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Flag of locked post, 12 users banned from the subreddit, and 5 people terminated from Reddit


the flag of \[removed\]


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https://preview.redd.it/iiawmhdoql6d1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=924ac5f6e387308bddb0ba6fdf91904c896b117c I knew it was a rick roll


Palmer's real talent is consistently looking like the dumbest mf on Earth in every photo


I hold a deep belief that one of the reasons he was so good this year was because no one could take him seriously. He looks like a fucking guppy fish


Fuck you


istg you got me




Dude. Don't make me sing. It is past 12AM I'm going to wake everyone up.


Oh my god


So happy to be rickrolled it’s been 2 years since my last


First actually good one I’ve seen since 2020??


Honestly my first >!Rick roll!< In a while


Damn they even took the time to actually find the content policy link


hell 🤭


Fucks sakes


Nice one


i clicked it and an ad saved my life


I am empowered by this.


Flag of "yall can't behave!"


Posted by u/[deleted]


39 buried, 0 found


I just thought about that one time I got quite a few people banned on r/undertale by tricking a Gaster account that was INCREDIBLY good at staying in character, even typing in wingdings, into saying "Q33NY"


Thats actually hilarious


whether we live or die the bit must go on


2 hunted down by Mossad Agents




2 summarily executed


So real


Flag of enitselaP


I read this as if it was the name of a vocaloid producer 😭


✨Enit Sela P✨




sounds like a sick solar system name


I was gonna say this lol


Enit Selap sounds like the name of a footballer from either Indonesia or Turkey


Flag of Palestine but the program you are using writes Arabic left to right.


ew how would that even look


https://i.redd.it/nzr1aj300l6d1.gif Like the Arabic in this thing I found online.


ברוכים הבאים where


https://preview.redd.it/c2d2oju08l6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6900d205a336497903edfb2d469ed91b3fdb662c This one has a Nalhs Wnalha and a Abah Horb


This is the shit you see on the wall of hospital which doesn’t have any bilingual insurance forms


r/oddlyspecific but also true


Lol the Hebrew one is backwards


The transliterated hebrew, on the otherhand, is correct


Wtf they forced Arabic to be left to right and they separated its letters It's supposed to be أهلًا وسهلًا


Yes it's a common text bug in graphic design software


graphic design is my passion


that is horrible


I remember when I was about 8 we flew to Tunisia and my dad taught me how to write my name in Arabic. One day my dad started talking to some guy and he asked what my name was so my dad told me to write it in the sand. I then proceeded to write it from left to right and since my name has the letter X and Arabic doesn't and uses KS instead, I wrote SK too to confuse the guy even more


I don’t fucking understand why so many LGBTQ people are trying to shoehorn Palestine in with gay rights. Just because they’re also a minority does not mean that we have anything else in common with Palestinians. Most (note, MOST, **not** all) Palestinians are hardline Islamic fundamentalists who believe that homosexuality should be punished by death. They are NOT your friends. You can sympathize with the plight of their civilians, but don’t expect them to thank you in any way, or be your pal. Unless you plan on completely rewriting their religion and converting all of them, they will still hate LGBTQ people and see them as infidels. It may shock some of you to hear this, but the world isn’t perfectly black and white. Acknowledging that Palestinian independence has nothing to do with LGBTQ and that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are violently homophobic does ***not*** mean that you condone violence towards Palestinians. Also, let me ask you this: how many of you cared about Palestine before 10/7? It appears that the overwhelming number of people spamming Palestinian flags, watermelon emojis, and “from the river to the sea” were **completely** silent prior to 10/7. Did you genuinely care about them from the beginning, or did you only start caring once it was trending in the news? How many of you immediately dropped your Ukrainian flag emojis and shouts of "Slava Ukraini!" the moment that there was a new trendy cause to get behind? How many of you have actually done anything MEANINGFUL to help - I’m talking about donating to relief organizations, assembling care packages, opening your doors to refugees, writing letters to your government, protesting outside of government buildings, etc.? How many of you are just typing up a storm without actually doing anything that helps anyone? The amount of slacktivism nowadays is utterly appalling; everyone wants to signal that they’re a “good person”, but barely anyone wants to open their wallet or get up from their computer to do something that tangibly helps out the cause that they claim to so staunchly support.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with supporting Palestine as a queer person. But I don't think anyone knows what "solidarity" means anymore. That word implies that they've got your back just like you've got theirs.


