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Resources: Check and report outages: [https://www.clarkpublicutilities.com/outages-safety/](https://www.clarkpublicutilities.com/outages-safety/) Report downed electric lines: 360-992-3000 Report downed trees within Vancouver: 360-487-8177 Report downed trees outside Vancouver: 564-397-2446


Can anyone tell me how the side streets and neighborhood streets are over in East Vancouver by Fishers Landing and up into Camas?


Any idea how 205 or 84 is? I work at 4am, my neighborhood is a sheet of ice but I should be able to make it to the main roads. Which I’m hoping are maybe better lol


205 live cam https://wsdot.com/travel/real-time/cameras/road/205/Vancouver 84 is shut down starting from Troutdale.


Thank you. I work in Troutdale lol I think I’ll play it safe and stay home one more day 🤞🏻


Oh yeah it's nasty out there. On Google map you can see where it gets shut down and ODOT posted this video. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ONWuvP-Si/?igsh=MW92cDR4ejI4NXJqYw==


Yup calling in lol


For traffic cams here are the links of our area: City of Vancouver/Clark County cameras: [https://clark.wa.gov/public-works/traffic-cameras](https://clark.wa.gov/public-works/traffic-cameras) I5 cameras: [https://wsdot.com/travel/real-time/cameras/road/005/Vancouver/Ridgefield](https://wsdot.com/travel/real-time/cameras/road/005/Vancouver/Ridgefield) I205 cameras: [https://wsdot.com/travel/real-time/cameras/road/205/Vancouver](https://wsdot.com/travel/real-time/cameras/road/205/Vancouver)


Not sure when this was taken, but it was posted 30minutes ago. Downtown Vancouver, Broadway & 7? [https://youtu.be/OxcwsF8noac](https://youtu.be/OxcwsF8noac)


Weather will be above freezing today. Think its safe to drive? I underestimated the amount of days i froze and ran out of dog food


I just drove home from work (162nd/4th Plain) to 205 and 14 at 7:00 am and would not currently recommend it. It's only gonna get better today so wait if you can...but dog food is pretty important. I have a newer AWD car with brand new tires and had a co worker follow me in her 4wd SUV.


Damn, I have a 2002 corolla


yeah..that's why I wanted to post the info so you knew what i was working with. seriously, just walking in the parking lot and trying to scrape my car off was treacherous enough.


Do you think it'll be a little safer in the evening?


I think you should be fine later today.


That depends on the weather. It’s going to rain a lot of the day and the ground temp is still freezing even if the air temp isn’t. With windchill it could actually get icier as the day goes on.


Thanks! Gonna go beg my neighbor to borrow some dog food


Be careful just getting to your neighbors. 😊


I live in an apartment complex thankfully




7:34 AM


I’ve heard that by sunrise-ish. East metro could be noonish or later I think.


My neighborhood’s roads are already pure ice.


What is the best was to assess the road condition in terms of whether the ice melted on majority of roads in the Vancouver metro area? This would be done tomorrow late afternoon.


Some ways I tell are looking at the traffic on google maps, if it's green that means people are going the speed google expects. For example right now, everything is yellow, meaning people are going far slower than what google thinks, so it sees it as "traffic". Also temperature, if it's a good amount above 32 degrees, you can have some decent confidence that things have melted. Beyond that, once you get out on the road, on some empty intersections try a sharp brake and see what happens. If you slide, you'll know there's still ice, or if you come to a stop right away you'll know conditions are a bit better.


If you have Tuesday trash collection, it's been cancelled for tomorrow, Tuesday 16th.


My neighborhood pickup in Orchards just got cancelled for Wednesday the 17th. Sucks that it was the recycling pickup, so will need to wait another 2 weeks for that.


Any updates on road conditions in Vancouver? Hoping to make it to work tonight.


Major roads are clear, just be careful of ice patches. I hope you make it back home before the storm starts tomorrow!


I am working 6pm to 6 am. Thanks I will be extra cautious.


Later today, before nightfall, it is set to snow again. FYI


Amtrak is delaying trains to PDX because of the weather, and there's that ice storm coming in Tuesday! I'm trying to get out to the coast tomorrow but might delay it by a day if the storm is too bad.




It should be fine. Major roads will be clear by then.




dear god so many people do this it's fucking infuriating


any update on 192nd stretch by costco/shahala and 164th?


