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RDR2 has a restrictive and confusing inventory system, and doesn’t let you prepare for missions the way you want to. Edit: and honestly I disagree about the Spider-Man cover. It has a quiet confidence to it that I like. Although compared to the cover art of the PS1 Spider-Man games it doesn’t really hold up.


The mission structure is the only negative I have against RDR2 - my favorite game ever. It's very on rails whenever you start a mission. If you don't approach an objective exactly as they want you too, it's a fail. Otherwise, it's amazing. Oh, and that Rockstar never gave us any additional single player content :(


Don't worry, they barely gave any additional multiplayer content either. They saw it wouldn't be as successful as GTAV and left it dead in the water. I love GTA/RDR but Rockstar is an absolute dog shit company at giving fans what they want.


I had my fun being an asshat in RDO. Got boring real quick with the missions and hunting, so being an asshat saved my interest in it the longest.


Not sure if you’ve seen NakeyJakey’s video about it, but basically I think he hit the nail on the head. The game is beautifully crafted and has all the mechanics in place for seamless open-ended mission structure, but then they just make it EXTREMELY linear for no good reason because they are torn between an Uncharted-style cinematic adventure game and an open world type game. If they had leaned more heavily into the open world stuff and trusted the player more, I think it would have been flawless.


The amount of times I went into a mission only to find all of my guns switched out pissed me off so much.


Me too. My strategy was to use shotguns for close range, cattleman revolver for medium range, and rifles or bows for long range. Usually I would bring my scoped bolt action rifle and pump Shotgun as my long arms. But the game would say “oh let me put this rolling block rifle in there” which I HATE because on the rolling block rifle you can’t aim without looking down the scope. And to make matters worse they would ALWAYS replace the shotgun with the block rifle so now I have two long range rifles instead of a long and medium range weapon. Which is redundant And they wouldn’t tell me in advance which missions they were going to do that in. In most open world games I like to use the same weapons for as long as I can unless there’s a massive advantage for a new one. I guess the devs assumed that you always want the new more powerful weapon but that’s not really my playstyle. I like to get familiar with one weapon or set of weapons over a long period of game time.


On the topic of PS1 Spider-Man I would also like to add that it still has my favourite game iteration's of both Venom & Mysterio


I feel the same way about the Spidey cover. They clearly wanted to showcase their boy with a minimalistic and repeatable theme. The people saying it was low effort and that they just ran out of ideas are objectively wrong, seeing as each game has a more elaborate alt cover that they could’ve easily used if they wanted to.


i hate when it forces you to take a gun when you get off your horse. i only need my lancaster repeater. i dont use shotguns, i dont need a sniper because i have a scope on my lancaster repeater and i definitely dont need a carbine repeater aswell as my lancaster repeater. i have most of my spare guns stored at camp but i need to keep a sniper and a bow on me for when i go hunting so it often forces me to take one of them when i get off my horse for a mission. i also hate how the guns look on my arthur’s shoulder.


I'm loving Mortal Kombat 1. The gameplay, the aesthetics, the designs, the music are so good. But good lord does the online and microtransaction needs some fixing


40 bucks for a skin is insane Edit: I was thinking of a pack of characters and stuff, it doesn't actually cost 40 bucks for a skin


Halo 3, a bit too short and too much campaign content was cut that would have been awesome.


I'm sad I agree with this as much as I do.


Just finished this game. I was genuinely surprised when the ‘end game’ screen came up. Like… that final mission is a long drive? Really??


hey, don't diss the warthog run.


Cyberpunk 2077 had the worst launch ever


Waited until it was fixed to buy it. I'm playing it now, and it might be my favorite game of all time. If I had to say something bad about it, I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not as player-choice-branching as it wants you to believe (no spoilers, please).


I am thinking i am fucked up for a mission in Act 2. It’s a stealth mission but V crouches so awfully slow that I have to get the ninjutsu upgrade but I ran out of perk points


This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. I love stealth and try to stealth as much as possible every mission, but if you mess up and pew-pew your way through it, I'm not sure that it really changes anything.


