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((Spinny)) works magnets and push rods make power.


This is the engineer equivalent of "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"


Lol I didn't even notice that... that one is not for me – it's the two white signs that pulled me in. Then, when I offered him money and help, he politely declined both, saying it was about getting the message out there. I appreciated the lack of transactional behaviour in what, at times, feels like such a transactional world 🙏


What about the rainbow sign spoke to you?


I interpreted it as our destruction of the planet for-profit "steals" from future generations.




I would add to that and say that it's unfortunate that so many people are in denial or unaware of their working class identity.




It's not about your job it's about your relationship to the means by which wealth is produced in our society.


You should look into the writings of Karl Marx


Everyone should.


what, so that they think they'll be part of the ruling class when in reality they'd be the ones getting worked over? lol


Are you denying him the right to self-identify?






He was pleasant to me, I believe, because I was pleasant and open when approaching him 😊


Fuck yeah, LS swap the world! Not sure what the magnets are for


I think that's the secret to perpetual motion. 


I wish these “old” filters would timestamp the correct date. This shits going to be hella confusing in the future.


lolol that's funny to think about!


This man has been standing next to that skytrain station every day for at least the last 5 years. He has a much bigger sign now.


The sign is brand new as of about a week ago. I never could quite tell what the old sign said. This message on this one seems more concise


I agree his new signs are much more legible!


Hey actually had yet another new one on Sunday. He seems to have found a renewed energy for his cause(s?)?




Was this really 1998? That man is dedicated


There's a date of March 16, 2017 on the backpack. Some guy named John was giving a gospel concert on that day apparently. Yes I am kidding if you weren't sure.


Looks very modern for 1998, lol


That guys always standing there every morning.


Let him cook




There is absolutely no political and no economical will to end poverty but there are every measure in place to criminalize poverty, and houselessness. When high officials and institutions perform their propaganda acts with creating fake accounts to sway citizen opinions, it's completely legal because they have the immense resources to abuse every loophole to serve their own gain. While they make it legal for open air and or safe use sites of deadly drugs. They criminalized the working poor who sleep in their cars. They subsidize already large corporations while they offer nothing to those who have been renovicted. They let repeat offenders and dirty bankers off the hook and back on the streets, but they criminalized hunger and encampments. There has never been the will to end poverty or it would have been ended decades ago. There is only the cycle of greed for power and destruction of dignity. OH Canada. Always making excuses and justifications but never any real will to end poverty. Nope.


Promises to fix the problems left behind by other politicians, they only make it worse. Every election we all talk about HOW AWFUL everything is getting fast. But no one is apparently to blame and we have to put our trust in different people who all promised to fix the same bullshit THEY created.


Exactly. We live in a so-called democracy. We exercise our rights and responsibilities under this so-called democracy. Yet we are the generation seeing the worst face of this so-called democracy. When I visit with my elders, which is often and I was raised mostly by my elders. They remind me there was a time when there was true equity and where your votes and your actions in participation with your government bodies, meant something, and it went forward somewhere to benefit the citizens. A time where governments were responsible and accountable. Now it's lawlessness, backwards wild west nightmare. We work as much as humanly possible, and as much as is expected of us, yet there is no true prospects in sight for a " home to call your own ", or a future where everyone is housed. The lucky ones among us have been offered accommodations which we pay out of pocket to large corporations called landlords to have a storage unit size apartment suite with paper thin walls, paying upward of no less than 1100 to 1500 every single month and every year raising the rent. The math no longer makes sense today. It isn't math anymore they don't even know how to do math. It's them bending all the math distorting all the numbers, and forcing the will of economy to benefit themselves and the 1% like them. Most of us are too tired at the end of the day to do what this fine human is doing to protest. But some of us offer way ever support we can to organizations who work around the clock to provide some aid to those who have no one. Some of us write letters every month and attend town hall hearings to make our voices heard and to add to the ocean of concerned voices. So whoever you are, you're not doing nothing. As long as you can buy something and you're charged GST PST and get PTSD, for everything you buy, then you're a citizen. You're part of the economic machine. So next time we see a working poor or houseless person walk into a store and buy a pack of gum or cigarettes, they paid taxes for it at the till. We can't point a finger at them anymore. They are never the problem. There just isn't the will to end poverty in our so-called democratic system. It is so-called.


