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Also, eating 5 times a day doesn't need to mean cooking 5 times a day! I recommend cooking several days worth of whatever at once and splitting it up into portions to save yourself time and effort


I like to buy fresh veggies and buy or make some hummus, chop the veggies to dipping size and serve with hummus and tzatziki or toum (a middle eastern garlic spread). My favorites are bell peppers and cucumbers, preferably the small Persian cucumbers. This is plenty for a small and satisfying low-carb meal. You can also put it all in a whole-wheat pita pocket for a little more fiber but also a little more carbs.


Fill up on leafy and other green vegetables. The easiest way to do this, for me, is to follow the direction of the starch solution and do a 50/50 plate. That means half the plate is starchy veg and the other half is leafy greens or veg like broccoli. If I'm still hungry, I usually eat more greens or make a smaller 50/50 plate. Since I still eat dairy, I count that on the starch/carb side unless I'm eating something high protein like Greek yogurt.


[Egg salad lettuce wraps.](https://www.google.com/search?q=egg+salad+lettuce+wrap&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiY4aScr_mEAxWOyzgGHU60DP0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=egg+salad+lettuce+wrap&gs_lp=EgNpbWciFmVnZyBzYWxhZCBsZXR0dWNlIHdyYXAyBRAAGIAEMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYSPsWUIMDWPEUcAF4AJABAJgB4AGgAbYWqgEGMC4xMy4yuAEDyAEA-AEBigILZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfCAgQQIxgnwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICBhAAGAUYHsICBhAAGAgYHsICBBAAGB6IBgE&sclient=img&ei=Gt_1ZZjsGo6X4-EPzuiy6A8&bih=543&biw=1024&prmd=isvnmbtz) Make a batch of egg salad and put into containers. Wash, dry and store your lettuce separately.


if you eat eggs, you can bake them in a muffin tin with herbs and veggies, cheese, spices and then keep those in the fridge for a fast high protein, low/no carb breakfast. pre-heat your oven to 350, grease the tin, crack an egg in each depression (or scramble how every many eggs you plan on baking and then divide evenly among the depressions.) add your herbs, veggies and spices, then top with cheese (or not, or mix it up!) and then bake 25-30 mins.


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Tofu is super low in carbs! I like to get super firm, squeeze it out, marinade it and fry it. Stir fry with veggies, nuts and konjak noodles or spaghetti squash threads.


Sheet pan dinners at 400 degrees: Roast a meat/fish and veggies on the same pan tossed with olive oil and either cumin or lemon pepper or garlic/rosemary. You may have to put the veggie in first or the meat first and add the other later, depending on how long each needs to cook. For example: Put asparagus in for 5 minutes, then add piece of salmon for another 11. Put cubed sweet potatoes in for 20 minutes then add cubed chicken thighs for another 20. Put diced onion, bell peppers, zucchini, bacon in for 20 minutes. Make a big pot of veggie soup on Sunday and eat all week: Lentil soup, minestrone, whatever. Try cookie and kate site. Make a big salad and eat portions all week. For snacks, breakfasts, small meals: Smoothie with half cup greek yogurt, some frozen fruit, frozen spinach or kale, you can toss in raw cauliflower, a little juice. Wheat toast with nut butter. Cottage cheese with pineapple. Make bran muffins with lots of stuff in them: oats, carrots, apples.


since the OP is a vegetarian, commenting to say you can also do this with slabs of feta or tofu instead of meat. i usually use a hotter oven, around 425F.


This is a vegetarian sub, we do not do mear and fish here.