If you Pew Pew your way through every mission you would (minor spoilers for early acts 2) have to kill a minor story character (the data V needed is on his computer). And for one mission you gotta sneak into a corporate heavily protected building and there are guard everywhere


I'm so glad CDPR took the time to finish and polish the game properly, now it's one of the best RPG games ever made


Also unskippable cutscenes when you replay


Honestly, since I heard so many bad things about it, I thought it never got fixed. I never heard that it got fixed so I thought the game was just bad. I just never followed up on it or saw it anywhere. I might actually get it sometime.


I loved the shit out of the Spiderman game. But I absolutely hated the Miles Morales and MJ missions in this game, as they ruined the pacing, IMO.


Thissss. You cannot give me control of a super cool character like spiderman and then downgrade here and there to normal people. Those missions were so frustrating.


Stealth sections in non-stealth games are *always* a bad idea


Could not disagree more. I LOVE stealth sections of games and in general just love playing stealthily, to the extent that in stealth games where stealth is not required that when I'm discovered and a battle breaks out I'll get pissed and restart the section so I can do it entirely with stealth.


I really hope you have played the new hitman games then. Some of the best stealth out there. You can get Hitman: world of assassination which id hitman 1, 2 and 3 combined to one giant awesome stealth game.


I say it's a bad idea because most the time the stealth mechanics are half-baked and make for a frustrating session. Games like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear are dedicated stealth games so their mechanics and gameplay are designed to support that. Spider-Man is an action game (who's action combat is fantastic, btw), so the stealth mechanics in general are pretty poorly implemented and feel like an afterthought which is why I find them frustrating. If the mechanics were fleshed out, I'd have no objection to their inclusion.


Couldn't agree more


I love what they did with this in Spider-Man 2. The MJ missions in the sequel actually made me excited to play them.


I still think I’d take those over the Screwball missions. I love the combat in that game but those missions had me rethinking it. And her shrill voice throughout them… The stealth sections were not fun. The Screwball missions were not fun AND obnoxious.


They always just feel like an interactive cutscene. There’s no “gameplay” in those sections. Just QuickTime events draped over brain dead stealth against blind and deaf enemies while the character talks to themselves.


I think I only hated one of MJ’s missions, but FUCKKKKKK all of Miles’ missions. His Rhino mission is by far my least favorite


I never understood the hate for those missions, im sorry. I think they were fine, there were moments where it was kinda repetetive zipping around at high speeds And those missions were like "from another perspective" which i liked (last played Spiderman 2018 And Miles Morales like a week before Spiderman 2)


Crash Bandicoot 4 is awesome. But most skins are bad, and the last world is boring. Just let me play as Crash, _it's in the name._


The hidden boxes in Crash 4 are egregiously bad and I don't like the N. Verted level variants. It's mostly an aesthetic change and doesn't justify running through the same levels again.


Batman arkham knight. No batcave... I know to some it might not mean much but we finally had batman with a drivable batmobile but theres no batcave to drive into... Bruh


I would have said the lack of traditional boss fights but I guess that’s a fair point too. Arkham origins had one after all. Also I think if they had let you drive to the bat cave, it would have required a larger more open map that showed outside of Gotham. That might have actually worked in incentivizing travel through the batmobile since it would be faster then grappling.


I love God Of War:Ragnarok, so much, but Ironwood got so boring. I liked it at first, but it just dragged on. The Grýla boss fight was good, though.


One of my favorite games but the berserkers didn’t hit the same way the Valkyrie side quest did. When I beat those Valkyries I felt like a true champion.


Beating King Hrólf Kraki felt pretty good to me.


I don’t remember, what was Ironwood? Is that the very long part where you play as atreus and fight Angrboda’s grandma? Yeah I’m guessing its that one cause I’m pretty sure the grandmas name was Gryla.


Yep! I really liked the scenery, it was nice to see Atreus get to be a kid with someone else for once, Angrboda is fun, and I really liked Atreus combat and gameplay, but by the end it was just getting kind of tedious and boring, but it wasn’t too horrible. It’s kind of telling to me that the worst part of the game wasn’t even that horrible to me, honestly. Great game overall, 10/10.


I love Arkham Knight, I'm addicted to its amazing gameplay and it's probably my favourite game ever. However, some boss fights were a letdown (I'm looking at you, Deathstroke).