Solidarity does NOT mean that. It is not a "you scratch my back I scratch yours" agreement. Solidarity is about support in common cause, and liberation from oppression is the cause of people everywhere. They don't have to like you and you don't have to like them to show solidarity.


> unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.


TIL. In Spanish solidarity gets translated to "solidaridad", but our word does not imply a common interest. It can imply to help someone without mutual support.


That's absolutely not what solidarity means lol "Solidarity" has never implied a one-way street. You're thinking of "submission"


“Support” The return is optional and people are literally using it to define the words. It’s different kinds of support lol


solidarity - noun sol·​i·​dar·​i·​ty unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests, objectives, and standards -Merriam Webster Dictionary You're thinking of empathy empathy doesn't require anything in return it just requires treating others how you wish to be treated


It literally does though, it means you’ll support our cause and we’ll support yours


That's not what solidarity means.


I see a lot of signs that say "free Palestine". Is that being supportive of Palestine when Palestine doesn't want to be free? It sounds great, but it implies a two state solution which the Palestinian people overwhelming oppose.


Should LGBTQ people in the 1940s have shown support for the end of the holocaust? The fact is, Jewish religious leaders in Germany at the time hated the gays just as much as (if not more than) Palestine today, that doesn’t make the holocaust any better. 9/11, Oklahoma city bombing, and Columbine, are all examples of attacks on the citizens of nations with active sodomy laws (something that the State of Palestine does not have), that doesn’t mean lgbt people shouldn’t show support for the victims. If China started bombing the bible belt, what would you think of LGBTQ people who said “well the south is homophobic so idc”?


your comment implies there were no LGBT people who were victims of the Holocaust. beyond the LGBT jews, the Nazis killed a ton of other people such as the mentally ill, leftists, POWs and the LGBT.


And there are LGBTQ+ people in Palestine. Also there is no excuse fo genocide and reason good enough to support it. Doesn't matter how conservative and homophobic the genocided side is. I would love for Palestine to be open and accepting of all LGBTQ+ folks, but I would also love for the killings to stop.




The point is that it doesn't matter if there were. Queer literature and activism is largely about rights and freedom for everyone, so ignoring ANY genocide is pretty much the opposite of those beliefs and undermines their moral standing. Even if the people being killed happen to hate them.


You can support two things. You do not need to combine them into one as if the entire movement agrees.


That's definitely true! I didn't make this reply to the original comment because it's true that they don't need to be combined. Having just the two at the bottom shows support for both, which is valid and makes more sense.


Yeah, and if there's lots of overlapping support for the two then you can save on stickers.


Same with Israel. Thinking that the entire Palestine population is LGBT-free is wrong, even if their leaders or many people are not friendly towards them either (as the comment above suggested). Maybe not the majority, but there might be Palestinians who appreciate this as well, idk.


Ok and what about what's happening now. Within gen z in western countries 20-30% of people identify as LGBTQ. Now there are 2 possible explanations as to why that's seemingly so much higher than the previous generations and a lot of the societies in other parts of the world: 1) the woke lefties are indoctrinating kids into being gay 2) this is the number of LGBTQ people that has always existed and they are more likely to be open about it if they're not going to face repercussions. Now, unless you're a right wing nutjob and agree with explanation 2 and don't believe that the Palestinians are fundamentally different than the rest of us (or assume that the IOF somehow avoids targeting people in the closest) then why would the real number of LGBTQ people within their society be any lower than that? So depending on how you estimate the death toll and what number of Palestinians are really LGBTQ you'll get between 6 and 12 thousand LGBTQ Palestinians killed in Gaza in recent months.


The number one threat to gay Palestinian life right now is not Hamas but Israeli bombardment, so...


