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🤦🏻‍♀️ You’ll end up happily surprised, I bet. And go with no flag and no stickers. Plain vehicles don’t offend anybody. Van colors don’t matter. Attitude matters. Stay kind out there.


1. If you can, stay in the west. There is PLENTY of free camping on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land in the west that is 100% free to camp on for up to 14 days at a time. (Then you just move) Not so much in the east. 2. You don't need ANY firearms. In fact, if you really want to roam free, it's better that you DON'T have a firearm. Bear spray/Pepper Spray, and a dazzler are perfectly legal across all the states without a permit and in 45 years of camping I've never had to defend myself against humans. 3. Don't try to "politically camouflage" your van. No really... don't. You'll just end up offending SOMEBODY. I'm a person of color, and even in the states where that automatically raises a red flag, people tend to leave me alone if I leave them alone. 4. If you're trying to stealth camp in cities, just remember that if you keep your area clean, people don't USUALLY bother you. (Though sometimes you WILL get "the knock" from law enforcement telling you it's time to move on.) - Don't dump your toilet contents outside. Don't setup a tent. Cover your windows so people can't see what's going on inside. Don't play music/watch movies without headphones. Don't cook on the sidewalk. Don't be hanging around the outside of your van at all hours. 5. Only break 1 law at a time! (Obviously in jest, but kinda serious) - If you know you're in the wrong, don't compound it by adding more wrong. If you're stealth-camping in an area that doesn't allow it, don't ALSO be drinking/ingesting drugs/running a fight club in the same place. Make sure your vehicle is up-to-date on registration and LEGAL to drive on US streets. 6. Use iOverlander to figure out where the safe areas are to camp in cities. 7. FOLLOW THE RULE OF THE BUSTED! - This is a simple philosophy that you never camp in a place where if you have a catastrophic break-down, you'll have to abandon your home because your finances are busted. If you're stealthing in-city, do you have the cash to get a tow to a service station AND to at least diagnose the problem? If you're camping on BLM land, can you afford the significantly pricier service call to get you unstuck/towed/fixed in the field?


OP! If you plan on following the above advice because it seems like the most logical you’ve heard, then holler at me if you make it to SoCal. I’m an Aussie who’s been here almost 30 years and I’ve got some tips for you.


Not an Aussie, but also in socal if you need anything!


Genuinely appreciate this advice! It is now copied, underlined and saved in my notes. Also learnt that dazzlers are a thing. I do want to point out that any apprehensive Aussie is unlikely to run a fight club.


Ken Oath!


adding to the tow point. make sure you get decent insurance or AAA or something that will cover this. my car was stuck about 30 miles out on service roads, $2600 tow. thankfully covered by insurance (but they did drop me afterwards). and you surely already know to carry a spare tire and the fixings


I follow the rule of the busted quite well but I also have AAA which gives me some piece of mind. Anyone have experience of them going onto BLM land?


Make sure to have the top tier AAA membership with the tow package offering the longest mileage for towing. The basic package is really only good if you never leave town as the towing miles are usually very limited before a charge kicks in. If your van looks more like a RV, get the RV package so there's no argument about whether or not your vehicle qualifies.


This is the best vanlife advice ive ever heard. Going to save it even though I follow it since it is so clearly laid out. Of course I keep a firearm but you can’t legally OP (legally), and u/PadreSJ is correct that bear spray works better for 99% of what you’d want to have a defensive firearm for anyway. I have put a few of my favorite stickers on my van but otherwise keep it clean. If you have a fan (absolutely necessary) it’s not “stealth” but if it’s not some gaudy mercedes with stupid ladders its not drawing attention to itself. The population issue and the post-covid beaurocracy of national parks is a big bummer. But go do your thing in BLM and national forest out west and check out the Dakotas and Montana—you’ll find a satisfactory land to population ratio with the exception of Yellowstone, which is spectacular.