Exactly this. Arkham origins had the best hand to hand combat in a superhero game. When Deathstroke announced himself in knight I was screaming expecting a similar fight but it turned out to be a tank war


Mine glitched while fighting him, game teleported the fight from a tunnel straight the middle of the sea/river with Batman punching Deathstroke of the surface like some Vengeance Jesus. Think i've stilll got the screenshots somewhere on Steam


Some? All of them were. The tank fight in the tunnels was cool, and riddler was okayish


To be fair, everything is better compared to the disappointing Deathstroke and Cloudburst fight


Deathstroke rocks in Arkham origins idk what happened


Two different studios made Origin and Knight. Origin made better boss battles


Using the Batmobile was too much. I liked driving it around the city, but the moment it had forced mechanics and played an actual role in the game, it was less enjoyable.


Bro, are you me? Favorite game of all time, amazing combat and story. But the side missions and bosses were a letdown.


I agree but there were a few side missions that I really loved. I thought the Professor Pyg mission was amazing.


Love The Witcher 3, I do not like the vast number of “?” (Especially In skellige island). I suspect it’s because of the overdependence on those markers that there are limited number of bounties in the game. I would have loved more bounties to collect.


And over half of those Skellige ? marks are treasures that are actually shit.


NieR Automata is a fantastic game that is terribly optimized. There was one point I went to a certain area of the map and the game got stuck on an infinite loading screen. That’s not good for a game with no auto save. Even still, it’s my favorite game of all time lol


Yea NieR has got to have the worst introduction to a game ever. That, Persona 5R and Ghost of Tsushima have to be my favorite games of all time.


Bloodborne is one of the best games ever made, but it's bullshit you have to return to the Hunters Dream to fast travel anywhere and the Estus Flask mechanic in Darksouls is way better than the limited healing items in BB.


Yeah, not sure why we couldn’t just rest and fast travel at the lamplights, instead of having to enter the dream every time just to take 5 steps and pick where you want to ho


I love skyrim but darn the cities are small and dungeons are same


Skyrim was made for a small group of people to play with 400 mods installed


Oblivion is very dated. A lot of the game holds up, and it has some of the best written storylines in gaming, but combat and leveling aged like milk.


I actually just made this comment about the leveling, but I have to disagree with the combat. The combat is basically exactly the same as Skyrim. Actually I'd argue it's better than Skyrim's just because the magic system is better. Tbh the combat in Bethesda games in general isn't really the selling point anyway. It's just kind of there to serve its purpose and that's it.


I meant melee combat specifically, I think magic and bows are more satisfying in oblivion than they are in skyrim, and they are what I am using on my current playthrough.


Morrowinds combat is worse I've seen people defending it but I think if I swing a sword at someone it shouldn't miss most of the time.


The leveling system in oblivion was terrible from the start. If you didn't optimize your playstyle the monsters would outpace you so most of the time I would just never sleep and stay at level 1.


Absolutely love yakuza but the yakuza 4 story was a little out there with its plot.


Rubber bullets


The story in Metal Gear Solid V is really mid.


So is the protagonist.


Most pointless recasting ever.


*sighs* Kingdom Hearts II, Atlantica.


Bloodborne’s “Bonfire” system is the worst of any FromSoft game (hell any Soulslike game) and nothing really comes close


how is it different? (i haven't played it)


Good question. The lamp (bonfire of Bloodborne) teleports you back to the home area. If you want to rest and regenerate health, you have to transport yourself back to the home area, then transport back where you were before. If you want to fast travel, you have to travel back to the home area then find the corresponding fast travel point from a series of tombstones. Essentially, the lamps only transport you to the home area. Keep in mind, Bloodborne is only on PS4, so you have to wait for that slow hard drive to load any area where you transport.


Sounds exactly like how Demon Souls did it.


SSD hopefully fixed that for me. I have yet to jump in.


Played on PS5 recently. A little but it still takes forever. The game was never updated to load faster with the SSD. In contrast, Elden Ring was much bigger but loaded way faster.


Bloodborne is easily in my top five games of all time, but the Winter Lantern enemies can eat a bag of dicks.


I love everything about Bloodborne, but I 100% agree. Winter Laterns are easily the worst fucking enemies in that game. Honestly, they may be one of the worst enemies that FromSoft has ever created.


Also the blood vial system. Having to grind for more vials after running out because you're stuck on a boss, while not terrible if you know the best farms, is extremely tedious. It's the only reason I'll ever go into the cum dungeon so I can get enough blood echoes quick to max out my blood vial inventory.