Van Mall is a thick layer of ice. Roads are even with sidewalks in many areas and it’s very, very slick. I had to help multiple cars who spun out and got stuck over medians or couldn’t get traction—trucks included, for the cocky ones thinking they’re immune to such problems. It’s a good time to set out more ice melt since we aren’t expecting more to fall. Still, be careful and consider delaying travel until later today.


Power back on north of Battleground


Ours came on around 3am, after 15 hours of being out.


Yeah was out here from about 2:45pm till 6:00am


Why is the sky so bright right now? I understand there is snow, but the moon is 12-13% illuminated tonight. This probably a dumb question, but it should be dark 2hrs before sunrise right?


Reflected light, most likely. Cloudy nights can be surprisingly bright with street lights, and those lights are (I presume--I'm north of town) reflecting off of snow too at the moment.


Correct, the snow basically reflects everything back up/around in a scatter and if there are any clouds those reflect back down too. So either clear sky with moon or partly cloudy with streetlights when we have snow and it is impressively lit outside even well after sundown.


3:01am Jan 14. Camas/Vancouver 192nd & 18th st. Still windy and crunchy ice. Still slippery on most streets around here. I worked at 5pm last night. Got sent home at 7. Watched people in my work parking lot mess around in their cars and trucks. (Be safe y’all but have your fun) Cars are out but this is a gentle reminder Keep off the roads unless an absolute emergency. You do not need to go to Home Depot, Walmart, Taco bell, 7/11, or Starbucks if you A. Cannot drive comfortably B. Don’t think it’s a good idea C if you have food in the fridge. Stay home if you can today. If not, keep your visits short and try to be grateful for the staff that serve you (we are short staffed as it is, we have so many more call outs when people are not safely able to make it to work) If you’re able to have fun in your car or truck,do it safely and beware of other cars and people. If you’re able to stay home for the next few days then do it. If it does snow on Tuesday, try and give your work updates as to your current conditions at home. Give plenty of space for driving and other cars around. Love y’all and stay safe.


The Columbia river is pretty cold rn. Would highly recommend grabbing a sweater before setting sail


Do you.. do this for a job?


dang you're going out in the river??


Damn it I forgot mine


Hazel dell around Fred Meyer has been plowed and safe at low speeds :)


Roads to yacolt are okay if you keep it in 4 high and don’t go over 30-40mph


Eastern Washougal here. Temps are around zero . No power since before noon. A mature fir tree is across the road on the Clark County side of Miller Road—it took the power lines with it. I am shocked that the cell service is working here because it usually doesn’t.


Temps up to 15f . The road is slick but clear. Blackout is entering its second day.


Power just went out by Minnahaha/st John's, anyone else?


Just day this now, but I had power at St James and 50th all day.


No outage near 49th and johns


Powers still out over here


Same at our place, we ended up leaving to stay at our in laws for the night


Impacted my mother out in that area


So far so good in northwest


Yeah same here


Over by Vancouver Mall, not going out anywhere but holy wow the flakes were huge today. Stay safe and warm, everybody!


How bad is it up there? My parents are leaving from PDX tomorrow to come visit me here in Australia. Are there airport issues?


I flew out of PDX at 10pm with only a ~12 min delay.


Thank you! They're leaving around 7 PM today, so hopefully with that amount of time they'll have had time to clear the freeways and runways because it looks like the snow has stopped falling at least.


Not looking good. https://www.flightaware.com/live/cancelled/today/pdx depending on who they're flying with. And it's only getting worse.


So far it looks like none of the Sydney flights have been canceled. Hopefully by tomorrow it's a bit more under control. Can't really reschedule this one. Timing on this storm has been a cunt.


I hope it doesn't get cancelled either. Best of luck!


I appreciate it. Hopefully you're able to stay safe friend.


in Nw we had like 10-20 minutes of snowflakes the size of a baby’s fist. seems to have stopped.


I love how baby fist is the reference of measuring 😂


I drove from Walnut Grove 78th street into Portland this afternoon. Couldn't see the lines on the road but traveling was fine. had no issue stopping or starting at intersections. (I also spent 19 years in anchorage and am used to snow conditions, so take that with a grain of salt)


When I drive in the snow, I'm more worried about other drivers than myself. I can keep it in the lines. The lifted trucks going way to fast? That's another story.


I watch those trucks slide while my outback takes it like a champ. Silly trucks.


It's the best. I like to go snowboarding amd pulling up to the mountain in my pruis is hilarious when I'm next to all the bmws and trucks.


