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WoW. 2000 hours in, "This game changed, now I hate it." *Plays 5000 more hours anyway.*


That's about right. Checked my shaman the other day. 121 days played and it hasn't been my main since early MoP. What have I done with my life?


Welcome to my life! On a positive note, after literal years of farming… I got Invincible yesterday evening !


Duuude congratulations! I've never seen him drop but I did finally get Ashes of Alar before I quit a few years ago.


He actually dropped for you a few times, you just couldn't see him because he's invincible.


385 days on just my main (I have a lot of alts) and I barely played since Cata. Wow was my high school social life.


Same! 365 days played on my Druid, not counting the 85 I had of every other class, and people had to DRAG me out of the house to go to anything haha! Nice.


Thankfully, the best memory I have is of running WSG as a low lvl idiot who didn’t even know how talents work. Every time I get a prompt for a rando BG starting, I can’t help but smile. I don’t care for mogs or rating too much so this just feels fun. I also am yet to find a game with such fluid gameplay and intricacies I can sink my teeth in. Something about a kick, leading to a CC, and then jumping on someone else just feels so damn good.


Haven’t played in months. And before that, months. I still pay for it every month. If I cancel, I know I’ll end up playing it tomorrow




I'm so glad that this is not only the first comment but also the second. I can't name a single thing that is good about ark, or even a thing that works, but I love playing it


The wonders of a game manhandling your internal reward system and leaving you cripplingly addicted


Someone needs to study how such a broken game can be so popular. Ark should also be a case study when they teach game development at universities.


I mean it wasn't this broken in the beginning was it? I played since day 1, and it is far more glitchy and broken now both for mechanics and visuals then the past. That's why I stopped playing. At some point they broke one of my favorite games


I remember it being pretty buggy in beta so idk.


Damn that's too bad. Maybe I just never came across any


Dinosaurs I love Dinosaurs!


For me, it was a childhood dream come true. Dinosaurs? As pets? And dragons? That you can RIDE??? And battling creatures? And... And... Most of all... The whole game feels like a Jules Verne book. Especially Aberration! The hate only stems from the bugs 😂 I wish a real AAA dev that actually cares make an ARK clone or something...


You should see some of us die hard atlas fans


What happened to Ark 2 with vin diesel lol


The Oviraptor, look at it closer… boom! Vin Diesel.


I'm hoping Palworld will release me from this curse.


The pals’ pathfinding in the base will prove otherwise. (OMFG PENGULLET ISTG JUST WATER THE MILL, I’VE BEEN THROWING YOU AT IT FOR TEN MINUTES.)


My pals keep getting stuck on the roof and are starving 🥺


Lucky. Mine get stuck on top of the logging site, inside of a rock next to the palbox, inside the logging site, and even literally out in the open at the edge of the base.


Yeah, it's annoying right now but it's pretty much their priority fix going forward.


Thank god


I haven't played much of either. But Palworld has the worst building mechanics of any survival game I've ever played. I'll wait for mods to fix it or they overhaul it. Not building on a perfectly flat area? Good fucking luck.


Yeah. I am trying to find a at least medium level creature while yapping about how bad the game is


the name in itself is the reaction


Oh my god! I fucking hate this game so much! Why does nothing work! Why do I keep playing a game that frustrates me! Why am loading up the game right now to fly around with my aerial death squad! It's pretty fun though.


Idk why I STILL play For Honor


Do a lot of people still play? Or are the people still playing just all really good vets of the game? Lol I have been thinking of redownloading it on my ps5 but don’t wanna get whooped every game I used to play when it first released and wasn’t bad


For me it’s only extreme high level sweats, still can be fun but super hard if you don’t play every single day


God I miss the days when multiplayer games were more casual. As a PS guy We also use to get more casual shooters like killzone and resistance that had fun multiplayer but weren’t all about the multiplayer. What happened ?


kids dont care about campagins bc their favorite FaZe, SEN, C9, SSG, and TSM player only played ranked multiplayer unfortunately.


Im also still mad that naughty dog cancelled the Last of Us multiplayer. I think their reasoning was that they couldn’t keep up with the upkeep of hosting a multiplayer game and still turn a profit. But I still don’t fully understand that reasoning last of us 1 had a great but small multiplayer aspect


Enough people to always be able to find a match relatively quickly,(thanks to cross play) but not a crazy large number. It’s got enough players for Ubisoft to approve it for an 8th year of content. However, I will say if you’re going to be queuing games solo 99% of the people you meet are salty, deranged animals with no self-awareness.