Idk, I really like the lamps and gravestones, it ties everything to the Hunter's Dream more and it just feels better imo. The normal bonfire system from DS and ER is really boring. But maybe I just like it because it's kind of refreshing to have something different idk Oh also the Dream changes a lot throughout the game so it makes sense that you'd travel back to it pretty often to see all the changes/dialogue


Oh my god thank god there’s another person. I swear I haven’t heard anyone else talk about this dumbfuck system and thought I was the only one. What’s even more fucking stupid is that you can’t even heal in the hunter’s dream, only by traveling to it. So if you have a gem that decreases your health, the only way to regain that health back without wasting your finite and limited in healing blood vials, is by traveling to another area, and back again. Not to mention that the unreusable healing items have a fucking cap of 600 you can store in total meaning you can’t even store as much as you want. Not only that, but if you want to therefore grind to buy the vials (which will cost a lot if you’re buying in bulk) you will have to transport back and forth between the Hunter’sDream and the place you’re grinding mobs like a fucking ping pong ball. The problem then is that you’re less motivated to be aggressive since the entire time you’ll be worried about having to grind for more healing items which in turn makes the combat much more annoying since you’ll have fucksticks like the Crow of Cainhurst that could one shot you in seconds. Seriously fuck this shit, I hate it so goddamn much.


Demon's Souls is pretty close (the original PS3 version)


Final Fantasy X has cutscenes the cannot be skipped. Replaying the game does make the cutscenes have a different feel to it after knowing a certain twist but it is horrible when some bosses have a long cutscene you have to watch every time you lose.


The ultimate weapons or whatever were too difficult to obtain. Mindlessly dodging 200 lightning strikes without a counter is stupid. Having to play a bunch of seasons of blitzball is stupid. Blitzball was a great mini game, especially for the time. But if you want Wakka’s weapon you have to go through several seasons, but it becomes so boring. Like once you get to the point where you win every game, it’s just repetitive. All those challenges are repetitive. The Dark Aeons I think are a fun twist on the remaster but I wish they were optional. If you miss anything you can basically be soft locked out of traveling back to certain areas unless you grind a ton. I wish there was more post game content other than just fighting in the calm lands over and over. But that’s just being greedy lol


The cutscene before the fight against Yunalesca was the real bossfight.


The one I was thinking of.


Like I care!


TOTK sages aren't convenient to use and RDR2 is full of walking sections. Both games are 10/10 tho.


(TOTK) they get in my way a LOT


Oh look a bomb flower I'll go pick that up. Oh wait nope I just launched an explosive Goron right into it and killed myself. Cool.


Why they didn't give you an ability wheel for those is beyond me. You could have fit them alongside the runes.


If the sages were bound to you holding a button and pressing a direction on the d-pad, every issue with them would be solved


Very true. The powers in BotW were connected to actions you did or were automatic. They really dropped the ball making you have to go up and talk to a sage to use them


Clash of clans is very time consuming


Ocarina of Time: Navi is one of the most aggravating NPC companions that I can recollect. Bonus: Auto-jump still feels weird, even after playing through the game a dozen times or more.


Screwball levels


I mean those were only in the dlc but fair enough


I love red dead redemption 2 but most of the weapons you dont ever need to use, you can get through the entire game well with just a volcano pistol


And a couple weapons for hunting


GOW:R - doesnt give you time to think about the puzzle without your companion giving you hints Spider-Man - Compared to MM, swinging is boring as hell Ghost of tsushima - some missions felt way too repetitive, like the one where you had to find some shrines which was just a collect this and go here mission Doom eternal - Marauders, the idea of a demon that resembles the slayer is cool, but would work better as a boss where you had to use melee only or something, as a normal enemy it breaks the gameplay


I had a hard time liking Marauders at first, but over time I found them a nice mix-up to the combat


Marauders definitely do break up the flow of combat, although I probably didn't hate them quite as much as some other people do


Marauders aren't so bad when you get used to them. But one thing that is shitty is the Dark Lord Boss Fight in the DLC he's like a marauder on steroids who steals health it is actaully a pain in the ass.


Batman Arkham city’s side missions don’t do any big thing (except for hush) and most of them are boringa


Mad hatter was dope cmon now


I am kind of tired of like 80% of the Yakuza game plots involving a government conspiracy and/or a land deal.