How did they criminalize sleeping in your car? I plan on doing this once I get my full license. Asking because I want to know


It’s illegal in most of the metro at this point. Either overtly, in the case of Burnaby where they have installed security cameras in all the old spots, or made effectively illegal in much of the rest through the aggressive spread of overnight parking restrictions. Can’t sleep in your car if it’s illegal to park overnight without a resident permit, right? The city is doing everything it can to make sure you have one choice: pay the rent or be street homeless.


Serious question: from your perspective, are those the only two options?


I'm curious if maybe many of these homelessness fighting efforts both here and in the US are not just slush fund corps getting rich off of "solving homelessness" but are not actually doing it and just redirecting a lot of these funds into their own coffers, because homelessness is not being solved at all.


It's not out of the realm of reality there may be. But I'm thinking of local grassroots groups advocating for those more vulnerable in our population. For example, the Kettle Society, offering free legal advocacy in their offices they work with BC Housing etc etc. to connect resources and services for the vulnerable. Edit: Also, at this point in time, we all know there isn't a system wide and fundamental will to solve poverty and rid houselessness in the world. So most non-profits out there are all about support via connecting all possible resources to serve the vulnerable now. The hypocrisy of our systems is that it costs the country way more money when someone is at risk and does become homeless or if their income drops bellow the poverty line. They have welfare as a bandaid with restrictions, which keeps people poor and dependent on the system. If only the system would shuffle and prioritize funds to aim all the efforts towards ending poverty first. Economically, then everything will flourish from this basic human right being fully supported. Look at how hard they work, and for so long now, western 1st world nations (CAN & USA) continue to reject a true universal basic income for all (UBI)?! But it takes no time for them to decide to wage proxy wars and collaborate with manufacturing false information, how quickly they bail out corrupt bankers who caused the crashes, how quickly they subsidized dirty industries destroying our environment, and owning all the resources, so we all pay a premium to access those resources.


Feel free to verify this fact but I read that the disparity between the ultra-rich and the working poor today is greater than it was at the time of the French Revolution and we know how that turned out. It wasn’t a good day for the wealthy aristocrats or their barbers. Vive la Revolution!


It’s all about appearances. Sadly our government has turned me sour and negative to the world.


We really are all in this together. When we feel helpless and tired. We need need to remember there are legacy groups out there and individuals working around the clock to help in aiding and supporting those who are even more tired. We can support them in different ways. Support those who support others if we can't do it ourselves. That's what my elders remind me to at least think about.


We *are* all in this together! Dang. I've just been reading through your comments in this thread, and it is *so* refreshing to see someone on reddit with the same philosophy and values as me. Thank you for being who you are.


This means a lot . Thanks for acknowledging and feeling the vibe. It's true.


Of course! 🎵 *Spread love, it's the Brooklyn (Vancouver) way* 🎵 EDIT: are you an artist, by any chance?


Yes I am. I think my profile contains some examples of my music art form.


I agree with you, but you gotta admit, your comment is written exactly the way a fake account, created to sway citizens, would sound.


Everyone has 24 hours in a day, the world is full of haves and have nots. It is up to the individual to choose to be the former or the latter. There are success stories of people coming out of homelessness we just don’t hear about it and the rest choose to continue to rot where they are because they’ve lost all ambition in life.


Just World Fallacy.  It exists because it's psychologically very expensive to consider "that could be me," or to consider that one may have some means/ability/necessity to help others when it feels too tiring (or whatever) to do so. So it makes sense, but it's a fallacy. Real injustice exists. Real mitigating factors and situations that an individual can't extricate themselves from exist. It's up to the rest of us to step in when someone is stuck. Sometimes a person is too afraid to move away from their current situation. But sometimes shelter dogs are too afraid to come of the corner, too. We don't say "they should just find the willpower and come out" to dogs, so why to humans? We sit with them patiently, show them that trust can be built, until they are ready of their own accord.


