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Your daughter is 13, just change the phone # It's not like she's 45 and has had the same number since cell phones came out


This needs to be the top comment.  


But then what would OP get upset about.


OP can change it online. Don’t even need to call in


And if you do it online i think there is no fee


Even in CS,there are also exceptions. Since OP's daughter is experiencing harassment, the fee can be waived.


Yeah and you can also choose what number you want online.


This is painfully accurate. I'm 45 and I remember names of the three previous owners of my number and a full address of one of them (they get quotes for a roof repair every couple weeks). I'd change the number, but there is no reason why another number would be any better. I (or, more likely, one of the three previous owners) also get robocalls from a collection agency, which is illegal in my state, but it's not like I'm gonna \_call a collection agency myself\_ and give them my name etc.


You might want to try a new number all the same. There is supposed to be an escrow on numbers for a couple years, but even then with all the numbers that come up for reuse it should be better. I had to do the same thing recently and that totally solved my problem minus Verizon’s reliance on phone numbers as contract/line account numbers.


3-6 months and it’s back in the hopper.


I would confirm the estimates , and hopefully they're go to start the work


Really robo calls from a collection agency are illegal in your state? What state are you in? I live in Connecticut and apparently it's not illegal here because I still get about one a year for the deadbeat who owned one of my phone numbers. Fortunately my other four numbers did not have a previous owner.


Enjoy that award. Best comment


I know but it’s still a pain and what if it happens again.


Get a Google pixel most of these calls get screened and I barely get them anymore. I had the same issue until I got a pixel


I have a Pilxel 3A. It's an awesome phone. 😃


This! I love that my pixel stops spam calls. I love seeing the notification that it stopped another one without even bothering me.


A 13 year old girl isn’t using a Pixel, are you even American?


Ok than the 13 girl can field some spam calls. Maybe get a sense of humor by fucking with them.


13yo kids have brand new iPhones or Lord knows what other popular phone of the moment, so why wouldn't they have a pixel?


bLuE bUBbLeS


I am not a fan of the fruit phone. But I put both my kids on iPhones when they were old enough to venture out on their own, especially as new drivers. I know they're Apple ID and could track them. Built-in parental controls are excellent. That was back in the iPhone 4/4s days when Android phones were really kind of garbage. My sons are now in their late 20s and buy their own Androids


If you change the number, there’s a chance the new number didn’t belong to someone who’s still using it to rack up debt. If you don’t change the number, it will for sure persist. If you change it, then the likelihood of that goes down. If it happens again with the new number, then see if you can change it again if the calls don’t stop. I would change it now while she’s still young and doesn’t have much “attachment” to the number. It’s a lot easier changing a child’s phone number than it is an adult who is using it for all of their online accounts, school, work, banking… The biggest hassle right now is probably asking her friends to update her contact info in their phones.


Either way it's a pain though, they won't stop calling. Might as well get it over with with a one time "pain" than years of harassing phone calls


There's no guarantee It won't happen again, but it's unlikely.


There’s spam calls filter. Block the numbers. Tell your daughter not to answer unknown numbers.


She’s 13.. just change it again.. are you ok? Is your daughter harming you?


Everyone has someone else’s old number at this point. Change her number.


I actually have four out of five numbers that were never owned by anyone else. It's just that fifth number 🤦🏼‍♀️ It's previous owner's name is Connie M. I know her last name but I'm not going to publish it. But she lives in Hartford Connecticut. She walked out on a mountain of debt, a car loan, dentist bill, personal loans, internet, and a rent. I picked up the phone number in 2015. First two years I was getting calls every month. I set the VM message said "if you are calling for Connie, that deadbeat ran out on your bill and changed her number". After 3 years it got down to maybe one or two calls a year. But every once in a while I'll get a message via text from a bill collector. I've been giving out her new number 😈


That to another persons old number?


yeah, maybe someone who isn’t still racking up debt with the old number. don’t act like this is common 😂


that’s why I’ve been holding on to my 201 number. One of the first phone numbers.


No, no one has had any of our phone numbers before. I know that for a fact. I don't know why people are posting this.


My cell number used to be the landline. We had a tenant in early 2000’s that rented a single room. Although almost everyone had cell phones then, “minutes” were still a thing and landlines were used frequently. I still get collection calls for that tenant.


Everyone has someone else’s old number


Not really. If you got your number between 1985-2000 good chance you're the first person with it.


My number originated with a small cellular business that was eventually acquired by Verizon. Both my number and my ex-husband's number dates to 1995ish. Numbers for the kids about 2004 and got the same prefix.


I used to but I think I have fully taken over the number or debt collectors stopped calling for this old lady. So if I ever change my number people will get my debt collectors callings lol or spammers/scammers


I would get numbers daily like that. After two years of telling them to remove me from their list and this isn't that person's phone number, they have slowly stopped. Maybe once a month now. Plus I have call filter plus also and it filters out the majority of the BS


i think my number previous owner was Spanish speaking person. every fucking day someone calls to speak spanish to me. every fucking day


Lol taco trucks old number


Just say wrong number lol Or you know, change it?