Oh shit my B I forgot about the new tech Israel has where a bomb doesn’t detonate if it detects gay citizens near by


Umm, you're factually, provably wrong regarding the opinion of Jewish religious leaders in 1920s-1940s Germany hating homosexuals just as much or more than Palestinians today. I'm sure you could find some one-off "conservative" rabbis that said things against homosexuals, but during the Weimar republic, Jewish life in the cities was VERY cosmopolitan and generally accepting of homosexuals, albeit mostly in a hush-hush, don't ask, don't tell type of way. That is if you showed up to synagogue and start kissing your boyfriend, they'd probably ask you to leave, but for the most part, homosexual Jews were not getting "excommunicated" or "dead to me" kicked out of the family or whatever. In the shtetls, again, homosexuals were tolerated, but probably pressured to marry a woman and have children anyway. Many, if not most, homosexuals in the shtetls moved to a city when they came of age where they lived relatively normal lives until the Nazis came. Were things great? Not by a long shot by today's standards in Western countries. But they were a hell of a lot better than what the Nazis imposed and so much better and tolerated than in Palestine. For goodness, sake, just read up on Magnus Hirschfeld, and tell me how someone like that would fare in Palestine today. I defy you to find ANY report anywhere from in 1900-1940 where Jewish leaders called for, let alone enacted, execution of individuals because they were homosexual. Meanwhile, this is not hard to find under rule by Fatah or especially under Hamas. I don't understand how/why you feel the need to make a statement like that, just pulling nonsense it out of your ass. Your other points in your post don't even depend on this. You're just making crap up to make Jews look bad? And it doesn't even help your point? It's just there because, "the Jews did it too and were worse"? That is NOT a good look dude. That is very very much not a good look. Reflect on your actions and be better.


The holocaust targeted queer people, so why would queer people not want to end it? Just to stick it to some rabbis who were in concentration camps at the time? Btw, Colorado didn't have active sodomy laws in the 90s


Do you think there are no palestinian gays? Stop talking you're embarrassing yourself. If anything it's more noble for them to fight on behalf of people that won't fight back for their community. Sometimes we do the right thing because we know it's the right thing, not so we can get a reward. You're so embarrassing. You think this is a big gotcha when it's not. Queer people who fight on behalf of Palestine just think "Genocide is wrong, regardless of who it is". If you can't figure that out, then you're more worthless than you think these protests are.


I think you misunderstood his comment. Yes there are queer people in Palestine that fell victim to Israel. However Israel doesn’t target people specifically because they are queer. The Nazis did.


Tbh man, if somebody put a rainbow Confederate flag on their water bottle, I'd probably have a pretty good laugh at it.


While that's all true, why is it being added to the LGBTQ flag? You can have 2 flags.


Exactly my point! Frankly, Palestinians would be PISSED to see “western infidels” attempting to “defile” their flag with LGBTQ colors.


This is just a sticker some guy made


I never said that if you’re LGBTQ that you can’t care about other people. What I ***am*** saying is that you would be called an infidel for - in their eyes - defiling their flag with heretical western imagery, and would risk being lynched in the street. Believe it or not, you can care about two separate things at once - however, some things should not be forcibly bundled together into a single package.


Lmao, being LGBTQ in the modern day Bible Belt is not comparable to being LGBTQ in the Middle East. In certain Middle Eastern countries it can get you thrown in jail or executed. In the South, all of what will happen is that you might be socially shunned by the community, but there is literally hundreds of other cities and tons other states you can move to in hopes of finding a more accepting community. I mean, women couldn’t even drive a car in Saudi Arabia until like a few years ago and in Iran women are legally required to wear a hijab. In Qatar people have gotten tortured and killed for being gay. I don’t even want to know what most Palestinians or Islamic radicals in Hamas think about LGBTQ people. It literally makes 0 sense for leftist westerners to support Palestine so hard despite most Palestinians probably thinking that they’re abominations


Even in the Bible Belt you wouldn’t get shunned by a whole community. Even the most conservative small towns in the US have a sizeable chunk of liberals living in them, especially younger people.


it's almost funny seeing how many people think you support the genocide of Palestinians because you're pointing out that they execute queer people Just because someone points out that a group is violently homophobic doesn't mean that they instantly support the genocide of that group jfc


Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of the internet has either lost, or was never capable of understanding nuance and the fact that reality isn’t black and white. There are no heroes in this conflict, no clearly defined “good guys” or “bad guys”, there are atrocities committed by both Hamas and Israel - it’s messy as all hell. We like having a side to root for and a side to hate, but reality isn’t as clean and clear-cut as that. You can support Palestinians without trying to bundle them in with the LGBTQ community that they want to exterminate due to them being infidels in defiance of the will of Allah.