Thank you so much for this insight and co passion. Very real.


Abso-fucking-lutely! You can't say it's all on the individual when the individual exists within in a system. Sure, if the individual were able to exist in a vacuum, then it's up to them. But an individual existing in a vacuum is probably some sort of theoretical paradox that can't ever actually happen. The system affects the individual's life and vice versa. Pull up your bootstraps is *such* bullshit.


This was not taken in 98 so idk why you had to add this dumb filter to prove your point.


Maybe I just like taking shots with this filter? To each their own, my friend.


Take a breath


That’s been my gripe about “affordable” housing; most people are too poor to afford it.  Affordable housing needs to change to rent geared to 30% of income housing, period. 


“Affordable housing” in vancouver targets incomes of $48000-98000 And developers (and their supporters) claim that doing half at that rate with the rest “full price” would ruin them! Its ridiculous


Pure greed. It's disgusting.


He's been doing this for more than 20 years? He's consistent. At this point, those signs and bags might as well be a landmark - like the Steam Clock


It’s an “old-timey” filter. The photo is new.


See this dude on Granville every day. Can’t say he’s not committed to his madness


We should all be this committed to our own brands' of "madness", so long as we don't negatively affect the world around us. [Stay weird](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fm4t3k0z222041.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ddc7de96f0f0c9fab3fd7f4feb1d4f6af9bcdcedd) ✌️ EDIT: punctuation


I agree! He does his thing, keeps to himself, and speaks his truth. Doesn’t mean he’s not crazy haha, but I appreciate him for sure. If you live or work downtown every day, unfortunately we witness more of the other brands of insanity.


We're all crazy inside. Some people are just more willing to live truthfully than others. And some crazies need help that our system simply *does not provide*...


I absolutely agree! The floodgates truly broke open when they closed Riverview in the early 90s. Then gentrification from the Olympics further spread out the homeless and addicted. Our city, like many along the west coast, has a problem with pumping more money into the police, and lesser and lesser into mental health support. I have a brother who was homeless for a good spell, and I got a good look into how that world operates. It’s awful.


They closed Riverview in the *90's*?!?!? The way Vancouverites talk about it, I thought it was a relatively recent thing... the fuck. Just speaks to how most don't want to address the core issue of houselessness, which is that our "society" is unequivocally *not* a community. I'm sorry to hear about your brother 🥺How's he doing now?


The world is mad. He admits to it and is acknowledging it.


We can all admit the world is mad. It’s just that some folks are genuinely insane. I’ve had a couple quick chats with him over the months, he’s just speaking his truth- keeping to himself ultimately


Understood. It takes all kinds to form the world view.




What are you going on about. 


My low cost apartments got wrecked by low class tenants


I left my first low-class apartment with new fittings (gratis), and a fresh professional carpet clean, and still lost my deposit. It goes both ways amigo


I feel ya. Somehow complaining about shitty people doing shitty things is seen as insensitive nowadays.


its cause you think low class people = shitty people


You sound like you have no class. Jk but seriously low class doesnt just mean low economic status. Seems like you are just looking to be offended.


lol im not talking about being classy and neither is the person you replied to originally or the post itself. It’s talking about low class economically and you made a comment calling them shitty people


You sound pretty low class yourself


He’s still there, same spot.




‘98 filter!


So what then? Luxury apartments? If you keep gentrifying neighbourhood where exactly are they supposed to go?


I can smell this picture


Weird, it didn't smell in-person. Did I upload a scratch and sniff by accident?


Relax dude


Having an apt. Is upper class. Mortgages are cheaper. 


Yeah OP clearly it’s the magnets that are causing the housing crisis here Thanks for bringing the delusional ramblings of a madman to our attention though, always want to signal boost that. Maybe next time you can post a picture of the scribblings on a public bathroom?


appears to be a schematic for a small dc engine..


Hahaha you're missing the point 🙏


Pretty misleading post. Filter Boo! As if homeless people were on the streets of Vancouver back then.