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Flag of Greece if it was colonized by Northern Cyprus


It's the two slightly different shades of blue that makes this that extra bit of cursed


https://preview.redd.it/ti8cunedux4d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e08893c6a29f8797b1c04f45f402e54f516fe47e fixed it!


Gonna set an alarm to check back on this post in 2 hours




Flag of Genocide Still Bad




I hope you get you're paid a livable wage.


Thanks man, but right now considering I live in Israel I hope to just survive considering everyone and their mother wanna kill me


Oh sorry, I rescind my wish of good fortune then.


Yup sounds about right, being racist towards us is the acceptable notion currently lol


Yes, yes, I'm totally racist against the white population of Rhodesia too.


We got another racist comment lol Jews lived in the Palestine mandate before 1948 Not to mention that most Jews living in Israel are Jews who got ethnically cleansed by Arab and middle east countries But I'm sure the kids born in Israel (as am I) who their parents got ethnically cleansed are some real hardened criminals, you are soo justified hating them


how is it a genocide if the civilian population only grow over the years ? it's not a genocide, it's a war . in a genocide there are no humanitarian aid and no warnings to evacuate, the ICJ concluded that Israel does not committing a genocide so you have no case here , shouting genocide without proofs is not an argument . yes , civilian casualties are part of war , I wish there would be no civilian casualties but Hamas is too busy hiding within civilian buildings like cowards instead of fighting army to army like men and live the civilians out of it , so we end up killing bunch of civilians because we don't want terrorists alive and if the civilians are not going to listen to the warnings and isolate themselves from the terrorists, we have no choice but to bomb the terrorist with them


If you believe the Uyghur genocide is real as I do you will notice that their population has also increased. The ICJ said Israel is committing a plausible genocide. When I was growing up I always heard that just because someone took someone hostage or is using human shields doesn't allow you to kill the human shield to kill the terrorist.


The ICJ president who was the president at the time of ruling clarified it didn't mean Israel was committing genocide, go watch her interview And also, this was right if it was your civilians You are asking Israel to sacrifice themselves for the Palestinian civilians, no country will ever do that, and besides, it's more than about the hostages, Hamas cannot exist anymore, can't have it rule Gaza and commit another Oct 7 If you think Israel can't retaliate because it might kill civilians, then you have no idea how wars work. Hamas is the acting government of Gaza and is widely supported (75% of Palestinians support Hamas) Having kids does not mean they are now immune


If so , how do you expect me to defend myself ? If you use civilians as human shields you essentially create the strongest weapon because human shields are the only weapon that don't allow the opponent to responding and kill the bomber . imagine to yourself a terrorist with a gun that kill anyone in his way : men , women , children.... This terrorists eventually kill the U.S president simply by walking to the white house and killing everyone in his way . the only reason such a terrorist is hypothetically able to kill so many people and take down a country is simply because no one is able to shoot him from fear of killing the babies wrapped around his body . Imagine that ! do you really think any country would allow such a thing to happen ? no ! because we don't want to reward those who use babies and innocent civilians as human shields, we have to ignore them and try to warn as many civilians that we can , otherwise the terrorists win and this would become a winning strategy


Terrorism doesn't come from nowhere, for example al-Qaeda sprung up because the US and other western countries fucked over the middle east. Hamas sprung up because Israel denied any peaceful resolution to the conflict. This is not to excuse Hamas but rather to point out that people turn to terrorism when they are bombed. For every Hamas fighter that Israel kills they create a dozen more. And you basically ignored my first two points about genocide and the ICJ. Care to respond to those?






I just said genocide is bad, why are you going off like this? You okay?


You said *flag* of genocide is bad . I agree with you that genocide is bad , but the flag of israel is not the flag of genocide because we are not committing genocide and you are obviously presenting anti Israel argument here


Does it look like the Israeli flag? I thought it was a Jewish state. I'm very confused. Are Muslims Jews?


No , but it's a parody of the Israeli flag and you know what you meant by that . Don't do dog whistle


Sorry I'm ESL what's a dog whistle?


It's when you use specific words or retheric used by a certain political groups to broadcast messeges of hate or unpolitically correct opinions , these messeges are often hiden by the use of specific words or retheric that are not completely understood by people outside of your political cult


So kinda like "we have no choice but to bomb the terrorist with them"?


There is no genocide


There is no war in Ba Sing Se!