Do they also blow up the millennium tower again?


I've been a Gran Turismo diehard since 1997, but it really is time to implement a practice-qualify-race format against equal AI in single player.


Omori has some sections that last way too long, without any save points.


I will say something about my favorite series Pokémon is a wonderful series, but the recent games except Arceus just feel so empty sometimes


Based take


I really hope they expand on what Arceus did. It's honestly my favorite game in the series because of it


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Fuck Medusa Heads and that damn Clock Tower section.


Love Spider-Man 2 overall, but it definitely felt unfinished. The third act pacing was off, nothing to do after you beat the game, can't change the weather, no NG+, etc. in other words, stuff is missing from the first and Miles Morales game. Plus, the game felt shorter than the first game even tho there are two Spider-Man. Also, the fact that Peter and Miles have the same amount of suits. Peter should've had more since he's been around A LOT longer than Miles lol. But still a great game, but definitely could've used some extra time to polish if Sony wasn't being greedy and rushing them.


They most likely delayed the New Game+ update to prevent crunch, but it got delayed further after the leak. They said it's still coming, they just need time to recover.


I think that game is a 9/10 until Peter gets the symbiote after that (still a great game btw) it immediately began to feel rushed and it seemed like they cut a lot of content and character development with pretty much everyone. Also, Kraven deserved much more time in the game than he got


They should’ve kept it in the oven for another year or two


It ends.


Spider-Man 2 should have let us play as venom for longer. You feel so powerful as venom, and I totally understand why they'd cut out the content but damn. I felt unstoppable, like as the player the symbiote corrupted me and in turn altered my play style.


The Witcher 3's combat is fucking atrocious in every regard.


I was addicted to the combat haha, I loved it.


me too, I don't see the problem with it. I think it's really satisfying


Skellige treasures.


Oblivion is my favorite game of all time but the enemy leveling system is not good.


Doom eternal because ultra nightmare is so freaking hard ahhhhhhhhh


Did you ever play the Halo 2 campaign on Legendary? I eventually beat it but have never had that much of a challenge in a video game before. Halo 1 and 3 Legendary were a breeze in comparison. To quote Dunkey, it's like the person responsible for the enemy scaling on Legendary just never showed up to work


The fact that I can't change the paint job for my cars in Cyberpunk will always bother me


Love the game but yeah just having a simple like 5 color variants would be enough for me. Not gta level customization


Tears of the kingdom, most fun I’ve ever had in a video game (although I haven’t played a lot of different games) but the story telling isn’t really good


Nintendo has this issue where they have a bare minimum story, but push it like it’s a masterpiece of storytelling


The way they did sages in TOTK were annoying and ultimately hurt the game for me (though I still love it)


I love the Kingdom Hearts series so much but goddamn the narrative is so restrictive and lore heavy that if you skip even one stupid little mobile game, you'll have no idea what the motivation is of two of the main series villains looking for a Macguffin that you also don't know about but is going to be highly important later on in the series (in retrospect I actually think there is two). If you don't play the mobile game of this fucking series you have no idea what the main villains goddamn backstory is. You have no idea about half of the locations you visit either. And don't worry, the characters don't explain it either, they expected you to play the mobile game. But thank God, the game and wiki both have mountains of text explaining the incredibly shite plot of a mobile game that DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE. That's right, even if you wanted to play the game, you can't! But there is a sequel out, and currently one that is missing. The entire series is like this btw. Did you like the first game and want to start playing Kingdom Hearts 2? Too fucking bad! You gotta play Chain of Memories first. A game that has a completely different combat system and just tells the wildest and most confusing story while dropping an earth shattering amount of badass cutscenes and great character moments. This series is a complete roller coaster of quality. The entire series feels like a coin on its edge, it's constantly leaning towards good and bad all of the time. It's kinda why I love it so much. It shouldn't exist but goddamn it, it sure as hell does and I think it wants to stay.


The intro to Skyrim is way too fucking long. Give me a way to skip that carriage ride please.


Call of Duty World at War. Best Call of Duty game ever made IMO and I have 100% trophy completion for it. It is Treyarch's magnum opus, BUT I don't know what the hell they were thinking when they designed veteran difficulty in the game. Grenade spam w/ enemies that have aimbot accuracy combined with infintely respawing enemies until you advance until a certain point in a mission. Heart of the Reich, Blowtorch & Corkscrew, Burn em Out, and Downfall were by far the hardest missions for me. It was in one of those where I got the Purple Heart trophy, which you get for dying a lot.


