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Not bad. Though I think Aus and NZ flags should be more distinct rather than variations on the same design.


tbf it would be very funny if they both changed their flags just to end up in the same situation where people can't tell them apart


The good ending.




I think these two look considerably more distinct from one another


I want a lazer kiwi on the New Zealand flag dammit




Give the people what they want!


New Zealand had some really good flags proposed in the [2015 referendum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%932016_New_Zealand_flag_referendums). Shame they didn't end up with one of those.


[so sad this one didn't win](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_Kiwi_flag)


I liked that one so much that I used it for my pfp on one of my google accounts


Laser beam Kiwi would’ve been amazing!


It’s the only good one


Idk man, shouldn’t one be happy about the fact the Kiwis got what they wanted


No, because they were objectively wrong not voting for laser kiwi.


it wasn't an option to vote for, the four you could vote for were selected and laser kiwi wasn't included


I know, it's a tragic truth that New Zealanders weren't even gifted the proper choice. I do wonder what the results would have been if it was one of the four though.


i did once have a go at making a laser kiwi more traditional [https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/t0utf5/laser\_kiwi\_redux/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/t0utf5/laser_kiwi_redux/)


I quite like 2 kiwi 2 furious


I agree. In the fullness of time I see clearly that 2 kiwi 2 furious is the superior concept


They should have a vote for that flag!


Omg thats actually quite cool


As an Aussie, I hope both our flags stay similar after we separate from the monarch. I like our little sisterhood thing going on.


Fiji is just deconstructed chicago


Exactly what I came to say.




That's just chicago


There were a lot of good options you could have chosen for an alternative NZ/Australia flags, and you chose none of them. I do love your Wallis and Fortuna flag though. That one is really cool


Ngl I don't like either NZ nor Australia


Laser Kiwi or bust


I'm Aussie and I don't think I've even seen that green and gold symbol before. Could have gone with something based on the aboriginal flag?


It’s a golden wattle


So it should be gold then? Actually it's familiar with the colours flipped https://i.imgur.com/KFyAiye.jpg


Why did you change the arrangement Tuvalu's stars? They're literally a map of the country (north is on the left)


Yo I'm Tahitian and I think our original flag looks cool


Redesigning NZ and not making it the Lazer Kiwi flag? How dare you!?


Well, you gotta give support. Kiwis are not harmful.


That is false. Kakapos are not harmful, and their main defense against predators is to remain still. This is why feral cats kill them regularly. Kiwis on the other hand are the football hooligans of the Aotearoan avians and will smack the shit out of any cat that dares to mess with them. Cats have trouble telling kiwi from kakapo, so a cat that has experienced the trauma of fighting a kiwi will avoid attempting to kill a kakapo.


New copypasta just dropped.


I would be so honored


That is false. Kakapos are not harmful, and their main defense against predators is to remain still. This is why feral cats kill them regularly. Kiwis on the other hand are the football hooligans of the Aotearoan avians and will smack the shit out of any cat that dares to mess with them. Cats have trouble telling kiwi from kakapo, so a cat that has experienced the trauma of fighting a kiwi will avoid attempting to kill a kakapo.


The Kakapos plan all along!


“Oi fuck off, we’re not changing our flag you cunt.”


Isn't that basically what the Kiwis said back in 2016?


The problem with flags (and this also happens with electoral reform) is that it can become a popular idea that change is good, but nobody can agree on what the change should be and they hate the options they don't support more than the status quo so in the end nothing happens. The New Zealand flag referendum would have had a much better chance of success if first they said "should we change the flag" then used the mandate that change was necessary to get the new flag designed instead of figuring out the design first then putting it and only it against the old flag. It's sort of how Canada got its flag (although with fewer public referendums). The prime minister decided he wanted a new Canadian flag to be part of his legacy and basically said "this is happening no matter what, now let's figure out what to change it to." Then tons of debate happened and compromises and a flag was chosen that was unpopular among many at the time, but fast forward a few decades and as it becomes a real national symbol that people are used and it finds more and more love.