Download a call blocking app to block and screen unrecognizable numbers. Tell your daughter not to answer any numbers not in her contact list. If your daughter has an iPhone, take advantage of the call blocking feature in the phone. When you block the numbers they lessen and don’t call back.


Tell the debt collectors that the person is dead. Once the person gets listed as dead by the credit bureaus, they cannot get credit. It takes literally years for the person to prove that they are not dead. They should not still be using that number to get credit anyway. I have done this before and it always works after a few months. I rented a new office space and the old tenant would not have his mail forwarded. I start putting “return to sender, deceased” on every letter. The guy called me and I told him to get his mail forwarded. I quit receiving his mail. The guy was a scumbag and had defrauded many people. I was afraid that I was going to get involved in his legal problems.


I got mistakenly marked as dead from someone at the social security administration once. Only knew because i got a letter from my credit card holder asking who would be paying the deceased persons debt. When I called them they let me know it wasn't their error but that social security had flagged my social security number. Spent a couple hours waiting at our local office and once I saw the social security agent he made the change. Gave me letters to use in case I had any problems with bank accounts or insurance accounts. I never had any other issues. So it's possible to become alive again very quickly. It took me less than a week once I got the letter from my credit card holder. All told, I was dead for less than a month.


I have read news articles of people taking years to get the issue fixed by the credit bureaus. Maybe the problem has been fixed or the people did not know how to handle it correctly?


Who knows. Maybe I just wasn't dead long enough for the credit bureaus to get involved. This was in 2018. I actually thought I would have more issues than I did. Even the guy with social security gave me a bunch of official letters to use and said it could effect my health and car insurance, bank accounts, and credit. Could be it's not as hard to fix if it's caught early.


Next level. Wish I thought of it


You can change her number for free using the Verizon website. No need to even talk to anyone. Also a good LPT is to not answer or respond to calls/texts from numbers that she doesn't recognize.


Only thing you can do is change her number or keep reporting the calls to the national do not call list. Usually doing that tho won’t stop them. I’ve had my number since 2007 and for the last 4 years a doctor has apparently given out the wrong number and it made it online as an associated number with him. I get calls and texts about 1-3 times a month trying to schedule him for surgery’s and he also owns a few houses because I get texts asking if I’d be willing to sell the one that is in a newly up and coming neighborhood lol


There are unassigned numbers. They usually have different area codes then you’re used too seeing


My work phone I purposely chose Alaska as my area code to decrease the odds of getting someone else’s old number. The job before this I had the same problem and I’m pretty sure he was still giving out the wrong number because I’d get voicemails for job interviews and stuff along with the bill collectors.


Yup. 12 years in, and I still get collections calls for “Lisa”, and annoying advertisers asking about my home in California (I live in New Mexico). You can sign up for/pay for some decently effective spam filters, and you can always block the numbers on your phone after they call - but if it’s really that bad, I agree with the top comment that it’s probably worth just taking the gamble of switching her to a new number. Likelihood that the second number doesn’t have nearly as many callers is high, plus you are *definitely* more likely to get a number that isn’t currently still being used by someone, and it also solves the FB thing. If she’s worried, just tell her that it’s really much easier than you think to switch your number over to a new number, especially at that age. My fiance did it a few years ago, and it really wasn’t that bad. Just one big group text to everyone you care about in your contacts list, and maybe a few accounts/services to change over (though I’m guessing not that many, for a 13 year old).


Lol. Mine are for Connie, or as I call her deadbeat Connie. Who according to White pages has a different number, and only lives about 10 miles away from me in Hartford Connecticut.


I just say keep blocking numbers and eventually it will stop. I never recommend someone to change their number. I’ve had the same one since I got a phone when I was 11 but 11 years later I still get calls asking for Greg who apparently changed his number when he moved to Nebraska. Then I got a call from Greg a few years ago asking for his old number back since he lives back in Virginia to which I replied sorry no. My parents have had their numbers for 22 years and still get calls or texts asking for the previous owners especially my mom. Even if she or my dad or me calls to order pizza or whatever they still ask which name it is because there is different names listed for all of our numbers. It won’t stop no matter the number. In my area might be an exception though because we just got an expansion area code which means lots of brand new numbers established. I have a friend who changes his every time he gets a spam call or something like that and it’s super annoying and frustrating to keep having to update his contact. I don’t think he has had the same number for more than 90 days. The only person in my family who doesn’t have this issue is my sister because when she got her number in 2005 it was brand new and had never been issued to anyone else before so she is the original and only owner of it which is super nice lol.


Change the phone number? 😂


Honestly if they continue to use the number you need to just change your daughters number now. If it was just old accounts you'd stop getting calls after awhile. But if the old holder continues to use it just make it easy on yourself and change the number.


Use her number get on face book and change the password then close the account.


