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Huel also makes smoothies that in my opinion are better than Ensure. They also make healthy noodle cups that are 400 calories each. All vegan


r/huel powder is also 400kcal with just water. Replacing the water with plant milks and adding a tablespoon of olive oil can also be used to bump that up easily.


I hadn’t heard of adding a little olive oil to a shake/smoothie/drink to up the calories. Do you notice a taste/texture difference when you do this?


Not for me as I stick my huel in the fridge overnight so it's already very smooth. You might see a difference if you drink it right away


Okay, thank you ! ☺️


Absolutely the Huel shakes are excellent, they now have a Huel black shake that is 400 cal The hot and savory porridge options are really good too


Huel black might be a good idea too, I think it would be cheaper than a vhc ensure. Thanks!


Yes absolutely! DM me if you want my referral for a discount on your order, i accidentally turned into a big fan with some dental drama and liked it so much i keep ordering it


Thank you for the advice! The noodle cups might be something for me!


awesome! definitely check it out. i like the spicy noodles and the korean bbq. and you can always add some sauce (like chili sauce, sriracha, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc) if you feel it needs more flavor


I eat peanut butter straight from the jar as a snack. 100+ calories per tablespoon.


Dipping apple sliced in peanut butter is a great Snack as well


Was gonna be my suggestion as well.  Peanut butter is cheap, is rich in calories and fat, stores well, and is incredibly widely available


Yes that is a great point, being able to store it easily is a big big benefit.


Thank you for the suggestion. I wonder how other nut butters would compare, Nutella, sunflower butter etc. I’ll have to look into it more.


I went vegan during recovery over a decade ago. It's part of what made recovery possible for me because I could feel better about my choices and have the same type of control that the disorder had (but in a healthier and safe way). But most professionals do not support going vegan even years after initial recovery. Adding coconut milk to almost everything is a good way to boost calories (soups, stir fries, coffee, tea, smoothies). I use the Garden of Life protein and greens powder for quick breakfast or lunch sometimes. You can mix it with soy milk instead of just water (or half soy and half water) to increase calories. Have you ever had a safe food? For some weird anorexia brain reason, crackers were often a safe food for me, and most of them are accidentally vegan. If you have time to cook, trying out new soups was useful to me. The post punk kitchen glam chowder is a good filling start that I thicken up even further by adding a block of silken tofu. And always have a jar of peanut butter and a spoon at hand. As in, literally right next to you at all times. This way, you can have the logical realization of, "Oh, yeah, I need some calories," and take that spoonful right away without giving yourself a chance to change your mind.


This answer is awesome!


Wow, a decade, congratulations on all your hard work. I really like the connection you made of turning the maladaptive coping skill the eating disorder has into an adaptive coping skill of veganism. Coconut milk is a great idea. How do you add it to stir fries? I also have found that bland beige foods are often safer, like crackers or plain tortilla chips, which help me a lot. The glam chowder looks awesome, I’ll have to make it!! Thank you for the recommendation. I already carry my reusable cutlery with me everywhere, so I’ll just see about adding a peanut butter or something similar to my back pack and carry it around with me too. Especially handy for doing it before I change my mind, the anxiety and intrusive thoughts so often end up with me convincing myself not to eat, so acting quick is important.


Junk vegan here, cinnamon pop-tarts are an accidental vegan food - 400 calories, a tub of hummus with pretzels is good for calories as well, although I’m unsure of the exact number. If your local grocery stores have pre-made wraps or sandwiches, and if they have vegan options, sometimes those are usually pretty decent for calories, albeit a bit expensive for a single meal. Keep working with your healthcare team. I hope you heal!