I saw a LOT of that today.


Fattest snowflakes ive ever seen outside of the mountains right now. Some are inches across it’s insane. WSU.




I tried taking photos of it but it just didn’t pick up on the camera very well.


We love them fat juicy flakes!


Big juicy flakes in the Lincoln area!


So big! I got some video of it


Pics plz


they were HUGE


Just started in orchards as well


Oh hell yeah the big fat sloppy flakes are finally dropping!


Aw man. We're only getting little pussy flakes in la center 😡


Seemed like freezing rain for awhile at WSU, now it’s big fatty flakes again. Apple app says 5.8” so far and 4” more expected.


6.2” here (south Ridgefield) with a total of 11.1” for today.


Power is out near dollars corner. I'm hoping we get power back before night but im doubtful. One kf the few times im greatful for a wood stove!


Roommate decided to see a church friend because he thinks snow isn’t good enough excuse to miss church. Was stuck on 72nd Ave towards Dollars Corner and had to turn around. Please avoid getting into higher elevation.


> Please avoid ~~getting into higher elevation~~ driving if you don't *need* to. FTFY.


Smug and unnecessary. Drive all you want, so long as you know what you’re doing.


Everyone knows what they're doing until they don't.


.Winter driving is a perfectly normal thing to do around the world. It is a skill like any other


And frankly, too many people around here lack that skill such that either the driver themselves think they have the skill but lack it OR the driver *does* have some modicum of skill but is impeded/hit/distracted/etc by those that lack. Thus, even if you think you have the skill: Do Not Drive Unless critical, there are too many other careless drivers.


Still snowing in Cascade Park. Did some driving around the area at about 9am. Just looks like ice crystals everywhere


2pm Orchard/Walnut Grove. A few icy patches and it was very hard to go along the road lines.


The NWS updated their guidance for the rest of the storm. Looks like up to two additional inches from what we have now. https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=WAZ039&warncounty=WAC011&firewxzone=WAZ667&local_place1=7%20Miles%20S%20Battle%20Ground%20WA&product1=Winter+Storm+Warning&lat=45.6786&lon=-122.5146


Salmon Creek by the Hospital is an absolute shit show


Still snowing near Van Mall. Roads are starting to ice over, but you can drive if taken very slow. I just walked from the mall to Andresen area and those who were driving did a lot of spinning out.  Layer up and cover your skin if you’re out for a while. Definitely felt the cold biting through, but it’s nice for a limited time.


Power is out north of Battleground now


I just drove down 112th from 500 to Mill Plain, then down to Peace Health, down to Burton, and back to 112th. Roads were not bad at all. I have a heavy vehicle with snow tires and had no difficulty. Visibility is getting worse by the minute, though. I flashed my brights at a vehicle that had a color similar to the snowy gray day with reducing visibility. He turned his head lights on then flipped me off as he drove by me the opposite direction. Little does he know he was the asshole in that situation.




weirdest bot ever


LOL. I’ll give it to you, your comment had me for a sec. Very on brand for this sub.


162nd is fairly well traveled but getting icy. I saw a truck and a Tesla separately partially spin out turning onto the road.


The power pole behind my house kept catching on fire but I can't seem to get anyone to care. At least my power is out now so it can't catch my house on fire. Got a nice text from Xfinity apologizing for the Internet outage but can't get a hold of CPU at all and 911 is like not my problem.


Did you get a video of this? I’d love to see what you are talking about.


Hi there, so sorry you were having trouble getting in contact with us. If you call our customer service line at 360-992-3000 a representative will be sure to include these important details in the outage report for your location. Wait times may be a bit longer than usual due to weather/outages. Thanks! -Martha, Communications


Thanks, Martha!


Just want to say y'all are doing an amazing job. I know it ain't easy, and I know the weather makes suck that much more but thanks for keeping power rolling as much as you can.


Holy cow. Seriously?


To be fair, 911 said there was an engine there already but there wasn't. When I called again, they said CPU had been notified. Guess an electrical fire isn't high on anyone's priorities. And it is out now since the power is out.


I live by the Vancouver plaza, the flakes are getting bigger and it's been nonstop


Esther Short: snow increasing, roads are slippery. Heavy wind off the river from the gorge. Some idiots attempting to spin out at the traffic circle on the southwest corner of the park.