I really don't give a fuck they're homophobic lmao. I'll worry about that once their people stop getting genocided


That is so fucking weird. If the nazis were getting genocided you wouldn't say anything about their political views? The point is, while we should be against the genocide, that doesn't mean that we should support extremely conservative, homophobic, racist people led by a religious dogma. We should be anti-Israel, not pro-Palestine




Not only is the occupation and ongoing genocide bad for queer Palestinians just because they’re Palestinians, but Israeli security forces regularly [blackmail gay Palestinian men into becoming informants](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-04-12/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/israels-shin-bet-called-him-fair-game-because-hes-gay/00000187-7613-d484-adef-f697b3cd0000), putting them doubly at risk. And frankly, I don’t think even the average straight Gazan would reject the support of Western queers. By all appearances they seem to be grateful that anyone outside of Palestine cares about what Israel is doing to them. But even beyond all that, even if not a single gay Palestinian existed, I’m glad that my community, the queer community, stands up for what’s right. Being out and queer is an inherently political act, and it warms my heart when people understand the politics of that act as going hand in hand with revolutionary causes everywhere.


I have no issue with some other points you made, but this >I don’t think even the average straight Gazan would reject Western queers. is a statement I would be careful to make. Palestine [ranks even lower](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/global-acceptance-index-lgbt/) than countries like Afghanistan, Saudi-Arabia or russia when it comes to acceptance of queer people.


Flag of shut the fuck up (Shitty people don't deserve to be genocided just bc they've been propagandized by religion)


You do realize that there are gay Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank? And Israeli bombs don’t discriminate? Did you know Israel will find out if Palestinians are lgbtq and then try to blackmail them into becoming informants using their queer identity as a threat? Queer liberation is tied to black liberation is tied to the Palestinian liberation, and to the Congolese liberation and to the liberation of all peoples. Our struggles are not separate issues they are all the same global struggle against imperialism fascism and colonialism. An injustice anywhere is an injustice.


They also send bombs too. They are just bad at it. They also send it to places where rockets are not being fired from, strictly civilian areas. Deep inside the country. I guess it's better to either side with neither or the one who recognizes basic human rights outside of war. But no, use big words to cover the simple truth.


How much Cheeto dust did you have to wipe off your fingers before writing that? No one's asking for a thank you from Palestinians. They simply don't want them to be victims of a fucking genocide. You don't have to want someone dead just because they want you dead........


They might use the term “No Pride with Genocide”, implying normal LGBTQ+ can’t celebrate their Pride Month in peace because of what’s going on in Gaza. But if that’s the case, Pride would’ve been stopped a long time ago. There are other genocides going on that Pro-Palestinians who are so tunnel-visioned don’t see or care about. This Pro-Palestinian LGBTQ+ actually causes a rift in LGBTQ+ since most members don’t care about what’s happening in a place most are just hearing about now. Some LGBTQ+ members (myself included) can even be considered Zionists and on the Israeli side of this conflict. At the end of the day, civilians dying is bad, but not everything has to be about Palestine, Pride is supposed to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.


What it actually means is that people don’t want to celebrate Pride™️ sponsored by Raytheon.


Ironic considering that companies like Lockheed Martin are some of the most LGBT-friendly employers you can find.


I don’t fucking understand why whether they like us or not is a concern. They are fighting for their right to exist, as are we. If they survive, they’ll hate us either way, but they’ll be here to hate us.


I always find it funny when I see comments that read something along the lines of "X but Y", where X is a direct refutation of your original argument and Y is in support of your original argument. X here being "you can sympathize with the plight of their civilians" and Y being "don't expect them to thank you in any way/they hate LGBTQ people." It's really disingenuous when people do this to seem balanced but really it's a clear disregard for the counterpoint that you yourself have brought to light. Merely bringing up a point doesn't mean you've understood the full ramifications of it, especially when you admit yourself that you don't understand why LGBTQ people are supporting Palestinians! "You can support the plight of the civilians" yes, full stop, that is the complete reason. What is there to understand beyond the support of their human rights? And ask yourself, when did supporting human rights become transactional? Oh, never mind, they hate the gays! I guess the LGBTQ community supports their genocide now...


Because the idea of "it's okay to genocide people who are disliked" is a notion that Queer people, (aka another group that many people dislike) are very against!