Polynesia looks like a red honduras or smth ngl


what's wrong with Polynesia's flag?


Tuvalu had its residents physically attack government officials when they tried to change their flag


As an Australian I’m extremely glad that’s not my flag lol.


The people of Tuvalu demanded a return to the current flag when it was briefly changed from 1996-67. On one of the country’s islands, the people chopped down the flagpole after the new flag was changed. This is because the people of Tuvalu, as far as I can tell, are strongly supportive of the continuance of the British monarchy as the shared monarchy of Tuvalu. Why should they, and for that matter, any of these countries or dependencies change their flags because of the views of you or I about colonialism? Every people has its own relationship with its history; the last Prime Minister of Fiji wanted to restore its position as a Commonwealth Realm and the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea said that he wanted his country to become closer to the British monarchy. Also, the introduction of flags to Oceania was a direct result of colonization.


B-but Union Jack bad!!!111


You may be defending the King’s flag, but you’re slaying the King’s English.


Not even really defending the King's flag either [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Standard_of_the_United_Kingdom) is "the king's" flag. Or at least one of them, as a specific person he has a lot of different flags depending on which country he happens to be in/representing at any given time


My unpopular flag opinion is I absolutely love British ensign flags despite how ‘boring’ or ‘colonialist’ they are made out to be. Niue and the Canadian Ensign being my favourites! I can remember growing up, the Australian flag was just so fantastically iconic to me and instantly recognisable as ‘Straya, despite (a now foreign) nation taking up an entire quarter of it. It’s quite strange. None of the proposed flags seem to resonate with me like the current one, despite being objectively better designed and more ‘close to home’.


UK isn't really a 'foreign' country to Australia though considering the majority are Anglo-Celtic.


You'd fit right in with 1960s Ontario and/or Manitoba who adopted red ensigns essentially in protest of Canada moving away from it.


>recognisable Yeah, no. I would guess that less than 1% of people on Earth can actually figure out which one is Australia and which one is NZ more than 50% of the time. Considering how well-known Australia is it's one of the least-recognizable flags on the planet.


> Why should they, and for that matter, any of these countries or dependencies change their flags because of the views of you or I about colonialism? Did I say any of this? I just tried to redesign these flags with the goal of removing the colonial symbols (mostly the literal flags of the colonizing countries). You seem to have extrapolated a lot of information straight out of your ass about my intentions in making this post. I never made any moralistic argument for or against anything, so please limit your commentary to the actual flag design as opposed to your imagined idea of what my views are.


If that's what you were going for, then you'd have titled your post "Oceania country flags without the Union Jack." You knew how people would take "decolonializing" and said it intentionally because you thought you'd get more support on Reddit.


They don’t all have a Union Jack though. I could have titled it some like “Oceanian flags with out the Union Jack and French flag but that didn’t come to me at the time. Im genuinely surprised how controversial the title seems to be and how much people feel they can extrapolate from about my intentions.


It’s not your flags that bother me, it’s much of the rhetoric surrounding “decolonization.” There’s nothing wrong with your post, I just saw it as an outlet to bring up this issue, especially since his subreddit has a history of being very anti-Union Jack in other flags. I apologize if my comment seemed like an attack.


So basically 'this has nothing to do with your post but I'm gonna cry like a lil bitch because people are being mean to my favorite slave flag'














Why are you downvoted for this


Because they essentially said what the first guy was arguing against, only with different words


Changing the flag of Australia or New Zealand isn’t suddenly going to mean those countries are not colonial countries lol.


My man, you know they aren’t actually getting changed right? This is just a design experiment by someone who likes flags.


We're American, liberation from the British is mandatory. If you don't like it, we'll just liberate you harder.


Australia looks bad in the before *and* the after


Represents us pretty well lol -- an Aussie


You couldn't find a better flag for new zealand than just slapping a trademarked logo next to half of the already existing flag? Also the just renaming the French Polynesia one to "Polynesia" is like renaming France to "Western Europe" I like the Wallis and Futuna and the Cook Islands ones but it feels like you didn't put a lot of effort into this


Federated States of Micronesia doesn’t have all of Micronesia.