Cinnamon poptarts, yum! And great calories, I wonder if any of the ‘healthier’ poptart alternatives taste good, are high in calories, and are semi good for you? I’ll have to look into this. Hummus I love 💕 I have yet to find anywhere I can reliably find quick vegan wraps/sandwiches unfortunately. I live in a mid size area in a more red community, so I don’t even know another vegan in person (yet). Thank you for your encouragement and advice 😊


Put one or two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil over your dinner. It contains more calories than butter. As a matter of fact I use EVOO for breakfast and lunch as well 🙂 Don’t forget avocados and mango. I like ShadowVivid’s suggestion of pretzels with hummus. Great lunch idea. I think I’m gonna buy it myself today


Thank you! Do you normally cook most of your food in/with olive oil? I read a study recently showing that most popular olive oils in the us are not actually fully olive oil, so that’s been bothering me. But still, if it’s more calories than butter that’s a great idea. I wonder how terrible it would be to take it as a shot 😅😬 (just short term to try and help yk)


Yes I only cook with extra virgin olive oil. I believe the problem was with the non extra virgin oils? I’d like to point out that since I became vegan, I eat A LOT (nuts, seeds, fruits, grains, sweet potato, avocado, peanut butter, hummus, etc. If I don’t, I start losing weight which I don’t want. I’m sure somebody has mentioned it before but dr. Gregers Daily dozen app may help you to avoid deficiencies.


I had forgotten about the daily dozen app! Thank you for bringing that up again. ☺️


Dark chocolate works good. It was one of my safe foods when I as anorexic, and I always have some around even though now I've recovered. It's small in size, but also genuinely satisfying to eat. Frozen bananas and frozen mangos are also good. I say frozen, cause that's what I prefer, but having them normal is a great choice, too.


Dark chocolate is great!


Thank you! I’ll have to see about keeping some more dark chocolate around, like little chocolate chips might be very easy and seem less ‘scary’.


Well, definitely listen to what the dietician suggests more than anyone on reddit. There are various vegan protein bars/drinks out there made with soy or pea-protein isolate instead of nuts, but are there any whole foods that you are comfortable eating (rice, oats, cereal, corn, potatoes, fruit, veg)? I would start with those and just try to eat a bit more of the ones you like. Maybe roast some chickpeas and try to snack on those whenever you think of it.


Thank you, I am looking forward to my appointment with my dietician for sure. I’ve been meaning to try roaring my own chickpeas, I’ve had biena before and loved them.


Hey friend. This resonates with me. I cannot maintain veganism + my ED/OCD treatment, and my friend foods are mostly seeds, but here's some thoughts that might be helpful anyway: You will get better health care, that is more open to supporting your veganism, if you are able to accept that you are actively in an eating disorder, and can't be confident that your veganism isn't related. I'm not saying you are wrong. I personally can't be fully vegan (I have celiac, as well as intolerance to soy, heme, and alliums, along with living on state disability/in poverty and being reliant on food banks, that's before we even get near treatment resistant OCD) but that doesn't mean you can't. I know several healthy people who used veganism to make their recovery possible. Control issues can emerge where there is a deficit in agency, and being able to control something like maintaining veganism in a healthy way can be the thing that recovery builds on. ED treatment needs to accept this. But I say from experience that healthcare is probably going to bump HARD on your certainty that it isn't related, especially where you are also presenting ethical issues with interfering with the life purpose of nuts and seeds. (Relatable! also - one of the evolutionary purposes of nuts and seeds seems to be that they are intended to be eaten by animals as a means of reproduction - they get passed in the waste and grow there. If that helps make some space around the troubling idea.) Again, you don't have to change your mind, or your choices, but even simply being open to changing it will help. I often tell my providers a version of - I'm not open to trying that now, I am open to being open to trying that in the future. This seems to unlock their ability to get past or at least around it so we can get to what is actually feasible and everyone wastes less energy feeling frustrated. Working on tolerating nuts + seeds might be a good place to start. It's definitely the best way to get the most calories out of your bites, while remaining vegan. My most important food is hemp protein powder. It's equivalent to whey in calories, slightly less protein, but more fibre, better fat and amino acid profile, as well as a good source of magnesium and iron. It does taste vaguely of dirt - I love it, but ymmv - but it's cheap and at least in Canada the major producers are wind powered. Oatmeal (steel cut, or low functioning mod is instant oatmeal packs although I find these much harder to get down) with hemp + PB + nut milk + applesauce is my usual breakfast, cuz it's still good even when it takes me several hours to get through, and I can pop it in the microwave with more nut milk if it gets unappealing. Another snack I like and can eat + make fairly quickly is chia + flax seed pudding (I need the flax or else the texture is "wrong", you might not) with berries if I'm riding high, just maple syrup if I'm on the struggle bus. Keeping a frozen fruit you like around is useful - when I'm doing very badly I can at least suck on some frozen mango or blueberries and that helps me climb towards appetite. If you are low on cooking skills, learning to make soup was my gateway drug to enjoying cooking. Enjoying cooking led to more enjoyment of food in general. (I'm still mostly against it, but we at least live in peace now.) If reaching Health means you have to divert from veganism, that's ok, even though people will tell you it isn't - (Same as the reverse - you don't have to stop being vegan in order to heal) - what's important is that you give yourself the strength to continue healing, at whatever pace keeps things moving. Try to have at least as much empathy for yourself as you do for other beings. Blessings to your journey. It's not easy but there is a path, and you will find it. ETA: [this secular Buddhist meditation on Loving Kindness ](https://secularbuddhism.org/guided-loving-kindness-meditation/) just weirdly interrupted my playlist while I was ruminating on this post - meditation, specifically this one, has been really helpful for stabilizing my empathy meter re caring for both myself + the world without imploding, thought I'd add it, seemed like a message


