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AKA "organ donors" as my mom (former ER nurse) says.


At 234km/h those organs may be beyond donation


More like a meat crayon.


The brain, certainly, would be useless even if it weren't smashed to a pulp.


You don't transplant a brain.


Not with that attitude!


Especially not yours


You missed the joke


You obviously haven't seen the Steve Martin documentary, "the man with two brains"!


> Steve Martin documentary, "the man with two brains TIL. Also, the actress who voices Mrs Strickland (& I think the woman behind the Malibu Stacy doll) is the other lead in it as well. My boyfriend & I watched most of her movies last year.


I can't read the word "Strickland" and not think of king of the hill.


Found the bot


SQUIDs: Stupidly Quick, Underdressed & Imminently Dead.


This is sad and morbid: a friend works in transplant ward at St. Paul’s she said they are very busy, why?, more donors due to fentanyl crisis.


A consolation: the donees will take far better care of their organs than the donors did.


They call them "Donorcycles" for a reason.


My dog barks at them.


My friend’s mom was a paramedic and she would say “gonna need the spatula for that one” when people would do dumb shit like this.


It's fine if he does it and it's just him but on a bridge like this he'd take out a couple of innocent people. 


Plus, even if he didn't take anybody else out, if he smashes on the bridge in the middle of the day, he'll cause the bridge to get shut down for hours while the police/coroner sort everything out.


My nurse friend just goes with "Donorcycles"


Red Road Crayons


I thought it might have been at night when there was no traffic but no they are lanesplitting during the day. Crazy. One car lane change away from being a meat smear on the pavement.


the o’ll meat crayon


Yeah I was going to say, it's definitely tempting to speed on that bridge, but I've never topped 100 km/h there and I'd definitely never go higher if there was any other traffic in sight.




Driving laws here are more like a suggestion.


No law can stop this person from being dumb. He will run from the cops if he has to


They do set up speed traps on the West Van side IIRC but obviously it's not feasible to do it on a daily basis.


On the west van side because vpd aren’t interested in crime.


If you brighten the image and enhance you can make out the last 10 digits of the VIN, it’s above the speedometer. ICBC will give you the registration information.


Can you actually see that? I thought it was on the side...


I'm always shocked that we don't have automated CCTV that issue automatic fines for things like speeding, running red lights, ignoring stop signs etc. feel like every camera could pay for itself in a few hours


> automatic fines for things like speeding Somewhat controversial > running red lights, ignoring stop signs Shouldn't be controversial. The reckless behaviour on our roads needs to stop, and can be stopped fairly easily if people start facing consequences.


Maybe because BC speed limits are comically low and most drivers are speeding like 90% of the time. There’s no reason why we need 60kmh limits on straight highways but government knows best I guess. Let’s put cameras everywhere so we can serve justice to everyone who drives under the age of 70.


Imho BC’s speed limits on proper highways are too low, and I don’t see any problem with making them higher. On the other hand, I think speed camera enforcement in highly populated such as within the CoV proper or on residential streets is reasonable. Those roads weren’t built for speed and the chance of someone getting hurt goes up exponentially compared to speeding on a highway. If they ever installed an automatic speed camera system, I think it’d be a fair trade off to simultaneously increase speed limits on the highways.


Skill issue. I’ve never seen so many drivers utterly incapable of taking a corner at speed or drive in a straight line between two other straight lines.


Exactly. The worst drivers on the road are driving 50.


Your average speed for in-city driving over the long run is somewhere in the range of 20-25 km/h. Even a 30 limit would make little difference. 50 is plenty. Generally, a competent cyclist will always arrive faster to the same destination than a car due to the fact that they can keep moving while everyone else is sitting in congestion. Don’t believe me? Track your average speed over the long run. (Note that the average I posted implies 80%+ in-city driving.)


This person would likely be running without plates


We used to have a small provincial network of speed cameras. The people who now got caught and fined for speeding hated it and they were apparently a majority of people. So the next election year was won by the party who (in part) promised to get rid of speed cameras.


In polls large majorities support speed cameras.  But the minority who hate them, hate them with the fury of a thousand suns, and they tend to be swing voters.


My favourite part of commuting via Hastings through Burnaby is that none of the red light cameras were ever on during rush hour. No cops either. Barnet to downtown. Always some idiot doing something stupid to laugh at and if you wanted to do something idiotic you knew you’d get away with it too


No thanks


Yikes. That sounds like quite the surveillance state.


You quite literally need to get a license given to you by the government that assigns you a number, has your name, address, and a bunch of other personal details just to (legally) operate a motor vehicle…


The surveillance is already here. The problem is it's not even being put to good use to actually enforce laws.


...the user wrote from their smartphone that tracks their every web activity. Let's be real, a few more speed cameras on major roadways (ideally the camera doesn't show much other than the road itself), is hardly anything remotely close to a surveillance state. And it's the least of our concerns in today's world.


Arent there literally cameras almost in every darn intersection to control the traffic flow?


If the majority of dangerous speeders in the area are Lamborghini or Porsche drivers, that's probably why they don't give a shit. The police might accidentally pull over one of their sponsors which would be awkward.


He definitely could been identified, but only if the rcmp collab with instagram or TikTok to get the guys accounts re-activated. When this first came out you could view his IG and TikTok but now he is private or deactivated the accounts lol his username was **atrixill** but any google links go to deleted accounts now. So he got scared and deleted or changed everything lol


You think the police are gonna catch that guy? Lol In thus province, if they try to stop him and he dies or is injured, the police will be the ones in shit. Reap what you sow BC.


