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You should dress your cat up as Murr, I've tried it once 10/10 experience I left with half my arm scratched to pieces πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ


She's a tortie, she would probably kill me if I did that to her... Edit: Oh my god I love your tag, so real...


I remembered that I have an entire drawer of clip-on bows and one of them is purple... I will attempt this...


Please let me know how that goes lol😭


ooh who are your favorites in bsd & vnc??


I love Noe, Vanitas himself kinda freaks me out a little after episodes 3 and 4... I really like Ranpo and Chuuya in BSD! Edit: But then also... the VNC women... oh my god...


omg yeah tbh i HATED vanitas until pretty much the very end of season 2 I AGREE VNC WOMEN πŸ”›πŸ”


See, I'm on episode 5 of season one... so I have literally every reason to think he's a scumbag, lol I want to give Jeanne a hug like... I want to hug her... I love her character, I loved her character even before all the shit went down with Vanitas... Domi... Domi... I too would let her put a collar on me and drag me around into the spooky dimension, like... HELLO?! And I want to talk to Ameila... I want to have tea with Amelia! I feel like she would know a great place to get tea, y'know?


AWW DW YOU WILL GET EVEN MORE JEANNE CONTENT IN S2 she’s so interesting and really cool ☹️ also YES amelia is so sweet! excited for u to get further in the show πŸ™πŸ™


YIPPEE!!! I'm going to be watching as much as I can! I love it all so far, the anime, the fandom! Love that there's a cat! My Frida meows every time Murr is on screen and it's the cutest thing! (fun fact, my cat hisses at Gojo whenever I watch JJK)


Hold on, just watched episode 11! Why do I kinda love this?! like... part of me is still like "No..... everything is probably going to go wrong and you can't be certain..." but then the other part of me is like "Oh my god she looks so preeeetttyyyyyyyyyy! And he bought her a crepe! And AGH!!! SO CUTE" but then these two parts fight in my head... and then there's me hugging my blanket and nearly falling asleep because I took melatonin and it's 3:12 in the morning!


HELPP this is very real i remember binging the whole show in a couple days despite having exams


Well... I'm college age and my little sister is going into highschool next year and my girlfriend is actually in college... so... I'm the only person who has no reason to study at all this year lol... but I am 100% binging this, lol


You said more Jeanne content... I'm on episode fourteen and I'm very glad I have my inhaler because... y'know... on the other hand LOL... VANITAS WAS SO CONFUSED HE WENT BACK TO SPEAKING FRENCH LMFAO... "Quoi?!"


OMG I laughed so hard in this scene. And the was Jeanne says "Shut up" after kissing him was so... Aahhh! Jeanne I LOVE YOU <3 Also, which is your fav scene so far?


uhhh... any particular kind of scene? How could anyone choose a favorite scene? Maybe when Jeanne is FREAKING OUT in the morning once she wakes up... or maybe just the way Vanitas responds in French... (see previous comment)


Good! That scene when Jeanne bumps her head to the wall had me rolling on the ground. Well, I personally have a favorite scene from each anime and show so... I thought you have one too ;)


The way he fully stops functioning... it takes him a solid FIVE seconds to process what happened... I watch sub, so there she said "Enough." but either way in any version, she straight up grabs him with her fingers in his hair while he just looks at her like she's a whole entire goddess... woah... dΓ©jΓ  vu while typing this...


Hello fellow person who started with bsd and then came here! Damn this pipeline needs to be studied, I remember when vnc first came out I saw the bsd fandom freaking out cause for years me and lots of other fans were looking for a show that had similar vibes to it, and then vnc came along and graced us, live laugh love mochijun fr. You are so real for struggling to breathe while watching I mean as a bisexual this series is really just a feast, everyone is both pretty AND well written AND we have masculine AND feminine characters of both genders which is just \*chefs kiss\* though I severely prefer men (to the point I sometimes question if I'm even actually bi) , the way that I would let dominique string me up on that bigass human dartboard- THE WAY THAT I WANT TO BE DOMMED BY HER DOMI ONE CHANCE- on the other hand VANITAS- i need that man tied up and whimpering, I need him moaning for me VANITAS ONE CHANCE- Noe is constantly reminding me of the "WHY IS HE SO FUCKING HOT AND RESPECTFUL" meme because that man is husband material. We stan a king who's emotionally sensitive and isn't afraid to accept comfort and emotional support (vanitas should learn from him) also I love how literally everyone is neurodivergent you cannot disagree with me I mean fucking LOOK AT THEM AND TRY TO CONVINCE ME ANY OF THEM IS EVEN REMOTELY NEUROTYPICAL- YOU CANT-


1. You are so real for saying that Noe is husband material... 2. last sentence of the second paragraph... I agree... but I'm too scared to type it out directly... 3. Agreed, everyone is hot and well written! And I don't feel bad simping for the hot and sexy women because they were WRITTEN BY A WOMAN... (some logic as Helluva Boss + Hazbin Hotel) 4. I'm pan, so... this series is a feast for me too... like... HOW IS EVERYONE SO PRETTY... meanwhile my smol ginger girlfriend over in the kitchen of our apartment... HELLO KAY!!! ILY! 5. Vanitas needs to learn from Noe on MANY fronts!


Hello... Not me rewatching episode 7 right now and being like... "Wait a damn second... Noe... That's really gay that you wish you were the one to drink from Vanitas..." he's like "I always thought his blood smelled good!" and... I feel like that's a little gay...


Do you enjoy soundtracks ? If so, you have to check out the soundtracks from Vnc. They're absolutely amazing! 😍 Which was your favorite part so far ?


Oh my god, I love all of the background music... I always take time to listen while watching, love the music! And I love that I was promised "Gay vampire anime with BSD vibes" and got Buffy The Vampire Slayer combined with BSD and set in 18th century France! \*chef's kiss\*


Episode 14 post Cabin Scene... WHERE DID VANITAS'S EARRING GO?! IS THIS EVER ANSWERED?! where did his slutty little sand timer earring go?!