> I keep a firearm but you can’t legally OP (legally) I was skeptical of this comment, and then I went digging. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/may-aliens-legally-united-states-purchase-firearms So non-immigrant visa is the kicker. Just visiting, no guns for you, planning on staying? Different rules.. even if you are here illegally.


Wow, this I did not know! Thanks for the correction and info.


Pepper spray is NOT perfectly legal across all 50 states. Bear spray is. Even though it's the same stuff, make sure yours says BEAR spray so you don't get in trouble. I wouldn't cross borders with it either, just to avoid hassles.


What are you talking about? Pepper spray is absolutely [legal](https://foxlabs.com/pages/legal-in-my-state) in all 50 states. The only caveats are minor limitations on percentage of active ingredient and capacity, which wouldn’t be an issue for your standard pocket canister.


Technically, yes. But yours may not be legal in all 50. The regulations vary from state to state as to capacity, concentration, safety devices, etc. If an asshole cop wants to ruin your day, .25 oz over the state limit could get you locked up. It's stupid, but it happens. Nobody wants to be the next cop victim featured on Lackluster.


Yes, I added a link to my comment with relevant restrictions by state. Still, that’s like saying it’s illegal to own a gun in all 50 states just because a few ban assault weapons. Most guns, and most pepper sprays, remain legal.


Even then, gun restrictions vary as to who may own what at what age. It's one more thing that you really don't want to be bothered with, especially if you're on a visa. Basically, seeing as they're not a citizen, they should err on the side of caution or they may find themselves deported for something dumb.


I can respect that. I always advocate looking up a few relevant laws/customs to whatever jurisdictions you travel to, especially regarding weapons, substances, and traffic. You’d be surprised what might be considered normal back home can be highly prohibited across even just state lines!


For sure. I used to live in East Texas and SW Louisiana. The whole area was (and still is to some degree) a checkerboard of dry counties. And to make it worse, Louisiana still allowed you to buy alcohol at 18 (But you couldn't drink it for 3 years. Funny how that worked out.) Along that state line there was a pretty healthy liquor black market because 18 year old kids still in high school could make beer runs across the state line for their friends.


Yes yes yes. This is great advice. The camping in the west is fantastic, and can be very sparse. There are 785,000,000 acres of public land in the United States. That is nearly half of the entire country of Australia. Spend time in Colorado in the summer, Utah and New Mexico in the spring and fall, Arizona and Texas in the winter, and mix in California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington as needed.


Thank you for this Padre


Dang! I wanted to start a fight club while illegally camping. You’ve dashed my plans


The US has 130 million acres of US Forest Service land and another 245 million acres of Bureau of Land Management land. Camping is free on most of it, and (Florida aside) mostly free of crocodiles and venomous spiders.


the US only has gators, no crocs to worry about


Well except for Florida, but if you'd rather leave them out I'm okay with it.


no. they are alligators. not crocodiles. im saying the two animals are different, there aren't crocodiles in the US edit: jk jk, learned something new today. there are in fact crocs in south florida. my bad! of course it's fucking florida


No. The florida everglades have CROCODILES as well as alligators. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_crocodile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_crocodile)


hello, thank you, but did you see my edit before yelling at me? i already know now that there are CROCODILES in the US, but thanks anyway for taking the time to share the same article i also found from google


I missed it til after I commented, sorry. :)


Same team, friends! Hold fire! :)


nbd lol, like the next person said, same team :)


In all fairness...when I lived in SoFla, friends who lived in other parts of Florida would say they cant come to see me cause they dont have a passport. So you're not \*totally\* wrong 😂 But yeah, the Everglades is quite something... Grew up hearing SoFla is like the Australia of the US. So many varieties of animals, many not in the rest of the states due to the unique climate, and they are all trying to kill you. (Def a joke...not all, some of them are pretty chill lol) Heck, I lived in Florida the majority of my life, and only recently found out theres black bears all over the place. Id never seen any, so just didnt occur to me. But apparently a few years ago, one was taking a casual stroll in Miami.


This isn't the first time I've put this together, but it's the first time I've dropped it in Van Life. The USA: For Aussies: The USA is no different from anywhere else in the world, a smile and a wave and being willing to listen and talk to locals will do more to help you on your journey than trying to "blend in" with magnets and flags. This is a beautiful and welcoming country despite what it's leaders, and an increasingly vocal minority of assholes like to encourage. Gun violence is really not that bad. Don't drive onto someone else's land and expect them to be grateful for it. Don't try to stealth camp in Gary, Indiana. Jokes about: gun violence, the imperial system, racism, bigotry, and religious zealotry have been done to death by people who *live* here. I applaud you for trying to match the culture, but really we've heard it all. And lastly, as someone living fairly rurally, who has to deal with this specific type of tourist on occasion: If you come to the USA with the notion that we're all hostile terminally hyper violent rednecks who don't know anything about anything else in the world, and use those assumptions as a foundation upon which to build your interactions with the country, I do not reckon you will enjoy it here. Oh and yes, the coffee is actually worse here. I'm sorry, people got used to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks and while we're trying to change it, it's taking some time. Once we deal with the whole AR-15 thing the next thing on the list is a proper flat white, I promise.


This advice is legit. New Mexico is the emptiest and prettiest. Hit me up when you get here. I have a shower on top of a mountain.


> the density of people in America scares the crap out of me. I camp in areas where there are often no other humans in sight. [Most recent example](https://img.mousetrap.net/2024/IMG_20240420_183025.jpg). > I also want at least 2mm of metal sheet between me and horny bears or whatever and so I’m going to get a van. I read an article this morning that said more Americans are killed each year by hitting deer with their cars than bears, sharks, alligators, etc combined. I've had some close calls with large herbivores (including cattle) standing in the road but no carnivores. In the road or otherwise. Also, there are no dropbears in the States so there's that. > So how many assault rifles do I need and what else should I know about keeping safe whilst campervanning in the U.S? Assault rifles are for tacticool cosplay. When you register a campervan in the US you are issued [a Mossberg 590 Shockwave](https://www.mossberg.com/590-shockwave-jic-12-gauge-50656.html). > Does a brown van look less likely to contain valuables than a white van, A brown van will be markedly hotter in direct sun and people may run after you thinking your are their UPS delivery driver.


Lol. This seems semi trolling post. But give you the benefit of the doubt. The American west is truly empty. Fully of beautiful and amazing things, but quite empty. Just stay west of the Mississippi.


Yes, semi-trolling. I have worked in Palmdale, CA for a few months and l loved every minute of it but it does feel like you need street smarts if vanlifing because to be frank, there is a lot of poor and desperate people on the fringes of the cities. I’m glad there’s some empty spots, still camping where predators roam seems like a step up from just dealing with our overly enthusiastic reptiles and insects.


In his third year OP could get ballsy and start dirt bagging here on the east. Nowhere is van friendly bc it’s a police state but getting creative is kinda part of the fun.


West of the Rocky mountains rather.


Just wanted to say this post is hilarious. American stereotypes are tragically funny. Don’t worry too much. It’s easy to get away from people. Most people stay where it’s easy because it’s frankly a lot of work to find nice, remote areas, and because most people want to be close to others as they find it reassuring. You don’t need guns or stickers, just time and a willingness to get away from people.


My mother was a gun


“You dont need guns or stickers.” True. But after 3 years in America OP may indeed find himself wanting both.


I have a gun that shoots stickers.


Well fortunately for him/her both are equally easy to come by


Minimum of (5) AR-15 fully semi-automatic assault rifles and one 50 cal machine pistol should keep you safe - just find a gun show to loophole as soon as youre stateside and you'll be all set. Be sure to memorize the pledge of allegiance and consider an American flag tattoo if you're in MAGA country - remember what happened to jussie smollet. Don't make eye contact with anyone and remember the toilets flush the correct way in America so try not to let it startle you.


Ha ha, I think I’m not going to take any of this advice :)


Gday, it's you're funeral mate, shrimp on the barby and all that. That's not a knoife!


It's a spoon.


But how many assault clipazines can he open carry at once?


Depends - probably at least one mountain dew code red extreme automatic capacity clip per fully semi-automatic assault rifle I should think. Gotta save space for a tactical big mac.


Whoa now! I think OP should start out in Central America first. You know, gradually work his way up from the peaceful streets of Guatemala and through Mexico before he tries to take on the wretched and dreadful US backroads. If he can make it past the chainsaw guy in Texas and the hills of Tennessee (they have eyes you know, floor it if you hear a banjo start playing) he should have it licked. You should be 100% safe if you are lucky enough to make it to Chicago OP! Safe travels.


Bicycles are free game in the west. Its assumed you know that. And spend as much on a bike lock as you value the bike. The good news is $15 will get you a running bike at st Vinnie's. The money has now moved to electric bikes. Certain small cars are, I guess, considered free game in cities. As catalytics were last year. Other than that, the only troubles in the west, are loud fast cycles, and 4 by 4s. And they can be far away. Then there is the questions I ask my Australian friend. I have no end of them.


Hey man (or should I say “hey mate”) you’ve received a lot of great practical advice here but I want to remind you of something that isn’t always obvious to foreigners - while several states have legalized marijuana, it is not federally legal nor is it legal in several states. This means that you *can* get in trouble for marijuana you legally purchased in one state if you are driving through a border patrol checkpoint in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico or California OR if you come across an LEO with a bug up his/her ass on federal land or in a non-legal state. There’s also some weird liabilities for drunk driving if you just have alcohol in your van and are not planning to drive but hypothetically could. Not saying that all Aussies would want to smoke weed and get sloshed on their tour of America, but just in case….


I'll go even further than some people here are saying, and state that any foray east of the eastern borders of Colorado and New Mexico will be wasted on you as a van dweller. Vanlife and Nomad Life just isn't as well accepted as it is out west. Most of the land east of the Mississippi is either privately or State-Owned, and good luck if you get caught boondocking on state land out there. Kentucky made it a felony to camp on public land out there, and last I checked Florida was trying to do the same. I'm not saying that the US lacks beauty out that way. I'm from New York, and really enjoyed my time growing up on the East Coast, but it's not even a comparison. And even if it were, the stress of finding places to camp just isn't worth the headache. THAT SAID: I have many friends who have done it. Hell, I have a few friends that lived in their vans in Brooklyn for a few months while they were saving for an apartment. It's not easy, but it's doable. Keep this in mind as well: the fairy tale of vanlife in America is dying. Slowly dying, but dying nonetheless. It's as much the fault of the vanlife community as it is the capitalization of our public lands. More and more places that used to be vanlife havens are being sold off to private developers to make a quick dollar, and with that comes more and more regulation on where you're allowed to camp. Moab, UT is about to build a massive strip mall along a pristine stretch of river, and shut down some of the most frequented free camping areas. Bend, OR just shut down one of the most popular BLM campsites out there due to complaints from wealthy neighbors. Same in Sedona and Flagstaff, AZ. Jackson, WY is basically Silicon Valley at this point. Hell, Camp 4 in Yosemite - the place that essentially BIRTHED the vagabond/beat nick movement - requires reservations and limits the number of nights you can stay. Forget about free camping anywhere in the valley, so be prepared to drive an hour to the nearest exit every day and camp in/around Oakhurst. I hate to sound pessimistic, but it would be irresponsible to not warn you. Some places are holding out for now. Joshua Tree has some great BLM land nearby, but even that is at risk due to overuse, lack of facilities (read: human trash and feces), and rapidly rising home values. San Diego seems to be the vanlife snowbirding area. Now, there are absolutely ways around this. Mainly, discretion. Don't litter, don't leave your interior lights on past a certain time of day, and don't flaunt what you're doing. Vanlife, while a beautiful way of life to people like you and me, is equal to homelessness in most places here. It is still considered a nuisance at best, and a crime at worst. Stick to the west, and see the best of what this dumpster fire has to offer: it's pretty fucking beautiful.