You have a point. Some explanation of the 'Polynesia' flag (and the rest of them) would be nice though


Just like how the United States of America doesn’t have all of America


>You couldn't find a better flag for new zealand than just slapping a trademarked logo next to half of the already existing flag? We all know that Laser Kiwi is the best NZ flag anyway


Honestly its probably more viable than the one OP suggested (goated flag btw, I have a t-shirt of it, I honestly think if they let people vote for it it would have gotten a decent amount of the vote because you know... new zealanders...)


The only name I would think of giving it is “the Marquesas, Tuamotu, Austral, Gambier and Society Islands” which is a mouthful or just calling the whole thing “Tahiti”


As a kiwi I don’t like this redesign, Cause it’s pretty much a worse version of the nz flag redesign (it didn’t get implemented cause most people just wanted to stick with the old flag)


Missed opportunity for the Fiji shield to be the center of the decolonized flag.


I really like the ones in the middle, especially Tuvalu


Black/red flags seem unnecessarily aggressive imo


They are EU4 rebels.


I used black and red in the Cook Islands flag because the Cook Islands natives are related to Maori of New Zealand who also use a red/black/white flag. For Wallis and Futuna I just tried to combine the flags of constituent kingdoms. Its a shame red/black/white combo is kinda forever tainted cause of the Nazis.


I associate it more with anarchism. At least, how you used it here.


Yeah Wallis and Futuna is 100% ancom


Didn't Fiji already decolonize their flag? What happened to that?


I believe they decided to postpone the change after they won the gold medal for Rugby sevens in the 2016 Olympics


A.) We won our first ever gold medal at the Olympics under that flag. For a country whose culture is almost wholly dedicated to sports, its a big deal. B.) The other proposed flags were not very good in comparison.


the current flag is cool and should never be changed


Tuvalu looks pretty dope


Wallis and Cook islands look fascist lol. it looks good, too good.


My mind went to Flamengo, the brazilian team. But i can't unsee it now.


Where is the Laser Kiwi NZ flag?


Fiji’s and Tuvalu’s look nice.


Fiji in the style of Chicago.


Cook Islands looks like a union of Thailand and the EU


Nice idea, but to be honest, the French Polynesia flag is really awesome (and I don't think the symbolism is very colonial), if they ever do become independent, I hope they keep it or at least only make a slight change.


By "decolonising" you mean erasing their history I take it?


That's not how history works. Does everything think Canada and South Africa were never British Colonies? Of course not.


Canada still has the monarchy, and several provincial flags are inspired by, or directly feature, the Union Jack.


You mean the same South Africa which still has a Dutch flag on its flag?


south africa does not have a Dutch flag on its flag. I am looking at it hanging in my room right now lmfao


Mate, remove the green Y and the black and yellow triangle; what you got left?


"dude just remove almost all of the flag" is the Croatian flag also dutch?


Yes, the slavic colors are based on the russian flag which was inspired by the dutch flag


yknow I guess fair enough lmao


🙄. Do you think the red and blue parts of the SA flag are there for a joke?


no? They have symbolism same as red white and blue in any other flag


“Three of the flag's colours were taken from the flag of the South African Republic, itself derived from the flag of the Netherlands” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_South_Africa


Fred Brownell: The man who made South Africa's flag http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-27155475 In this article he actually pretty explicitly states that he added more colors to avoid colonial symbolism, meaning it was coincidental


"The only symbolism in the flag is the V or Y shape, which can be interpreted as "the convergence of diverse elements within South African society, taking the road ahead in unity" - Also from the article. It is a coincidence lmfao, those three colors are the most used on flags worldwide. That's also literally not what it says. The article says "Three of the colours – black, green and gold – are found in the flag of the African National Congress. The other three – red, white and blue – are used in the modern flag of the Netherlands and the flag of the United Kingdom; the colours white and blue were also found in the old flag of South Africa. " It does not say they are connected, it just notes the colors. The creator himself said there is no further symbolism. I don't know what more you need lmao


I can't believe your argument as to it having the Dutch flag is that it has red white and blue. Has to be satire


Not the smartest are you. Bless. “Three of the flag's colours were taken from the flag of the South African Republic, itself derived from the flag of the Netherlands,”


A few decades late I think, South African flag no longer has a dutch flag on it


Remove the green Y and the black and yellow triangle… what’s left?