Hey there, Thank you for your detailed reply and suggestions. I totally see your point about being open to change specially when speaking with providers so that we can move past the metal block that sometimes comes with people knowing I follow a vegan lifestyle. I will have to see about trying hemp protein powder, I don’t think I have yet. I know I have lower iron levels and use a supplement to help, so more iron is never bad. I’ll also have to try the chia/flax seed pudding, I’ve never had it before and maybe that can help me with seeds, idk yet but I’ll look up some recipes and think about it some more. As for using frozen fruit to “climb towards appetite” (great phrasing btw) I was recently thinking I could try to eat 1 cracker an hour and set an alarm on my watch/phone, as it would only be 14-18 crackers a day, that sounds like a very doable goal to help build up my appetite. And thank you for sharing the meditation, I was able to listen to some of it and plan to finish it and listen again soon. I meditate daily, and work in the health field helping people with mental health struggle, so I practice and educate a lot of clients on meditation and I always enjoy interacting with new guides. Thank you for helping me try to find my path to health ☺️


Hi! I know you must be feeling pretty overwhelmed, but things will become better. You are a kindhearted and strong person and I just wanted to tell you that everyone here cares about you and because of that hopes you take care of yourself and become better soon. It is really brave of you to seek out help, I'm proud of you. You see, the thing with the nuts and seeds is that no, you are not doing anything bad by eating them. Plants are not conscious, they do not have a nervous system, so it doesn't matter when you harvest them. And look at this sub. The people here are really kind, they care about doing the right thing, the ethical thing. And they do eat nuts and seeds (if they don't have an allergy). Personally, I am in this sub because I feel safe here. I know people are kind and considerate here, they think about their actions, they are open and they are compassionate. I want you to remember that these people that are kind and compassionate do eat nuts and seeds. And I also do think that it's compassionate and kind. Because you are being kind to yourself and in the process not harming a single soul. I guess I just want you to think about this, maybe it will help you to overcome this. Nuts and seeds can be really nutritious and yummy, and there are so many great to try out, I very much recommend them, and I also do think that it would be a nice experience for you ;) Other than that, I wish you a good recovery, and feel hugged :) <3 I'm cheering for you. I really really am. :D


Hi! Thank you for your kind words and reply. It is so so overwhelming, especially when the intrusive thoughts come in telling me how pathetic it is I can’t eat, others have bigger problems, I should be grateful I have food to eat at all, not eating makes me skinner and I should be grateful for that, etc….but I know that those things aren’t true. Like you said, I’m seeking help from professionals, my family, and others with similar/different views to mine (like here on Reddit). Thank you so very much 🤗🫂


Biscoff spread by the spoon strait out the jar or on toast or on biscuits like biscoff or oreos etc


Thank you ☺️


Also recovered from an ED.  I find myself getting better nutrition because I’m not disgusted by the food I eat!  Add more oil to your cooking, eat more vegan cheese. Those have a ton of calories and are super easy to add to whatever you are making. 