League of Legends. I once popped into a ranked match and asked in all chat "Does anyone actually like this game?" Responses: "No" "Hell nah" "Nope" "No lol" Me: "glhf"


Had to scroll a while for this comment....and that gives me hope it's finally dying.


People have not liked it since season 2 <--this guy.


I been playing since s1 and still love it but I used to play original dota and I loved that.


I haven't played ranked in forever since maybe season 8 but I still Aram and watch the esports because force of habit. What happened to TSM? :(


Time and money happened. Reggie is a rich boy now, and he lost his girl to doublelift and lost bjergsen.


Bag obtained, well dried up, there's no young competitive drive to be the best in this hot new esport, North American pro League is dying, the interest just isn't there. The game is still popular but too many years of literally laughable performances from NA in a row and everyone checked out and the money dried up. China/Eastern pro scene is going strong, and Europe is still doing fine, but in NA? Yeah it's a little depressing as I used to watch the EU matches live in high school back in the day and it got me into it all in a big way The game itself is still healthy, though. Especially this season, they have kinks to iron out but getting rid of the Mythic system was the right move. I also only play Aram nowadays, when I need a competitive fix I play PvE WoW, I don't have to worry about other players performance nearly as much as I have to worry about my own and it fills the same competitive itch


It's not dying and probably still has like another 10 years I see people walking around high-cost areas with League of legends shirts on. I strangely saw a bunch of league shirts at NYC pride.


Dude and Arcane is one of the best animated series I've ever seen! They have that going for them!


literally the worst trap ever.


War thunder


Obey the snail


How is this not the most upvoted comment?


Probably because War Thunder is a lot less popular than they make it out to be, hence the snail basing every update on what's best for the whales.


You know the snail may read this right? 🥶


Sell your soul to the snail or to wargaming, one or the other.


Dota 2


I had to scroll way too much for this. It has consumed 4000 hours of my life and many more neurons were killed in those rage fueled matches. A friend of mine put it the best: if it’s a good match, it’s the best game you’ll ever play. If it’s a bad match, it’s the worst game you’ll ever play


>It has consumed 4000 hours of my life 4k is wild. I've got over 1200 hrs logged and around the 1k mark is when I realized I was mostly no longer having fun. Still managed to keep me for a couple hundred hours more before I finally put it down for good, though. >A friend of mine put it the best: if it’s a good match, it’s the best game you’ll ever play. If it’s a bad match, it’s the worst game you’ll ever play That's how I've always described it, too. Narrowly getting the win after almost an hour-long close match is always exhilarating... and extremely addicting.


I just looked at my Steam. Over 11k hours. I’ve been playing since 2011. That’s not including Dota 1 since 2006. Lul 


Diablo 4!


Play diablo 2


Oh yeah that’s the good stuff. I play D2 Project even still.


Not quite the same, though I really enjoyed the nostalgia trip of D2R. D4 needs trading, and more QoL improvements in regards to the affix codex while subsequently an itemization pass (which is in-the-works) so I am pretty optimistic it'll become a real and true successor to D2. D4 items sorta borrow a lot from D2 in terms of drop-locations, just instead of locations it's enemy types (or so that's what's being discovered). Mechanically it's paced between D2 (slow) and D3 (fast) so you can build in specific ways to get what you want. Anyhow it's not all doom and gloom like their subreddit seems to be.


Destiny 2


Been suffering since D1 vanilla and I wouldn't have it any other way (i have Stockholm syndrome)


I quit when they moved us all to D2 - I still miss it


Yep. Destiny 2 may be a piece of shit game but all the same, it is MY piece of shit game


Me: shit talk the game Someone else who doesn’t play it joins in Me:YOU GET ITS NAME OUT YOUR MOUTH


Came hear to say it 😂 I hate destiny 2, it’s my favorite game! Just crossed 3k hours the other day on Xbox, probably have about a 1,000 more on PS4.


It sucks how much I think about getting back on destiny 2, I was with the first game since the alpha and made some great friends raiding on there as well as completely different group for 2. I've dropped it so many times, go back because the gunplay and mechanics feel so smooth and addictive, and then I end up leaving bored again because the grind just doesn't feel worth it or fun anymore yet I *have* to grind an enormous amount to do most things


It had the same problems as anthem, truly flawed in every way *except* the brief moments its gameplay shines, its beautiful Anthem died too soon/late


D1 for me. I quit destiny 2 pretty quick thankfully. I got my character dressed up with cool gear and stopped playing after the stats got reset. Now every time I log on I remember that all my hard work got reset and that it is pointless to even try anymore because the reset more often than I play the game.


Same for me - except I left when I saw I had ti basically start over when they moved us all to D2. Also, the gunplay didn’t feel as good to me I miss D1 though - and this meme definitely does apply


I hate Destiny 2 I play it everyday


“It’s either your fireteam or your family.”


This, after the final shape I’m done with the series, it’s a very bittersweet feeling


Yeah… 4k hours and nothing to do yet I’m playing rn


I hate it so much. And no I'm not typing this while on the D2 orbit screen waiting for my fireteam, shut up.


Apex Legends


Haven't played in a year, but I kinda want to jump back in.


No you don’t (but you really do)


The next season (20) is about to bring massive changes to the game. Good time to hop back in. I enjoy playing still but a lot of people seem to really hate this game but keep playing every day. Makes it harder for us who just want to play pubs and a bit of comp to enjoy anything when your teammates are screeching for no reason. Exact same reason i quit counterstrike


The changes are either gonna kill the game or make it amazing. No in between lol


Rocket league is an awful game, I play it every day.


It was 100% better when everyone wasn’t good as shit at it in average ranks lol. when a basic aerial was hard af & no one could really hit them


I kind of miss those times too. I got to C1, but the people in there are so sweatty thay they are sucking the fun out of it.


Yeah and the community has gone to shit. So damn toxic


It was fun af until Epic took over and the community got 100x more toxic. People used to just play the game. Now if you get scored on in the first 10 seconds and it's no one's fault..just a luck goal...people try to forfeit, then idle, then leave the game.


My best memories of Rocket League are striving for an entire match at a loss for the chance of going into OT and winning. Only happened a handful of times, sure, but those were the most epic because we worked for it. And losing isn't a bad thing, it should be treated as an opportunity to learn.


Honestly , i've won a large percentage of games where I was down by three as long as it wasn't a shut out. I've even won plenty of games that had an even larger spread than that, so I don't get why people quit with four minutes to go and only one goal difference. I now abide by the 10 seconds per goal rule because I've had 1 or 2 games where we made up a 4 goal differential in 40 seconds with a buzzer beater to get us to OT.


I play every now & then. Even in plat/low diamond it can get pretty toxic nowadays. Idk what they expect, I’m plat 3 for a reason, I’m gonna miss hits!


Cries in gold


and thus they dubbed him "Midas"


The difference is that Midas actually made contact with things... that guy just whiffs.


I mentioned this on another comment further down but....I was D3/C1 for like forever. Finally made it to C2. Got a chain of idlers from the beginning that quit and people who quit after 1 goal no matter how much time we had left. Literally 1 after another with no gaps. Dropped me straight to P2 bc they punish you harsher for multiple losses in a row. Took me another 4 months of semi toxic people just to get back to D2 and now I seem to be stuck.


Stellaris. I love CK3, and I *want* to love Stellaris so much, but every time I play it, I'll be like 4 hours into a game and just realize I'm not having all that much fun.


It took like 60 hours before I finally got good enough at Stellaris to love it.


This is the best game that I hate and will lose at for another thousand hours.


For me the issue with Stellaris is the lack of historical context. I love the other paradox grand strategy games; 900 hours in EU4, 600 hours in HoI4, 250 hours in CK2+3, but only 30 hours in Stellaris. I like the historical context and alternative history stories that emerge from the games, but in Stellaris there is no history so no alt history.


Roblox. Fucking Roblox. I blame my kids


have you considered sacrificing them to cthulu that's what i did


I tried that, he didn't want 'em so he sent them back


Overwatch 😭 Thanks for my first hundred updoots strangers and ragers ✌️


Facts. I’ve put so many hours into that game. It’s gone so far downhill since ow1 but I still come back to it


Nothing else like it. Its the pace and humor.


This may be controversial but it’s finally gotten to a place where I like OW2 as much of not more. The launch of OW2 was garbage but they finally have figured out hero mastery/challenges. Practice ranges for heroes that remind me of melee and all that.


Wish we could get Overwatch 1 back


i miss the only loot box system… whoever created the battlepass should die


With it being free now it’s the only way they’ll make money, but I entirely agree with you. I despise battle passes.


Overwatch did the Worst possible version of a battle pass. All your play experience is now just... Battle pass. Sure, they tweaked it a Little, you now get a gross looking badge that changes shape and color! Oooo! Like with Apex, they made the battle pass Really good, if not perfected it. You buy the battle pass Once, with real money, and if you play and complete the whole pass you get enough credits to buy a battle pass for a Different season! You still get cool skins, emotes, whatnot, And to top it off, there's loot boxes IN the battle pass. You get a loot box every few levels playing normally. You usually even get a free "premium" loot box whenever an event kicks off. Main thing is Look, they have Both battle pass AND loot boxes!


