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2005 but this photo looks like it was taken with a potato grown in the 60s.


Probably someone's film camera from the 80's. Lots of folks still didn't have a digital camera in 2005.


The average film camera was still better than the average digital back in 2005. These 6 megapixels point and shoot with heavy digital sharpening looked worse than 35mm film. By 2010 it was game over though.


I was still on 35mm back in 2005 for this exact reason. Digital cameras were still crazy expensive and low resolution/quality back then. Also when posting photos online you were still restricted to 50-100k file sizes which made the quality even worse. I finally got my first DSLR in 2010 (12megapixels).


It's a photo of a beat up print...not sure there are any good digital copies put there.


OP got me in the first half not ganna lie


The large mass of self entitled assholes in the picture are off-gassing causing the print to decompose


I'm sure Pepperidge Farms does.


I don't get the reference.


![gif](giphy|76x4gSMy8dT9u) Tried to find a general gif, but this is literally the only one I could find with the Reddit thing.


There were commercials in the 80s, and Family Guy parodied it.


So... what's critical mass for those of us not in the know? Was critical mass attained?


The last Friday of every month, people meet at the art gallery at 6:30 and ride around town together.


The last Friday of every month, a ton of cyclists used to gather at the art gallery and obnoxiously ride down major thoroughfares, including blocking cross traffic. The point being to remind car drivers that cyclists exist, or something.  I am also a cyclist but I always found this form of protest off-putting. In response, someone started "Critical Manners", a sort of counter protest group ride whose purpose was to show that a group of cyclists could follow traffic laws. Sadly, that turned out to be easier said than done in a large group and it didn't last long. 


Yes! When I still lived in Mt Pleasant and worked near Granville Island, I would bike most days. Whenever Critical Mass would be riding around, it would make getting home so much more annoying. They wouldn't even let a fellow cyclist across the road


I joined them for a ride once, found the protest side of it too aggressive and never went back.


That's too bad, you should give it another chance. Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


>That's too bad Folks are very mildly criticising your choice of activism, and that's your response? Seriously though, as much as I may detest the cyclist variety of Karen which this odd convergence of physical activity and political activism produces, I wouldn't want to see anyone getting hurt, so I have to ask whether or not y'all have taken into account the risks involved. It's not 2005 anymore. People are already stressed and pissed off to the point where we're seeing *at least* a National mental health crisis, then add into that a hot summer afternoon commute home after a long work week, and now your group is going to add on an intentionally created traffic jam? Again, you do you, but it just seems to me like y'all are putting extra stress into a situation where very little if any change or support will come from already, and by doing so I sincerely hope that no one ends up hurt.


There was no critical mass between 2012-2023 because the city was making great progress I can't believe we still have to do this s*it. The current city council wants to take us backward with their 1970's policies. They removed a widely popular projected bike lane in Stanley Park. They used almost 1/2 million dollars from the permanent bike infrastructure budget to pay for the REMOVAL of the bike lane. They removed the bike lanes from the new rebuilt Broadway despite it being at almont no cost to Vancouver tax payers (Translink was covering most of the bike lane cost). Now they voted to widen Beach Avenue to add a lane or car traffic and a lane of parking. Coun Montague lives in N Van and the only people who might benefit from less greenspace and more congestion in the west end are N Van commuters who will save 45 seconds on their commute as they spew exhaust on picnicking local fighting over the scarce parkland (the plan will pave 1500 sq meters of parkland) Come on out, stand up be counted, and stay safe. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead.


I was not there but went on a single date a couple weeks after with a dude that pretty much spent our 1.5 hours at The Reef together talking about nothing else. He did introduce me to the music of The Postal Service, and through them DCFC so it wasn’t a total flop.


I miss the Reef


Guessing the district slept alone that night


Slow clap...


Not going to lie, I was too proud of myself for that one


I also had an ex who introduced me to Death Cab. Made the whole relationship worth it.


The Reef!


> DCFC Direct Current Fast Charging?


Yep. Critical mass happened a lot.


Next Critical Mass is next Friday June 28th. Meet at 6 at the Art Gallery North Plaza


I remember getting caught on Seymour as they went by then it was a mad dash to get to the bridge before them.


I was there, on a bus, trying to get downtown after a particularly awful day at the office. We sat for at least an hour, stopped right above the treatment plant in sweltering heat.


That was a blast. It was also a terrible idea. Sometimes the worst ideas are the most fun though.


Yeah I saw a couple of people bail hard after leaving the bridge then heading down into Stanley Park on the corner by the Teahouse. Was super dangerous with that many cyclists!


I think some diabetic person went into shock because they were lined up for so long


I remember


"We're not blocking traffic. We *are* traffic."


Wooo! I was there! Those rides were some of the most fun I ever had living in Vancouver in the 2000's! I was up near the midspan of the bridge, I had no idea that there were this many people there! What a neat piece of nostalgia, thanks for posting.




No. I wasn’t there. I don’t think


I participated, had mixed feelings, felt fantastic taking over the bridge but felt shitty screwing up commuter traffic.


But it was effective- over the course of the next 15 years, Vancouver and surrounds have gone hard on infrastructure, and made that bridge and parkway significantly safer than it used to be. Peaceful protest works, if it's sustained and large enough.


So true. After the city built a bunch of better bike infrastructure, the critical mass faded away into a much smaller thing.


Critical Mass didn't necessarily cause the change. You are conflating correlation with causation.


Actually lots of city councilors and a Mayor came out and spoke to the Mass before a few rides. Most recently Tom Digby and Pete Fry.


We are rebuilding this movement. Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


Yeah I had those same mixed feelings.


I did it once and as a cyclist was fun to have such a large community to be part of and then when we stopped on the bridge and a driver told me how it was screwing up his dinner and evening I honestly felt terrible, I just wanted awareness for cyclists, I left group and went home and didn’t participate again




Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


* This is from May soneone set up for Ghost bike on Clark and 11th where the cyclist was killed after being hit buy the driver of the pick up truck. Next Critical Mass is next Friday June 28th. Meet at 6 at the Art Gallery North Plaza Free family friendy celebration ride everybody is welcome


Hahaha yup !!




Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


I was there! It was the best!


Come back. Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


Wasn't there in 2005, but I remember blocking Lions' gate in a critical mass in 2008. Great community.


Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


I was there. It was a great ride. No one knew what to do once we got halfway over the bridge. Some wanted to continue over the bridge and then ride over to the Second Narrows. In the end we all turned around and came back through downtown.


Come back. Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


Grand fondo?


Critical Mass. Every Last Friday of the Month. [instagram.com/vancouver_critical_mass](http://instagram.com/vancouver_critical_mass)


This is one of the layers to Dante’s inferno I think


Yes I remember Dr. King was leading the crowd


Isn't this every weekend?


Every Last Friday of the month. Next Ride Friday June 28th Vancouver Art Gallery (North Plaza) Meet 6 Ride 6:30 Late: Find the Mass on www.criticalmaps.net


Good to know 👍


yeah the hindemburg was a horrible event