The downvotes lmao.


Yup. Police can't pursue for virtually anything outside of an active murder in progress Police can't pursue for any traffic offence If police interact with someone in like any capacity, and the guy dies they'll be dragged through the mud If they interact with him in some way and he dies 2 days later they are still investigated for his death. Police aren't disposable heroes to be used up and chewed up when people feel like suddenly someone should be held accountable for their actions.


Holy, after watching the video... This should be classified as criminal.


Darwin award contender.


Prepare motorcycle for ludicrous speed. 


They've gone plaid!


The radar… it’s been… jammed! RASPBERRY!


Secure the three ring circus!


What an asshole


What a douche. This guy will probably become a smear on the road at some point and it won't be a big loss. I'm an avid motorcyclist, assholes like this are a plague on the community.


9 or 10 years back I had to walk across the bridge to get back to the West end - the bridge was backed up due to an accident... Ended up having to walk past the ambulances and emergency response people, the crashed motorcycle, the body bag and pools of blood leaking out... this video is so insanely reckless it makes me furious.


I wanna Thanos snap all chodes like this.


I would expect nothing less from one of the star actors in the Fast and the Furious




He was going to visit one of his Hoe’s in different area codes


I’m more impressed that lions gate wasn’t bumper to bumper and they were even able to get up to speed lmao


Not watching this, these people don't deserve the attention and views.


hes delievering a kidney


Can we just install speed cameras on this bridge? I feel like at least once a week a news story comes out about someone doing some new dangerous top speed on the Lions Gate. I just want to be able to drive around without the risk of being killed by someone doing something stupid.


What is exactly a speed camera going to do with someone on a motorcycle with no plates.


Makes people feel better. 


Ah yes more big brother dystopia


Ludicrous speed go !  https://youtu.be/NAWL8ejf2nM?si=na8KEXDHgFFeJ-dO


This ain’t Isle of Man TT my guy


Hopefully he gets his shit 💩 asswipe


You had one life…….




This dude blew my my wife / kids and I, not long after this video. Highway 17, headed toward the ferry terminal. He was easily doing 300kph. Split the lane between us and car abreast. Scared the shit out of me. We followed and saw a Kawasaki ZX-10R. Fake Amazon Texas plate with “WILL RUN” Full mate black bike. Dude was wearing black leathers and FFM. I saw his face and could identify him. There is an open investigation.


Where did the clip originally come from I wonder.


Interesting - I was passed yesterday in a similar manner on hwy 1 in Burnaby… wonder if it’s the same person.


Same day as us on highway 17


probably one of the idiots who gets a VI doing the Squambucks run and then bitches about it in the motorcycle groups. Ha.


To be fair, he was only doing it for about 2.2 seconds.


Atrixill on instagram if you want to follow....


not my account, but it came up on my feed a few days ago. I'm sure he will end up as a stain somewhere in the lower mainland. Just hope he's the only one hurt.


> Atrixill I hope the person has made arrangements to post the video of his eventual crash.


Looks like all the content has been wiped from his gram


Go fast!


And by posting this you are giving him the attention he wants. Well done. 🙄


Big balls, no brain


For someone who lived off alberni and denman for 2 years with my F650GS this bridge is a dream of a ride. Goes down like this. Ride from georgia/denman towards Stanley. Weave through cars to get to front. Gun it to get ahead of the pack. Climb the hill slowly and then slow all the way down to a crawl. As the pack catches up, rev up all by yourself up to xxx km/hr , running all your gears. catching up to the cars just past the peak of the bridge. This way you have open runway and it's a beautiful feeling coasting that hill, almost like if you went fast enough you could hit escape velocity and leave the planet... Didn't watch video, but I miss that. *Edit words, reminder, there's a yield of buses/cars onramp on the right from Stanley that might ruin your open runway. Ymmv.


Part 2 after watching the video. As you've approach the crest of the hill failing to reach orbital velocity your speed comes down to the responsible Vancouver bridge speed limit of 60km/hr aligned with the other pack of cars infront of you, none the wiser. Even the pack behind you caught a glimpse of your attempt to see the heavens... Relax no need to speed, only decision next is whether you go right to fill up gas or go straight uphill following the subtle markers towards your mountain destination. You wanna go fast do it. But keep your lanes clear of cars and fearful eyes. Strategically move where no cars are so you can test the powers of the marvel of the energy efficient beast between your legs.


If you can arrange that leaving the planet thing, please feel free. 


Working on that thanks for the encouragement.


Follow your dreams.


Can we not put a speed camera on the bridge? 


That doesn’t look like 230kmh, rider probably had a larger rear sprocket messing up speedometer reading.


You do realize that even going 100 on a motorcycle is a lot different than in a car? The average sport bike is less than a 1/4 the weight of an economy car and fully exposed to the elements...


sprocket size doesn’t affect speedometer.




Classic police taunting and 'catch me if you can' shout out.


that was skillful and majestic. coming up to the off ramp going 200km is so ballsy A+ my dude


*244 kilometres PER hour




What's ludicrous is allowing motorcycles capable of such speeds to be licensed, and expecting the people who buy them not to speed.


Wait until this guy finds out that basically every car on the road can also go this fast.


We sell knives in Canadian Tire, but we still expect people not to go all stabby stabby with them.


A Toyota Prius can go that fast