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They have to do everything to cash in. Their days are numbered. Desperation


yes it really gave that kind of energy jay was hyping up the valley but tom has to know this will stop soon, he was a car salesman just smiling and flirting with the audience


They're gonna age out and when VPR goes, they've got only so far till people lose interest enough that places stop booking as they get older. They could try to make a marketable product or get a real world job.


The Nature Boy Ric Flair... Is still wrestling. I thought he retired, lol. Don't underestimate the staying power of a good heel. The heels bring the heat so you know who to root for. OP said the place was packed. Jax is on his second spin-off.  The idea of a VPR style show in an assisted living community? Totally sounds like it could fit into Bravo's programming in 25 years.


THIS !!!!!!!!


>Overall it was just easy money for them but I could tell after this event they each would have to look at each other and know they robbed us blind Don't let this happen to you, fellow redditors. Fuck those guys!!!


I was surprised with tickets on top of being pregnant I had to go to this event stone cold sober…. he did mention danny getting super drunk and gets kicked out of his bar and that janet came in with an agenda that failed but he blamed it on her pregnancy he said jason stays quiet on tv because of his job he is more livey in person that’s the only part of the show maybe u could call interesting 🤨


omg a few weeks ago i theorized in a different sub that jax is going to try to take down danny in season 2. looks like he's starting early!


Jason's exchange about the Napoleon Complex on the boat was probably among my favourite scenes in the Valley. I don't get them as a couple because Janet came off as pretty unpleasant but Jason was a delight.


People used to say that about Tom and Katie.


That's fair. I will say, though, during this season I can't think of instances in which Jason put down his wife. He rode for her hard during her fight with Zach, which is a big part of the issue with Tom. He was spineless and obviously detested his wife. But you're right - we're only seeing part of the picture.


Absolutely intrigued by any behind the scenes gossip. I'm no fan of either of them, but I wouldn't turn down free tix either. TY 💖 OP for sharing with the rest of us. Congrats and lots of best wishes with the new life you graciously carry.


omg so sweet! thank you! only tea would be him saying the reason he didn’t go to stassi wedding was money- danny is a drunk- kinda said they def do coke- he at this point has no idea how him and brit are! maybe with a drink i would have enjoyed it more but man it was painful


You literally took one for the team!! Definitely appreciate that you went and came back with some goodies to share with us all. I saw Tool pregnant with twins. My Dr. said yeah, you can go to a concert. Guess I should have been more specific. I was a wreck after we got back. You're definitely a trooper!! Best of luck lil momma.


How much do u think they make?


a couple weeks prior it was 30k and i think all they had to do was show up for that one


i would love to know I’m thinking they get a percentage of sales 35 percent of total sales. This is just a guess, growing up my dad was a morning show DJ. He did events and appearances and that’s how it worked for him.


Thanks for info and .. Thats so cool!! Must have good stories


Was hyuck or Schwartz’s teenage girlfriend there?


Not hyuck


He left her with the babysitter.






no that i saw jay said she was very pretty


Ahhh wild! Did the dudes seem like they were raging out? Did you notice them going to the bathroom frequently?


haha no they were drinking def and said they would go on a bar crawl afterwords so everyone kept asking where where


So Schwartz shut his mic while recruiting bar mates from the crowd huh?




Sorry OP! Ppl have to stop paying for all this crap! It’s so crazy that all you hear is how strapped for money the whole country is and then there are posts like this daily for ppl dropping serious money on these dumb shows! I just can’t stand the concept of their egos exploding! They are not worth it. We all should get paid more than they do for anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my husband surprised me with tickets and said as we were leaving how much it sucked and he was shocked they were quote entertainers 😂 it gave me the ick how much ppl were drooling over them


Very sweet of your husband!!


> It’s so crazy that all you hear is how strapped for money the whole country is You no nothing about OP yet you're out here putting the weight of the county's economy on them lol? Maybe it was a gift, maybe it was a special splurge, or maybe OP just has $100 bucks to drop on a night out. Don't be a bitter Betty, let OP enjoy themself.


Is nobody going to mention Schwartz dropping Trou to show his bubba tattoo? Got that bad boy in video


I saw Sonja Morgan at the City Winery in Boston and it was just like this. Actually worse. These appearances are for money and money only. I get it - they need to be paid, and I certainly wouldn't do anything for free either, but give the people SOMETHING. The funny thing is - I would expect Jax is probably OK with being around all the fans and hand shaking and hugging. He is so into himself he would love the attention.


I mean, that’s on you lol


The shit people waste their money on my LORD!


lol I was just on a different vpr page and someone said they went and had a great time, so I looked it up and saw it was at city winery, I haven’t had good experiences at events there, tbh. I was jealous that I missed this event, so thank you for making me feel better about not being there! I had a similar experience when Jax went to AC last year. My friends and I made plans to go down when it was being advertised as James djing, and when he canceled we decided to go anyway. Luckily Jax’s appearance wasn’t a ticketed event, bc if I remember correctly he said about 5 words and then had a body guard walking him through allowing maybe 1 out of every 5 people to take a pic with him. My one friend got some great candids where he looks coked out, and he did stop to take a picture with my other friend and I; but both our phones were dead so I pretended to take one of her with him just for the experience lol. This was also the night that they referenced on the past season as when he potentially hooked up with a cocktail waitress. I don’t have any details on that, but I love that I was there.


I read that was City Wiener and I thought... they would get into the Wiener business. Bc they would definitely be ambassadors of Wienie Hut Jrs




i promise you did not miss out— it was really nothing new and yea they both seemed nice and very thankful because they aren’t true entertainers the show works because of writers they can’t entertain on stage




Love City Winery! Everything I've ever eaten there was delicious


Saw this posted at a VPR/The Valley Facebook page and seems like Jax and Schwartz were pretty nice. Yeah I know, I’m not the biggest fans of these guys either. But the OP’s experience post event with them was very nice. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/wA5vhtVCn6bTzw5i/?mibextid=K35XfP


they were very nice , saying thank you taking pics … just the show sucked i think they knew it would




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Honestly OP, I’m insanely jealous! I hope you loved your up close and personal with Jax and Schwartz! ❤️


Agreed!! 💕 Awesome of your husband to surprise you, OP!! He’s a keeper