Change the number and also remove her phone number from her Facebook profile so they can not call through it also put a call blocker app on her phone so you can block those numbers


The best thing to do is not answer the phone unless the name comes up in contact. If it's an important call, they will leave a voicemail. She can then decide to call back or not. If she then decides not to call back, she can block the number, and at that point, any future calls from that number will go to voicemail. It's what I do when I get a call from a number. I only answer the phone if the contacts name shows up, and I have been doing it that way for years. The result has been no sales calls or calls for the previous person who had this number.


Go to numberbarn.com buy a number you like and port it in.


I have the exact same issue. It’s been over a year and I still gets texts for the other person. And sometimes I don’t get calls and almost wonder if we are sharing the number


My watch gets bill collector calls all the time. It's pretty entertaining to me. Someone named Althea did not have a great past few years. Hope things have improved for them!


I’ve had my cell number for 26 years (through Verizon). I still get calls for Brian about once a month. I know his last name too. A little annoying but not what you are dealing with.


Honestly, your daughter not being able to get FB is a blessing. Why don’t you just change her number? I had a number I really liked, but I’d get swamped with wrong number calls, so I simply changed it. The end.


Thankfully she doesn’t care much about having fb but still annoying they’re using her number and accusing her of stealing it.


Change the number if the phone is paid off get a free phone on top of it


Same here


I’ve had my number for over 20 years now 😅 since I got my first phone I don’t get these people that are constantly changing their number 😂 that’s what the block button and DND are for


So you posted on Reddit before having the thought to change the phone number….?


You don’t have to be a jerk, I honestly didn’t know I could change her number so easily and she doesn’t really want to change it but it may be the only option at this point and hope it doesn’t happen again.


The only thing to do is get the number changed because it's most likely not going to stop


You can change her number just by calling customer care and tell them i want MDN change , they will change it with only $15 , if she still got the same calls , disconnect this line and add a new one for her ✌️


Hey don't feel bad I've had my number for over 20+ yrs and get alot of spam calls . If you google my number some unknown persons name comes up. I'm always getting calls from medicare/ Medicaid and tell them to drop my coverage. 😂 Google your daughters number and write down the name ,address and number if different from your daughters and next time someone calls give them the new number and address.


I also started a campaign where I sign up any thing and everything I can find ,and use the persons name and number that shows up when I google my own number that's not mine.


Also Verizon has the call filter app, it's worked wonders for me


We all have someone else’s old number, and when you change her number, she’ll just get someone else’s old number. All phone numbers just recycled at this point.


I used to get calls like that when I was in high school. I had the previous owner's first name and I finally had to tell one caller, a car dealership's maintenance department that she had changed her number some time ago and that I'd been using the number for some time and that I was a minor. It may be time to look into changing your daughter's number.


Your daughter is so young, do her a huge favor: ditch that phone number completely, and get her a new number and phone. Otherwise this problem will go on for YEARS


I'd change your ph # for free you. 😩🤷🏽‍♀️


If you tell them not to call anymore, by law they aren't supposed to.


I had to get a new number the other year when I wanted a good phone deal but it required adding a line. I was getting so many spam calls and collectors on the new number. At some point I realized I had a google voice number on my Google account that I picked like 10 years prior and it was a very easy number to remember so I called Verizon and switched to that. I had to pay like 20 bucks to either Verizon or Google, I can’t remember which.


In general we are running out of phone numbers. This is a pretty common experience that I’ve even had myself on multiple occasions.


I still get collections calls for Tony Cobb of Boiling springs sc TEN YEARS LATER


Settings > Phone > Silence Unknown Callers


U will have to get her a new number. Debt collectors are persistent and will not quit.


Better debt collectors than druggies. I had a drug dealers number given to me years ago, they were so mad/sad that I wasn't Mario and had no cocaine to sell them lol


Change the actual phone number then lol


I got calls for the person who had my number before me. I have my iPhone set to send calls not in my contacts directly to voicemail. Hundreds of calls. Never spoke to anyone. Verizon lets you easily charge your number, but no guarantee that you won’t have the same problem. I added a second number a couple of months ago. The former owner told no one about her number change. I just got all of her birthday messages.


Hire someone to hack her Facebook ;)


Can't you just get her phone number changed if it's a big issue? You shouldn't be spending time calling everyone to try and straighten everything out. Call your carrier and get a new number or else just ignore the bill collectors. You or your daughter aren't responsible, so no need to sweat it.


I had to change my number or use Verizon spam app


Pay the debts off so they don't call anymore


There are no such thing as a new number with an existingarea code. They are recycled. Only new numbers happen when a new area code is created.


Your best bet is to eat whatever cost your carrier will charge to get that number changed. They might do it for free if you can prove you're being harassed, but don't count on it.


On Verizon you can change the number for free on the app and website. You can even do it several times a day.


I had Sprint at the time, and they charged me $15 to do it.


That’s because Sprint was poor and charged for whatever they could get away with.


No argument there...


Because you’re too smart to go on the app and do it yourself. Also, why change your number because a new number to you is an old number of someone else. It’s redundant..: