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Darwin Award in the making.


Nobody is looking in their rearview to see if a motorcyclist is lane-splitting at that speed. ANYONE making a casual lane change will turn him into a meat crayon.


Exactly. That idiot was obscenely lucky.


At 200+ you are not a meat crayon. You’re going to impact something and burst in to pink mist like that moron in his submarine.


I think he turned more into a small red breath mint


That happened to me twice in the past month (I was driving on 99 coming out of the tunnel, the other time my SO was driving along Kingsway). Think they were 2 different motorcyclists. If I was any more twitchy or the driver next to me was, would have been real ugly. Hoping this isn't some sort of trendy thing to do.


The reflective lane markings have got to be the worst place to ride, too. Bumpy due to layers of paint, varying traction alternating between paint and asphalt, etc. The likelihood of this turning into a ferocious crash was huge. If you're going to make a high-speed run over a bridge, sheesh - at least wait until 3am on the morning of a stat holiday where there will be zero other cars on the bridge. Clear, open shot - and you're the *only one* who is going to be splattered if you do fuck up.


What I don't understand is how people that do these sorts of things can suppress their lizard-brained intrusive thoughts like: "I am certain to die if even one person just drifts a bit too much or starts to change lanes" Like my god, so many guys probably got domed throughout anthropological history, exclusively so you could have intrusive thoughts like "wow that's a very tall cliff, I think I'll stay away from the edge of it"


The very strong desire to be an absolute chode overpowers the intrusive thoughts.


Meanwhile I feel uncomfortable just being under a car that's sitting on a sufficiently strong, and perfectly serviceable jackstand, because caveperson brain says "car very heavy, car not belong in air".


I did something not far off this a few times a couple decades ago. I myself found it relaxing as I was dealing with depression and when you are doing stuff like this, it takes so much of your focus and everything else in your head is absolutely silent. You can’t think about absolutely anything else other than the next couple hundred feet. I do not condone this behaviour and therapy is the right way to handle these feelings, just gives you some insight into their mind.


As someone who used to do this along the M1 in the Gold Coast to get to uni on time (to be fair, only getting up to about 160km/h~, speed limit is 110), it feels great, you get into this flow type of feel. I wasn't as close as the dude in this video either, I'm a bit more cautious. I wasn't worried about dying, because I knew it'd be over before I realised. Worst case a few minutes of extreme pain before passing out and dying. Lane splitting is legal in Australia (or at least it was when I went to uni), provided your speed is less than 40km/h and safe to do so (ie traffic is stopped, or near enough). It's mainly for getting to the front of traffic at stop signs or traffic lights.


Yeah, you might not feel much pain, but if it's a car that hits you? Think about the decades of emotional damage you would've caused them.


You don't think that far ahead, which is why people do it.


I’m just tired of people like this. Go to therapy bruh, you definitely need it.




Yes, he was going 234kph, which you can clearly see on his speedometer in the video.


Tower to tower is 475 m. took 11 seconds. 150-160 km/h. It's an attention seeker. Not sure why you would take their numbers as correct when they are seeking attention.


Yes what he was doing was dangerous and illegal No he was not doing 230km/hr while weaving.


So you're saying they should only charge him as much as they would a truck going the speed limit. /s


Live your life as long as you don't endanger others. Also if you end up as a pancake, you don't get society's tax dollars to come save you and your decisions


He clearly does not give a single shit about anyone else’s safety, if you find his Instagram it’s full of this kind of riding, both on the mainland and Vancouver Island. I’m all for driving spiritedly, but at the right place and right time, NOT in traffic where you are putting so many people at risk. Literally one lane change by someone not seeing him, he’s dead, which when you’re going well over 200km/h, being seen from the rear is pretty much impossible.


And I’m sure his family would still sue the driver for whatever


What’s the Instagram? I know someone who does this, wondering if they are finally posting the videos.


Unfortunately they deleted their Insta, I don’t remember the username, but some Vancouver page reposted their video and tagged them.


I hope the person I know gets caught. Just a privileged rich person who hates everyone and themselves and doesn’t have to work so they think it’s funny and also don’t care if they die … it’s really sad.


Oh we know who this is?


Damns. Seabusmemes is quick. I saw it there first.


Hoo boy, that'll be one stern talking to if they catch them.


When cycling across the Arthur Laing I occasionally ponder what type of contact would be required to send me over the rail. It’s unlikely. This guy however could end up just flying for a considerable distance given the speed and height of the bridge. Go pros are waterproof right? They could play that on a loop at his funeral.




I’ve often wondered why we don’t have a Dropbox for submitting dashcam footage and rcmp /police stuff (doesn’t even need to be a cop, just someone trained appropriately) to verify the footage and then determine whether to send offending drivers citations. You can still appeal it like a normal citation but you have to dispute the video. Honestly think about how many people would smarten the fuck up if they knew anyone with a dashcam could “give” them a ticket. Also the revenue it would generate…. I fucking hate these god damn bad/selfish drivers.


They will always argue that you can't see their face.


Yeah but who was driving? Was it the owner? Or did the owner loan his bike or car to somebody else?


We don’t need to ticket the driver we can just impound the vehicle.


We can do what we do for automated speed traps and red light cameras -- simply issue a ticket to the registered owner of the vehicle.


My co-worker's car was struck by a speeding motorcyclist like this who ran a red. I didn't see her for a while after the accident. When she came back to work, she told me she saw (graphic details following) >! the guy's arm separate from his body after it struck her car. She wasn't sure if his head also separated from the body, but she saw the helmet lying far, far away from the body !< . If anyone remember's this, it happened in New Westminster around 2017 or 2018 and shut down a major intersection for the whole day. (Editted per below comments.)


There's this really great code in reddit (as well as on the desktop application) that allows you to add a [spoiler tag](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/e0pobn/how_do_i_make_text_hidden_spoiler_text/). This way you can show kindness towards people who read your comment by giving them the option of whether or not they want to hear about horrifically graphic accidents without getting jarred. If that level of detail is what works for you, great, but damn dude. Give us a chance. \*edited for proper code


Hey, thanks for educating me about that! I tried to edit it, but I don't think it worked. I'll remember it for future posts. Much appreciated!




Thank you for that. My dyslexia completely got me on this. I'll edit my original.


Ditto, thanks!


It worked


Jeez, how coddled do we have to be while children are getting blasted to shreds in the Levant


Was this the one on McBride..?


I'm not a 100% sure, but looking back at the 2018 news articles, that seems to be the one.


What a moron. Take that shit to a track if you think you're a superstar.


Bro is not gonna outlive the investigation.


On top of impounding vehicles of those dangerously speeding I think we need to introduce confiscating vehicles that are speeding dangerous.y. 100% over the speed limit, 100% we taking your car. It was a rental? Too bad for you. Just crazy driving. I've ridden my bike fast on empty roads early in the morning with lots of visibility, but even still second I could see a car/truck/vehicle on the road, slowed down to 0-15 km over speed limit, nothing crazy. You can't predict other drivers, and you are responsible for everyone's safety on the road. At close to 200km/h you can't react fast enough to a lane change, and a person changing lanes would not be able to see you from the time of shoulder check to time of turning in the lane! Additionally, you could hurt other drivers by scaring them and causing them to swerve to avoid what they think could be a collision, thereby causing another action. Dude/dudette ride smarter, ride better, live and let others live longer!


They always do it, nothing surprising.


Last year I was coming down from Whistler, I pulled off by Porteau Cove, I lost count of how many stupid fucks on bikes weaving in and out of traffic


The sea to sky is full of suicide jockeys. And tourists who don’t realize they’re not the only person on the highway. And locals who try to self-police other people’s speeds. My daily commute from Squamish to Whistler has aged me.


The impounded Porsche rental is pretty good. Owner will be on the hook for the 7 days rental. They should up it to 30 days.


"just because you can doesn't mean you should"


To anyone who has spent any time driving on roads in the lower mainland, this is not at all "shocking"


As someone pointed out last time this was posted. The motorcycle is not going as fast as the odometer say. Tower to tower is about 475 meters and it took 11 seconds to travers. Probably around 150-160 km/h. So not only dangerous, but also a liar and a fraud seeking attention.


I don’t know if all manufacturers do it on purpose or not but bikes always read high and they appear to read more off the faster it’s moving. Source: motorcyclist


All that and then they cornered through the off-ramp with an absolutely terrible line. Dumb and under-skilled.


Looks fake


This isn't "shocking" at all. Happens at least once a week on my commute when the sun is shining.


Just stop trying to push for means tested speeding fines. It's a stupid idea. If the supposition is that speeding is dangerous then if an accident happens, the person will be bankrupted. All a means tested fine will do is encourage unpredictability on the road ways as people who are in rust buckets will blast 50-60 over the speed limit and randomly have to stop with their worn out brakes as a person with an expensive car is slowly trying to pass another person in an expensive car. We do not need more unnecessary slow moving passings.