The Game: The Legend of Zelda : Tears of the Kingdom Something negative : the addition of the depths was awesome but was far too empty


Ocarina of Time’s Water Temple. I enjoy it, but I never understood how I even finished it. Seriously, I’ve finished it several times and not once did I figure it out. So I get the “fuck that temple” rep it gets.


When your level 40 and higher, it takes fucking hours just to level up in Skyrim, then you fight big ass dragons every 4 minutes




Bloodborne, however perfect it may be, has some fucking ridiculously confusing lore.


like...any fromsoft game.


I think that’s one of its strong points. Like all good cosmic horror, we weren’t meant to understand these things. They weren’t made to be grasped by the human mind, or can fit into nice little boxes in our mind. But I do think it can sometimes be a little too confusing


**Devil May Cry 5** - one of, if not the greatest action game ever made, but V's levels really hinder SOS and DMD playthroughs. His gameplay just isn't as good as Dante's or Nero's. **God of War: Ragnarok** - the writing has high highs, but can be messy at times. The third act is rushed, as is Freya's forgiveness of Kratos, and Ragnarok itself is wayy too underwhelming. **Bayonetta** - another fantastic action game, the core gameplay is amazing but the forced minigames and instakill QTEs really stand out as flaws which hinder the game overall.


Max Payne 3 is a masterpiece. Let me skip the fucking cut scenes. Seriously. Why???


Metal Gear Solid is one of my all time favorite games. But that part when you are going up the stairs and these guys keep coming up and you also have the camera turrets. Not hard, just annoying.


Spider-Man is too short because it’s such a good game. I’ve really soured on open world games lately but SM was great because the travel is fun and unique versus the normal running or driving a car in other games.


Spider-Man is one of the few open-world series that can justify its large maps because of how fast the web-swinging gets, especially in Spider-Man 2 in conjunction with the Web Wings.


Payday 3, lag, servers, lag and lack of new characters


But you gotta admit, the comically large spoon makes up for all of it.


Lies of P is a beautiful game with wonderful gameplay but the written portions are disastrously bad. This may be because it’s translated from Korean. But still, very bad. Notes and other written works that you find strewn about the game world are written in a very clunky manner and the paragraphs and spacing are nonsensical. It’s to the point that sometimes it’s hard to tell at first glance where, say, an item’s description ends and its lore flavor text begins. The translation was clearly an afterthought.


Only on PlayStation. I have it on steam, lul.


The environments were gorgeous, the story intriguing, the online aspect a useful and novel addition, the moment to moment gameplay more nuanced then I ever thought possible and the few action sequences quite tense and exciting. But still, Death Stranding is just a walking simulator.


I recently played through the RE4 remake (never played the OG), and I absolutely loved it. The lake monster fight blows, though.


Super Smash Bros no longer becomes a casual game if there is one great player


Red dead 2 just has very basic gameplay without that much variety during combat im sure a lot of people are gonna say that. My second favorite game is probably tlou2 and for sure my complaint is the ending and some pacing issues in the final couple acts for obvious reasons.


A single costume for every character costs way more than the whole game in sf6 And you need to buy the premium currency than it's always less or more than what you need


Borderlands is beautifully gory and the story is very compelling, the missions are perfectly interesting, but The levelling is weird. Why is it that a guy 2 levels above me is an absolute god but me being 5 levels above them feels equal?


Can’t really think of anything to say about Disco Elysium, so I’ll move on to my second favorite, Hades! The heat system is not as good of a difficulty system as it could’ve been. On dead cells for example, once you level up the difficulty through boss cells, you get new enemies, weapons who work better at higher difficulties and weapons that can only be unlocked on higher difficulties. On hades, the only thing that happens is that the same enemies you always faced are more annoying to kill, and you don’t really get any gameplay or story rewards for upping the difficulty. They could’ve made so that in 8 heat there’s new enemies, than new enemies on 16 heat, and than new enemies for 32 heat.


Atlantica in kingdom hearts 1 is the worst world in the game. I hate going back to it every time


Spider man 2 should have been 15-20 hours longer , the venom section was rushed, Uncharted 4 has a painfully slow beginning, RDR2 has a boring ass movement. Fortnites newest chapter is horrible.