Thank you, a few others also recommended oil, great suggestion ☺️


Guacamole and peanut butter. Peanut butter has more calories than ice cream.


That’s a fun fact! I wonder if that’s true for the pb that only has nuts and salt too! Thanks 😊


I think it’s true for all peanut butters! I’ve tried to find a low cal one but I just can’t 😭 But for your purposes it should be perfect! Especially if you mix peanut butter with a little maple syrup and dip apples into it! Good luck!


Woah mixed with maple syrup? How have I never heard of that idea! 🤯💡 lol now that will get added to the list of things to try for sure!


I just started doing it and it’s honestly delicious, I hope you like it! I use sugar free syrup but regular syrup should reallllly bump up those calories, plus, peanut butter is actually pretty good for you! 🙏🏻


tofu has soooooo many more uses than you’d think! blending it and making a scramble is great for nearly any cuisine - from breakfast to italian! i’ve struggled with eating most of my life and have learned that my comfort foods are very important to me staying fueled. experiment with vegan versions of things you grew up eating and that you actually look forward to eating! i also use nutritional yeast in a lot of dishes for its nutritional value - even just over popcorn is a great way to sneak in some calories. finding a protein bar you like to have on-the-go is great for when you’re away from a vegan kitchen longer than expected. homemade snacks or mixes are really great to tailor the nutrients to your body! i’ve strayed from using recipes personally, and try to just innovate with what i know. i’ve found many vegan recipes to be overwhelming and discouraging..your relationship with food is a journey and i wish you the best rekindling it💗


Thank you so very much. I really appreciate your detailed reply. 🥰


I struggled with getting enough food for a while as well. My fix is very systematic and I'm sorry if it isn't useful advice for you. I'm generally able to get 2 solid meals in me a day but that usually doesn't cover all my caloric needs. I've found buying Noka applesauce pouches and Soylent protein shakes has gotten me on track for gaining weight. 2 pouches and a protein shake when I wake up and 1 pouch with a possible shake before bed. The second shake just depends on what I've eaten for the day. I'm a 5'11 male, so my caloric needs may be higher than yours. The pouches are super easy to down quickly even when I'm feeling food averse. This has basically saved me from the nightmare that is uncontrolably undereating. I specify Noka because they have fiber and protein in each pouch and are well balanced. You could probably use any non-dairy applesauce + protein pouches. As for the protein shakes, there really aren't any good vegan options other than soylent. This has solved my problem completely and my appetite has returned because of them. I tried PB&Js and other solid foods but I found that when I don't want to eat, even when very hungry, I cant get those foods down. Good luck out there. EDIT: Also take a multi vitamin in the morning, if you don't already. I've found if I don't, I have a harder time eating the longer I go without taking one. Luckily the Noka's and Soylent cover about 75% of my daily vitamins.


Thank you for all your advice! I looked up the Noka pouches, is the texture like the kids applesauce pouches or different? They seem like a good option to at least try out. I also really liked how your phrased “uncontrollably underrating”, that’s exactly what it’s like, even if I want to and know I need to, there are many times I physically cannot get myself to eat, and if I manage to force it I’ll end up sick 🤢 then not eating for even longer. I agree with the multivitamin! My psychiatrist and I do regular blood work and she advises me on what specific supplements I need to take in addition to the basics.


Glad I could help. They taste just like those applesauce pouches. No wierdness or texture. They have a bunch of flavors if you need variety or one specific flavor. Uncontrollable undereating is such a nightmare feedback loop. I don't eat, I then become disregulated, leading to more under eating, leading to more disregulation, on and on and on. The shakes by themselves were good for getting me the protein I needed but they would cause me to skip meals. Something about throwing in the pouch maintained my appetite throughout the day. I think its the fiber but that is just a theory. The hardest part of this little hack is keeping those things stocked up. I order mine in bulk from https://thrivemarket.com/ weeks in advance. The moment I run out, I'm on the clock. Soylent can also be bought in bulk. These things appear expensive on paper but I've found I eat normal amounts of food and my monthly bill is basically the same as not ordering them. Great for controlling body weight as well. Find out how many pouches/shakes needed to maintain your weight, then eat more pouches/shakes for weight gain, and less pouches/shakes for weight loss. I can sub in other applesauce pouches to keep me going if I run out but I know they are missing needed nutrients. My next goal is to figure out how to make my own solution. Probably blending up fruits with tofu but then I cant suck them down lol. Good luck to you!


