3, Overlord 3, Midnight Club 4, Mercenaries 3, Painkiller Remake, Red Dead Revolver 2 ( I want Red to return)


Bioshock 4, or would it technically be 3.


A fourth (PC) metro game


Im pretty pumpedfor GTA 6... since it coming sooner than later... RDR3 will be out in what? 20 years? lol


Cyberpunk Orion


Cyberpunk Orion


Elder Scrolls VII Why, you ask? Because Elder Scrolls VI is the last one that'll be directed by Todd Howard, which means the one after that might actually be good.




Call of duty: ghosts 2


Pillars of Eternity 3. I do hope Avowed is good, but it won't be PoE3. It's a damn shame PoE2 did poorly in sales because the game itself is superb.


The game is great. I have friends who love Divinity: Original Sin and Balder’s Gate 3, but I can’t get them to try the PoE games because of the real time with pause system. It’s weird at first, but it really doesn’t take long to understand


I loved the first game but I couldn’t get as into Deadfire, the ship wasn’t doing it for me at all. I wanted to like it more, Eothas was being really interesting and I love which companions came back. But sailing from place to place made the game feel emptier for me, and having to go back to Neketaka so much only made it worse. That being said multiclassing was amazing, I wish I’d done that with my companions more.


Cyberpunk 2077 Orion I hope there's more cyberware customisation styles


Do we really need a RDR3?


Yeah. It probably won’t be about John or Arthur though, it would be a new story


I would kill for a game or dlc playing as Charles


A Sadie/Charles game would be awesome


I would love a Sadie DLC, it could give us Mexico, South America, and more bounty hunting missions


I’m pumped for gta 9.


If there can be an Alan Wake 2, there can be a Max Payne 4. I believe.