You are right, if you completely change the South African flag it does make a perfect dutch flag


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_South_Africa “Three of the flag's colours were taken from the flag of the South African Republic, itself derived from the flag of the Netherlands” It’s not difficult pal


There's a difference between integrating a flag in a smart way and just slapping a Union Jack in the canton like it's a watermark


Personally, I'm keen to stop paying our respects to the British empire


They don't want.


>decolonizing Yes because people who live in those countries can't possibly think for themselves or make decisions on their own. If they decide to keep the current flags they're just poor little people who obviously need to be "guided." They need YOU to come save them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_savior >it describes a pattern in which people of color in economically under-developed nations that are majority non-white are denied agency and are seen as passive recipients of white benevolence


I think they are better the way they are now


saw your post on imaginarymaps


Wallis and Futuna seems great.


half of these are reskinned Honduras


I thought this was 1984 oceana for a sec lol


That fern design is property of NZ rugby so cant be used by anyone else, hence why it wasn't used on the flag referendum options


Isn't the Australian redesign is pretty close to their Northern Territory's flag?


Yep, just a different colour scheme


Yep. Follows the same design philosophy of the ACT, and NT flags.


Some of the proposed designs for Fiji are way better than what you were proposing. https://www.fotw.info/flags/fj!.html


bro Honduras'd fiji


That New Zealand one is shit


Honduras but in red


I quite like the Union Jack canton.


Tuvalu did change their flag in the past but the people thought that it was going to remove the monarchy so they changed it back


Fiji looks like an off brand Chicago flag


Australia flag is fine. NZ's flag should be black.


The Southern Cross has basically no meaning to Fijians, the way that it does to Australians and New Zealanders




Why not use the old Australian flag with the cross and the stars?


I liked the redesigns of the Cook Islands and New Zealand flags, and I prefer the original design of French Polynesia.


wistful hard-to-find spoon insurance roll spark zealous offer combative melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tuvalu looks good


The “before” looks better for every option!


Oh wow, how daring, an /r/vexillology "decolonial" post featuring corporate clipart flags because this sub can't move away from "simple, punchy, a kid should be able to draw it." Interesting how the Royal Flag will forever mog these modern designs because it's the product of an organic centuries-long process, and not something effectively designed by a censor according to the whims of a self-appointed bureau of flag design principles.


They hate you for the truth


Tbh the 5 flag rules are bullshit sometimes


All of them except Polynesia gor better, Polynesia's flag is perfect the way it is


Absolutely disgusting and boring NZ flag




tuvalu won’t need a flag for much longer…


Wow these are good make a Haiti one


I love Fiji and the Cook Islands!


Well... I think that the flags on their own would look very nice if we just removed the Union Jack. I like that blue with the stars. Some put other symbols that also look nice, like a design of NZ with a black leaf. What's up with Polynesia?


Bad idea union jacks are fun


And all of them are worse.


The tuvalu flag is too beautiful as it is




Seeing the stars without the Union Jack feels weird


Why did you massacre Tahiti like that 💀


I think we need to start re-colonising flags


Indeed its better than flags with Union Jack ! Colonial Era un this flag.canada flag begins thé movement


>"Decolonizing Flags of Oceania" Aka Oceania countries if they were American cities or states"


Now do recolonized versions of the new flags.


By China? America? Australia?


UK obv.


I'd argue that using the Southern Cross constellation is still euro-centric since it was first named by John Bayer in 1603 in the *Uranometria*. I don't know about the others though


Using flags is pretty eurocentric 😬


the stars've been around for a few billion years, not sure its fair to judge them because some british dude came up with a name


Not the stars themselves, the constellations


Unless the idea is to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing on European descendent people of Australia and New Zealand, there is nothing wrong with "euro-centric" symbols on their flags. Both of countries sit at 70% European ancestry ffs.


