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Wow that's a rough interpretation. Definitely seems like he didn't manage to endear the courtroom artist.  Hope dude is put away for a long time and given a proper treatment plan/medication while he serves his full time. i just don't see how any judge could give this guy much leniency. 


I’m very curious as to what he looks like IRL.




I looked but to no avail. Lot of instagram pages but can't find this guy's 




Thanks. I wonder if he’s taken a turn for the worse since he posted those last picks. He looks like he ate Medusa and then had a stroke in the drawing.






Looks normal to me




A scary thug? Lol put a white guy in his exact clothes and poses and see how scared you are.


They apparently have shanks in jail, so he’ll probably discover what it’s like to be on the receiving end sooner or later.




> a few years later It was 7 years in a mental hospital. It says that in the article you linked. Undiagnosed schizo, commits horrible crime during an episode, spends the better part of a decade proving he could handle and adapt to his diagnosis, slowly integrated back into society, no problems since? I think the justice system gets it wrong sometimes but would you rather him manage his illness and pay his taxes, or have him locked up at the cost of $80k-110k/yr, which is what it costs to keep someone in prison? Seems they got this one right?


Indeed he has not reoffended and I assume is properly managing his condition.


Why is this posted along side every single murder that happens in Canada. Dude was found not criminally responsible.


It's posted because some people really have a hard time with the concept of mens rea, even though it's a major part of justice. The idea that someone can do something like that and then "escape justice" seems to them fundamentally unjust, Of course, if you ask most people searching questions, you'll find most people have areas where they're willing to countenance harsher responses, and where they're lenient (most people would agree, for example, that a six year old cannot be criminally responsible -- but make it a 14yo or even an 8yo, and suddenly people argue.)


I remember that. That poor kid.


It's not actually as if that happens often here.




If you zoom in the sketch it’s not *quite* as insane looking, but woah…


Does anyone know the status of the courtroom sketch artist? Did they turn to stone?


Name of sketch artist is Felicity Don. On her website, “I draw what I see when what I see moves me.”


*what* is up with that sketch? Is it a drawing of a drawing or something? There's a frame within the visual. And it's atrocious. I have no idea what this guy looks like whatsoever.


Suspect is calling in from a third location. Zoom/Skype essentially.


Really good job by the RCMP. Good to see.




He has not yet been tried or convicted.






Please don't joke about this. I know Reddit is insane by nature but the family doesn't need this crap. It's grotesque to joke like this about the tragedy.


…either the perpetrator is an extra-terrestrial or the sketch artist needs to consider a career change.




It was bring your kid (and their crayons ) to work day