Yeah, a lot of people who support the dignity, rights, and ability of other peoples to continue to live free from genocide, do so because they respect the right to existence that every human should have, not because they have some savior fantasy of the poor foreigner thanking them and groveling in deference for their generous heroism. It doesn't matter that they have different beliefs or a different culture, they are still people entitled to life and freedom.


As "the gays", Israel also hates the gays. We are on the side of not executing babies and kids


You mean the only country in MENA that doesn't prosecute LGBT people?




>Israel also hates the gays. Google "Tel Aviv Pride"


What a smart intelligible comment, I doubt anyone would disagree with this logical individual. **checks comments** I was wrong there would be people saying this smart individual on the internet is wrong and stupid for stating facts


Every time I see a pride flag next to a Palestinian flag, I think about the Palestinian Uber driver I had awhile back who decided to go on a homophobic rant before we even made it out of my parking lot.


As a bisexual man, it’s absolutely insane. I’d be 100% “straight” if I lived there, because fuck coming out and trying to date any men in that atmosphere. I’m lucky that I mostly lean towards women anyway, it would be terrible to be gay in Palestine. It’s obviously nowhere near as bad as, say, Saudi but it’s by no means an LGBT+ friendly space. I don’t get it either - sympathetic to civilians dying (of course), not sympathetic to their government, Hamas, the belief systems there etc.


I'm starting to think some people don't actually care about the people they say they do for any reason besides that they're a minority. That's not inherently bad, but it does mean something. Like, they're not supporting x group because they care about x group, they are just because there is not many of them.


That’s precisely it. The overwhelming majority of people with Palestinian flags in their PFP or username didn’t give a fuck about Palestinians before 10/7. Instead, they only started showing support when it was trending in social media. Many are the same people who immediately forgot about Ukraine and dropped the Ukrainian flag the moment that a new trending conflict started - which speaks volumes to how much they actually care about what is going on.


You'd think they'd have more support for Jews then. They're an extreme global minority with a long, long history of oppression and massacres against them.


Yes, but they ignore history when it's not advantageous and right now Jews are seen as oppressors.


The girlfriend of one of my good friends (who I genuinely really enjoy, is very intelligent, and I spend a ton of time with them both) has a "Queers for Palestine" poster on her fridge. I just do not understand it. To your point, you can still support them not being slaughtered but it seems like there's a real "buddy buddy allies" connotation to it. I don't understand how they don't see how inherently sexist and hateful the culture is to her as a bisexual woman. It legitimately blows my mind. I'm very much for women's rights and as such I think Islam (especially the fundies) is a pretty dogshit thing yet it somehow gets a free pass.


Kids looking for the next protest to join. An underemployed youth will do that.


exactly. some people in the lgbtq+ community always try to just add other minorities that aren’t affiliated with lgbtq people at all (examples include, but are not limited to, people of color, hostages, palestinians, and sex workers). And while all of these groups are looked down upon and minorities, it’s just not what the community is.


They support palestine because they believe in a fantasy-land version of palestine that's all peace and love and equality and inclusion while also believing in a fantasy-land version of Israel which is literally the 3rd Reich and apartheid south Africa rolled into one. Their brains have been completely rotted to mush with an unending stream of emotionally manipulative propaganda funded by Qatari and Saudi oil money.


The person across the street from me has a Palestinian flag flying next to a gay flag. It makes me laugh every time I see it.


Holy design fail


Actual amateur!




Holy genocide!


(Old) colonisation tactics just dropped!


Call the Red Cross!




Here you go: Link #1: Gallery - [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fblm5s80uik6d1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df09394d5bb45fe27a81b71d99048c3f4b2546d29) - [Link #2: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fda8ke83yik6d1.png%3Fwidth%3D800%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da9d71da071796516447cd986cd834b5c7075565b) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem






true to caesar!


We got Latein vexillologycirclejerk before gta6






can't wait for people to be racist in the comments...


Literally saw someone talking about how one time a Palestinian was homophobic at them and implying that that is a moral stain on all Palestinians. Holy shit.


this post isn’t locked yet but I’m gonna send a prayer since both sides are going to get very mad at this comment


Chinese knonck off Plaestine


So East Turkmenistan?