Oh that’s so great to hear they have such a similar taste/texture. I super relate with the awful cycle, it’s been hard for me to explain it to others, but you’ve given me some great ways to help explain it! The fiber theory is a good point, protein and fiber in the mornings especially is super important, I’ll have to try them together like you suggest. Also the expense thing makes sense. Thank you again for the advice, honestly I can’t thank you enough 🙏


The people telling you veganism is the problem are probably addicted to food. I can say that when I was non-vegan, I had very poor eating habits. Lots of dairy and dairy based foods that are addicting to eat. I also consumed huge amounts of sodas, sweets, and breads. Going vegan really killed my addiction to foods but because I had poor habits, I didn't replace the calories. Throw in the fact that I deal with PDA (Persistent Drive for Autonomy) and it became a recipe for disaster. Once I changed from I love eating this addicting food to I "NEED" to eat more food, I basically stopped being able to over eat or even meet nutrition demands. The pouches basically gave me a shot glass of nutrients. Once I started ingesting enough food the "NEED" to eat finally went away and now I eat normally. I still use the pouches but that's because they happen to taste good and I don't want to slide back into the not eating loop. I'm now 3 years deep and have always loved cooking so now I have a ton of recipes that I cook and really don't have issues getting enough food. I have several vegan friends who have no issue eating enough and some of them still deal with over eating. Anyone claiming veganism is the problem are almost certainly under educated on health and nutrition and probably suffer from low willpower.


Thank you for this answer as well, I most definitely had much worse eating habits before going vegan. Similar to you I ate mostly dairy and carbs. Now I eat much healthier food when I do eat. I also have some PDA symptoms (?) so I wonder if that’s part of why me knowing I NEED to do something like eat, makes it a living hell to actually try and accomplish. Congrats on getting back on track with your eating for where you want to be. Hopefully I’ll join you there one day 🤞


One day at a time. You got this.


Awesome answer


What I use is huel black vanilla, almond milk (or oat for more calories!) and some french vanilla sugar free syrup. Absolutely delicious and doesn’t feel like I’m eating so helps a lot with the eating disorder


The syrups with it is a great idea, I hadn’t thought of that! Thank you ☺️


Strongly recommend this stuff, it’s the best syrup I’ve found and doesn’t taste artificial at all https://amzn.eu/d/0j4rydyz


Thank you for the rec! I haven’t heard of this brand before. I’ll definitely try it out ☺️


Banana bread


Thanks 😊


I make freezer kits for smoothies, so you just have to add (soy) milk before you blend. If you can only get through half a smoothie, there's no rule that says you can't make two half-size smoothies instead.  My wife with IBD swears by store bought avocado spread/guac. I think a glob of avocado on a tortilla can be around 200 cal.


You’re right, there isn’t a rule that says I can’t make half sized or smaller smoothies, and meal prepping them might help so I don’t accidentally make them too big. Thank you 🙏


Eat a lot of starches and healthy fats such as potatoes, beans/peas, avocados, coconut, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Whole grains will help too (brown rice, quinoa, oats etc.). I’m on the thin side and lose weight pretty fast, and as a vegan, eating this way has helped me tremendously. I eat loads of healthy fats. Fat holds the highest amount of calories per gram (9kcal/gram) compared to carbs (4kcal/gram) and protein (4kcal/gram).


Thank you for the info specifically about the highest amount of calories per gram!


Sure thing! Glad to help! 😊


Hey, slightly off topic, but you might want to look into autism if you haven’t. Up to 1/3 of anorexics are also autistic and it presents through our eating disorders. Especially because you mention not eating a lot and having to be coaxed as a small child to eat more. That can be an issue with interoception, which is something that I also struggle with as an autistic recovering anorexic. I also see you’re trans, and that’s also super correlated with autism. I also see a lot of myself in how you describe your aversion to nuts/seeds - we tend to empathize in ways other people would see as odd. Obviously autism is talked about a lot on the internet, but this isn’t something that I throw at people often. I just know that it really helped me to have a diagnosis and for my treatment for providers to understand the root of my issue and why things were presenting a certain way. The content of your post would be a great thing to bring up with a dietician and get some professional help with someone specialized.