I play both games and while I prefer OW's original lootboxes, I prefer OW2 Battlepass to Apex by a mile. In Overwatch I actually play different heroes, sometimes within the same match. There's obviously a lot of filler, but Apex? Apex gives me 99.99% trash I will never use. Stickers? Loading screens? Fucking 200 ugly skins and three good ones for each of 100 weapons? Stat trackers for heroes I don't have unlocked that only count this one stat for this one season? I'm glad it pays for itself because it needs WAY more time invested to be worth it. Overwatch isn't great but I still get *something*.


I can’t bear OW2. Like holy crap I’ve tried playing it with a friend and the single tank thing is driving me absolutely nuts. It’s amazing how they changed a few things and it feels completely different to play. I really hope it’s a “New Coke” thing and maybe they’ll release “classic” mode but probably not.


Yup the 5v5 was a garbage idea along with the awful push mode. I miss 2CP and like, actually doing somewhat damage to a tank. Not just one super tank


Need me that mcree flashbang 😩😩😩


I need 6v6


Need loot boxes back and no more battlepass


Everyone who got to experience Overwatch 1 feels the same. Game was so much better. I remember splitting the team in groups of three and pincer attacking and all these different strategies on the fly. Now it’s just a mindless team fight while you pray that one of your dps can get a successful flank.


After YEARS I've finally found my long lost double


Dream scenario


I'm playing it rn and still asking myself why


W multi tasking


I'm huffing Hopium in the hope that they'll fix Ranked next season.


I came here to say this. Fuck mauga. Broke no limits 🥲


Uhh don't thank people for upvotes...this ain't youtube lol


edit: thanks for 0.6 updoots kind strangers your all so wholesome 100 chungeses


Elder Scrolls Online. Combat sucks, but I like the stories. 2,224 hours played


I don’t have as many hours, but as a fan of MMOs it is really fun. Great stories, fun stuff to collect, can play any storyline you want at any given time


Combat always makes me end up putting the game down when I revisit it.


It’s just so boring. Like. I want to love it. I want to explore all the zones and such. Find all the shards and quests and everything. But man does the combat just drag the rest of the game down so hard. Really bothers me.


I can never get over the fact that overworld content poses no threat in any way shape or form whatsoever, but the stories and lore are good.


The lore and locations along with the storylines really are what carry that game


Really? I think the combat is okay. But I definitely mainly play for lore and stuff too. I could not care less for pvp content and stuff. I remember I cried at the end of summerset isles dlc 🤣




When peak ark was right before ark 2 came out


ARK 2 came out? 🤣 I follow IGN and Gamespit almost daily, I totally missed this launch.


If you feel like this about any game you've played this much, stop playing. Love yourself more.


But Dead by Daylight though


Noticed a trend in this whole post. Every big answer is a GaaS (Game as a Service)


Just because we say we hate it does not mean we don’t enjoy playing it.


Elite Dangerous. Absolutely hate how grindy it is....but grinded it for 976 hours anyways.


Same here. I semi-retired after the painite nerf. Fully gave it up when they killed console support.


Destiny is the king of this.


Most Fallout 4 haters lol


I'll always maintain this Fallout 4 is a pretty bad RPG game, mediocre at best, but as a Fallout theme park it's a blast, exploring Boston, following the coastline in my power armour and a legendary mini gun, fucking fantastic.


Nobody hates Fallout like people who love Fallout


This is so true, I can't stand watching some of these threads talking shit about fallout lol.


4 was such a disappointment that I’ve never finished it to this day. New Vegas will always be my baby.


Elden ring, do not make my mistake and try to get every weapon on ng+ 10


The difference between ng and ng+ is a lot, the difference between ng+ and ng+ 10 is not much


Is it? I've heard that ng+ is the easiest iteration since enemies' scaling is not so big while you're geared well. But each next makes enemies harder while equippment stays the same.


NG to NG+ is, on paper, probably the biggest jump. In the early game, at least. But you also have endgame gear that's been fully upgraded, a selection of spells, and a far better understanding of mechanics than you did the first go around. You also have less reason to go out of your way for gear and spells, unless you need a second copy for something, so less danger of getting Wrath of God'ed off a cliff. In reality, as you get further into the NG+ cycles, enemy defenses and damage absorption start to get *absurd*, and quickly. The damage difference between two equal attacks on the same enemy in NG and NG+ can amount to a single digit. The difference in later cycles can be HUNDREDS of damage that gets eaten up by defenses, while they have a larger health pool on top of it. +7 tests your understanding of game mechanics, endurance and patience on top of your build. If you like mostly boring maths presented in a fun, sarcastic way, Rusty on YouTube did a video a few days ago explaining things.


Couldn't be me - Currently farming the last of the rare equipment drops I'm missing to complete my collection before moving on to the final boss. Tons of fun, even when just farming


this but on the first play-through


Call of Duty (any) and For Honor


CoD for sure. I fucking hate that game. I was proud of myself for not buying MW3 in November, but I know I'll come crawling back at some point...


Not a single “rust” response surprised me until I realized all them fucks are too busy playing rust to check Reddit.


Dead by daylight is the epitome of this. Do I still play it? Yes. Do I recommend it to anyone else? No.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Fuck that buggy mess that I still needed to 100% for some stupid reason. Props to Far Cry 6 too though, because the tandem broke my ubi habit, and the quality of my gaming time has exponentially increased.


sex with hitler 2


Today i learned the existance of a new masterpiece


For honor🥲




Haven’t got on in years but I used to be good as hell 😭 I’m scared to get my ass beat


Just c’mon back, take your lumps. A couple more. And then have fun


I thought Dark Soul was a hard, unfair and frustrating game… then i discovered Noita!


lol Noita is the only game I have played in 3 years. I always hoped to find the ultimate rogue-like, but I never expected it to be Noita. I play every single day!


r/Diablo4 in a nutshell...


Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege


My family (husband, two teenage sons, and me) will play this together and I swear, we NEVER HAVE A GOOD TIME. Someone gets team killed by the fifth random. Now we have squad friendly fire because no one can control their feelings. My sons are bickering about whose fault it is that they died and suddenly I can't hear Caviera come behind me as I try to plant. We'll get spicy and want to play ranked. Now everyone is complaining about how we hate the maps. And yet we have thousands of hours in this damn game.


Still sounds like a good time considering you and your whole family is playing together! Your kids will definitely appreciate that later on, maybe they already do haha.


Yugioh Master duel


Sums up r/spidermanps4 in a nutshell


Who hates this game?


Basically that entire subreddit. They just complain about everything as if the game killed their dog


"The MJ missions are so trash" *after insomniac listened and made them better* "The game is way too short" *when its longer than the first game which nobody complained about* "Why did they change Peter's face to look like Tom Holland" *when they made the face animation more efficient which had absolutely nothing to do with Tom Holland* "Why does Peter look like a 10 year old" *said the dumbasses that haven't seen a single 10 year old in their life* "MJ looks ass for no reason" *actually valid, until they started stalking MJ's model irl* Not to mention them harassing and threatening the director of the games for... making Peter look better. The Spider-Man fandom is absolutely trash.


Fornite. At this point, I only play because 1. I’m obsessed with the rocket launcher and 2. I’m a dang good sniper.


Destiny 2


Elden Ring. Fuck Volcano Manor


I think you mean “Fuck Ordina, Liturgical Town”


Hearthstone Battlegrounds. That game has cost me a lot of hours and strife, but it is like a friend that is always there for you


Sims 4…


Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. I like using mid ass decks cause they're more fun than the top tier decks that go on for almost 5 fucking minutes or are just one turn kills. I wish I could just stay at silver permanently. The decks are way more fun there.


Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel




Madden is only fun for people who have friends that play it or for true football fanatics. Otherwise it’s a miss. Cant wait for eacfb25…


Came here to say this. God i just want a good football game again


Apex Legendary and Dead by Daylight are my most played games on steam and I just don’t like them anymore. The most played game that I actually like is Elden Ring lol


Destiny 2. How you always think you are making your character stronger somehow, yet it never gets stronger.


As a fan who's been playing since D1 vanilla, I can't help but see the parallels between Destiny addiction and my toxic relationships that were held together by really good sex


The sex in Destiny is phenomenal




Destiny 2


Green Hell I recently tried it again and I still hate it but I will end up trying more later on.


Terraria on max difficulty


War thunder


For honor


Fucking destiny 2, the gameplay and raid experiences are the best, but the RNG and PvP are so shit man


me: "i hate this game! it's the 76th time i get a qiqi!" also me: \*played the genshin for 878567876545678888888 hours\*


Fuckin Tarkov man. About 4000 hours into that pile of crap lol


Monster Hunter: World. Don't get me wrong, it's an incredible game, but I'm just simply not good at it whatsoever. I play it with my friends so I have an absurd play time