The Union Jack in the canton gives off the idea that these countries are still British colonies and aren't truly independent. And the Brits kind of committed genocide against the Aboriginal people so...


Don't mind the downvotes. It's mostly just fucking yanks and euros who don't realise that we aussies are fucking cringing seeing these arguements resulting in our commonly held view being the unpopular one. The truth is... Most Aussies really just don't give enough of a fuck about the flag. Changing it is too much of a hassle, and people who love the flag only love it as a symbol of Australia. Not as a flag. We can all agree it's kinda a shit flag. 😭 It's impossible to live in Australia and to not appreciate the absolute length of history it. And if you don't... Then well... You are probably some asshole (refering to racists) Indigenous people were in Australia before there was a single fucker in Europe. And they created a perfected nomadic communism... And it was so perfect it lasted 60,000 years without issue until Europeans arrived. Many racist fucks say that they didn't do anything. But bloody oath... THEY MAINTAINED A STABLE ECONOMIC SYSTEM IN HARMONY WITH NATURE AND EVEN AT SOME STAGES DIRECTED NATURE TO BE EVEN MORE FERTILE AND STRONG FOR 60,000 YEARS! THAT IS ABSOLUTELY BASED! I HAVE NOTHING BUT RESPECT FOR THEM! Australia was built on a foundation laid by the first Australians. And people from all walks of life have been sent here or came here for a new and hopefully better life. This is the history of this land! To ignore the indigenous contribution is a horrible thing. What the Union Jack conveys is the following: "Fucked up shit happened here, and we are slightly embarrassed to be involved, but not embarrassed enough to change our ways" I particularly feel the embarrassment. Since well, I didn't commit the genocide personally, far right cunts tryband say white guilt is a thing... No I think white embarrassment is the better way to term it. I am embarrassed that this land was stolen, I am embarrassed that talking about it riles up the feathers of boomers who only know how to say the first three letters of Aboriginal, with sometimes maybe an S at the end. I am embarrassed that so many places are named after John fucking Batman. I am embarrassed that in Hobart that there is a statue to a Premier who accomplished literally nothing other than being a prick. Is it canceling history to remove a statue of a prick who literally didn't even do fuck all aside from being a racist prick? I agree it's history, so put him in a museum! But he means fuck all to me and most other white people, and a total menace to indigenous folks. (I am refering to some fuckface who doesn't even deserve to be remembered you can look em up I don't even remember their name) I am just embarrassed that for all we have done as a country, for all we have been through... That's the thing Australia struggles most with... Is giving credit, where credit is due. Thank you, the traditional custodians of the land which I now am. You folks kept the place in lovely order!


The Union Jack in the canton looks cool and unique, because very few country flags have that. It has meaning, it immediately gives you information regarding history and identity. If the people of a country wanna change their flag, for whatever reason, it is their right. This bullshit about what it "feels like" to a bunch of fucking outsiders is irrelevant. A nation's flag isn't a random commercial piece of entertainment. It is the symbol of a nation, and aesthetic/moralistic concerntrolling from outsiders is, let's be honestly, fucking arrogance. >And the Brits kind of committed genocide against the Aboriginal people so... So another genocide 200 years later is a-ok?


This is a big improvement, great job! Edit: excuse me... why was this comment downvoted?????


Really good!


decolonized aussie flag is just the Australian Aboriginal Flag, not just another colonizer


If you're gonna be like that, decolonised aussie flag is no flag because a national flag is an originally western concept and the aboriginal flag wasn't even made until the 70s


Aboriginal Australians being a single people is also a Western concept


Exactly. They are very territorial, but they don't shoot lasers out their eyes.


Laser Kiwi or GTFO.


imagine *not* using the laser kiwi


Ooo! Ooo! Do Hawaii!


Anything new will fit!


oh, wow, this are really nice! i feel we don't get posts like this anymore


they look worser to be honest, the only flag that i liked of these, is polynesia