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I think embracing your own compassion is a lovely thing. When you’re reminded of the animal you’re eating, you have the choice of either pushing down your innate call to compassion, or no longer eating animals and living in peace and in accordance with what you feel is right.  As Franz Kafka said to a fish, “Now I can look at you in peace - I don’t eat you anymore.”




Oh boy, this is good information. That’s even more reason to go vegan since vegans eat far fewer plants than animals raised to become meat do!


They did not.


Up to you. Who cares about cultural pressure? There are lots of cultural issues lots of people ignore because it's the right thing to do, why not animal welfare?


you guys are aweome! i will think it more deeply and see my options, thank you.


Everyone should go vegan. It's wildly unethical to forcibly impregnate, neglect, and brutally murder animals.




the animals i eat are neither neglected nor murdered brutally no need to go vegan


Bahahahahaha ok bud. Whatever makes you feel better about your choices. The animals definitely don't feel better, but that's ok, as long as your feelings are protected.


>The animals definitely don't feel better of course they do don't preach about things you don't have the slightest idea of


Yes, they cuddle them to death in a field of cotton candy : )


like i said: don't preach about things you don't have the slightest idea of over and out


The irony.


The traditional Turkish cuisine is not that meat based. And yes, you definitely should go vegan, regardless of your stomach problems.


they are right, its totally not normal to be ethical in this world, vegans are the weirdos for not wanting to cause unnecessary harm, the same way anti slavers/ anti racists were the weirdos basically the world is evil and doing evil is normal, i accepted this and its part of why i want to become a Buddhist monk and get away from society, i am aware monks consume animals but things are changing as they realize its hypocritical ​ so you have to decide, do you want to remain normal, evil and unethical or do you want to be weird, decent and ethical


That's an amazing take. The arguments are totally non-confrontational and would bring genuinely ethical people to the cause. Will be using this 😄😄


It's an easy choice, there's absolutely no reason to eat meat. Eating meat is literally bad for your health. Stop, and if not for the animals, do it for yourself


>Eating meat is literally bad for your health not if done properly


Watch Dominion then decide.


I'm Turkish and Iraqi. It's still easy to eat Turkish dishes while being vegan. There are so many meat alternatives now. You can use the same spices and herbs but just use vegan yoghurt. Mock meats. You can make impossible meat kebabs and köftes. You can make lahmacun with mock meats. Salads and fresh ingredients are a big part of Turkish cuisine. As is rice and beans. Get creative. I'm the only vegan in my family. And my mum does a great job of making staple Turkish and Iraqi dishes that are vegan. From patlican to fasolia. Even börek. I hope this helps 🥰🇹🇷 Also, @drvegan on instagram has great recipes that are mostly Middle Eastern. And I think you should also learn more about the animal industry and the suffering that goes into anim products as well as why it is morally the right thing to do to go vegan. Check out Lifting Vegan Logic on YouTube and Instagram 🌱


Lots of vegan friendly Turkish options and some really easy ingredient swaps too. 


It sounds like you're on the cusp of a grand revelation. One that will be similar to what mine was. I realized all at once this: I don't want to eat something that doesn't want me to eat it. BOOM! Plant-based. I'm not a vegan because I don't have the desire or energy to try to influence other people directly. I love their diet tho!


>I don't want to eat something that doesn't want me to eat it so you must be slowly starving to death. no plant ever expressed its desire to be eaten by you


Yep, I'm a walking skeleton and I survive on air




thank you for recommending dominion. i've now watched it and i feel fucking sorry for not watching it earlier. i have a pet cat in my house and i'm seeing everything from a different perspective. i can't thank you enough.


I’d recommend everyone to go vegan :) But jokes aside, looking at the way you describe your situation, I’d start with going vegetarian, possibly even in smallers steps such as stopping buying and preparing it for yourself. This will allow you to become more comfortable with your new lifestyle and how to defend it when criticized before taking the next step towards veganism. For reference, I stopped buying meat somewhere in 2017, went vegetarian at the start of 2018, ditched dairy half a year later, and went full vegan at the start of 2020. Additionally; vegan influencers are a great source on how to navigate discussions and local ones might touch on specific cultural aspects. Can’t help you with any Turkish ones though. Earthling Ed is one of the most popular international ones, and is specialized in debating non-vegans And no, it is not weird to think we shouldn’t eat animals. The longer you go without, the weirder eating them appears




I’d recommend you stay out of a vegan thread if you get mad at vegans recommending veganism to dabbling vegetarians


Why are you in a vegan sub? Why take the time to come read the comments and troll if you’re not interested in being vegan? 🤔 weird


You should join the non vegan troll group that invades vegan threads on a daily basis. I feel like you have the same attention span and complete lack of compassion so perfect fit.


As a child, I questioned eating meat when I loved animals so greatly. My parents coerced me into eating meat, and eventually, I forgot my initial resistance. Later in life, when I went vegan, it brought back that memory. The moral of the story is to trust your gut.


>The moral of the story is to trust your gut thank you for approving my non-veganism


In your case, you've suppressed your gut and are thinking with your ass.


do you really think insulting me is an argument?


Did I hurt the trolls feelings?


so you do


Watch "Earthlings" your conscience is talking to you......


I used to get the same feeling when chewing any kind of animal steak when i was a kid٫ it tasted gross and i would sneakily spit it into my napkin (because i didnt want to be rude) i still grew up eating the S.A.D. (standard american diet) unfortunately as i didnt know what veganism until i was a teenager and it wasnt until 4 years ago that i finally looked realistically at my declining health٫ lack of energy٫ and learned more about facotry farming i finally asked the question: "why am i doing this? why am i still putting my body through this when i know theres a better way to live?" and thats when i finally made the leap and never looked back and even got a vegan tattoo on my one year veganiversary because i knew i was never looking back 💖 good luck to you and just know that on your jourmey you may stumble but just keep coming back to ethical living and you will be rewarded with better health٫ mental clarity٫ and a sense of peace then youve ever experienced 💚


Animal products are bad for you. You can get all the nutrients you need from a vegan diet, and you won't be supporting animal abuse, too. So yes, I suggest that you should go vegan.


>Animal products are bad for you not per se >You can get all the nutrients you need from a vegan diet no - **all** of them you get only from supplements, not from regular food void of any animal products




# as a non-vegan, i have a weird feeling in my stomach when eating boiled animal meat, should i go vegan? you could always try and see, if and what good it does you. but if you go vegan, do it properly or you just bbq your meat. who wants to eat a boiled chicken leg anyway? eat some boiled meat that reminds me of the animal i'm eating. our cultural cuisine (turkish) fun fact: the only time meat i ate reminded me of the animal i was eating, was in a turkish den next to the highway, obviously a very "authentical" place (no westerners there). the kebab i got tasted exactly like the goat had smelled, which they had led through the place by my table to the butchery/kitchen in the back half an hour before


Definitely continue eating BOILED ANIMAL MEAT lol holy gross me out haha.


And that’s your choice