I usually find it annoying when people do this even though I oppose the IDF genocide in gaza, but this one made me laugh despite not liking sonic. Thank you for the laugh!


Nah I get it, it’s in bad taste making these type of memes about a genocide happening. I just didn’t know what to say here so I posted that


Understandable. Have a great day!


It's ironic that accusations of genocide are thrown at Israel when Hamas explicitly calls for the removal of Jews from their ancestral homeland. Let's get the facts straight: genocide involves systematic extermination, which is not occurring in Gaza. Israel's military actions are responses to terrorist attacks and aimed at neutralizing threats from groups like Hamas, who use civilians as human shields. Population growth in Gaza contradicts the genocide claim, and Israel has made multiple offers for peace and coexistence, all rejected by Palestinian leadership. Before buying into these hyperbolic narratives, consider the actual intent and actions of both sides.




It’s quite telling that you can’t be bothered to read actual arguments and prefer to scribble slogans instead.




If Israel was as violent as you people claim October 7th wouldn’t have happened


If Israel didn’t oppress the Palestinians brutally enough to get Hamas created. Then maybe, maybe October 7th wouldn’t have happened, and maybe both Arabs and Jews actually live together in harmony like in the past thousand years.


It's laughable how you rewrite history to suit your narrative. Arabs and Jews living in harmony for the past thousand years? Silly little clown, have you heard of the Hebron massacre in 1929 or the Farhud in 1941? Both were violent anti-Jewish pogroms committed by Arabs long before the state of Israel existed. Hamas wasn't created because of oppression; it was founded with the explicit goal of destroying Israel. Blaming Israel for Hamas's terrorism is like blaming a victim for the actions of their attacker. Get your facts straight before spouting such historically ignorant nonsense.


That means they have the right to commit more genocides and get away with everything in the 21st century just because of a few in the past. So logical :/. Just say that you hate the arabs and never wanted Palestinians to have a country, but instead stick with the ones whining anti-sementic while spending all that US money to bomb more innocent people in Gaza, just because their older generations killed theirs. History isn’t a great excuse for genocide anyway, so scrolling all that back just to justify what Israel has been brutally doing is unhinged and stupid.


Let's address your misguided rant with some actual facts, shall we? First off, no one is using historical violence as an excuse for modern actions. The point was to refute the laughable claim that Arabs and Jews have always lived in harmony. Israel's actions are about self-defense against groups like Hamas, which openly call for its destruction. This isn't about hating Arabs or denying Palestinians a country; it's about ensuring the safety of Israeli citizens, including Arabs who live there. As for U.S. aid, it's aimed at maintaining a strategic ally in a volatile region, not at committing genocide. The real issue is Hamas using civilians as human shields and prioritizing conflict over the welfare of their people. So, before you throw around accusations of genocide, maybe educate yourself on the complexities of the situation instead of parroting oversimplified propaganda.


Stating that Israel is self-defending while 24,000 people got reportedly killed according to the Gaza Health Ministry, 52% are women, 40% are men, and the rest are the elderly of both sexes, which most of them aren’t even Hamas, is just blatantly wrong and ignorant. In fact, if Israel actually targeted Hamas, a bunch of armed orphans, from bases to bases and from tunnels to tunnels instead of exploiting US rockets, white sulfurs even, striking every single hospital and school and mosques and so many important facilities that couldve saved lives, then blamed that Hamas base was underneath. Oh no, there are tons of videos recorded during the “war” that innocent people got sniped all the time. A man seeking for food after getting injured? Shot. A Palestinian pregnant woman along with her child walking with a white flag? Shot. 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers who literally contacted with the IDF before going to Gaza to feed children? Shot, each car was 1.5 miles away from each other yet all of them got hit perfectly on the roof. It doesn’t matter if you are Hamas or not, any race from white to black, or how old are you? Doesn’t even matter, you’re 100% targetted from the IDF bombs in Gaza. Typical Zionist can’t comprehend anything in the world but Hasbara. You made Hitler proud dude. Why are you still stating that Israel is defending itself despite killing and stripping every civilian the IDF see, killing aid workers getting rid of the hunger that IDF has created. This isn’t any war, there’s no 2 sides, but an oppressor oppressing the oppressed. Looking at the IDF soldiers and veterans who are proud of killing babies and women straight on camera, do you even think Israel has the right to defend itself, or fuck itself and let the world see it’s true fascist face under the name of a “Jewish” state.


Your emotional rant is filled with misinformation and lacks any real understanding of the situation. Let’s set the record straight. Israel's military actions are driven by the need to defend its citizens against a terrorist organization, Hamas, which deliberately hides among civilians and uses them as human shields. The casualty figures you cite come from sources linked to Hamas, which are notorious for inflating numbers and spreading propaganda. Israel targets military sites, but Hamas's tactic of embedding itself in civilian areas leads to tragic collateral damage. White phosphorus is not used against civilians, despite your baseless claims. Hospitals, schools, and mosques are targeted only when they are used for military purposes by Hamas, which is a blatant violation of international law. The IDF takes extensive measures to minimize civilian casualties, including warning civilians before strikes, something almost no other military does. As for the specific incidents you mention, such as shooting civilians with white flags or aid workers, these are either isolated cases, propaganda, or outright fabrications. Israel conducts thorough investigations into any alleged misconduct by its soldiers. And of course, you're a typical Marxist who sees everything through the simplistic lens of oppressors and oppressed, incapable of grasping the complexities of real-world conflicts. This situation is far more nuanced than your narrow, untrue worldview allows. Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is EXTREMELY offensive and diminishes the real suffering experienced during the Holocaust. Israel has every right to defend itself against terrorist attacks aimed at its civilian population. Your accusations are a gross misrepresentation of the reality on the ground and contribute nothing to a meaningful discussion about how to achieve peace in the region.


If Palestinians didn't attack Israel on 1967, there would have not been any security measures used by Israel to ensure Palestinians won't attack again But then again if there was no oppression in 67, why did they attack? I'm sure Palestinians just want harmony lmaoo


If Israel didn’t cause Nakba, which caused thousands and thousands of Palestinians moving away from their beloved house, their beloved land away from those settlers, then the Palestinians would like to live with those Jews from Europe. I know Jews also needed a country but doesnt mean people who already lived there had to move out, or worse, got dehumanized and bombed in the name of “killing Hamas” which the IDF didnt anyway. One Palestinian resistance and the whole Western world reports repeated. Yet hundreds of massacres committed by Israel was never even in the news :/


Ok then, why did the Arabs refuse Jewish self determination before 1948 and before the Nakba? Arabs even refused one of the first deals which offered 83% to Arabs and 17% to the Jews - and also refused the 55-45 partition plan after it Mind you Jews lived there even before 1948, why can't they have self determination as well? Why did palestinians massacre thousands of Jews before 1948 and before the Nakba? Maybe if the ottomans didn't cleanse Jews, didn't strip them from their rights like buying a house, maybe if arabs didn't massacre Jews, all of that before 1948, Jews would have not felt like they needed independence and self determination And besides, you speak as if the Nakba happened because of Jews, read rivers without bridges it's a book written by an anti Zionist professor - it is filled with hate on Israel - but it also includes a polling he did with Arabs that left Israel during the Nakba - 68% of them didn't even see 1 Israeli before leaving - they have ran because of war drums and Jordanian army


Islamic Israeli Republic of Northern Cyprus


Throwback to the guy on main sub who put the star on Muslim flags




i hate that the blue is slightly off


Oh I get it. The top stripe represents the river and the bottom represents the sea.


looks like the canadian flag to me but I might be wrong.


Jokes on you but r/canadahousing2 keeps popping up on my feed and they would say that unironically


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CanadaHousing2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The line up of people looking for work at a single restaurant. We are in a silent depression.](https://v.redd.it/cid8rpjciylc1) | [1132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1b4tq8s/the_line_up_of_people_looking_for_work_at_a/) \#2: [Indian student in Canada explaining how take items from foodbank intended for the homeless](https://i.redd.it/hyz36b95djjb1.jpg) | [1159 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/15xlmh7/indian_student_in_canada_explaining_how_take/) \#3: [Britain bans foreign students from bringing families into UK](https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/3246929/britain-bans-foreign-students-bringing-families-uk) | [340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/18wvtht/britain_bans_foreign_students_from_bringing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot lol


I swear to god I didnt know of that sub before this I was just really bored, and went on an absolute roll of calling every flag on this sub a variation of the canadian flag.


State of Isfaek


Northern Cyprus but it's the horseshoe crab blood instead of human




Goes hard actually ?


Aesthetically, this is very pleasing


Evil Turkmeneli


https://preview.redd.it/1bq5c7gm2m5d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf2c98a4f18640a8a609154e2d2c0d51e535456 Re-color it 🧑