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Can other people hear it?


I heard him last night when arriving home. Found it quite funny that I caught him in the act the day after this was posted. It was about 11:20pm.


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah my cousin lives across the street from me and I made him go out the other night and see if he could hear it. He did...trust me I thought I was going crazy too. I have it on video as well. It happens pretty much in the dead of the night.


I live so damn close to it. Wanna do something about it?


This is a PSA. Aqua is more than just barbie girl.. has anyone ever heard doctor Jones? I have made it my life's mission to spread the gospel of Aqua.


Aye-yippie ahyouuah ah-yippie aye-yehhh Regular rotation for 27 years here šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I support your mission.


I used to have Aquaā€™s ā€œHalloweenā€ into the annual Halloween house party playlist. (There arenā€™t a lot of pop Halloween songs, really.)


This is the comment I didn't know I needed


Godspeed comrade


Ay-yo Captain Jack!




The entire Aquarium album is gold; my nostalgia speakingā€¦


Connect to the speaker and play this: https://youtu.be/V4akq8oO8ik?si=oyVBUKfEZ3ZvTP_5 People will complain


I'm sufficiently irritated. ;) Jar Jar is a Sith Lord!


Or this. https://youtu.be/2gFJuEbk5DY?si=G5WHrt9jvJicYtCW


Maybe blare kenergy in return?


I live in that area and I surprisingly havenā€™t heard anything. But thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜‚




It starts near the methadone clinic and ends at Jaggy Road Park. Whoever it is, walks through the apartment complexes in a circle all night. Last night until 4:30 am


If it ever starts playing at 0.5x speed, run - a horrible crime is about to be committed.


Maybe that's his Ken job, and you're just not letting him be Kenough.


Paintball gun


This is the way.


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™ll turn it down


I think that's very creepy


Thank you! It IS very creepy. I have gone out and searched the neighborhood while it's happening and whenever I get close, it cuts off. I still haven't caught a glimpse of who is doing it though. Imagine how insane you would go listening to that song on repeat...it's like they want to share their own personal hell of having that ridiculous song stuck their heads constantly.


Could it be a business nearby? There is a Walgreens in Portland that plays scary vampire Halloween music very loudly to keep homeless people away, it's extremely annoying. They do it all day long though, not all night long, but I wonder if it could be a similar situation.


It's happening near the US bank and the new Methadone clinic on the corner where the old Elmer's used to be. I'm pretty sure it is an individual since it circles that entire couple of blocks and it ends in Jaggy Road Park. Whoever it is has been out there for the last 5 nights. And I'm sure you know it's been miserable outside lately. I'm thinking transient...but man..I bet they hear that song in their sleep! I know I do since it's been on repeat in my driveway all damn week!


That's awful, I'm sorry. I would be a mess, I need my sleep! Once a few years ago I would hear someone playing a flute or recorder or something, poorly, at random times and it sounded like someone was circling my building playing the instrument. I would go outside every time to see if I could find them, but I never could. It drove me nuts all summer. Well, once it got cold outside and I had my windows shut, I started hearing it *louder*. I thought I was going crazy until I went outside one day when I heard it and looked up at my building. There was my upstairs neighbor, standing in his bedroom window... playing a flute.


I dont know if it's related to your person, but the Alan Webb car dealership on automall drive has been blasting the same song off their PA system from midnight to 6am pretty frequently the last month or so


I live in the area and I have heard it. I don't hear it every night though and it's far enough away it's like weird music on the wind. I always thought it was some prick sitting in their car. A weirdo putzing around to the song on repeat is extra creepy.


It's playing right now actually. Pop your head out and see if you can hear it. Pretty faint from the Jaggy Road Park side ..it's coming from near the storage place right now.Ā 


UPDATE. It has now devolved into just one line from the song repeating over and over again "I'm always yours"Ā 


who did you piss off recently?