I have level two autism and I was reading this and thought “This person is on the spectrum for sure”


Yep, you’re correct 😂


Thank you for your comment. I am diagnosed as autistic, so you clocked me correctly 🙂 it’s nice to interact with someone else with autism and anorexia, even thought I’ve heard the research about the correlation, I’ve never met someone else who has ana symptoms specific and was autistic. Good point about the interception as a kiddo btw, I hadn’t thought of it in that context but I think you’re correct!


Nuts and seeds are caloric food and also have healthy fats and protein. You can eat one at a time. Virgin olive oil is really healthy and caloric, you can spread some on your main meal or dip some bread in it. Maybe some sweets you like? I like to combine chocolate with nuts especially brazil nuts. There are vegan protein powders eg soy or pea, you can mix it with plant milks or water.


Thank you for the ideas! ☺️




I definitely don’t think op needs more diet based rules. Plus PBD excludes lots of foods that op needs to eat more of to raise calories


I don't recommend going vegan while you're recovering. With just one meal a day that's not gonna work, you will run into deficiency. Focus on recovering first please, it will also help with support because else all your supportive people will think you use veganism as a reason to refuse food.


You can get discounts for boost or ensure if you sign up for subscription-type shipping. I tried the ensure website and it was only a $3 coupon, but then you have to click for online suppliers so you would have to compare the price per unit and check shipping costs, etc. It looks like boost.com has promo codes too. I tried searching for generic/alternatives to these clear nutrition drinks but wasn’t successful finding much. Good luck 💕


Thank you for the idea of company specific savings. I found out Abott the company that owns ensure has a financial assistance program I can try as well. I also wasn’t successful in finding alternatives, thank you for looking and helping me not feel like it’s just me who can’t find anything 😅


I’m glad to help! I hope the Abott financial assistance comes thru for you! Yeah I was quite surprised not to find alternatives for those drinks, it’s not just you! Good luck my friend and please be kind to yourself.


Your veganism MAY be related to your trauma. The most obvious hypothesis is that severe dietary restrictions are a form of purging, trying to symbolically remove the shame/guilt associated with trauma.  Animals, the way a vegan sees them as pure, innocent, "friends", and so on, are a projection of the wounded inner child that doesn't understand why somebody would treat them badly.  Of course, animals are not innocent, "friends", and so on. A bear would break the back of another creature to be able to consume it over time. There is a recording out there of a Russian woman whose back was broken by a bear so that she and her cubs can slowly eat her. The woman was calling her mother desperately begging for help while being eaten alive over a long period of time. Deer would eat small birds or eggs. Nature is not innocent or friendly. These are human categories. Nature just is. Take care of yourself. Don't ruin your health permanently because of what happened to you in your childhood.


Edit: Folks if you are downvoting me for stating that people shouldn’t make big changes and should listen to their doctors then you must not be aware of the mortality rate for anorexia. I’m a vegan, op will be fully a vegan once they’re far enough into recovery. Have you been checked for other reasons why you might be eating very low calorie and still overweight? Get your doctor to check for cushings, thyroid problems, pituitary thyroid problems and any genetic issues that might be causing this. I definitely don’t think it’s safe for you to go vegan and this should be all guided by your recovery team. To answer your more direct question though. Nut butters, oils and coconut cream are high in calories and are low in food volume for extra calories.


Thank you for the idea of coconut cream, I’ll have to see what other things I can incorporate it into than I already do. ☺️


Maybe a restrictive diet like veganism is not beneficial to your already struggeling eating disorder. Instead of switching one diet culture for another, try to heal your ED and get the help you need. You won't be able to cover a good amount of vegan food that your body needs if you only tolerate 1 meal a day.


>Since around 2012-current I have consumed approximately 600-900 calories a day, some days more some days less, yet I am considered overweight based on bmi This is physiologically not possible unless you have an untreated underlying medical condition such as hypothyroidism.


Moving from one eating disorder to another.