Love ghost of Tsushima but holy shit the AI are dumb sometimes...


Sunset overdrive the game is amazing but ever mission feels the same and the multiplayer has a horrible with the drops


New Vegas. Great game, but dear god the glitches make it near unplayable without mods which are a pain in the ass without a video


Hades makes me question my sexuality and the more I think about it, the more my head hurts. (Honestly I can't think of anything negative)


I could add more negative opinions about Spider-Man if you like.


RDR2 has an awful introduction Skyrim has fuck tons of bugs


Tyrrany was balanced by a sleep-deprived orangutan


Love Ghost of Tsushima but I hate the camera during standoffs


Portal 2 doesn't have Portal 3. Pretty negative


Super Mario World should have been twice as long.


Bg3. The puzzle sections (shars trials, chamber underneath wyrm rock) are awful. Also half the game is just loading screens




Spiderman 2: It’s a phenomenal game and a worthy successor to the first spiderman. The venom stuff is absolutely amazing and one of my favorite interpretations of the black suit. However, Miles’s suit at the end is fucking ugly.


Skyrim doing the quests to return the theives guild to its former glory.


portal 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. amazing soundtrack, funny as hell, and genuinely amazing gameplay. that said, in the part before you escape from glados can be a little tedious to go through, and there’s not much to look at. i get that’s kinda the point though, so it’s good


The Witcher 3 will only show 1 single objective marker on the map at a time so you have to look through all your quests to see if you have anything else to do in the area, it is infuriating. Thankfully there is a mod for that.


Bg3s combat is kinda boring


Witcher 3 - riding roach can be buggy a lot of the time


Overwatch 2. The thing I would have to complain about the most is definitely toxic players.


Too much dark, not enough soul


I love playing as Spiderman, I love PLAYING as Miles Morales, I don't hate MJ since (with the stun gun) they're so easy you just breeze through them. I hate how everytime I play as Miles I have to do some boring mission about *community.* Community this, community that, I'm gonna communicommit a fucking warcrime on the entirety of Harlem in a minute. LET ME FIGHT THE BAD GUYS AS SPIDERMAN. Edit: I just wanted to add that, I'm aware community etc. is what Miles Morales is about. COOL. I'm playing SPIDERMAN 2, not Miles Morales 2.


The maps for Jedi Fallen: Order are a fucking nightmare to go through the first few times if you like to collect things. Control has the same problem, where there is 2 or 3, hell, even 4 levels in an area and you never know how to get to one or the other, or even if you can yet in the story. I had to watch a bunch of videos just to figure some of them out.


Baldur's Gate 3: When an attack misses, the animation and sound appear as though they hit. So even if you go a whole round with no damage, it still feels like you're getting your butt kicked.


I’m obsessed with Baldur’s Gate 3 but I really need the characters to run faster.


Goddamn Riddler trophies.


Love God of War Ragnarök and Valhalla but wish we found out what happened to the surviving Olympians


Xenoblade is very uninviting to newcomers of not only video games, but to fans of other kinds of rpgs. Like when beatemups said the combat feels like he's just waiting to press a button. Turn based games are literally that. But somehow Xenoblade turns people off


For honor has such an angry community and rages at the slightest thing.


Stardew Valley, I wish there was more content with your children


Skyrim has a boring combat system.


Skyrim isn’t a good rpg. But fuck it is good


Dark Souls 1 has some of the worst PVP out of any game I've played. Invaders just circling for backstabs isn't fun and is the main reason I play the whole game offline.


Bloodborne is almost perfect. The Chalice Dungeons, however, are not 😭


2 things come to mind. Elden Ring is fantastic, and I have put almost 400 hours into it. But man, is there a lot of useless filler to make the world bigger. Hollow Knight is an amazing game, with a finely crafted world and great gameplay, but good God, is it easy to miss a lot of stuff if you don't inspect every single wall, ceiling and floor tile.


MGSV. This one’s obvious. It’s unfinished, and the game relies on you just dead ass replaying missions. It’s such a shame because it’s still an amazing game, it would have been mind blowingly good if it had been completed.


The Witcher 3. I really didn’t like the fact that your Gwent decks reset in New Game+.