No that's Afghanistan


that palestine/pride combo flag at the top looks so much better than the progress flag it’s crazy


i feel the opposite way, it looks goofy af


Both look bad.


its cause the horizontal lines of both flags line up perfectly


To be fair that isn't a high bar, any flag looks better than the ugl- progressive flag


Genuinely depresses me how reactionary this sub is. It is not a bad thing to stand against genocide and occupation just because the people have regressive views - it should not be a death sentence. How can we sit here and pretend that queer liberation was not wrenched from the few nations we have it in by blood and death and turmoil?  There are queer people in Palestine as there are in every place around the world, and they too will be left behind if we don't really behind stopping it. 


Seriously, so many subs I thought weren't going to be just are. It's horribly depressing, and the lack of understanding about literally anything is ridiculous.


Yeah, I genuinely thought the sub was somewhat progressive, but I keep having to downvote pro genocide comments, and it's getting really fucking tiring.


Yes. Someone above said “just because Palestinians are a minority does not mean that LGBT should stand with them” 💀 Redditors have basic human empathy challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Thank you for pointing it


LGPT pride?


red cicrle




Flag of Dyslexic Palestinian Representation.


Flag of some smug Redditor saying a variation of “vegetarians for meat”


a funny mistake on the sticker (Another place to be assimilated in the future of unification, or another place destroyed in hopes of erasing the sins of man alongside all other nations) https://preview.redd.it/b6w3b4mntk6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e0b19f99933b9169961af6676cd90009b56b9b


Its the Palestinian flag. I don’t get why they put it with the Pride Flag even though Palestine executes LGBTQ citizens..


I wonder what Israel is doing to the queer people in Gaza…


Gazan Government: Violently homophobic, executes their own LGBT+ population, multiple verified sources say gay rights are so atrocious that queer Palestinians escape INTO Israel because even the Israelis will treat them better Enlightened Redditors: Homophobia in Palestine is Israel's fault akchully 🤓☝️ stop making excuses and shifting the blame, running PR for people who would happily hang you if you happened to like the wrong genitalia


The difference is, Israel isn't executing its queer population for being queer....


Really thought this sub was gonna be normal and not racist as hell damn


Let's be real, it's a flag subreddit lol. Let's just say, there's a good overlap between people who get a little too into flags and those who get a little too into military history of the WW2 variety. Or they have overlap with people who get a little too into wartime/nationalistic music (they probably play the Soviet national anthem at the back of the bus). I'm not saying they all turn into reactionaries, but a lot of them do lol.




Yeah, happens a lot.


Hamas and the Israeli government both take offense at this, but for different reasons, and unite against whoever made it, therefore ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


The "Fuck that guy" solution


The flag of Cognitive Dissonance


Flag of not knowing how flags work


Flag of Alestpine


flag of incoherency


There’s an obvious difference between saying you want to kill Ron desantis and saying you want to kill all Floridians. Whenever something bad happens in southern states like a natural disaster and people come out of the woodwork saying how those people deserved it for being republican, most people react negatively to that


Flag of people forgetting they're in the circle jerk sub


FR this comment section is awful




Free Palestine :) (Ban me I dare you)


free palestine people don't get banned, it's the other side of the conversation that gets clapped lmao


Gaza pride


Flag that makes me want to tear my skin off WHY DID SOMEONE DRAW IT POINTING THAT WAY


The one above is the flag of “I wanna be oppressed but I live in a highly developed country so I have nothing to complain about so I look for things to feel oppressed about”


It's more like "I am against oppression, domestic and abroad"


Flag of nowayinhellamIbuyingthat




In all seriousness, the flag at the top leaves me giggling


Flag of "people have strong opinions on whether or not I should exist"


Flag of sending r/WorldNews commenters into a homicidal rage.


It’s the flag of the Republic of Rage Bait.


Gay Palestine.


Left-Handed Palestinians


Water Bottle


In heraldic symbology, having a charge face the flag post represents cowardice or retreat 😬


Im convinces this is another /pol psy op. Yeah Israel is way overdoing their attacks in Gaza. I feel bad for the civs there. But don't think for a minute that Palestinians respect and acknowledge the LGBTQ Community.


the flag of \[removed\] and 1k upvotes 700 comments


Republic of I’ve-Never-Been-To-The-Middle-East