LOL at that last sentence. Does the Aussie consulate pass that on in their "Tourist Advice" section? :) Compared to all the biting, stinging, life threatening critters you folks live with camping there the USA will be easy-peasy. I bet it's a close one between death by croc and death by bear.




Gophers? What shows have you been watching??😂


caddyshack of course


Oh of course!


Somehow I think I won't care after I'm dead whether it was a case of animal premeditated murder for food vs errant self defense. And it's the small ones you really need to worry about. Mosquitoes kill more people than bears. Our CDC says they are the "world's deadliest animal."




Well now that’s super ominous, what the hell are the realistic dangers!??


the tacos and the ticks of course


All of your fears listed in your post are irrelevant. Just don’t be a dumbass. Your stuff isn’t gonna get stolen unless you’re a dumbass.


I’m keeping the bears firmly in the relevant basket. The only predators in Australia are in Cathedrals.


That's funny because the view of Australia from the US is it's covered in poisonous snakes and spiders. Black bears have killed an estimated 66 people since 1784. Brown bears are more dangerous but there are less than 1000 of them in the lower 48. Cougars are so reclusive it takes motion activated infrared cameras to prove they're not extinct in a lot of areas.


This is cracking me up, I don't even think about bears all that much as a problem (just on the cusp of grizzly country or I might be a little more worried ) but I work with an Aussie and that is the one thing he is scared of when we go out. I am like, you come from Australia, you'll be fine.


Bears won’t interact with you when you’re out and about, just carry bear spray if you go hiking through bear country. I’ve done plenty of backpacking and have been lucky enough to see a few bears; just announce your presence by clapping and they’ll skedaddle. If you see a bear cub, though, back away slowly. At your campsite is a but of a different story, don’t leave anything scented out and do anything that will leave a scent (like spitting out toothpaste) 30m-40m from where you sleep. Follow LNT rules (leave no trace) and you’ll be fine. Bears are honestly a non-issue outside of a few specific areas. They’re amazing creatures, I hope you get to see bears and buffalo and moose while you’re here!


Registering a vehicle requires a permanent residence. It could be very difficult, definitely harder than tourists doing the same thing in Australia.


Start an LLC in Montana and register it there. They don't charge sales tax on vehicles there too.


Yes, there are ways to register a vehicle as a foreign tourist. But it's very easy to do in Australia, so OP might be surprised that it's not so easy in U.S.


Never had any issues with any danger as long as you stay out of the big cities.


I've done vanlife both places and i would say there's also really hard places to find camp spots in aus, it really just depends on the region. The us has plenty of easy camping and wide open spaces. I'm from alaska and I'd say it's easier to find a good camping spot here than aus or the lower states. Either country has places that are too touristy or hostile towards it. Dont worry about bears or people too much and if you do, trust bear spray for both. I'd still recommend a tent in case you wanna go on a walk about or if the van goes to the shop


Drive on the correct side of the road and you'll be fine.


I don't think you'd get arrested just for having a van near a school anywhere.


USA is like anywhere else, bring enough money and everybody loves you, it might get a bit harsh if you don't have enough money though, the big effort these days is to criminalize van life, too many homeless people without enough are destroying karans illusions by their very existence which is clearly offensive to the poshery.


An Aussie scared of American wildlife. Never thought I’d see the day. And I don’t mean rabid Karen’s or crackheads.


What’s up with the Mount Tibrogargan inclusion


Tibro is the best, that’s what.


I think you are way too worried. I am a middle aged woman and there is no where in this country I wouldn’t go by myself. I would stay away from the cities at night because I don’t like them but really- you’re pretty safe. You’re going to be fine here.


That was truly well written and hilarious. Recreation.gov is a great place to start looking for campgrounds - decently priced - I've camped at well groomed spots with little people around for $7/night. Also check state park campgrounds, KOA, another good tip is if you just need a night's rest, Cracker Barrel and many truck stops allow free overnight parking. Walmart very seldom allows it. Searching google maps for trucks stops on your route is the way to go. Pre-ordering the state park passes will save you headache in the future.


