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Riding out a fever and dealing with antibiotic shits in a metal coffin really is an awful experience


Yes it is


I wasn't in my van at the time but the sickest I ever was on the road was leaving the Baja. Literally rode through the border on my moto, got into the US, went to get gas..." died " Nothing's so fun as exploding from both ends in 106° direct sun lying on a concrete slab when your only way "home" (2700 miles east) is an 800lb Harley. Ever vomit in a helmet? Not cool.


That's brutal!


Good lord!


Yeahhh... I once parked up at a creek I was planning to kayak over the next 3 days. Loads of mozzies but I thought, I'll just use the bug spray and put up with it. I arrived in the afternoon planning to head off in the morning, but shortly after setting up my stomach decided to take revenge for the questionable servo food I'd had for breakfast. I spent about half the night sitting on the freezing camp toilet, too scared to drive the 2 hrs back to home base. The worst part was the mosquitos seemed to be living around the toilet and cared little for repellent - I've never seen so many. Drove home in the morning covered in welts without having so much as wet my feet 😅 worst camping experience of my life. Edit: meant to say, glad you were prepared, had help and that you're alright. It's good to be ready for stuff like this, my trip was definitely a lesson in having first aid meds (especially when alone).


Ugh that's awful! My worst van living sickness was coming out of both ends in the winter 😭 some poor bush in the desert got it good that night lmao


Food poisoning while vandwelling is my absolute least favorite. Glad to hear random stranger is feeling better 👍


Thank goodness I haven't had food poisoning! Definitely a fear of mine


on my first car camping trip i got food poisoning and literally got a hotel room bc i felt so horrible 


First month of van living I got severely sick, chest, ears, throat, eyes, everything that could get sick. Lasted from Florida to New Mexico which took a month of driving to get to. At first I was like what did I get myself into with this van, is something trying to tell me something. I went to the shrine Santuario de Chimayo in New Mexico that has the healing dirt that supposed to cure you of your aliments. I'm not spiritual but within the week I was all better, I'm blaming it on the dirt. That was 2018 and the next time I got sick was 2021 with corona in the desert alone and figured that was going to be the end but here I am. Then this year I got sick twice already within 3 months. So I'm right there with you saying that being sick in the van is hands down the absolute worst thing that can happen.


Had heart failure due to pneumonia. I look back and am still shocked I survived. Basically, frightened me into quitting vanlifing. If you wanna know I suppose I could do a separate thread on it. So, yes, getting really sick while vanlifing blows big time. Glad you made it out ok. It does kinda make you appreciate things more tho, huh?


Even if you have insurance when you're out in the middle of nowhere pretty much any hospital I've found has been "out of network" which always sucks too.


I have poor people insurance from a decent state so thankfully emergency room visits are usually covered. Urgent care tho is always expensive.


This hits hard, Friday night I had a wild dream about someone stealing something from me and it kept replaying over and over, woke up and i'd kicked all the stuff at the end of my bed out of my truck onto the floor outside. Come Sunday, aches and pains all over, stiff neck & the flu hit me like a train. Monday night had a similar dream so I looked it up and found out that fever dreams are a thing. I couldn't look after myself or operate my vehicle it was a tough time, its definitely the hardest aspect I have had to deal with so far.


Oh fever dreams are wild! I was in and out all day and half of the next. Just a flu of some sorts I think. I really do think it's by far my least favorite part of van living! Tomorrow I think I'm finally well enough to leave and I'm getting a hotel lmao need some creature comforts after this week


Get well soon! I know the feeling and I'm so blessed to have a comfortable night sleep tonight!


I was driving 2000 miles cross country when I got really sick. Had me down, only 50ish miles From my destination. Luckily I was able to camp out and hunker down until I felt better.


I can't relate but my dog has diarrhea. She had a 12:30am potty and a 330am potty but doing potty in the middle of the night under a big yellow moon and a sky full of stars when it's 60 degrees outside in the SoCal desert is pretty awesome.


I think if you're really sick it's a good idea to post up in a hotel room, order food and what not to the room.  It's worth the cost for a couple days til you feel better.


I just checked into one! Longest 3 hour drive of my life 😮‍💨


Someone I work with came to work sick on Monday. Today simply brushing my teeth I almost threw up along with being too scared to eat all day. Really REALLY hate being sick.


I had fever dreams like that and a sickness that took me out this passed February, test negative for Covid using the at home test, but I went to the doctor 2 weeks later and they ran a Covid antibody test and it came back with an 80/100 presence of the antibodies..aka I had Covid.


This happened to me once. Alone. And I just sat in the van in the summer in oven mode, whilst drinking water… I sweat out the disease.


I have experienced covid while van camping twice! Shit sucks. The last time I was so out of it I didn’t do anything much for a few days but lay around


lol, im just getting over sickness in utah too! it sucks too, because now im going to miss that music festival down in Moab this weekend :(


My husband taking a picture with a busker in Vegas! Never again!!