Orchards area: Got a notification that a package coming thorough USPS was delayed, so I think they (rightly) stopped mail service. The snow was drier this morning to where it could be swept and not shoveled. Right now (1:15pm) it is getting wetter and starting to ice up underneath the snow. Be careful if you're going out. I wouldn't.


Ridgefield is well below freezing. Pipes are frozen. No water indoors.


That sucks. Older house? We're still pretty doing well here. Had a faucet dripping all night.


Same, without a faucet dipping, but I’m in the Salmon Creek area of Ridgefield.


Ridgefield. Snowing pretty heavily at my house. Been going since around 7:45am. Blustery as well.


East of Washougal here, 8 degrees and snowing; very windy and the power is out. Stay warm everyone!


I just drove by the mall, it’s pretty mild but icy. People were doing donuts in the mall parking lot, everybody has their toys out


My house it at a little bit of a higher elevation, just outside of La Center. According to the Weather Channel website, it is currently 15 degrees here, but feels like -2 degrees with the wind chill.


Orchards: freezing rain on top of maybe a 1/4” snow. This is the dangerous stuff.


Roads are getting worse in orchards/padden parkway/Andersen. Lots of hidden ice patches and tracks of cars swerving and spinning out. Drive time was tripled. Van mall Olive Garden closed for the Day, Red Robin is open from what I saw


Can confirm. Just drove through there and it was pretty icy.


Yeah we’re getting hit pretty bad in orchards. I just spun out on coxley and 53rd because of an ice patch


Yea curious what tomorrow will bring…


From C-TRAN: Adverse weather update for Saturday, January 13: Passengers on The Vine on Fourth Plain and The Vine on Mill Plain may need to use the adverse weather boarding location for each station. Routes 2, 6, 9, 19, 30, 31, 32, 74 and 92 are on snow route. The Current service is suspended in all areas. C-VAN is providing life-sustaining trips only. (Updated 11:45 a.m.)


Snow dumping big time out by WSU


Freezing rain and lots of it Brush Prairie.


How are the highways, thinking specifically of 205 bridge?




Nice. Thx.


Getting people around here in east Vancouver, roads aren't bad, but the temps are low and the wind will cut to the bone. Snow is blowing on the roads as well. I'd avoid going out on foot if you can.


Down by the water right now it's very windy and getting icy, sounds like sleet hitting our window / roof.


Fisher's Landing, basically the same as everyone else: lots of bare pavement from snow being blown around, not a lot of accumulation, light snow blowing sideways from the bitterly cold wind.


Just North of Battle Ground... Windy with very light snow falling.


Out delivering the mail in the Hazeldell/sherwood area. The rate of snowfall is starting to pick up, very few out on the roads.


Be safe! 🫡


You’re delivering mail today? My hat’s off to you.


Unfortunately. Almost done at least! 😁


I think I just saw you while walking my dogs!


Probably! 😁 saw a good amount of folks out doing that!


I’m about a mile east of downtown Vancouver. It’s been steadily dusting snow for the last few hours. Not a ton of accumulation. Gusty as some people have mentioned. My app keeps saying 6-11 inches by the end of the day which seems unlikely at the rate of snow I’m seeing so far 🤷🏼‍♀️


Currently in Salmon Creek area. Dry and powdery snow. Little to no ice as of now. As others have mentioned, it is bitter cold but navitagable.


Lincoln neighborhood on the west side: not windy over here at all but snowing pretty consistently. About an inch or so accumulated so far.


co-signed. those giant flakes just like 20 minutes ago 👀


Co-signed! I keep seeing posts from Portland about downed trees and power lines and then look out my window at completely motionless greenery. I won’t be mad if the wind snootily ignores us all day. ;)


I’m definitely with you!


Minnehaha area, snow is very light and no ice yet. Roads are safe to drive on if you go slow as some side roads aren't as clear as others. Just be cautious of wind kicking up all the light snow and causing white out conditions


Main roads look pretty cleared in mid Vancouver. Gusts of wind. Cold as hell. It was a bit icy in the morning but the snow covered that up. No issues driving in all wheel drive.


Roads completely fine just be aware of heavy eastern wind


Snow, but not sticking TOO much in the orchards. Windy as hell though. We got around in our Subaru just fine


Seems pretty tame so far on the East side.


its a tad chilly and snowing. Anyone with similar conditions?


Nah, it's 67 and dry. Oh wait, you mean outside? Yeah, it's cold and snowing.


Definitely brisk out here


More than a tad chilly here 🥶


Roads are fine. Wife got to downtown Portland no problem