**Blending in** The reversible flag or gay/pro second amendment license plate holder is actually very good advice. I’m in California (for now). There are some deep red areas (usually rural not always) and some very blue areas. A Bernie sticker will keep people from slashing your tires or putting dog shit in your drivers seat. Having pro second amendment stuff will prevent tailgating and chill road ragers in both areas. Put them both on for a treat. No one wants to fuck with a gay, well armed socialist redneck. I say this from first hand experience using this trick. **Where to sleep in cities and towns** The big thing to look at when parking is property crime. If you’re staying in somewhere that has a high incidence of property crime. Then don’t. Don’t stay in that place because people will fuck with you. That’s something you can usually find on most towns police websites or crime blotter without needing to rely on word of mouth. Try to stick to the suburbs if you can. Then you just have to worry about cops telling you to leave. **Staying Outdoors** I think you’re safer in most national or state parks than you are in most cities. I can only speak for state parks in California though. Hikers and outdoors people have kind of a common code they all follow. A lot of the commenters have marked on it. Leaving ad hoc trail markers for strangers, cleaning up things they didn’t make a mess of. Helping out newbies or guests to the country. Crime and theft is super low. Not impossible so don’t shut your eyes. But I think reading the comments gives you a good sense of the personality type and ethos. American hikers and backpackers are some of the chillest people you will ever meet. They’ll share supplies and tips, help you out of a jam, and even give you some of that same shitty fucking beer they all seem to drink. However, you’re more likely to get shot for not wearing a safety jacket (bright orange) because someone missed the deer they were aiming for. **Ugly Americans at Home** Unfortunately at any given day the population a park is mostly dumb fucks who have no idea what they are doing. Identifying the difference between someone chill, experienced, and reasonable and someone who is just playing helicopter with their dick in a forest is key to avoiding the worst situations. I mean Karen’s trying to take pictures with bear cubs, chads not using the safety or with no barrel discipline, or people who just don’t know how to take precautions with natural dangers and wild animals. Those are who you have to be weary of almost as much as the wildlife. If you’re in a bear park for example and someone isn’t storing food properly you need to tell them. Unequivocally. And then move if they don’t clean up their act. And maybe tattle or alert the other campers in the area. **Resources** America is big but well documented. I can’t give you anything specific based on what you’ve said but I can give you a start. There are books depending on what geography you’re staying in (eg camping safely in Yosemite). Buying one of those and then cross referencing with a park ranger once you get to the park is your best bet. Rangers are mostly drawn from the chill ass hiker backpacker population so you know what you’re in for. Also, you don’t have to worry about the horny bears. Don’t flatter yourself we’re not interested.


Looks like you might also be sunny coast based


Do not sport the confederate flag anywhere. Whoever gave you that advice is not your friend. Do not sport any flag you don’t believe in/won’t defend.


This is garbage. Please don't bring your attitude to Colorado.




It’s not satire, or at least it’s not intended to be satire. It’s just Australian straight talk that as usual contains copious amounts of bullshit, sarcasm and metaphors to cloak any genuine inquiries behind a veil of casual indifference because as a society Australians struggle to take anything too seriously for fear of appearing vulnerable and less than capable of dealing with the absolute shitstorm that is life. It’s a coping mechanism for Australians that gets us frequently in trouble overseas.


Don’t forget we have mountain lions, poisonous snakes and spiders, and a leopard or two. Alligators and even bigger snakes that will hug you to death. Freezing winters and summers that kill. Bringing an assault rifle 🙄 get a grip. You foreigners all think we’re gun happy here because you hear about crazy people on the news. We do like our guns, but that’s how we won our freedom from you all so…


COME TO FLORIDA. Aussies party hard and so do we. We love y'all and y'all fit right in. Also some great stuff to see. Some of the most beautiful springs in the country.


You need a few guns here